Saturday, July 23, 2011


So now that we have like a bajillion + 9001 authors, I'm thinking of trying something new. For some reason (cough.Shin-B.cough) we've been getting a lot more interactive with our readers. Now I want this article to be a little more interactive(?) -for lack of better word- with our authors, particularly our newer ones. I was thinking this article could be a way for the readers to get to know each author better (and for the authors to get to know each other as well...). Don't feel obligated to participate, but if there are any authors on the site that would like to put in their 2 cents that would be cool. Just edit the article and add in your favorite bands and the ones you sincerely wish you could obliterate, and what fangirls do that annoy you the most (or if you can't choose, like me, pick something that pissed you off recently lol). Feel free to add more if you like.

blackbeltbaybee - As for me, I enjoy listening to Epik High, Brown Eyed Girls (no, not just fucking Abracadabra. That's not even remotely close to being one of their best songs imo. If that's the only song you know from them, don't call yourself a fucking fan.), Wheesung, Baek Ji Young, and I'm actually pretty partial to After School (the old After School, at least). From the new wave of artists I am definitely going to keep an eye on Infinite and miss A. And it really fucking pisses me off when fangirls start tossing around death threats - over the internet, no less - when you criticize their simpering little oppars. It also pisses me off when fans use random Korean words that they have no idea how to use correctly. For example - "This is going to be a daebak!!!" roughly translates to "This is going to be an epic!!!" Do me a favor and if you aren't Korean and/or haven't studied the language, please refrain from using Korean words. It makes you look like an overly eager/pretentious (as the case may be) shithead.

davidfresh - Now this is kinda cool. My primary genre of choice is hip-hop, which naturally encompasses khip-hop. Beenzino (of Jazzyfact, Hotclip & P' Skool) is probably my favorite Korean emcee, check him out. I also like Verbal Jint, I.F., Rimi, Dynamic Duo, Epik High, FANA, The Quiett, Minos, Von, Giant, Supreme Team, Kebee; as well as others, there are just too many to mention them all. I'm not too shabby on the k-indie scene either (big fan of Han Hee Jung). On the Kpop side of things, I name SNSD (mother-fucking-Jessica, bitches) as my group of preference: they did introduce me to kpop after all (in late 2007). I do take a liking to anybody I find attractive however (notable figures include IU & Park Bo Young).

Anti Kpop-Fangirl - I got into Korean music in 2008 through m-flo. m-flo has collaborated with many artists and even Korean artists (BoA, Wheesung, Alex from Clazziquai Project.) I even saw many comments comparing m-flo and Epik High so I got into Korean music with BoA and Epik High, and after learning Younha was Korean I started listening to her Korean music. Then in 2009 I listened to idol music and some days I regret it. For hiphop I like Epik High, Dynamic Duo, Kebee, Eluphant, etc. If you couldn't tell by now, I'm a huge T-ara stan and an even bigger Soyeon stan. Other idol groups I really like are Rainbow, Girl's Day, Kara, Secret, SNSD, and miss A. While there are times that idol music pisses me off (this is the 5th year of the hook song in Korea), there's always Korean hiphop and drama/movie OST songs such as this one that remind me that there's still good Korean music out there. Also, on an average day, I'll be stanning my favorite Korean actresses (Han Ye Seul, Lee Yeon Hee, etc.) more than I stan my favorite idols.

friglet - As far as my musical tastes are concerned, I listen to a lot of everthing. I listen to K-pop but have no problem jammin' out to American music. I grew up on hip hop all my life so I'm still fond of rap from the States. Yes, I like Lil' Wayne and Nick Minaj (if people can like G-Dragon and CL, I can like this shit). One of my favorite artists of all time is Joanna Newsom (quick! three of my favorite songs from her are here, here, and here). Yes. Fucking harp-tastic. As for K-pop, I'm a huge Wonder Girls and MBLAQ fan. And then if you drop like 20 pegs, I'm a fan of Rainbow and Block B (yes, they're new but I've been following them since news came out of Cho PD making an idol group). To save people from some confusion, I actually have a cousin who is a K-pop fan and we like almost all the same things. So if you see some chick who likes all that I've listed above, it's not me (since I don't post on sites much), it's going to be her so don't bother striking a conversation. Bitch don't know you. As far as fangirls go, the one thing I hate the most is that when you call a K-pop artist out for being stupid/lame, the fangirls will pounce back with the weakest comeback: "You're just jealous." No, dumbass. I'm not.

