Sunday, July 3, 2011

MV Review: 「I'm the Best」 - 2NE1

It appears I'm the only one here who actually likes 2NE1, so I hope you don't mind that I review their latest music video. I understand I'm a bit late as this video came out a while ago, but I have some time to kill in the airport before I head off back to Asia.

Now, I don't speak Korean fluently, but I have to say, these lyrics really got to me. When CL sang "bam barata ta ta, ta ta ta ta taaaa BEAT" and "no no no no, na na na na", I just about cried. It was beautiful. Those words were just oozing raw, powerful emotions. If you want to know the meaning of life, you listen, and you listen closely to those words.

So the music video starts with CL in some World Fighting Champion outfit, which to me, for some reason really made her look like the Shredder from The Ninja Turtles. Actually, that would make a lot of sense as her "rapping" kinda does sound like an angry, grown up man trying to kill 4 high turtles and an old rat in a Play-Boy mansion robe.

Then comes Park Bom walking a dog. Now, I know many of you here think she looks like a plastic, Daffy Duck. And I sorta have to agree that she doesn't really have a wide range of facial expressions (no, Bommie, blinking does not count as an emotion. And blinking faster doesn't change that fact). I, personally, thought she was actually kinda pretty in some angles. But then, when I saw her walking along with the poodle, I honestly thought they looked freakishly similar. Their beady little black eyes that seem to pierce your soul kinda freaked me out.

But that didn't scare me as much as CL in a straight jacket (that seemed actually kinda fitting for her). When she yells "I'm hot hot hot hot fire" though, those images actually gave me some nightmares. Please don't do that ever again. You're also the least good looking in the group, which puts some irony into you saying that line.

Now, YG, being the older gentleman he is going after his own hot young female idols, clearly knows how to promote his girls. Which can be fine, unless they are used as jail bait. I like Minzy, but that one outfit with the metal bra seems a little too sexual for such a young lady. Especially with her sexy dance moves, she should be creeped out by how many uncle fans she'll have thinking inappropriate things about her.

Also, Dara, that blue and pink alien hat is not cool. At all. Ever. On a scale of 1 to ugly, it ranks at about hideous. Be thankful though that it is slightly less repulsive than CL's devil hair.

Finally, you girls haven't gone platinum, so it is highly inaccurate that you guys can go around smashing glass showcases full of platinum records with 2NE1 written all over them. Tsk. That's a tad bit cocky, don't you think? I thought you girls were more humble than that. None of you have ever shown even the slightest bit of pride until that scene. I am disappointed.

But on a lighter note, I did quite enjoy the blind-folded taiko drummers.


  1. the song and mv aren't even worth reviewing. i can't believe anyone found the song even remotely decent

  2. It's nice to know that a writer in Anti Kpop Fangirl actually likes 2NE1. I don't get the hate for the girls from the comments I read in here.

    Also, am I the only one who finds Dara's attempt at aegyo is getting old and repulsive. WTF cares if I am anyway. It's repulsive and that's that.

  3. "so it is highly inaccurate that you guys can go around smashing glass showcases full of platinum records with 2NE1 written all over them" - from the mv director's perspective

  4. To Anon 12:42am:
    I think the writer was trying to be sarcastic. I think he/she was trying to make a joke by calling out that part of the MV specifically for making them seem really cocky, when the entire song is about them talking about how great they are. The title is even "I'm the Best".

  5. hahahah I was worried after i read
    "It appears I'm the only one here who actually likes 2NE1"
    that this would be kinda biased hahah but it wasnt.It was funny.
    2NE1 are one of those overrated kpop groups,along side their label mates.Even tho i like 2ne1 and i love CL i just dont think they are as good as some people say they are.I feel like people are hyping them up for the sake of hype and not because they are THE BEST.Thats really the problem with kpop has a whole.That is why im greatful for this blog because I dont have to ass munch my bias even if i dont like what they've released.This song itself isnt that great the vid is cool if you dont try and decipher the meaning behind each fucking take.CL in my biased eyes hahaha can do very little wrong hahahaha.I thought Min did great in this vid.Bom,fuck girl needs to get her money back from the "surgoen" who screwed with her face,she kinda ruins the vid for me,NO EXPRESSION.Dara trying to be hardcore and badass will never work hahaha she does this one sided -stroke victim- thing with her eye i just dont get it.I think thats her badass face.dunno..?

  6. i like the part when they were shooting guns they look like psychos O_O

  7. Someone who doesnt hate 2ne1 <3
    Thanks for the review, it was fun

  8. funny review, not so biased or anti-ish.
    some of the outfits are rather tacky but that's how 2ne1 style is though.
    I think rather than Fire, this song remind me of their Pretty Boy song idky

  9. 4Minute > 2ne1

  10. I don't know if i think this article was written with a lot of sarcasm....or if it was written with 100 percent honesty....

    but i'll tell you straight up, everything sucked from:

    1. the concept
    2. the MV
    3. the song
    4. the girls

    1. first off, why would you release a song that inflates your ego so much. and even if they did stuck with this concept, shouldn't the song be "we are the best" or maybe "we is the best" because from the looks of it, 2ne1 is just an american copycat joke.

    2. the mv is just as stupid as all their other videos. they try to mix in metal concepts with a touch of hip hop flavor. those outfits they wear are more suited for an all goth fest at a rock concert than a hip hop video. and the guns at the end are stupid as well.

    can anyone please PLEASE tell me why this mv isn't banned yet...

