Friday, June 3, 2011

Code V wants to surpass TVXQ

I nit-picked the interesting bits from their snooze inducing interview.
“After TVXQ’s split, some of their fans came to us.”

“They say I look like KCM in Korea, but in Japan, they think I look like Jaejoong. When we go out to eat, some people even mistake us to be TVXQ.

When told that those were rather dangerous statements to be making, the boys replied with aegyo, “It’s not something all five of us agree with.”

The last quote is responsible for generating severe laughing fits, oh lord. Even reporters know how utterly retarded the Cassiopeia fandom are.

Deja vu. SNSD/Chi-Chi all over again eh?

As expected Cassies are getting their panties in a bunch, which could be summed up beautifully by an extravagant comment left by a Cassie on akp.

1. No one in Code-V looks like the GORGEOUS JaeJoong. Only one dude has a kinda similar hairstyle with JaeJoong, and that's it.
2. Code-V isn't as talented as DBSK.
3. Code-V isn't as good-looking as DBSK.
4. Code-V isn't as humble as DBSK
5. Why the fuck did Code-V have to bring up the sentitive issue of "DBSK's split up"? It's not something that can be talked carelessly about like that. And it seems that Code-V was pretty happy about DBSK's split up too, huh? Since they gained fans thanks to it. How inconsiderate & ignorant of them!!!

Suckmydee's current state irl :


  1. Code V > TVXfail

  2. who is code v? never heard of them. must google....!

  3. Dumb PR by some unknown band and even dumber reactions by TVXQ fans. I seriously don't get how anyone would mistake them for TVXQ though, they look nothing alike.

  4. chi chi never said that they want to surpass snsd though

  5. ahaahahah go go code v

  6. fucck you code v,tvxq is the best forever

  7. No one can beat TVXQ. Ever.

  8. It's hilarious how some stupid fans start hating a group because they say they want to be better than a very popular group. WHO THE FUCK GIVES A CUNT? Who DOESN'T want to be better than a well-known group? I mean, I guess I can see how it's laughable that Code-V said this, but to me, it's never hate-worthy. Big fucking deal. BOO FUCKING HOO, no one cares. Move on with your life (though it would help if you HAD one first). Chances are, they won't surpass TVXQ, so why the fuck are all these twats getting their g-strings in a bunch? Fat hoes.

  9. @Gina - Michael Jackson beat TVXQ.

  10. ^
    Madonna's toilet paper beat TVXQ.

  11. Those dudes are delusional as fuck. TVXQ suck ass, but at least I've heard of 'em. It's pretty easy saying you're better than a group of has-been...

  12. My ass had just owned TVXQ, and it's not even good-looking! :)

  13. Haters gonna hate!!!!! btw this blog is ridiculous. Seriously.

  14. Code-V sooo arrogant!!never met the rookies that soo confident & have a heart to announce that they wanna surpass the most perfect group TVXQ...wah!!they are sooo confident!!seriously, they would never get my eyes on them...so, cassie let banned them..

  15. even justin bieber cannot beat them how come the rookies, who never seen the world so well yet wanna surpasses TVXQ..they are soo rude...seriously said, they will never stay long on fame..and even they are famous one day, they will not become humble like TVXQ but will be more arrogant!!!really get my nerve weh!!

  16. to those who think that this article is ridiculous and whatsoever..to those who hate tvxq..as said TVXQ as ass & whatsoever...why all of u wating ur time to paste ur hate words here n even bother to read all this???if u think MJ 0r madonna so great enough, then go and paste ur comment there..here is the tvxq lovers...

  17. It's funny seeing all of your reactions. As for what Code-V said, it was misquoted. The interviewer kept asking questions and comparing the two groups so Code-V said 'We respect TVXQ but we want to show (our japanese) fans our own colours and that we are not an imitation of them.'
    For TVXQ fans, do you think they'd be happy or proud of what you're doing?
    And for those who aren't TVXQ fans, why are you even bothering with them? ._.
    For both: STOP BASHING!!


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