Thursday, July 28, 2011

"Koreans should stay the hell out of Japan".

Recently, Japanese actor Sousuke Takaoka (yeah, I haven't heard of him either) made some negative remarks about dirty Kpop infiltrating Japan. And as a Korean, I can't just stand by and-

I actually agree. Why the fuck are Korean idols promoting in Japan (apart from fame, money, and eventual world domination...)? Okay fine, maybe there is actually plenty reason to go to Japan (especially for zero-Korean-fans Z:ea), but at the very least, the people of Japan have the right to be indignant. If Jpop was all the rage in Korea, more than a couple people would be committing Korean seppuku (to be fair, Koreans generally have a more massive hatred towards the Japanese {partially justified}). Seriously, I'm surprised incidents like this aren't more frequent; the Japanese are actually taking it well.

But as many have pointed out, the man is a public figure, and as Benjamin Parker Jesus once said, "With great power comes great responsibility". Maybe it's not right for a man of "great power"(read: hahahahahahahaha) to be speaking his fucking opinion, but so what? At least he has the balls to be honest.

If it is of any interest, he was subsequently kicked from his label. c:


  1. Marvel stole that from Jesus, see Luke 12:48. Of all the people to plagiarize...

  2. my friend thought this korean was a jap. and he said "konbanwa" then that korean was giving him attitude the whole dinner time...
    as much as i love kpop i love jpop
    and i dont get why they promote in japan if its not for the MONEY MONEY MONEY
    of course that guy would be mad like anyone who tries get a piece of that pie that was suppose to be only yours....

  3. this guy is going to pioneer the "keepin kpop in korea movement."

    i don't mind some kpop bands doing a world tour and hold concerts in places like japan. even if they come out with a japanese song, it's fine... but to stick it down ppl's throats is another thing. it's as if all the korean music companies came together and said: "we're just going to take over japan; regardless of what japan thinks; we will put our best and hottest kpop girls and boys to the front."

  4. People seem to forget that kpop isnt as popular as the korean media tries to portray the "hallyu wave".

    Im sure a lot of Japanese people feel exactly the same way he does. Im not even japanese nor live in Japan and I can honestly say im annoyed at how many kpop idols are trying to infiltrate the japanese music scene. :/

  5. that's not cool they kick out his ass from his now prev co. just for that rant, i think his stupid remark is mild and not that offensive co'z it's really true.

  6. i pity the guy now he's jobless :C

  7. Im laughing that he got fired from his company lol

    keeping kpop in korea is nice and all, but as with all companies, they want money, and to make money you have to expand your buisness, and to do that you need clients (ie. fans)
    They basically sucked korea dry, now they want to suck the world dry also.

  8. If you look up the meaning for xenophobic in the dictionary, you will find a picture of 5 different groups of japanese people, and a different person in the middle, alone.

  9. "except for zero-Korean-fans Ze:a"
    LOL so fucking true

  10. Wanna see something worse than koreans shoving kpop down our throats? filipinos shoving kpop down other filipinos throats


    just sharing.

  11. Korean fangirls/boys are so hilarious. It is absolutely awesome for SNSD, Kara, B2ST, T-ara,...heck even GPBasic to promote in Japan. And when SKE48 said they wanted to debut in Korea, the rage began. Of course they would go apeshit on this man, speaking down on their beloved Gods and Goddesses.

    Just so you guys know, he was not fired. He resigned himself. Check it on Tokyohive, they translated from a Japanese source. The AKP article was from Naver, a Korean source.

  12. Like I said in akp, i'm SURE that guy didn't complain when his successful movies (Battle royale, it aired several times, here in france.) were doing well all around the world. As well as jpop (i'm happy when french music is doing well in america. And jpop (more jrock/metal) is highly popular in france, criticised but popular).
    And america is all over all the tv all around the world, I don't go "i feel brainwashed". I don't like? I switch the channel.
    That's why I feel he was going overboard and he was hypocrite. Being fired for an opinion like that is not that amazing in that entertainment, since being is mainly about your image.
    Bad image = no movie offer = useless actor = fired.

