Thursday, April 14, 2011

DBSK as 2 is much better

I'll say it. The two member DBSK is much better than the 5 member DBSK? Why?
- No more girly singing from Jaejoong and Junsu
- No more rapping from Yoochun
- KYHD isn't gay-sounding
- The fanbase is split in half, so there's less annoying Cassies going "OMG MY PANTIES ARE SOAKED"
- DBSK sounds much better than JYJ. Ayyy Girl is trololol worthy

Yunho and Changmin may not have been the best ones vocally in the group, but I can stand listening to Yunho's rapping more than Yoochun's, and he can sing better than Yoochun. I like Changmin's voice, because he actually sounds like a man and those high notes he does are amazing.

But more importantly, they don't have gay shit like Hug and Ballons anymore. That's why the two member DBSK is better.


  1. KYHD not gay-sounding? Hmmm .. I'm pretty sure if you're a guy and get caught listening to it by your friends, they'll still think you're gay.

    KYHD is roughly as awful as Ayyy Girl imo.

  2. KYHD is nowhere near as gay as Ayyy Girl. The new DBSK doesn't have two girls singing anymore. Plus, none of my friends I know outside of the internet listen to Kpop lol. They're almost all white.

  3. No. Ayyy Girl was absolute shit.

  4. The reason why even if I'm a girl I don't follow boy groups...they're too fucking gay. I'd rather be thought of as a lesbian who likes girls (girl groups) than as a girl who likes gays.

  5. 'gay shit like Hug and Ballons'


    lol looks like someone can't spell for shit, go back to elementary school cunt.

  6. Baloons sucks so much that I can't spell it correctly. See?

  7. Are you kidding me ? KYHD is fucking gay ! Just look at the MV with Changmin showing off his chest in a low V neck, Yunho and Changmin doing gay dance moves while trying too hard to look fierce etc.
    And Yunho can't rap, his voice is fucking nasal and high pitched when he tries to and I can't even call this rapping because he is just talking. Plus he has no flow.
    Changmin does no hit high notes, he screams and his voice is fucking nasal too.
    Yunho was already the worst singer in DBSK5 and it shows even more now that they are only 2. At least Changmin can sing eventhough I don't like his voice.
    Also this song is so boring, they just throw in a usual heavy beat and some electric guitar riffs which is unoriginal as fuck.
    Both Ayyy girl and KYHD suck ass imo but at least all JYJ members can sing (wether you like their voices or not) and Yoochun's rapping is still better than Yunho's (this guy should just stick to dancing, that's the only thing he is kind of "good" at, even if he sometimes looks like an epileptic when he does, and very gay too). I can't decide which MV looks gayer though.
    And just so you know, I'm not even a DBSK5 or JYJ's fans so I think my opinion is quite neutral.

  8. Lol, DBSK as 2 is even worse than before imo. Now we only have a screamer and a guy who can't neither sing nor rap and would be better as a back up dancer. This group is such a joke.

  9. i like the new tvxq better, too. glad you sad it. thought, id be the only one.

  10. obviously the haters cant sing, rap, or dance.

  11. really, junsu owns all the rest of them, period.

    what really makes me facepalm is the fact he didn't debut as a soloist from the start. he carries dbsk, srsly.

  12. LOL junsu sucks that fat dude. I cant stand his voice... not to mention JYJ sucks as hell. is the worst shit ever...

    this TVXQ is better, because yes they have the "screamer", well ignorant people call him the scream, those call "high notes" stupid people, anyway someone dare to say tha changmin is nasal? wtf!!!! are u fuckin kidding me???? lol the nasals are yunho when he`s raping, junsu because his voice sucks like always, jaejoong cant even breath properly, and yoochun... dont even makes me start.

    I only care for changmin at this moment, the dude make amazing high notes and his voice is the beast...but Korea dgaf about him. I dont care I want him make him sing more rock song

  13. why so much hate?? You guys are all talking bad shit about DBSK. But i wanna see you do better.. Fucking haters! GO DIE...

  14. yoochun is geting raped by homin


  15. Fuck you all say some shit for my tvxq! Go die pls. Your brain is full of shit. How can you think about gay or lesbian when you see mv? stupid you!


  16. Fuck you all say some shit for my tvxq! Go die pls. Your brain is full of shit. How can you think about gay or lesbian when you see mv? stupid you!


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