Sunday, July 3, 2011

Don't think any of the authors have done this yet

So I figured I'd just copy+paste my original application letter for AKF and see what people thought. Also I just don't feel like actually using my brain for writing another new article.

Aight. So preliminary information, I'm a Korean female (born in Seoul and moved to California, therefore decently fluent in both languages) and my "anti-biases" include the slutty little teenyboppers that insist on using the term "oppa" in order to flirt with males when neither are even Korean, fangirls that absolutely can NOT admit that their fucking idol isn't flawless, and "idols" that can't sing/rap/dance/etc. and are ridiculously famous just because their appearances are pleasing -coughSNSDcough- There are many more, of course, but more time for that later if I'm chosen haha.

All that aside, the article I'm using is from allkpop http://www.allkpop.com/2011/06/mnets-idol-chart-show-ranks-the-top-20-wild-stars
I'm not sure of the format I should be using so I guess I'll just list what I thought about this article.

1. Kim Hyun Joong
2. Minho (SHINee)
3. Jo Kwon
4. Goo Hara
5. Doojoon
6. CL
7. Chansung
8. Suzy
9. Taeyeon
10. Lee Joon
11. Ye Eun
12. Park Jung Min
13. Luna
14. Dongho (UKISS)
15. Lizzy
16. Jiyeon
17. Yunho
18. Seungyeon
19. Siwon
20. Nichkhun

Who in their right mind would make a category for "wild stars" and NOT place Jo Kwon first? Kim Hyun Joong is a little off his rocker, sure, but wild is not a word I'd ever find in my vocabulary to describe him. More like "constantly stoned" judging by his limited facial expression range.
Anyone from SHINee is about as intriguing as a pile of dog turd. And about half as wild.
Hara =/= wild. More like socially inept and awkward, especially on broadcasts with the pedophilic old farts that can't take their eyes off the nonexistent ass that she insists on gyrating in their faces.
Ugh what possessed them to place CL on this thing? The talentless cretin only deserves a place in hell that's reserved for music murderers. The only thing the chick can do right is kill a perfectly decent beat. (COME AT ME YOU FUCKTARDED 2AUTOTUNE1 STANS)
Suzy? What the hell is Suzy doing here, let alone in the top 10? Where the fuck is Min?
What I fail to understand is how the hell anyone from SNSD managed to rank in the category for "wild stars." The only wild thing about them is their diet. Have you SEEN Sooyoung's fucking twigs? How deprived do you have to be in order to get that way? I swear it looks like I'm seeing a modern-day Holocaust victim (definitely no insult/racism/belittlement intended, just trying to illustrate a point).
Lee Joon is a beast. A very conceited little twerp of a beast, but a beast nonetheless.
Jiyeon? I love her and all (yes, I realize that was a very generic introduction to a followup diss) but the girl is more apathetic than she is wild. What was up with that frozen grimace of hers during YaYaYa(?) promotions? Get Eunjung or Hyomin on here!
There is absolutely nothing good to say about Super Junior. They are a bunch of gay faggots that attempt to disguise their lust as fanservice. And they're under SMent, so negative points for them. Wild, my ass.
Seungyeon is a decent singer and she's pretty cute and all (no homo) but she ain't any more "wild" than Hara.
Nichkhun is overrated, as is Chansung, but I happen to like 2PM. Actually I happen to like Junsu. Same thing. And after watching the Happy Together episode featuring 2PM I'd definitely say that Junsu should be on this list (no, not simply because I have a bias for him. That defeats the purpose of me applying for a job on your site, seeing as it professes to hate fangirls that think their favorite idol is a deity that should be worshipped.) That boy has the makings of a real clown if he'd just ditch the I'm-The-Hottest(no pun intended)-Fuck-There-Is act.

I skipped a lot of the idols, simply because I don't really know/care much about the singers in question and therefore cannot form an opinion on them. But I'm sure you get the idea. Hate mail is much appreciated yo, my email is on my blogger profile<3


  1. What did they mean by 'wild' in the first place?

  2. ^ i don't even know. i was thinking jo kwon/min type wild but all of these don't even come close to that level (other than kwon of course)

  3. @blackbeltbaybee Can I marry u?

