Thursday, August 18, 2011

Chocolat Syndrome MV

Shit fucking sucks. Groups like this is like the oxygen for this blog. Notice how only two of the girls get close ups? And they're both half Korean. The one that gets 95% of the screen time is okay, but the other chick who gets a lot of screen time is fugly.

Only good part of the song is when the song slows down and the blond chick sings. You know, I feel bad for her. She's not the greatest singer, but she could be a #2 vocalist in a real group instead of being in an idol group where the group is trying to get popular through a gimmick. Half Koreans are people too, not gimmicks. So for those of you who just thought I was an application created just to shit on fangirls and bad Kpop songs, I'm sorry, but I am human.

This song sucks, this group sucks, and I hope the blond chick has a backup plan since this group won't last two years.

And for the love of God put a mask/paper bag over that half Korean girl with the big nose. She looks like a damn dude.


  1. There are so many Chocolat threads already on 6Theory that it's insane. They already have people defending their right to fucking suck at singing so the gimmick is obviously working.

    Apparently, everyone who calls them out on their bullshit and apparent conceit is just a "hater" and are "not fairly judging them"....the fuck? They suck shit and that's that.

    They are gonna be playing the race/looks card every chance they get. "Boo-hoo, everyone hates us cause we are bi-racial/everyone is jealous of our good bi-racial looks."

    damned if you do. Damned if you don't.

  2. Hopefully you don't watch their live debut perf.
    You'll probably start laughing out of your ass at how much it sucked.

  3. I am now tempted to watch their live performance now.

  4. like 11:27 said, they're surprisingly popular with international fans
    i don't get why though. the song is so generic and international fans usually just blindly hate rookies without reason because the group could one day in the far far far distant future be a threat to their oppas

  5. I'm an international fan of kpop and I think they suck ass.

    I hope other international fans aren't our there tarnishing our good name for this shit...

  6. its because delusional as fuck little white girls think they have a chance at becoming an idol now that half white chicks are doing it. They don't care that this shit is garbage

  7. 1) I really feel bad for Jaeyoon. 2) Juliane has a BOOTY.

  8. @12:26 That comment is priceless!

    Thank you! That shit it so true... they are nut sack crazy....

  9. @12:26

    OMG, you took the words right out of my mouth!

    But I think Juliane (and maybe Soa) are pretty though. But Tia, is fucking annoying me already.

    LMFAO I just watched the live version, and the majority (if not all) of the audience seemed too not give a shit about them.

  10. I just see Leeteuk, Heechul, and G-Dragon lining up too take one of the half breeds.

    Leeteuk, because he is a pedo.

    Heechul, because he likes younger (really young) girls, and is a pedo.

    G-Dragon, because he likes half white bitches.

  11. @12:26 That can be applied to Block B and just about every other sucky new group international fans fawn over.

    This is furthering my theory that international fans are predominately white chicks with self-identity issues.

  12. damn! Just watched the live. They should have trained longer and really focused on showcasing talent and let others bring up their race.

    omg, I guess we know the vibe they get in Korea. That crowd was not feelin' it. Not even slightly. I thought they were performing in NK or something.
    Sorry to say but these girls are gonna crack. They don't seem strong enough to handle the responces they're guna get. Unless they just stick to only checking inter. Forums than they may get they're feelings spared.

  13. You could literally smell the fear coming from all of the members during their live performance. It was beautiful.

    Too much aegyo, not enough talent.

  14. I don't know any of them, so which one is the "half Korean girl with a big nose" author was talking about? hahaha

  15. ^ Look at the article posted before this one. The picture says it all. :X

  16. @3:28

    I believe it's Melanie. She has wavy short hair.

    Around 0:07 in the video, and so on. Ain't hard to find, they pretty much only show two girls in the vid.

  17. the thing is.
    the amount of criticism this group gets is redic overboard. You know there are worse groups with shittier songs and uglier girls. The hate the get is honestly fueling their shit, because it seems like if you aren't throwing shade at them, you are apathetic.

  18. Their MR removed stage would be just a whole entire article. Looks like the girls are taking the CHI CHI route by telling everyone they're the most talented precious little girls and then not singing live whatsoever. And like one anon said, their fans are using the race card too, when nobody actually gives a shit about their race, it's the fact that they're using it to promote themselves while having as much talent as a table.

  19. It wasn't that terrible although it's not really my taste (it's just generic as hell). And about the MR, suju used to take a lot of shit for miming 90% of the time during performances during their rookie days from the public (which is part of the reason they are still forever irrelevant and most people have that idgaf attitude about them)and yet people still love them and their shit songs. Miss A mimes a lot, SNSD's hoot was shit and yet they don't get bashed this much, A Pink had a boring and awful debut song too yet people ate that shiy up because they are from cube.

    Being half-Korean, I can see why they are stressing the bi-racial to Korea because when I travel there for the summer, you deal with the occasional stares and people next to you talking about how you are not a true korean because they think you don't understand or they don't care. It might not be a big deal to you international people, but to Korea it's not the same. Have you read some of the shit koreans have been saying about them, it's not nice and a lot of it is about them being a "half-breed". I'm not saying you have to like them ( I don't really) but cut them some fucking slack because if they were "pure" or came from a big company, I doubt they'd be judged so harshly.

  20. ^
    I think most people here are judging them on their awful debut song and that "we're natural beauties" shit when about 4 out of 5 girls are fugly.

  21. Isn't it kinda rude that the few shots of the other 3 are like blurred by crappy lens effects?

    I kinda like the song. I like how it has kinda girly vocals over a heavier, less used club beat, but I can't help but feel like if they had more vocal control it'd make better use of the beat. Overall, I think they're a bit too young and undertrained to perform this song with any sense of urgency or tension, which I think the beat kinda calls for.

    Choreography is a bit unusual, but well performed too.

  22. i love this group<3

  23. LOL more and more bands like this are debuting and talented bands are disbanding . what's happening to kpop ....

  24. After watching MR removed version : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0VZ8B5NCD8

    I come to conclusion that this group has no talent nor looks. What a waste group.

  25. I'm not a hater, but the song, members, and group as a whole is not sticking to me. Watching the "member introduction" doesn't help a bit. I dare you guys to watch it =_="

  26. f(x) wanna be? at least Chi-Chi has good songs while their looks and talent might suck. the song is just bad, and the girls are fugly.

  27. @Anon 9:23

    I'm half Korean myself. Am I happy that some half Koreans are finally debuting in groups? Yes, because I thought it'd be another 20 years before any half Korean would be in a group. Am I happy that they're promoting just the half Korean girls (when the two pure Korean girls are the only ones who deserve to be in a music group)? No. It's just giving a bad name to half Koreans. They only got in this group through a gimmick instead of actually having some singing or dancing talent.

  28. the half koreans actually do have talent (at least tia and melanie did not lip-sync). and they sure have the looks<3


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