    3. the song is so bad...i mean the rattatatata part is so annoying...and the lyrics sounds like they are trying to imitate a pokemon sound; you know what i'm talking about. they have the audacity to promote this song, while a better song in everyone's opinion, "lonely" got shoved to the side.

    4. the girls are are just fugly plain and simple. i can't even comprehend why they have this many fans. i have a feeling it's because they collabed with big bang and are under yg and has been sucking on their things ever since they've debuted.

    next time, i'll talk about this piece of work that is YG himself.

    *ends rant*

  11. I'm not digging the song and MV at first. But as time goes by, it's pretty good. Then, after awhile, I kinda get sick of the song. Park Bom scares me, because she looks more and more plastic as days gone by. I think she looks alright before plastic surgery. Now it's just, freaky.

  12. I don't think Minzy has to worry about uncle fans. I'm pretty sure most males just avoid 2ne1 altogether.

  13. love the review, hope you do more in the future! n_n

  14. I love CL, just not her hairstyles (Her hair was really pretty in 'Lonely' ^^)or her autotuned voice. When CL talks in english, it sounds croaky like a frog xD

  15. I have no idea where people get the idea that 2NE1 is cocky. They don't write their songs or their lyrics, so you can't use that as "evidence" of their cockiness.

    The parts where they were shooting the pyramid were cool. And I appreciated Bom singing in her natural register. It sounds less strained than usual. That's about it...

    Please don't confuse the Blackjack's ignorance/arrogance as 2NE1 themselves being cocky.

  16. "...made her look like the Shredder from The Ninja Turtles."


  17. I'm glad some people have sense. I don't get why so many people love 2NE1 and this crazy shit they do. It's just not cool to me.

  18. @ Kommienezuspadt:
    Oh don't get me wrong. I don't actually think 2NE1 is cocky. I genuinely like them. It was meant to be a sarcastic joke considering the song is called "I'm the Best". =)

    @ 7:36
    I felt the same at first too. I did not enjoy the song. Then it was stuck in my head =___="

    @ Nikita
    Thankies! I'll try. =D

  19. THANK YOU for doing the review. i was wondering how long i'd have to put it off for xP

    procrastinating does have its merits haha

  20. omg this is horrible.

  21. "bam barata ta ta, ta ta ta ta taaaa BEAT" and "no no no no, na na na na" HOW MEANINGFUL .... NOT!

    And honey, believe me, the uncle fans will not have time to think about "it" when they see Minzy. The uncle fans are busy going to the bathroom... to BARF at her derp face...

  22. ^ dude are you stupid. she was being sarcastic.

  23. and they wouldn't be barfing if they were fans either lol.

    wow. the intelligence level of people these days...

  24. Hey blackbeltbaybee! Haha sorry I took the review from you~ I know how much you wanted to do it, but I couldn't contain myself. Sorry again!

  25. @blackbeltbaybee: I believe fans are still human. And human know how to barf when they see ugly creatures tainting their precious eyes.

  26. ^my point being , they wouldn't be fans then. >_>

    and @Shin-B: yeah i was pretty disappointed , dude. why would you hurt me like that ? i had to go console myself by reviewing Bubble Pop xO

  27. the only thing I'll take from this is video that minzy wore chain mail

  28. When I first had a listen I had a complete WTF moment, absolutely hated it with passion. Then I saw the life performance & I was blown away. The choreo, the stage presence & the energy yup that's what I liked. So imo, welcome back 2NE1. Plus this song was intended to be a club banger anyway so I wasn't expecting a masterpiece. Imo, this is 100 x better than Go Away, CYH & Can't Nobody. Those 3 title tracks were horrible although CN's instrumental was boss.

  29. I'm not a 2NE1 anti. They just haven't put out a song that I thought was worth listening to since 2009.

  30. IMO this song was as bad as Bom's plastic surgery.

  31. @Shin-B: I directed that comment more towards Anon @5:19 and their novel; but I realized that a lot of people commenting here truly think that 2NE1 is made up of 4 cocky bitches. -_-

    @Suckmydee: YES. Sooo much better than that abomination that was CYH and Can't Nobody. The performance and MV brought the song to life.

    I'd take this shallow club banger song over 2PM's pathetic attempt at it (coughHandsUpcoughElectricitycough).

  32. i dont think that it is cocky at all...first of all it is not them who decide on how the mv look like...it is the director who decide it...btw calling urself the 2ne1 fan is so sick...support them not bashing...cl hair is the best...they are different but they are not wrong....i luv the for having their own identity...even if it is unique or weird for u...that wat make it interesting...

  33. ^ lol the whole point of the site is to be able to make fun of the idol groups the author likes. The author is just pointing out the things they dont like of the MV, but that doesn't mean they hate the group. It even says at the beginning that they like 2NE1. Also, if you knew what sarcasm was, then maybe you could understand this entire post.

  34. Yay! The song is a bit off. Can't Nobody is much better. But yeah, 2NE1 is the best Korean girl group. At least, they have talent and don't act cute.

  35. I don't get all the hater for 2ne1. They are not worse than any other girl groups they have their flaws too. Don't focus on just that.

    Nice review. I found this mv really weird. The worst they've ever done for me. But I like bom appearance with the dog though xD
    Devil cl freaked the hell out of me. She was really scary I almost threw my computer because of the shock. And dara shouldn't act bad ass when she sings like a 5 year old girl(--> aiming at her first part) and her alien hat was a big NO.
    I really like minzy hair color =)


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