Monday, June 27, 2011

About Romanizations

I wrote an extremely lengthy topic related to this before.

For those of you who can't read Korean, can you actually read that shit? I watch these videos and I'm like "I have no fucking clue what this shit is." Before I learned how to read Korean, I could never understand how to fucking read this shit. Like when a word starts with "gg" or "kk." I was like "How the flying fuck is that supposed to be pronounced?"

Then when it took me one hour to learn how to read Korean, I asked myself "Why the fuck do people fucking ask for this shit? It's incomprehensible and almost impossible to fucking read."

That's why whenever I sub a song and post it on Soompi I never bother posting romanizations. Someone could learn to read Korean before I finished typing up the romanizations, mainly because I'd be confused on how to fucking write the shit in the Latin alphabet.

I don't know. Maybe I'm "unreasonable" for wanting to people to take an hour out of their time to learn to read hangeul instead of people waiting 2 hours for someone to romanize the Korean into incomprehensible shit.


  1. aw...i came here thinking there would be an article about hara and junhyung's open relationship...and their fangirls and boys crying...lol....i hope you guys get it out quickly

  2. dude. you have no idea how much it pisses me off when people bitch and moan about how a song doesn't have romanizations. it's actually kind of funny that you posted an article about it though because i'd just been talking about this to my friend xP

  3. Seriously man, they are a total joke. I don't care what combination of letters you type, it will never create anything that accurately symbolizes the equivalent sounds.

    That's not to mention the fact that because of the dynamics of Korean sounds as the interact with each other, you can't even do it on a syllable-by-syllable basis, and would have to actually say each word out loud and try to write something that sounds similar.

    Then you still have the issue that because it is so far off, you would have to spend time learning what combination of letters means what sound, which would take more time than learning 한글, AND you would have to do it for each system of romanization, as there are several.

    YET EVEN STILL if you put this shit in your mind, it will only screw up your capacity to ACTUALLY learn Korean, because you will have associated so much with this bullshit instead of the real thing, so you're taking what you already thought was a difficult task and making it harder.


  4. romanizations are like baby food for international kpop fans; not the real thing, and nowhere near as fulfilling. its just a quick fix for foreigners who want to pretend they know korean at ye local karaoke bar

    dice: I feel your pain but chill, friend. life's too short to get worked up about such things

  5. so many people can't read that shit. i have come across people who couldn't pronounce seo hyun. what.the.fuck. it wouldn't surprise me if some call her 'see-oh-hyun' instead of 'suh-hyun'

    romanizations are shit but fangirls are lazy. when i couldn't read hangul what did i do? i researched that shit and had it down in minutes. after that it's only a matter of vocabulary

    wanna learn korean, fangirls? never go for the fucking romanizations first. they mean shit if you can already read hangul


  7. No. The only use I could see for them is if you wanted to color code lyrics. Otherwise, I never pay attention to them.

  8. I have no idea how people read that shit. It takes me twice as long to read something romanticized that it does in Hangul.

  9. people should just learn the damn korean alphabet.
    It only took me a day of reading and memorizing.
    After that one day, you wont be reading profeciently but atleast you dont need no damn romanization.
    It will take me some time to read it smoothly, to make it second nature like english, but atleast I can sing some of the songs in the karaoke bar and butchering it!!! :P

  10. aye AKF , how do i embed the video into the article ? i couldn't figure it out so i just posted the link on my most recent one... X.x still getting a hang of this lol

  11. well i know how to embed if i've already downloaded. is there a way to embed with just a YT link ?

  12. forgot to also add that there is no standard romanization. Actually there is, but nobody really fucking follows it. For instance take 은정, it can be Eunjung, or the way I do it Eunjeong. Dont even get me started romanizing 수영 and other names. They never keep the romanization letters the same for each Hangul character.

  13. @ BBBB When posting, go to "Edit HTML" instead of compose. Then on the Youtube video, click "Share." That opens up and then click "Embed." Copy that and paste it into your post.

    @ Rotary I just use whatever is the most popular.

  14. It's worse when these fucktard fangirls try to learn Korean by Romanization. What's the point of it, to sing along? If yain't Korean, shut the fuck up and listen

  15. ^Loool. Yes, that's exactly the point. Idk, fans wanna sing along in the native lang. and probably think learning how to read another language is too hard... I'd agree with almost any other language on earth, but Korean. Which has to be the easiest and most comprehensible alphabet on earth.

  16. I love romanizations. Seriously, they're not hard for me to read at all. I wanna sing along to my favorite songs, but frankly, I don't give a shit about learning Korean. I like the music, I can sing along decently- that's all I care about. I really don't see the problem here.

  17. ^ The problem has already been stated: It's ANNOYING.

    Romanizations + Hangul + English lyrics = Big. Fucking. Eyesore.

    You don't need the Romanizations or Hangul, tbh. It's not like a lot of the people subbing these videos have perfect English to begin with; and if you listen to a song enough times, you can at least mimic the sounds being made. Like a parrot.

  18. word. i learnt korean by learning to read hangul not the freakin romanisations which dont represent the actual pronunciation. bottom line - LEARN KOREAN PROPERLY -___-

  19. @ Anon 1:16 The shit is incomprehensible. Plus if you try to sing along with romanizations you'll be way off.

  20. Anon 1:16 here. Eh, if you find romanizations annoying then don't watch vids with them. And I know I'll be off, but they help me to a point that I'm happy with, so whatever. /shrug

  21. I learned korean already, but I can't really read romanization without half-way going, "AHH~ my eye hurts."
    But I guess it just so that people that don't know the language can pronounce it right?
    Meh, it's not a big issue for me, really.

  22. Oh god, I just realized the typo. I meant to say, "AHH~ My eyes hurt."

  23. Yeah, I know Korean and I don't like reading romanization. I piss off whenever people don't use the newest MCST standardize romanization.


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