Antidelusionalkpopfanism - I love almost all genres of music (Don't like country or trot) and am very open-minded when it comes to music, especially with K-Pop. My favorite female and male groups are T-ara and B2ST. I really love melody so music that is more melodic and catchy fit my taste hence why I am so easy when it comes to K-Pop. But above all idol music I love K-Hip Hop. My favorite group is Supreme Team (sorry Epik High you are #2). I also love Leessang and Dynamic Duo! I am also in love with Wheesung, who is my favorite vocalist in Korean music. Recently I have been addicted to Block B. I'm also generally a nicer person then the rest of the authors here (I don't really fit in), but I also have a cruel sense of humor and love to joke around using insults. I don't really hate any idol group except ZE:A (especially Kwanghee) and I only really hate the delusional fans... To all delusional crazed fans: If you are going to argue at least make some fucking sense. :)

mynameisnotsuzy - BoA initially got me into K-Pop about six years ago and shortly after that I discovered Super Junior. I've seen a lot of K-Pop fangirl fuckery in my day. Super Junior has always been my top group. Hyukjae is my bias because for some reason he is the most attractive person in the world to me (Donghae is second). You can call me crazy but it's just my taste. I know SJ fans have a shitty reputation but there are actually tons of amazing, sane ones out there, you just gotta look for them. Even though I'm a girl, SJ is really the only male group that I've stuck with. My female K-Pop playlist is mostly BoA, IU, f(x), Freestyle, and Brown Eyed Girls. I liked DBSK for a while but I CANNOT stand that fandom. There isn't a single redeeming thing about their fans, whatever the fuck they're called now. I really only like Junsu now because his voice is nice but I don't follow any DBSK/JYJ stuff anymore. My favorite girl group is f(x) and my bias is Krystal but not in a creepy way, she's too young. I loooove BoA. She's just... perfect. I also like IU, she's perfect as well, and Lee Hyori because... she's sexy. And also perfect. I tend to like one or two people out of some groups for something unique that stands out to me like looks, dancing, or singing. I loathe 2NE1 stans, DBSK/JYJ stans, and anyone who thinks they're gay for Amber. I could rant forever about my dislike of those three things. Mostly the Amber one. ...Also I am a nice person. When you're not a moron. Oh wait, oops, fuck, that kind of makes me a bitch.

아저씨 - I have special love for R&B/Hip-hop kind of stuff. It's not about groups but anything that grooves right, whether in a traditional, acoustic, jazz, or club sort of way. R&B flavor with some hip-hop weight is like... a sexual experience. I most often flip between that and happy/creative stuff like Kara. However, I have owned and listened to hundreds of albums from around the world. I love music beyond the melodies, to a level where I just enjoy analyzing every element, where it draws from and where it is taking it. I also listen through audio hardware in the thousands, so I have capacity to be a harsh judge of production quality. Fangirls? I just hate it when they have no reading comprehension. Why bother saying anything to each other if you aren't bothering to pay attention?

mondegreen - I'm omnivorous when it comes to music, and like trying any genre from any nation of any language. K-pop is particularly interesting because the current idol/fandom/industry is this volatile mess of barely controlled insanity, a.k.a highly amusing. The first Korean album I got my hands on as a gift was Brown Eyed Girls' Your Story and I've been a fan since, especially of their original sound. I'm a late-comer to the idol scene since I didn't really start paying attention until everyone and their mom was singing "Nobody, nobody but chu~" The final straw was probably late '09 when some friends insisted on distracting me with Kara's buttshaking and that addictive acid-crack called Ring Ding Dong during finals season. A current stan-til-death of Kara, I also appreciate Gummy, miss A, One Way, T, Brown Eyed Soul, Davichi, and Royal Pirates (JuJu/Utada if you want to include my top J-crooners). Being in the know is my business, so I'm always up to date with idol groups and have my favorite tunes from most of the prominent groups. My iTunes reports that I unconsciously listen to Big Bang, Shinee, and 2NE1 a lot. Um. Outside of pop and rock, classical jazz and jazz fusion are my thing (my main instrument is the sax), with Herbie Hancock and Pat Metheny being some of my favorites, and recently I've been getting into house music. My writing style swings with my mood, but luckily for you only CCM's Kim Kwangdouche is 100% guaranteed to tick me off.

