Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Where are these girls now?

Yeah, my first post is SNSD-related...

Someone better teach these girls how to dance and sing like this again. or at least tell their company to get better composers, not buy songs from foreigners and write korean lyrics for said song.

I really dont believe people who say that these girls evolved, improved, and grew through the years.

My crappy first post ends here.


  1. ITNW Remix is their best song ever.

  2. I miss Tiffany's old face T^T

  3. you'll get better at it. hopefully.

  4. Gee happened. That set their career in that direction.

    Too bad this was almost 4 years ago. THIS was the SNSD that I liked. Their lives of this song were pretty good.

    The writer of ITNW is Kenzie.
    He/She? also wrote: SNSD - Way to Go!
    SNSD - Oh!
    SNSD - Mistake
    SNSD - Girlfriend
    CSJH - One More Chance

  5. davidfresh is absolutely correct. After INTW, there choreography and musical quality has consistently went downhill from there.

  6. This song is what a debut song should be like: Strong and shows that you can (mostly sing) and dance.

  7. Wow SNSD without high heels eh?

  8. Where's the effort and passion that they used to have?

  9. ^
    Money makes the world go round.

  10. where's the effort and passion i used to get from authors here =/

  11. @Anon 7:57

    My favorite songs are in there.


  12. SME doesn't know what original songs are.

  13. as much as i like the old snsd, admitedly the new snsd is more SUCCESSFUL, more RENOWNED, and arguably/easily stated as the best korean girl group of all time (as of now) and thats honestly all that matters for the company.


  14. @7:55
    hopefully, LOL

    so true, all their songs after this are cringe-worthy...

  15. You guys are recruiting people who can't even be bothered with basic grammar? If I'm reading an article I want it to be well written, not for it to look like an aim conversation with a friend.

  16. Anon kenzie didn't write Mistake, Yuri did.

  17. @8:27
    care to point out any grammar errors? i'd like some constructive criticism please.

    as for this article being like an aim conversation, i was aiming for that. that was why i didn't use the word article to refer to the post.

  18. lulz I think anon wants you to capitalize things.

  19. @anon 8:32 I think she only did the lyrics and that dude did the rest? iunno

    I went to their concert and they did this flawlessly but SM needs his cash cows. Such a tragic story.

  20. I think the fact they weren't singing there helped them dance harder.

  21. ^
    Well, they still performed it flawlessly live.

    Anyway, a couple members have legitimately improved since ITNW. Though I do wish they'd go back to good music. Their last great Korean song was Genie, and even then it was a bought song, rather then SM actually using their own producers.

    Still, they could never do this without rest. They're so overworked these days they'd probably drop dead if they tried another ITNW-esque comeback.

  22. Who care about grammar. This isn't some professional blog. I came here to see some creative trolls and spits of insults on the kpop universe.

    My problem lately has been more about everyone writing essays on what's wrong with fangirls. Mainly things we already know. So I guess what I'm saying is that what you guys consider lazy writing is what I like.

  23. ^ We had so many people complain that we weren't writing about fangirls enough and that we spent too much time focusing on Kpop itself.

    Whatever. We stopped trying to please everyone because no matter what we do someone doesn't like it.

  24. Sone's use this song as justification for why SNSD's newer songs don't suck. While I agree that this song is good, it's not enough of a reason to like SNSD.

    They've changed and evolved... into nine plastic dolls who only know how to do aegyo on stage.

  25. "My problem lately has been more about everyone writing essays on what's wrong with fangirls."

    Please refer to the name of the blog.
    I may be new but I know that this blog was started because of what's wrong with fangirls. Then it branched out into other types of posts because just writing about fangirls doesn't give you enough to work with for a fully functional blog. The new authors are stating a little bit about their views on fangirls which makes sense because that's why everyone is here in the first place. I'm sure in the future there will be articles that will please some and anger many. No one is here trying desperately to please readers, we're here because if you post these things anywhere else you'll get nonstop shit for it. This place is supposed to be where you can share opinions and articles without having to deal with rabid fangirls.

    If you don't like it, no one curr.

    I think that should be some sort of official rule here.

    /rant over n__n

  26. I made a mistake. When I looked at the album again, Kenzie only arranged "Mistake". They didn't compose it.

    @ 8:32 PM
    Yuri wrote only the lyrics. It was Tiffany vs. Yuri for whose lyrics would be used and Yuri won.

  27. as much as i miss this old snsd,especially tiffany,i guess we can't stop their development.well...i actually feel a bit sad everytime i hear this song.

  28. Their live performances were so energetic back then.

  29. you know why they arent as energetic or as exciting as before, its because compared to before, they had huge amounts of stamina because they arent trying to stay ultra fit as they are now. Also, its basically their coming out year, when you get popular your enthusiasm to do better after the next just dies out slowly until there is that certain spark that charges up that old energetic self.

    Also....old Tiff>everybody in kpop (mostly :P )

  30. I don't follow SNSD that closely. What is the difference between old and new Tiffany? Did she just get skinnier?

  31. well tiffany is my ultimate bias.i adore her so much even now.well she used to have this cute image,bubbly short-haired teenage girl look.and very charismatic..i don't know.there's just something about the old tiffany that's really attractive.i can't help but love and miss the old her so much.

