Tuesday, April 19, 2011

After School releases second photo teaser for "Virgin"

Long legs...oh my. I am really liking OC's look in this picture especially Lizzy's photos. Hopes+1 for After Schools return.


  1. Just no to Virgin concept.
    Been noticing lately that Lizzy is a better Seungyeon.

  2. This might just be the nail in the coffin for AS as far as I'm concerned. They lost me with BOY and Love x 3, grabbed me back a little with Bang, but what the fuck happened to the PCD theme that they originated with? Bad Guy, Playgirlz, Ah!, even Diva. These were their good songs, when they had a part of the market that no one else was exploring. Now they've become like every other girl group. I'll wait till their album is out to make my decision, but I doubt I'm going to be a fan after this.

  3. I miss the Ah! and Diva days, but Lizzy...*drools*
    I do hope they bring that Pussy cat dolls style back with their songs, kpop is seriously lacking in that charm.

  4. She (Lizzy) looks great, but it reminisces of IU. And I still find her mildly annoying.

  5. Daaaaaaamn. Lizzy looks very rapeable here.

  6. you need to seek therapy for your rape fetish Illest.


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