Shin-B - Why does everyone hate me for being interactive with the commenters? ;__; Sometimes I get lonely and want to pretend that people want to talk to me. -__-" But I digress. In regards to music, I suppose I like all kinds (such as purely instrumental or music in languages I do not understand). I am open to any type really. Strictly speaking of Korean music, interestingly enough as I just found out, I was also introduced to Korean songs by m-flo like Anti K-pop Fangirl. After that I only got into it through DBSK, Super Junior, and Fly To the Sky, but now have broadened my horizons into really loving After School, Aile, Big Bang, Brown Eyed Girls, Dae Guk Nam Ah, Dia, Epik High, G.NA (Canadian singers whoo!), INFINITE, IU, JOO, MBLAQ, Miss A, Oneway, Rain, Se7en, SHINee, Son DamBi, SS501, Supernova, T-ara, 2AM, 2NE1, and 8eight. Also, while growing up I was classically trained, so I do quite enjoy Yiruma.

liley - I'm into a lot of different artists from different genres of music. I love old school hiphop and R&B (the R&B has to be late 80s and early 90s), give me some gangsta rap (not picky about who) and some fugees, some of L.Boogie's solo works and Mc Lyte, Queen Latifah (any ol' school female MC) and I'm happy. I don't really listen to 'new school' hiphop, it just doesn't resonate; I'm sorry friglet, but I really think Lil Wayne and all of Young Money is shit. I like Nicki Minaj's personality but her raps suck ass, I never know what she's talking about. Rap hipster in the house, what what!!! I also love folk musicians like Bob Dylan and I love me some Johnny Cash (more like in love with Cash). I love new indie folk musicians like Fleet foxes, Lykke Li and Regina Spektor. I love rock as well, used to love that shit when I was younger, my high school years Linkin Park ruled. In K-pop I stan no one else but Super Junior and Block B, I've tried stanning girl groups but BJs ruined that for me, maybe miss A. I'm still new to K-pop, got into it last August so I don't have that much knowledge about idols but I'm starting to like BEG. I also love khiphop, Beenzino, The Quiett, Okasian, Dok2 (but he is losing all his street cred with me slowly but surely) Hanhae, Andup, Verbal Jint,and Cho. Actually I know more khiphop artists than idols and I'm happy about that. Groups that should gtfo...uh..this is going to be hard..Big Bang, or maybe just GD - that fucker needs to go! Things fangirls do that annoy me: when they talk down to rookie groups, forgetting that their precious idols were once rookies and that most of them still perform like rookies. Those fuckers need to go!


  1. I can only post articles. I can't edit what other authors posted. Stop showing off.

  2. ^LMFAO but i love to flaunt ! haha just kidding , yeah sorry i forgot you guys probably weren't admins yet. if you want you can email your bit to me and i'll add it ?

  3. ^ That's probably better, that way someone doesn't accidentally edit over someone else's stuff or add something like "I LIKE PENIS"

  4. aight then , everyone just remember that i have my email on my profile if you need it.

  5. hello~!~!~ ;D

    and i see epik high **tears in my eyes** i love them so much D: i'm always to sad because people put groups like Big Bang in front of them and i'm like WHAT!? ARE YOU SHITTING ME?!?!

    not to hate on BB, but... IT'S EPIK HIGH! THEY HAVE EPIK IN THEIR NAME! D: and their music makes me so happy <3

    and Also See Supreme Team there~ D: i love E-sens and i love Simon D even more. His accent is just <3.

    lol **spazzing**

  6. I think it's fairly obvious how I am but I'll go ahead and edit my part anyway.

  7. ^ i thank you for your most gracious offer O: haha no seriously though. i hope that this catches on because otherwise i'm gonna look like i got shunned lolol

    and @sandra: dude seriously. Epik High has to be one of my favorite groups... i need them to come back from the military like right now. otherwise , Woollim Entertainment is making me very happy these days haha. i loved Jisun's comeback.

