Saturday, April 16, 2011

Weekend Rants: Popular Indie Band: CN Blue, Girl? Rappers, Big Pink Rockets, and Comebacks/Debuts

This weeks music show awards (all but Inkigayo's) went to CN Blue. 
This is like the third week or so (I stopped counting). It just shows that even underrated bands can beat out idols. CN Blue puts a lot of hard work and effort into hiring a composer to create a hit song for them. I bet even Yonghwa had to lift his hand to dial the phone.

Sarcasm aside, I don't hate CN Blue, but I hate when their fans tell me bull shit like "they are so underrated" or "they are indie"....last time I checked they were winning a lot awards on music shows and are a mainstream idol band. Unless I am wrong that doesn't make them indie or underrated. Fans also tell me that CN Blue composes their own crap and just because they don't compose their title track I shouldn't look down on them. Well for starters, any 13 year old boy who has been playing guitar for a year could compose the crap that is CN Blue's other tracks. There is probably a very good reason as to why CN Blue has to hire an outside composer for their title track.

Seriously though if you want to listen to a good indie band listen to Handsome People. They are an indie band under Fluxus Entertainment, and they just released their 2nd single "Crazy" and had their debut stage on Music Bank. Handsome People is a trio with ballad singer Tei and they composed, arranged, recorded, and whatever else there is to do when making music all by themselves.
On to another topic now. This isn't anything new, but what's the deal with girl group rappers? Are they assuming the more manly they look, the better they rap? I am starting to think companies are adding dyke-like rappers to discreetly turn the female teenage population into lesbians. Just look at Amber from f(x). She has a pretty big fanbase alone which is mostly made up of female fans. Also new girl group Brave Girls (I love them) just debuted and they too have a rapper. The rapper in Brave Girls (check before and after picture) was pretty, but when they debuted they decided to give a hair cut that suggest she likes to scissor women. Though I guess the manlier a girl looks the more fans she/he will have and the fangirls probably feel less insecure.

Dal Shabet returned earlier this week with their new song "Pink Rocket", composed by E-tribe. I am surprised I didn't hear any mention of Supa or any other word repeated every other line. I just want to know who thought of the Pink Rocket concept and why they went with it. The subtle moaning noise in the track doesn't help either. Ignoring my dirty mind, Dal Shabet's performances are still pretty boring. They should add pink rockets as props where the girls hold and dance with them... might be more interesting.

Anyone else looking forward to A Pink's debut? Me neither... just kidding. I had been anticipating them before (hoping they were a female B2ST), but they seem to be the innocent flower kind of group. I just hope their songs aren't like innocent-flower-cute girl kpop crap. Just because every wanna pretty doesn't mean I want to pretty. f(x) will be making a return this week with a full album. I am looking forward to it since I enjoy Pinocchio (leaked) very much. Though I don't want to get my hopes up too high since most of SM's non-title tracks tend to suck.

In other news, Girl's Day performance on Music Bank made my pants tighter than vacuum sealed bags.


  1. Finally someone who likes Brave Girls I thought I was the only one lol. Agree with the female rapper bit! C.N. Blue thing... they're ok to me but F.T. Island are better cause they have Hongki and imo Hongki's singing > Yonghwa's singing anyday.

  2. I love your rants dude. Keep on writing them.

    CN Blue's self-compositions are crappier than indie artists' and especially suck compared to Fluxus artists'.

    Bravel Girls' rapper looks cute, why did she go all SHINEE's-Key-Lucifer hair on us?

    Of course, 70% kpop fangirls are insecure and delusional. They're all waiting for their oppas to propose to them. They'll go apeshit if pretty girl idols go near their oppa.

    And if the teaser for Apink tells us anything, it looks as though there's a 7-way fight over Kikwang. Unlucky? Lucky? B@stard.

  3. CN Blue is not a band, they are idols w/ instruments. To compare them to any real band is rather insulting.

    Brave Girls' is fail imo, and you can look towards 4minute to find female rappers that still dress and act quite feminine. Bekah and Kahi also look quite feminine, but I know a lot of fangirls that would love to freak up on them, so they must be putting off some sort of lez vibe. (I'm sure Kahi's boob rub of Jungah and Bekah popping out between Kahi's legs have something to do with it)

    I haven't paid attention to Dal Sherbert or f(x) to know what's up with them, or A Pink for that matter. Really I've just been disappointed in K-pop as of late.

  4. On a side note, it is really annoying that there is a captcha every time I want to post a comment. Stupid blogspot.

  5. I hate that too. It's a fucking pain in the ass. And I still can't share your love for Jihae, I just don't understand it. >:
    If Dal Shabet danced with pink rockets, I would join their fanclub without hesitation. The more phallic, the better.

  6. Love for Jihae? more like love for Minah :P

  7. don t say like that to cn blue
    not everyone can play instrument
    they want to be called as musician ,

  8. don t compare cn blue and ft island
    you can like ft island , but you cannot say something bad about cn blue
    they a talented band

  9. yea, i agree with you
    they really a talented band
    that why a lot of people supporting them
    they only debut last year in korean , but if you check their fanbase in soompi , they surpass other kpop group that debut earlier

  10. who you are to judge them , come on you have a blog spot to crises groups , bands ..etc get a life wtf !!

  11. CN Blue is one of the least talented groups in Kpop. Their music is shit, their lyrics is worse. Cats in heat sound better than those guys.

  12. They are indie in Japan. You can check it, but I guess you don't care. Hahahaha.

  13. add CL to the lesbian rapper community..

  14. (NEWS)Jung Soon Young from My Aunt Mary was on MBC’s Starry Night radio show on Jul 25. He talked about CNBLUE and Jung Yonghwa in the show

    JSY: Some bands with the same concept as CNBLUE appear in the Korean music scene lately. But I think CNBLUE is the best and most handsome among all. I’ve seen the TV programs and they’ve done many live performances. In the past, groups like them don’t do lives much. Though I’m a guy, when I see them on TV, I’m like, “Wow, so handsome, how can they be so handsome?” If I were a fan, how could I not like them? I finally understand why CNBLUE is so popular. They sing well, look handsome and always make one feel they’re working very hard. I really like them myself. As for me, I’ll aim at being just half as popular as Jung Yonghwa.

  15. If so many 13 year olds who've been playing the guitar for a year can compose that "crap" better than CN Blue, why aren't there countless numbers of 13 year olds known to do it better than them?

  16. of course cn blue is not band, if you want look asia's band you gotta go to japan and indonesia. who the hell they are..they act like big bos in world music industry,they canceled concert in thailand & indonesia,poor their fans. by bipie

    1. oh bitch, it's their company not cnblue. i forgive u bcos maybe u're just a child that doesn't know about entertainment industry

  17. now i really hate them,my little sister crying all over night because their management is so suck for canceled concert in indonesia.

  18. They act like 'big bos'? Hold up. CN Blue is one of the most humble and appreciative groups out there. I could understand if you're judging them with impartiality and have solid arguments based on evidence, but when you have to fish for stupid things to criticise them about, then that's just you being a jackass. Okay so a 13 yr old could compose their songs that doesn't say that their songs suck, it simply suggests that that child is freakin' talented. I really hope you guys rid yourselves of this childish malice and jealousy. Its okay not to like them/their songs, but do it justly.

  19. lol. they are just a bunch of haters. now u can see their first album in japan with their own composed song get number one on weekly oricon chart. butthurt haters?


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