Sunday, April 24, 2011

Korean racing models covering k-pop songs

Hwang Mi Hee I miss your old face :(


  1. Same here. HMH used to be the most fappable racing model.

  2. Ah i love this site, all k pop forums is full of "hottest guy boners" "hottest guy lips" "hottest guy blah blah blah crazy fan girl" but this gets me my fix rawrrr bring on the girl groups! If you start posting about boy groups we shall have a problem sir lol.

  3. We post about boy bands to make fun of them, and if they actually have a good song, we'll say so, but that's pretty rare, so we just make fun of them.

  4. Damn, they must be near blind after seeing 50,000 camera flashes in one little performance.

  5. Those girls aren't flat, unlike just about every female artist/band in K-pop!


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