Friday, April 15, 2011

Qri on King Geunchogo and the Japanese language


Qri talks about filming for the drama and learning the Japanese language. “스케줄 외에는 계속 일본어 공부에 열중하고 있다” = (literal) Outside of (my) schedule, (I'm) absorbed in studying Japanese."

Qri, you went up in my books. Seriously, for a Korean, Japanese shouldn't be very difficult, yet idols groups go over to Japan and embarrass themselves by not being able to speak any Japanese. Kara did the right thing by speaking Japanese as much as possible. Groups like 4minute, BEG, and SNSD go over there for months and are still speaking Korean on the TV shows.

Qri: not only hot, but she's not fucking lazy. Now, when T-ara debuts in Japan, if you debuted as an AV idol on the side, you'd be the most popular member in Japan!


  1. Qri better have her boobs done first should she want to be an AV idol.

    But as she's still in T-ara, she better learn how to sing first before even trying to learn how to speak Japanese.

    It's still T-ara Four, anyway.

  2. Who's the fourth? It's T-ara Three to me lol.

  3. Well, delusion aside, it's T-ara Three. =)
    However, I just can't leave out the maknae.

  4. Yeah she'd rather debut as an AV model since most AV girls are fugly and FugQri doesn't have any talents whatsoever.


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