  8. Tablo left Woollim Entertainment again so EH will be under their own label/someone else's label when all three are together again.

  9. Oh, I also put a page break in because of how lengthy this post could end up being.


    and what ? when/why did Tablo leave ? o-o never mind i'll go research haha. but in any case it won't affect much because they pretty much do all their own shit anyway. they aren't manufactured artists

  11. @blackbeltbaybee Tablo left Woollim ent. D: cuz they didn't do shit when he was getting attacked by the antis. but i am hoping so bad for a comeback with all of them.

    DJ Tukutz might be coming out with an album next year though :D <3

  12. lol nice. i felt like an idiot for about a minute trying to figure out how to edit the post until i saw ajusshi's post.

  13. ^updated with your edit (i fixed up a few things like the link issue. hope you don't mind)

  14. Im going to sit here and my kara-loving hole...

  15. ^
    ^nah, no problem ^^. i was hoping you'd fix it up for me :3. can you do me a fav and underline my username like the others? lol so they'll match.

  16. blackbeltbaybee, I love you just because of that BEG sentence. Thank you.

  17. no Cho Yong Pil fans?

  18. Where the YG love?

  19. Wheesung was once from YG. That's good enough.

  20. he fact that most of you like epik high puts you on a 4 out of 10 on my coolness scale. the dude/chick who wrote the truth about YG though, he/she is a 5 (and if he/she likes epik high aswell, a 6)

    and wheres the 4men love yo? (thats also an extra point)

    suck my dick (also an extra point {no i dont care if you're a guy or a girl})

  21. 5 dolls( like this like that) " sexy girls IN the floor " >>> this is A daebak( and this was only the tip of the iceberg)

  22. i actually like Gummy too. she's from YG. and TaeYang is pretty good. that's as far as i'll concede.

    @1:20 - seriously , it makes me mad when people are like "BEG ? OMG I LOVE THEM !" and you get all excited and ask which songs they know and it's like "...um i THIIINK it's called Abracadabra or something." major theoretical boner-kill.

    10:22 - that is completely irrelevant to my point. "sexy girls in the floor" has no Korean in it , and they're not fangirls. i'm talking about the fuckery that is this: "omo that unni is nuhmoo yeppo and i nuhmoo saranghae this oppa because they daebak all over everything." this is when i bring out the AK47 and track the fucker down.

  23. @8:33 4men has nothing on Brown Eyed Soul.

  24. The BEG comment is so true. Does anyone even know any song before "Abracadabra"? Some of my favorite songs were from their 2nd album: (Goodbye Ms. Kim, I Got Fooled By You). I thought their 2008 stuff was popular but apparently not? (L.O.V.E, How, My Style)

    I find SNSD's Jessica to be so funny on their shows. Hyoyeon scared the shit out of her once and she shoved Hyo back.
    She also made this awesome face when she found out Taeyeon has to be with Hyungdon for WGM. (I can't find that screencap though).

  25. I have a friend who claims BEG is their favorite girl group but the only songs they know are "Sign" and "Abracadabra." I was sad :(

    Also I forgot to put Freestyle in mine :c
    Oh well >.>

  26. am I the only one here who loves Boohwal?

  27. i heard some Boohwal,they're good but i'm not crazy over them D: it's not really my style of music heheh

    and i'm so happy it's not just idols but other artists. i'm giggling like an idiot ;]

    lol and waiting for the next SJ teaser to come out ;D

  28. mnins - i'll edit that in for you[=

    and at bassfreak - my mom loves Boohwal , does that count ? hahaha

  29. "but luckily for you only CCM's Kim Kwangdouche is 100% guaranteed to tick me off."

    You and me both lol.

  30. Haha I love BEG, yea I hopped on board during the Sound G era,but I checked out all their old stuff and actually bought their entire discography. Favorite song from them is 최면(hypnosis).

  31. ^their slower ballad type songs are pretty good. drunk on sleep is one of my favorites haha

  32. Oh balls I forgot to underline my name. Oh well...

  33. @friglet so judging you for the lil wayne,nicki minaj love.But you've just been redeemed by Joanna Newsom.

  34. Who in the name of beer is this Nicki Minaj?


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