Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Only posting this because an anon won't shut up about it

Look, I don't really give a shit about Hara and Junhyung dating. I don't give a shit about the school calling in either.

"omg i'm laughing so hard rn.."

"wow children, breathe, cry me a river.. and MOVE ON. -_-' if you cry over something as petty as this, how do you expect celebrities to live their lives too?"

"I find it hilarious imagining seeing elementary kids crying jus because of this news.."

"this is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard but so damn great HAHAHAHAHHAHA"

"LOL wooow, some people are really into their idols....O.o"

Yes, these people on allkpop are laughing at little kids. That's not the sad part. The AKPers indirectly laughing at themselves because they act the same fucking way. They go apeshit when there's news/rumors of their oppas dating. While the AKPers are laughing at the kids, I'm laughing at the irony.


  1. Oh yes, the irony is lost to those delusioned people.
    That was the first thing I thought of.

  2. Doesn't this count as taking a request? :P

  3. I was going to write about it eventually.

  4. I....... Can't hear the laughter anymore..... World so dark and full of crazy batshit fangurls.

  5. yay you finally took my request...um...i really don't have anything to say about this anymore..

    better luck tomorrow =)

  6. actually...i'm just whaiting for the girl's day MV just like you are, and can't wait to fap

  7. I personally wouldn't give a fuck if my favourite idol was dating. I'd actually hope for sex tapes.

  8. wouldn't the irony only apply if 100% of the laughing party were the ones going apeshit over news/rumors? thats impossible due to one reason: akp's population isn't 100% female

  9. A general note: you guys have become haters for the sake of hating. You get as worked up about hating what these idols do as stans get about loving what these idols do.
    I see no difference between you guys hating on one end and stans obsessing on the other.
    Some writers are no better than the trolls on allkpop or the forums and all they do is feed trolls and make them feel like what they do is justified.
    Whatever you intended this site for when you started it has become terribly warped and worst of all because most of the writers are little more than trolls all of the good arguments some of you make are ignored as being nothing more than pathetic hating.
    I know you say you hate fangirls/boys but most of your articles seem to be about how much you hate an idol or their song, which is fine, its your opinion but don't think you're any better than the people you make fun of, because you aren't.
    How is that for irony and hypocrisy?

  10. @anon 7:13

    shutup and leave if you dont like what you see

  11. Wow wow wow. Such a thoughtful entry O.O

  12. AKP is full of losers anyways. I hate when they wanna bring the fucking oppa and unnie shit and spam about random shit like what they had for dinner when no one curr. Everyone's a butthurt troll or hater if they don't like a song.

  13. The thing that really had me going O_O was that the elementary school actually called CUBE and bitched about it.

    Calling CUBE and blaming them for releasing that news ain't gonna stop the kids (and fangirls) from crying. SMH.

  14. the irony is that those laughing are constantly reading and obsessing about you know, another person. maybe these hollow people need news like that to feel "normal" or sumthing

  15. holy shit this is fascinating. someone link me

  16. I wasn't sure where else to put this, but I found your blog from a post you made about "Manber" on AllkPop and it's refreshingly funny after all the comments I see about how Amber is so cute, it's horrible that Bekah is leaving, or how pretty X is without makeup on.

  17. Amber is cute!? What on earth were they even thinking when they said that!?

  18. MAMBER IS CUTE??!!! WTF??!!

  19. The whole call thing is really funny. That's all.

    I'm waiting for the CSJH review. LOL

    Btw,what the hell is this "Mamber is cute" shit? I hope the anon who said it was trolling...
    Ok. I don't care at all.

  20. I wasn't saying that Amber is cute. I was saying that there's all these comments about how Amber is cute on f(x)'s Youtube videos.

  21. I was referring to the Youtube comments as well as those found on FaceBook pages. Seriously, what on earth were they smoking when that monstrous excuse of an idea though entered their skulls?

    Yes, I don't like Manber. Calling her "cute" is already an insult to the word "cute"!


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