  4. The kiddy Kamilias in Korea probably love Goo Hara a lot. I can tell. Nicole should be there instead of her. I agree with the fact that there is nothing 'wild' about SNSD other than being 'over-rated'.

    I know why its called "Wild" because the 'teeny-boopers' go 'gaga' for them.

  5. you just shitted on everyone on the list...it wasn't really funny. i prefer the other authors' work.

  6. I thought this article was pretty funny.

    I have no idea what "wild" means in this context but for me I'd put Daesung at the top of the list. You can't get more wild than speeding down the freeway over some homies

  7. fuuuck what a wild bash. Too much to the point where it's not even funny. Besides, why are you discussing these pathetic charts that Mnet throws out for only publicity?

  8. How is Nichkhun 'wild'? My doorknob has a better sense of humour than he does.

  9. I never understand any of those things mnet does. the ranking the most*insert stupid title* idol things.They always have the same people on them lists anyways.

  10. "especially on broadcasts with the pedophilic old farts that can't take their eyes off the nonexistent ass that she insists on gyrating in their faces."

    they're not pedophilic if she's of legal age :P

  11. blackbeltbaybe...seems like the states have enlightened you...for i'd have an awful feeling that if you stayed in korea, you'd be one of those crazy fangirls, LOL

    i wouldn't diss the "idols" per say...i'd diss the freaken show that tries to make a top 20 countdown about kpop...when you know that the subjects can only cover something like best vocalist, best dancer, and a chart that ranks the idols who makes the most money.

    the term "wild" but this fugly show is just stupid and it's because they have ran out of ideas for their top 20 category. but you do have a good point about why some idols shouldn't be considered anywhere near being called "wild."

    jo kwon is more flamboyant and i guess wildness comes with that territory, but i would agree with him being at the top of the list.

  12. *edited for above*...the term "wild" is very ambiguous...

  13. there was a lot of deep-seated anger in your application. its very much in the style of the creator of this site

  14. Seungyeon's name always been mistaken as Seunghyun lol.. Not blaming cause I always notice it in some articles or comments around the net.

  15. The people who write in this blog bash the idols saying how gay they look -- as if being gay was bad. And now you call a group of them "gay faggots." I think I've noticed one thing that seems to be a requirement to write here: homophobia.

  16. GO is said to have a wild growth of hair. id put him on top of the list. its the "wildest" thing you will ever find in kpop.

  17. The real "wild idols" are:

    1. Kang In
    2. Crown J

    That's about it.

  18. Wow... some of this is true but a lot of it was just... really mean, lol. :/

  19. 2:23 - i guess that's true. i'll concede on that point[=

    7:47 - edited. yeah i wasn't actually thinking too hard while i was writing. it's not like it was for an actual paying job so i just breezed through it and made the typo. thanks for catching that

    9:48 - or maybe we can just acknowledge the truth better than the average person

    5:03 - yeah i was gonna shit on mnet for the freakishly biased rankings they had , but that wouldn't have made as much of an impact (and not as much to write about either). and who knows what i would have turned out like if i stayed ? all i know is that i'm too opinionated to fawn and idolize any celebrity.

  20. 11:34 - this wasn't for the purpose of an audience's enjoyment. it was an application for the site , so i thought it'd be pointless to talk about what/who i liked and why. i just posted it because i thought it would interest at least one person. sucks for you if you weren't that person[=

  21. LOL at the SHINee and SNSD remarks hahahahaha

  22. "The talentless cretin only deserves a place in hell that's reserved for music murderers. The only thing the chick can do right is kill a perfectly decent beat. (COME AT ME YOU FUCKTARDED 2AUTOTUNE1 STANS)"

    So true. LOL

  23. Putting Jo Kwon on top? Are they serious? Are they planning to put him on top because of all his gayness?


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