Thursday, June 23, 2011

Why we're "Anti Kpop Fangirl"

Kpop Secrets

I was looking at comments and stats and saw we got a lot of traffic from that tumblr site.

People there make a decent point: we talk too much about idols and not enough about fangirls.

But really, this blog would run its life course in five posts if we just focused nitpicking what delusional fangirls wrote if we did that every single entry. We do it time to time but it'd get old real fast.

The main reason the blog was named Anti Kpop Fangirl was that Kpop fangirls annoy the fuck out of me. I go to Jpop forums too and the fans are civilized for the most part but Kpop's fanbase is composed of a bunch of fangirls who piss and shit over anything that's not in accordance with their train of thought.

If you read the disclaimer (how many times are we gonna have to tell people to read what's at the top of the page...) you'll see the intention of the blog. It's to post our opinions on things. Rarely anything written on the blog is used for the purpose of trolling. Real trolling, as is intentionally pissing people off and baiting them. We don't do that. We post our opinions and a select few get pissed off. That's not trolling. On a normal Kpop site people can't post what they really think without fangirls bitching and moaning and sending you PMs about how "stupid" you are for not agreeing with them.

This blog is a place where we write what we really want to say. This is a place for people who hate fangirls and want to actually write what they want without fangirls jumping down their throat.

Please go look up what trolling actually means. The last troll article on here was two months ago when I wrote the Bom article about her looking like Daffy Duck, and that was mainly for the blog to be promoted at allkpop since that's where we probably get 60% of the readers from.

If you really want, I'll spend a couple extra minutes in my day and scan your tumblr (Kpop Secrets, not all 9079867 Kpop-related tumblrs), allkpop, Soompi, YouTube, etc. to find dumb shit fangirls say and write about it. But that still isn't gonna take up 90% of the blog.

We're also indirectly attacking fangirls because of our posts. We don't need to attack fangirls all the time. A lot of our opinions piss off fangirls and they go and write about it and complain in the comments.

Anyway, back to watching Bloody Monday season 2.


  1. this is like.. the third time you've explained this... lol

    everyone has an opinion, but i do believe that there are some things that you need to handle more delicately (Daesung matter) since it's really tragic D:

    btw~ how is bloody monday? D: i though about watching it, but i got side tracked by tokyo dogs/ Orthros no Inu that i had forgotten that i wanted to watch it D: lol now i'm obsessing over city hunter though so prob wont watch it yet =P

  2. Bloody Monday > City Hunter.

    I have to explain it because people can't read. Probably the last time too. But they actually brought up a point I wanted to address.

  3. half the people who cry troll don't even know what the fuck a troll is.

    to all the delusional fangirls reading this: a troll is not someone who disagrees with your (shitty) opinion. they are people who purposely try to piss you off and you fall for them every time.

  4. you guys should have a submission box, something like a akp thing. i'd put this in, lol

  5. ^

    Taken from the disclaimer at the top.

    - We don't take requests. That defies the main purpose of this blog. We blog about whatever catches our attention not yours.

  6. ...anyway. Back to the regularly scheduled program, por favor.

  7. doesn't this just make the haters realize that they are being known?

  8. reading the comments on the kpop secret link makes me feel sorry for the delusional fans. They dont even know they are delusional. They gave me a great laugh though lol

  9. you should honestly stop wasting your time on fangirls lol

  10. People would probably not mind as much if you guys wrote more eloquently. Using more sophisticated language would put you higher up than the rabid fangirls you despise, making people who acknowledge your facetiousness also more likely to respect you.

  11. ^
    and speaking too eloquently will make you look like a pretentious prick...

  12. Do the male writers feel weird that they're referred to along with the female writers as 'Anti K-pop FanGIRL'? Just wondering :\

    Anyway I FUCKING LOVE THIS WEBSITE. All you stupid fangirls winge about how mean and 'dumb' the writers are but truth is, YOU SHOULD BE GRATEFUL THAT THERE IS A WEBSITE THAT SPEAKS THE TRUTH and they most certainly NOT 'delusional'.

    I used to go to Kpop Secrets to get a good laugh but now I come here to laugh WITH the writers and laugh AT the crying fangirls.

    Anti Kpop Fangirl hwaiting! ♥

  13. ^

    Are you stupid ?

  14. ^ Yes I am a dumb and delusional butthurt fangirl :)

  15. when i came on this site i thought it would obviously be about comments from delusional fans but is mostly about what you guys hate about the groups which is ok the world is not gonna end lol.

  16. Basically what Rotary said. If we wrote more eloquently that'd give off airs of arrogance and make it seem as if we think we're better than everyone else. Our goals are to honestly talk about Kpop without all of the sugar coating and calling out fangirls on the dumb shit they say.

  17. @10:41

    I apologize for the fact that you expected us to preach eloquency on the internet. I'd rather stick to doing that irl while typing up my 2000 word English essays. This isn't BBC or CNN where you would expect professionalism, it's a casual blog. We're not professional writers nor do we intend to act like one. Furthermore we're not getting paid nor are we benefiting from this blog in any way whatsoever. So putting that itty bitty amount of effort is a waste of our time.

    On topic, that site's target demographics consists of sexually frustrated 13 year olds :\

  18. i think most of the delusional fangirls are the real trolls, as they try to piss off other fans and their biased bands to make their own band look better, or just because their jealous of other bands' fame or whatever they imagine in their distorted pubertal minds.

    i dont get it anyway. its so much easier to be a chillaxed fan imo... why the stress?! so stupid...

  19. I think the reason why a lot of people get upset at this blog is because it's called "Anti Kpop Fangirl"... They think that you are fangirls that are anti kpop instead of being antis of the fangirls.