    But I do think kpop should stop trying to invade japan with crappy translated songs.

  13. i thought this site liked that they were going into japan. cause the idols might have fairer working conditions.

  14. I like KPop but I have to agree with him. If I was japanese I would probably be pissed to see all these kpop groups invading my country. It's not about being xenophobic, it's just that most of these idols don't give a fuck about Japan and japanese and don't make any efforts. Most of them suck at speaking japanese, only remake their korean songs into (crappy) japanese songs by (sometimes wrongly) literally translating lyrics from korean to jap, etc. They only go to Japan because their companies want them to and because they'll earn much more in Japan than in S.Korea. Japan already has its own idols, add the korean ones and the market is being saturated.
    Btw, Sousoke Takaoka is quite famous in Japan. If it can help you, he was, among many other movies, in Crows Zero, Battle Royale, Blue Spring etc., and he was also the MC for a lot of TV shows. This lucky man is also married to Aoi Miyazaki ♥
    And he actually resigned from his agency (though they probably only let him chose between being kicked out or resigning). I think the reason why he had to resign wasn't because he critiziced the kpop invasion, it's more likely because he bashed Fuji TV previously, which is a big no no, and already had a few problems with his agency.
    And I agree with anon 11:31 PM, korean medias sure like to exaggerate kpop's popularity in Japan, as well as in Europe. This is becoming annoying.

    (sorry for the long comment btw ^^")

  15. yeah i like him when he played as Izaki in Crows Zero . totally badass highschool gangster
    I recommend that movie for you who haven't watched it :) *shinfo*

  16. that's not called "having the balls", moreso just being an idiot. or just having one of those "in the moment" spur things.

    we all complain, but there's a difference between what idols can say and what citizens/netizens can say.

    and besides, k-drama is everywhere. chinese tv these days has nothing but k-dramas AND j-dramas. do i go complaining about that? no.

  17. I've already said this guy is an idiot on 6theory. Yeah, I'll admit that too many Kpop groups are going to Japan at once. But guess what? I don't give a fuck. These are the same fuckers that took over Korea in 1910. These are the same fuckers that have games, anime and manga in Korea. So I feel no pity at all for Japanese people because they can choose to ignore Korean media. The Koreans 100 years ago didn't have the option to ignore the Japanese because the Japanese were too busy raping everyone.

  18. Here's a question. Why is it that K-pop loves to invade the Philippines?

  19. ^ i don't think kpop have invaded the Philippines... yet!

  20. It's just that, here in Manila, many K-pop groups have been dominating the local music charts. Asides from that, there's more and more K-pop fans showing up, and they aren't the sane type either.

  21. ^probably because the local music scene sucks?

  22. Sadly, that has been the case for quite some time. To make things worse, some even made P-pop (Philippine version of pop). The problem with P-pop is that there's already an existing genre of pop music here in the Philippines. Another reason is because many K-pop fans here in the Philippines are so damn rabid. If you've EVER been to Facebook around last year, you would have encountered someone like John Nelou Rabe.

  23. I didn't really mind kpop artists going to Japan when there were just a few of them. But now I see more&more and it's kind of wrong.However, I've seen some articles about that the Japanese agencies are the one invinting them to their country. If that's what they want...

  24. i think alot attitude toward this is more like they got sick of the hype of the hallyu wave + it's way too obvious they're just milking money. BoA and DBSK is big there and well respected but as soon as korea debut 10000 groups there and hyping it up, everyone start getting sick of it. i highly doubt some articles talking about J-companies inviting them there or talking about how T-ara and AS had 50k people wanting to go to their showcase. I think japanese can ignore them but only to a point when the news is talking about this group debuting monday and another on Tuesday. Not to mention it's normal to see so many koreans on TV and music shows and confuse as to what country you're in. i get what's he talking about but tbh..dude was kinda harsh with is statements.

