Sunday, July 17, 2011

Blonde teenyboppers! (GP Basic's Jelly Pop)

You know how Korean record labels always give that one member blonde hair to make them more visibly noticeable? GP Basic said fuck it and had the whole group go blonde. Result? Not bad, but they do look like a bunch of blonde-Asian clones.

GP Basic has endured a couple controversies (notably complaints about Janey looking {read: and possibly being} like fucking seven), but I've long since been desensitized to (most of) the absurd things in the wide world of Kpop, and thus, will (hopefully) write with an open mind.

This wasn't bad at all, although I still can't take Janey seriously when she looks like a god damned toddler. Still, the fact remains that at the average age of 14-15, these girls basically owned your favorite idols live. Shiiiiiit.

-is what you thought I'd say right? Nah. Singing "consistently" in one second spurts doesn't mean shit, and how fucking hard could "rapping" possibly be (Kpop is quickly degrading the art of rap into "oh, give this role to the untalented kid". When you realize half these girls are "rapping", my statement becomes a lot more relevant). The outfits were pretty good, Secret-Madonna-esque pieces. I can't tell any of them apart, but maybe in time (of course Janey's the exception).

Regardless of age though, a shitty song will be shitty, and damn: this is shitty.


  1. I had no intention of listening to this song.

    After this review, I still have no intention of listening to this song.

  2. just watch Miss A instead of watching this, their new vid's cool...

  3. Oh dear god the comments.
    "i like jelly pop better than bubble pop!"
    I'm sorry, I'd rather watch a full grown woman shaking her ass than a bunch of under age girls who haven't grown into their bodies yet. They're prancing around in showy outfits and makeup that makes them look like those toddler beauty queens that have caused so much controversy lately. If American media got ahold of GP Basic...

    All I heard was the backing track. Really, it was so prominent they didn't even need to sing.

    Can these girls please climb back into their company's womb for about three more years before they're born again into the kpop world?

    If they were a couple years older I might actually be interested in them. Maybe. Hardly.

  4. @xMichyeo

    Since you're a long time reader, if you want to be an author email me. antikpopfangirl@yahoo.com

  5. My comment was betterrrrr. I should get an offer toooooo.

  6. Well stop being an Anon first lol. I don't offer to Anon's since I don't know who the hell is who.

  7. lulz I don't have an account to post with. I shall make one. Just for you.

  8. There. I made one and I've commented on this three times now and it's kind of embarrassing so I'll stop now.

  9. It's not embarrassing at all, rather, as the number of comments on this article rise, so does my self-esteem and confidence. You, sir, may have saved a life.

  10. @6:54 there are already young singers and groups in American media. School Gyrls (who are doing a movie with the Wonder Girls), the Clique Girlz. heck, Miley Cyrus was only 14 when Hannah Montana started.
    yes, most of them suck and you haven't heard of them, but they're meant for preteens and kids.

    i get what GP Basic's company is going for, but kpop really doesn't need a young group to pander to the young kids, since the older groups already make music suitable for young kids to listen to.

  11. It's ok. I actually listened to the whole thing. Some kpop groups I can barely sit through the vid because it's way to SUGARY for my taste. Also, I agree that I'd rather watch Hyuna shake her booty cheeks then watch these girls pretend they are 30 year old women with 4 kids.

  12. Is the one with short hair legal?
    She makes the rest look like children.(more so than they already are)

  13. On the realzz you guys, I think this song isn't bad,@anon 6:54/YourButt I'm one of those people who think this song shits all over that 'bubble pop' mess and (not to say this song is great so it wouldn't really take much to shit all over 'bubble pop').Ofc you would rather watch that try-hard gyrate here non existent "goodies" so that you can fap.

  14. It may be a shitty song but it's catchy. And it's till less shitty than f(x)'s songs [but it's true that it's hard to do anything shittier than an f(x)'s song].

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. i will get the internet equivalent of a back-hand for saying this but...i like gp basic. nuff said.

    i've liked them since "game" came out! i dunno, i'm stubborn. it seems the more people hated on them for their age the more i liked them. but their fandom is small so i just kinda watch their performances and mvs, nothing more than that.

  17. Well, I don't really have a problem with GP Basics' songs, they are not any worse than songs from a lot of older idols and their live performances can also easily match those of these older idols. What's bothering me is the fact that I feel like a pedo watching them. I mean, the girls are young and yet they are shaking their asses, popping their (non existent) breasts, rolling their hips etc. while trying (too) hard to be sexy and it's kind of...disturbing. Plus the ent. industry is known for being fucked up and full of fucked up people too so the younger you enter this environment the more you're exposing yourself to crazy shit and this is what bother me when I see how young korean idols are when they debut (and it looks like they're are getting younger and younger, the fuck ?!).

  18. it's kind of pedo like, they are too young to doing this suggestive dance movement they do'nt realize but I thinkk some old man of 50 years old can find this attractive .... that's sad


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