  20. Okay, yeah, just read the top for the millionth time.

    "We don't hate on groups or individuals"
    "We don't hate on groups or individuals"
    "We don't hate on groups or individuals"
    "We don't hate on groups or individuals"
    "We don't hate on groups or individuals"


    Don't tell us to read the top of the page and then post things that go against it. That makes you wrong.

  21. If you want to hate on idols, make a separate blog for it and just dedicate this one to hating fangirls. Or change the name to "antikpopfangirlandwealsobashidolsbutwesaywedon't"

  22. The two comments before me are right
    is ok to write what you want but try to keep the two things separate and not try to preach to one thing then doing another. come on, getting comments of what delusional girls and posting it for everyone to see it definitely sounds like fun.

    Also you guys shouldn't take every comment as a hate but more as constructive criticism.

  23. We don't hate on anyone. Just because we disagree with your opinion doesn't mean we're hating.

  24. Besides I already explained our reasons and intentions 2-3 times this week alone. If people aren't going to take 1-2 minutes to read I'm not gonna even bother explaining anymore.

  25. "We don't hate on anyone. Just because we disagree with your opinion doesn't mean we're hating."

    Hahahahaha. Really?

    Plus the multiple articles using horribly rude words towards idols just because you don't like their looks or their voices or the way they dance. Sure, you can have your opinions but do you really have to use such hateful words? And you dislike Amber because she looks boyish and has crazy fans. Is that her fault? What if she's a nice person? Doesn't matter to you because you don't like her anyway, right?

    If that's not hating, what is?

    You might as well just be an anti everything blog because it already looks like one.

  26. ^ Your entire comment managed to explain the reason why this blog exists while negating your own opinion.


  27. ...This blog exists to call idols ugly?

    Oh, okay. Then they're doing it right.

  28. ^ No, it intends to bait delusional fangirls having a distorted sense of reality here so they can get a glimpse of their idols imperfections and showcase the error of their ways seeing as they can't seem to distinguish the forest from the trees.

  29. ^ lolokay

    "If you read the disclaimer (how many times are we gonna have to tell people to read what's at the top of the page...) you'll see the intention of the blog. It's to post our opinions on things. Rarely anything written on the blog is used for the purpose of trolling. Real trolling, as is intentionally pissing people off and baiting them. We don't do that."

  30. is there really gonna be a war over the reason for this site ? LOL for cereal ?

    aye , if you don't like what you see then GTFO yo. no matter how much you tell us that we're wrong it ain't like anything is gonna change.

  31. what IS the reason for this site?........

    you guys are practically bashing, and for what?
    if you hate fangirls, making this WHOLE BLOG AND USING YOUR TIME is going to do what? prove that you have nothing else to do? lol

  32. "Kpop's fanbase is composed of a bunch of fangirls who piss and shit over anything that's not in accordance with their train of thought."
    aint that also what you are doing..

    practice what you preach...

  33. ....you complain that jpop forums are civilized an kpop ones are not....

    and this page is what you call civilized is that it?

    wow....now that's a big misuse of the word...

  34. "Kpop's fanbase is composed of a bunch of fangirls who piss and shit over anything that's not in accordance with their train of thought."

    "practice what you preach"

    lol, just because we don't like the creators of this site bashing any idol they don't like, we're CRAZY FANGIRLS. None of the people I've seen posting her against this site have been rabid fangirls attacking the posters, everyone is being rather civil, pointing out that this site seems more like a site for antis than for hating kpop fangirls.

    Really, just take "We don't hate on anyone" out of the description and people will stop complaining. Either that or stop hating.

  35. I thought this is ALSO a site where people can get AWAYYY from crazy fangirls and to say WHATEVER THE FUCK they want without dumbass fangirls yelling at you!!! gosh

  36. Then they might as well call it an anti blog, NOT an antikpopfangirl blog

  37. ^ Yes, when T-ara's Roly Poly MV comes out and I gush about Soyeon and how hot Hyomin is, I'll definitely be seen as a hater.

  38. Um.... obviously you're not going to hate on groups you like XD

  39. Agreed with 1:31 ^

  40. Fangirls? More like fapgirls.

  41. This banter is hilarious! I really don't understand why people are so precise about the wording up top. If you don't like what is being said, don't read it.... leave. This site does not directly hurt anyone and people are entitled to have their own opinions. If you like whomever, good! I am glad you have interest! But you don't need to bash on everyone who doesn't share your opinion.

  42. i'm a fangirl but i like this blog.
    but i don't see any of my bias here. did you forgot about them or what? i'm Triple S anyway~
    and i really don't mind if you say anything bad about SS501, though my friends would be angry XDD

  43. im a kpop fan ..but DAMN you're the best Kpop critic ever!....XD lmao

  44. This isn't just 'free speaking blog' this is a whole new level of sexism and disrespect.
    The fact that you just wasted 5 min of my life to type this just shows how talented for brainfucking you are.
    While you're drooling like a pervert donkey on some girls at the same time you're bashing fangirls who are only guilty of mastrubating to oppas having gay sex in their minds. It's healthy. (As you always higlight) Maybe you are just angry that some 'oppar' is doing it with SoYeon in this very moment.

    1. instead of wasting 5 mins of your life, you should of just got the f*ck outta this site yo

  45. JPOP fans are more "civilized" cus they're mostly made up of old fuckers (ah grew up with anime and now I have 2 kids) and otakus who'd rather fap in their basement. KPOP fangirls are made up of mostly teenage girls who can't wait to sit on their Oppa's faces. That's the main difference.

  46. I can't really tell if you are anti against any group or members or not. It's a fun site to read. I love KPop and many of its girl groups, yet I can't find anything offensive. Maybe because I can never class something true from the heart as offensive. I am a sucker for honest opinions :P


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