Sunday, July 31, 2011

Teen Top CAN sing and dance at the same damn time.

We showed a bad Teen Top performance, now here's a good performance.

And just so you know, this was their first DEBUT stage. Pretty good for a bunch of tweens.
For me, they're good enough (though I miss their "Clap" image over the "Don't Spray Perfume" stuff).
And if I hear girl groups yappin' about "Oppa!" all the time I don't mind boybands singing "Noona!" songs.
Just making this post for the Teen Top fans who wanted someone to back them up (btw, to those fans, why don't you just COMMENT on the articles???)


  1. We're apologizing because of fangirls crying? WTF is this?

    I also didn't hear any real singing in that, just a bunch of sing-ish talking and they were obviously lipsyncing 1/3 of the time and went off-tune in the last 1/4 of the song.

    These shitty 2PM wannabes need to go get lessons from GP Basic.

  2. ^nope. this site isn't apologizing. I'M just trying to give another side.

    1. they only lipsynched during "crab(lol) man" and the "cra-cra-crazy" was actually sung live by changjo. so it's more like they lipsynched 1/5 of the song.
    2. Niel at the end. yeah. but once again. debut stage. i'll let it slide. must i bring up Girls Day's debut song/performance?
    3. I like GP Basic but most of their songs are "rap" parts.

    sorry booboo, but i can name way shittier bands that need more hate :P. *cough*chichi&HITT'shorribleadblibs*cough*

  3. ^lol that comment was directed towards ajusshi :P.
    also, since you're probably the writer i get to talk to least, is there any idol boyband group you DO like :)?

  4. its her right to defend teen top just like it was that guy's right to bash them :P

    on that note, i think teen top is really talented and i like their clap days the best

  5. Sometimes i get mistaken if some people writing articles are just being mean or saying the truth.
    I think they have potential, but maybe that perfume song was not the way to show people what they got.
    This isn't good, but its not shit.

  6. Girl's Day actually sang loud and clear on their debut stage. They had a shitty song/concept and were made to wave their mics as they sang into them, which is an idiotic move on their agency's part, but they handled it pretty well. They also followed up with How Do I Look, a Davichi-esque song they did very well. Teen Top has continued to do nothing but suck since their debut. Despite heavy rapping, GP Basic still has more singing than Teen Top and everything they do is generally 5x better.

    Boybands I like? Dalmatian, Shinee, Beast, and then once in a while 2PM or Super Junior is okay. MBLAQ would be okay if they weren't so damned effeminate in every aspect. Big Bang would be good if GD weren't there shitting on every song. Infinite would be good if all of them weren't so nasal.

  7. lol GP Basic does 2x as much sing talking as Teen Top, and even then they sound even shittier.

  8. Don't fool yourself http://youtu.be/PedLov0_44w

    Kids that young usually annoy the fuck out of me. I have no reason to show them undue favor, the quality is just there. If you don't hear it, I recommend a visit to the doctor.

  9. ^
    I was going to defend them but If you like shinee then Im fine <3 lol

  10. "its her right to defend teen top just like it was that guy's right to bash them :P"

    Why I gotta be a dude, yo?

    I don't see what the point is in trying to refute my article when I was basing it off of one performance. Also I'm still not impressed. And I still don't really like them.

  11. ^Ha. that's okay. You were bashing it off ONE performance and i'm giving a little praise off ONE performance.

    And everyone can be as "unimpressed" as they want. just wanted to give another example of their performance, one on the "better" side as far as Teen Top goes.

  12. Friglet, shut up.

  13. ^

  14. I actually kind of like this song and their music isn't too bad but I think infinite's new song Be Mine is flawless and their live stages a little more consistent tbh.

  15. lol niel sings the whole song, so it's not TEEN TOP can sing and dance at the same time, it's NIEL can sing and dance at the same time.

  16. Wait, did someone here say something like ''HITT's adlibs are horrible''?...<.<
    HITT's adlibs aren't horrible, if Juntaek's voice doesn't crack.



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