Monday, August 29, 2011

Elfs never fail to amuse me.

Elfs...why you so retarded?
Get off Suju's dick for once yo.
Heechul likes dick, not pussy. Get real, come on now. His mangina likes getting serviced during Suju's epic orgies by the dozen (isn't that one of your x-rated fantasies in those creepy fanfics?)
We all know that he's going to drop the soap on purpose when his army stint commences.

Dear Elfs, stick to working for santa and perving on kids bulk-buying Suju's shitty repackaged albums so that they win at those crappy year end awards that everyone cares about so fucking much. We just really want you bitches to quit whining about SNSD owning their pathetic asses at GDA, this shit ain't cute.


  1. Elfs are cray-crays; what else is new?. SNSD is just a natural target for them because the bitches earn better than their oppars.

  2. They're both shit imo, but that is NOT okay. When will people see that suju is fug is fuck and have shit personalities to match. The korean is public is smart enough to not give a fuck about them (and having crazy 12 year olds who buy 50 of those crappy albums is not the public) so why the hell are their fans so dumb? I don't get it...

  3. ELFs have killer instincts. Didn't they practically kill one of their own a few years back?

  4. @ 7:45 Word. Elfs are batshit crazy. Good thing them crazies have yet to think of strapping themselves to a bomb and attending one of SNSD’s concert, though I wouldn't be surprised if something happens like that in the future.



  5. ^^^^ holy shit i just read that and that is fucking terrible!!!!!!

  6. Elfs are like.. the new Cassies. The unhinged obsessive and craaaaycray oppar-ism

  7. It amuses me how you guys insult a whole shitload but always never get the right facts. ELF is ever lasting friends, learn some proper grammer yo dick. And practically all fans are like this now lmfao, even us, sones.

  8. LOL all fandoms are like this

  9. look, all fan clubs have the crazies, Except us Kamilias , we never harm *Innocent face.

    But seriously, Sones brought knives to a concert and threatened people. The elfs have their :/ well, obviously this thread is towards them.
    There was even that Korean Diadem who beat up a girl because she didn't like T-ara :/

  10. ^Also, Every group needs a yoseob to tell his fans to SHUT THE FUCK UP

  11. @7:35
    you jelly bro?

  12. @7:35 What the fuck are you on about?! No seriously. Unless by grammer you actually mean spelling, then I suggest you look at your own post first.


  13. lol coming from a gorup that keeps mentioning "why didn't leeteuk just die?" you whining about this things doesn't mean a thing to me.

    also for whoever this girl is, is fucking retarded. how can you hate someone so much that you've never even met. I DON'T GET IT!

  14. I can easily pretend to be a fandom and bash on another fandom, and I can read Chinese, it never says she's an elf, it just says she's a resident of Suju's mental hospital, which means she's mocking them, get yo facts right.

  15. wow, chinese elfs are hardcore. bitches are crazy.

  16. You cut me deep deelicious real deep!
    We work hard when bulk buying *must admit i havent legally obtained any of suju's songs,or any kpop songs for that matter,dont judge me*
    We make petitions on twitter,facebook and on forums informing other elfs how and when to buy to make sure that our oppars win,which is more than what any other fandom does.

  17. @10:07
    that basically means that shes a hardcore elf. if you couldnt get that you should read chinese more...

  18. They should just have Sooyoung killed, you know?

  19. waiting until suju loses daesang for the second time in a row so elfs can cry more

  20. @4:39
    well, the korean public really doesn't care. SuJu has their diehard fans, but they've never been able to expand very much as a group beyond their fandom. They'll never be as popular as HOT or TVXQ and pales in comparison to SNSD.

  21. Crazy scary ppl O_O

  22. @ 10:07

    Here, figure it out yourself.





  23. ELFs are mad that Sooyoung is getting late night "visits" from their oppas

  24. You're just biased towards elfs. Yup, every fandom has their own crazies.

  25. ELF and other so-called netizens...get a live..!


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