  25. ^
    oh adding to that other comment, japan isn't xenophobic considering how much they mix marry. just...sometimes too much is too much. US artists go there to but they don't actually debut like kpop idols. it's expected for backlash when you're trying to force another culture down someone else throat

  26. If i was japanese i would be pissed too.
    Obviously they realize that the kpop groups are only there for money and dont actually respect Japan and its culture. (i.e. when Beast refused to wear traditional japanese clothing in a fashion show they were invited to).
    I would be saying the same shit, at least when european and american performers go to japan they embrace the culture as well :/

  27. Hey stupid, ignorant people.
    First of all KPOP is not "invading" Japan since JAPANESE PEOPLE CONTROL THEIR OWN MEDIA.


    What happens in Japan is controlled by JAPANESE PEOPLE, not KOREAN PEOPLE.

    You stupid, ignorant people need to seriously get that truth into your system before going on and on about STUPID SHIT YOU HAVE NO CLUE OVER.

  28. ^Hey anon-who-swears-alot, your ignorance is showing. You OBVIOUSLY have no idea about the article and your reading comprehension fails.

    Since K-pop is invading Japan, then Japan is fighting back. And yes, Vocaloids count.

    Check and mate.

  29. @Anon 4:13 Japan tried destroying Korea's culture so I feel no sympathy for the Japanese.

    @Anon 5:24 We have 3 Korean authors, one of them is the author of the article. So yes, we know the Japanese control their own media. Yes we know the Japanese CEOs want the Korean groups over there in Japan. But it ultimately comes down to the Korean CEO whether or not the groups debut in Japan.

  30. I agree with Anti Kpop-Fangirl
    If you anons knew your history, Korea was invaded by Japan and tried to destroy everything about Korea.
    They also tried to do the same with China, my grandparents tell me the stories their parents told them. People being executed for speaking up, women made into sex slaves for the army, everything in your house stolen or regarded as not yours because you are inferior to the Japanese race.
    Yet, i learn japanese and one day wish to go there :/

  31. People can't go on using that horrible past to hate on japan x)
    Those who did that are no longer alive so the actual japanese have nothing to do with it.
    Every country has its dark spot.

  32. If vengeance were to justify the Hallyu invasion, then it's not a way to justify the Hallyu invasion.

  33. ^I agree, it's too easy to hate on a country because of its past. I mean, should french people keep hating on german people because of WWII ? And should americans keep hating on english people because of the War of Independence etc. ? Every country has its history, some darker than others, but don't use it as a pretext to hate on people who aren't even responsible of what happened in the past.

  34. ^
    But Japan, for some reason, pretends it never happened, same with those islands, they assume its theirs because its there.

  35. ^ Wrong. The japanese government and its officials did recognize and apologize for the crimes committed by their country :


  36. It's not as big a deal as everyone's making it out to be. He was complaining about Korean dramas being shown too much on Japanese tv stations, which I understand, I guess. (Depends on what dramas they're airing.)

    The K-pop mania in Japan is going to die down in a year or so anyway. I get the feeling that Korean music companies can smell it coming, which is why everyone and their mama is trying to debut in Japan ASAP—without bothering to learn the most basic Japanese terms, too. Classy.

    If K-dramas were in such "huge" demand in Japan, SBS or one of the other major Koeran tv stations would've opened up a Japanese division just like they did for the US. Instead, shitty K-dramas are taking airtime that should belong to J-dramas.

    There's pretty much nothing wrong with being irritated at something being force-fed down an entire country's throat.

    When Japan gets sick of K-pop and K-dramas, they'll aim for the US next. Or they already are.