  32. Capitalization. Everyone else can make their posts look neat, well written, and organized. Why can't you? Such an eye sore.

  33. capitalization is so 2006
    stylized syntax ftw

    also isn't it ironic that they had the most antis when they sang these good songs?

  34. Pre-anorexic Jessica! She had legit boobs wow. But now SM is trying to turn them into elegant mature ladies but shit aint working.

  35. ugh capitalization.yeah well..they don't deserve those haters.and damn SM.

  36. I admit I do like some SNSD songs (gee, oh, RDR, and HOOT), but overall I like other groups better because they seem less manufactured and fake. SNSD always just gives me a fake vibe and I'm not sure why.

    However, I do love Tiffany, Sunny, Taeyeon, Seohyun,and Sooyoung

    The rest I'm kind of MEH about. MEH!

  37. SME won't be wasting money just to get good composers or buy good songs just to please the fans because basically SME knew that whatever song they give to SNSD will become an instant hit.

  38. 10:19 - She had short hair, appeared on every variety show possible with that adorable eye-smile; she was the heartthrob of every male back then (including me).

  39. Lol, I googled the term "eye-smile," clicked the first link, and there was Tiffany. She does have nice eyes.

  40. In what form was INTW (remix) released? I've never heard it before and I don't see it on any of their album tracklists.

  41. ^It was released digitally. They started using it after ITNW promotions were over, probably for diversity's sake, during concerts or any other special performances.

  42. I didn't know snsd could perform so well, this makes their recent performances look like they were roofied beforehand.

  43. where are they now? currently taking off their clothes and dancing on poles for fans in japan, more or less.

    man, tiffany looked great with short hair. her charming innocence made it so easy to be enraptured by her... well, times change!

  44. Err they weren;t singing live in this, were they? Anyway it's good to see how they can dance energetically. Starting from Gee their dances are always sexy or cute or sexy and cute. boring

  45. I prefer their latest album a lot more though. Really liked the genre shift they pulled off, and it's much more in line with the girls' taste themselves.

    And whatever SM is doing, it's working. Don't hate the players, hate the game.

  46. bassfreak, this is why I emailed you. I don't want half of the comments in your posts/articles to be about your capitalization.

  47. I miss the old SNSD. Sica, Fany and Yuri were really sexy. And that was truly legit. Now they're getting thinner and thinner and thinner.

  48. July 20 8;18

    The best korean group? In terms of what?
    Talent? No

    Looks? I know a lot of groups that look better than them

    Energetic and memorable performance? No

    Then what?

    In terms of popularity and domination coughandoverratedcough?

    If you define that as being the best cause of you dominate, then thats up to you.
    I bet a shitload of people would disagree.

  49. ^ have you ever watched entourage? there's this scene where the main actor, who plays a movie actor in the show, asks his agent, "Do you think I'm a good actor?" and his agent replies, "I didn't sign you cuz I thought you could act. I signed you because I thought you were a movie star."

    it's all about image and perception, deserved or otherwise. sm's mad marketing doesn't hurt either. neither does the fact that I would rob a bank if certain members asked me nicely (or even casually)

  50. ^
    typical fangirl's comment.

  51. Complex choreography is cool and all, but who you trying to impress? We KNOW SNSD can perform complex choreography, like in many of their special stages, but simple and effective choreography that can be easily followed by fans is much more conducive to the success of a song.

    Gee wouldn't have been the same with the microphone dance or the crab leg dance. Similarly, TMYW's hacky sack dance and mule kick dance, Hoot's arrow dance, RDR's running dance, etc. makes those songs quite memorable. You want to imitate the choreography while you're listening to the song.

    Also, Tiffany just grew up. If she wanted to fix something, she should've fixed her biggish nose. As it is, I'm very happy with how she matured. She is SO hot nowadays.

  52. ^ Tiffany looks like like Minkyung from Davichi now imo.

    @10:45 WTF did happen to Jessica? She used to have thunder thighs to rival Hyo's and now she is a fucking toothpick. I mean she played soccer ffs. I ain't buying it. She also had the biggest boobs too. Shame because her, Yuri, and Fany used to have the nicest bods. Now they give Sooyoung a run for her money on who looks like they starve the longest :/

  53. ugh~ old SNSD...i used to be their fan but then they went to shit and start being faker.....not to mention Tiffany face keep getting more surgery. i can't even recognize her anymore.

  54. 9:57
    Does that makes them the best?
    No, not in my opinion.

    12:48 Typical butthurt fan comment.

  55. ^typical response from fangirl LOL

  56. ^
    Is that all butthurt fans can come op with?
    "Typical response from a fangirl"
    LOL try harder cause it certantly looks like I touch you somewhere

  57. I'd rather one decent set of promotions a year instead of two shitty ones....

  58. imo after Hoot SNSD's songs became...i dont know. I stopped liking their songs after hoot.

  59. this is the best era for snsd.other are just blehhhhh~
    oh and if they continue being like ITNW time,i would totally be their fan.
    but whats done is done


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