Saturday, May 14, 2011

Liberty Forward Party proposes ban on lip & hand-syncing

To be clear, I've never heard of this group, neither do I know what the hell hand-syncing is. But I do know that I love the fucking idea. Consequences for for not announcing that you're lip-syncing may result in a $10,000 dollar fine, or jail-time. Fucking jail! And to those of you saying that the consequences are a bit over the top (fine, maybe), you're still allowed to lip & hand-sync (seriously, what the fuck is hand-syncing?). You just have to shamefully announce it.

But seriously, I doubt the bill will pass. It just presents itself as kind of outrageous.

Edit: So yeah, I should have read the full article. Hand-syncing is when you pretend to play an instrument. Tough luck CN.BLUE


  1. I uploaded the image as 'small', but it won't cooperate.
    Help is welcome //

  2. I fully support this bill. Any link as to where we can donate money to help this party? I'm assuming this is a political party?

  3. Change the width to 520. That's the maximum I use, any higher and it goes over the borders.

    I fully support this bill too. Then Krock can get rid of CN Blue and FT Island and Krock won't be a joke anymore.

  4. I always thought hand-syncing was like a necessity due to the music programs physically being unable to support live instruments.

    A MUSIC program where you literally CAN'T play a live instrument.. go figure. Though I have seen piano being played live so... who the fuck knows.

  5. Do CNblue and FT island even play live during concerts and shit....

  6. i dont want tara to go to jail

  7. CN Blue's handsyncing is so blatant I dunno why they haven't been called out in it yet. I lol'd when they won MuBank and had their encore stage; they weren't touching their guitars at all, but the music kept on playing. Sounded exactly like their performance only minutes ago. smh

    Although, some groups with complex dances are gonna be in deep shit with this. You legitimately cannot sing well if you're dancing.

  8. the backtrack in performances are going to be louder if this bill passes

  9. The music shows could let musicians play live, but they don't for consistency. Some of the shows can only barely be considered live, since they will allow the groups several takes in order to get their performance right. Honestly there is no way this law could ever be put in place, as it would destroy Kpop and the Korean wave.

    It is kind of important to remember that idols and idol groups are performers, entertainers, not musicians, artists, or vocalists. They are meant to present a visually pleasing overall display, not a jaw dropping vocal performance or dance or musical talent. I would like to see those that supposed to be playing instruments live actually play them, and lip syncing is really overused by some groups, but this bill will never take hold.

  10. ^I say that every day, regardless of the situation..

  11. Only time I pay attention to Chichi is when Hong Soo-ah joins as a temporary 8th member. Then I think "There's finally a girl in this group."

  12. chichi has only one man member

  13. hurhur is hilarioussss

  14. lol 자유선진당 would be a political party.
    similar to America's Democratic Party...

  15. @jkim - So they are fascists that pretend to be socialists?

  16. Hooray for the disbanding of f(x)!

  17. Korean music programs can't facilitate the bands to play live.


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