  37. What people don't seem to understand is that Sousuke Takaoka didn't bash koreans or the Hallyu itself, he critiziced the japanese medias (in particular Fuji TV) for their hypocrisy and bias and denounced the fact that japanese medias should focus more on what's going on in Japan (such as what's happening atm with the economic and nuclear crisis, the radiations etc.), instead of trying to distract the japanese's attention away from these problems by "force feeding" them korean dramas etc. If you watch morning news in Japan, it's almost only news abt the Hallyu, medias don't inform the population abt the nuclear risks, they talk about Kpop and k-dramas ! It's ridiculous !

  38. If Japan gets sick of Hallyu, then they'll go for their own pop music.

  39. @5:04-I think it was pretty clear that Takaoka was bashing the Hallyu. He said that he felt "offended," and that he turned the TV off whenever anything related to Korea was on. Anything. So not only dramas, but news or shows that could be talking about the Korean culture. Takaoka was being disrespectful to Koreans and their culture. Even if he felt that way, he could have kept it to himself. No one is force feeding the Japanese citizens. If they don't like Korean music or dramas, they don't have to watch/listen. I'm sure that the Japanese are well aware of the nuclear risks. But the news is there to talk about current events, and with all of the KPop groups debuting in Japan right now, that's probably why the news is covering the Hallyu.

  40. ^And the nuclear risks aren't current events ? Please, japanese medias are misinforming the japanese public, and the japanese government is lying about the risks and damages caused by the nuclear catastrophe. Japanese are being manipulated by the medias into thinking that everything is under control and that the situation isn't that severe. TEPCO and the government don't want to admit that they both screwed up. And seriously, what's more important, reporting abt kpop groups debuting in Japan or reporting abt what's really going on in, and because of, Fukushima ? I think the answer is obvious. And that's exactly what Sousuke Takaoka is pointing out.

  41. @3:59

    The government of Japan says that, but that doesn't mean that the people who live their entirely agree with them.
    I'm not hating on Japan, it has an interesting culture, history and fucking awesome food, and i want to actually go their and maybe live there for a while (if im not shunned at that point for looking like a south east asian) but instead of how americans think red-necks are dumb asses and try to teach people to not be racists or bigots, Japan doesn't seem to think that the Gaisenshya, telling people to get out of their country, not to breed with anyone non Japanese, and that every other race is inferior, and that they should go back to the Time periods of Samurai, are a big enough problem to be called on. Yes, they think they are annoying, embarrassing and should stop, but they have not done anything about.

    I am still not deterred on going to Japan however, i disregard all bad things and look at the bright side :D

    Anyway, you got to know, just because the guy saying this didn't do anything to korea, that didn't stop his great grandparents from doing it, passing on their racism and xenophobic behaviour to their children, and ultimately onto theirs.
    Of course not all Japanese people are like this. It is most likely the youth of Japan today are realising are silly their Parents or grandparents views of "Us-against-them" are and are probably different.

  42. Kpop fans have to realize that Japanese people actually buys the shit from the people they're stanning.

  43. koreans are just sucks and annoying..their songs n dramas are so lame..well takaoka i'll support u man..n can someone help me vanish koren wave in malaysia??

  44. It's fine if he doesn't like Korean culture. No one is forcing him to. He's just being a huge pussy about it. He's trying to defend himself in a bad way by saying "Oh, I meant to bash Fuji TV for not covering the nuclear disaster" when he really only wanted to bash the Hallyu. If he had kept with his original stance instead of turning into a pussy I'd actually have respect for his opinion, but I don't.

  45. theres a large demand for kpop in japan. they like it and they wanted more. so why not blame those japanese? LOL

  46. so whats the big deal hallyu isn't that big in japan anyway, its so overratted, they sells 100-200 k album a weeks and the media says they conquered japan, akb sells millions and they still just a tiny fragment of japanese music industry, whats really anoying is that k-pop groups and their grandmothers are all going to japan in bulk, well its their lost anyway,soon the japanese will fed up because of kpop overdose, and hallyu is dead.

  47. i just want to add something, why blame the japanese for what their ancestors did. are children responsible for their parents actions? are most citizens responsible for the actions of their government? just like any other country, there are both good and bad people.


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