Monday, August 8, 2011

Fucking double standards.

KBS airs a drama that focuses on lesbians and all hell breaks loose, leading to comments such as: "It'll negatively influence the youth/public!" and "This drama is a crime against humanity!"

Excuse me, but what the actual fuck.

First of all, what exactly are these negative influences that they speak of? Do they think that people will suddenly go gay after watching this drama? Unless there's something seriously wrong with them, people don't usually make a life choice based on ONE encounter. If they come out of the closet after watching the drama, they are almost guaranteed to have already been gay and either didn't know it or were afraid to come out. You aren't completely straight for your entire life and suddenly watch some drama and start falling all over yourselves to go hump another chick (or dude, whichever the case may be).

For another, wow, I didn't realize that the truth had so many people butthurt. A crime against humanity? Are lesbians not humans as well? They're entitled to their damn rights just like everybody else, regardless of who they're fucking. I don't give a damn to all you dipshits out there that are spewing your religious shit about "God creating women simply to bear children" and "God stated that the only couple that could exist would be man and woman." How many of you have sex for the sole purpose of procreating? Yeah, that's what I thought. You have sex because it fucking feels good, and if chicks/dudes wanna go down on other chicks/dudes, then let them go ahead and do whatever feels good. Who do you think you are, God's personal fucking moral officers? And yeah, bashing and ridiculing other people definitely makes you a star to your damn God's eyes (if you haven't figured it out, I'm atheist). Hypocrisy city.

Not to mention that there are plenty of gay dramas out there, and by now you don't hear a peep against them. And think about it, do you like fanservice? Bromances between your favorite members of 2PM and shit? Ever seen The Coffee Prince or You're Beautiful(?)? They have gay storylines, and half you shitheads don't even realize it. It doesn't fucking matter if the 'new guy' is actually a girl; the characters don't know it and fall for the kid that they think is a guy. So they're fucking gay. It's amazing how many people don't think about that, and then turn around and bash gay couples for being 'unnatural' or whatever.

I say hats off to whoever thought of making this drama, it's about time this shit went down. To the ignorant wankers (especially whoever wrote the comments that I discussed) that actively opposed the content, I hope you get ass-raped by another member of your gender for the rest of eternity when you go to hell.

Damn, I'd write more but I'm seething right now. To answer the "UMAD"s that are almost certainly popping up in your heads, hell yeah I'm mad.


  1. Fuck dykes and fags. Hyoyeon is beautiful.

  2. Agree completely.

    But maybe i also have double standard or sth. I feel ok with gay/lesbian couples but I fucking hate those gay fan service and same-sex same-group pairing fanfic. It's freaking DISGUSTING

  3. I agree, but I'm quite tired of the term double standard being tossed around so much.

    I almost feel like disregarding anything with said term involved.

  4. These new writers suck. Get new ones!


  5. I would promote the drama with much publicity, shoving gays into koreas face just to see all the conservative, homophobic people complain then troll them with two men when the drama airs instead of lesbians.

  6. wow you are like the best friend i never had. reppin the truth, YO!

  7. Im gay and i fucking hate koreas view on same sex attracted people.
    Fucking ignorant fucks, i remember when a mothers group in korea put an ad in a paper boycotting personal taste because "If my son grows up gay and gets aid, i will sue" There is no such thing as gay education in korea apparently.

  8. The Coffee Prince or You're Beautiful were dramas aimed towards the younger generation. the close minded imbeciles tend to be the older folk in korea.

    Bringing Fandom idiocity also doesn't prove your point because most of the people against this drama are older folk who want to "defend" (*rolls eyes*) their youth. and therefore not idol followers.

    but otherwise I agree 100000000% that it's retarded that they're ostracizing a people because of their sexual orientation. You're aiming your hatred at the wrong people, since the younger generation are more open, but i understand your fury D:

    this reminds me of actor Hong Seok Chun and how when he came out he got so much shit for it. so sad ;[

    ps; in you're beautiful the two male leads know the girl is a girl *cough*


  9. "But maybe i also have double standard or sth. I feel ok with gay/lesbian couples but I fucking hate those gay fan service and same-sex same-group pairing fanfic. It's freaking DISGUSTING "

    100% agree, seriously do fan girls have nothing else to do???

  10. idk but both the dramas you mentioned didn't fail to show that the characters fall in love on male instinct, not because they're gay, or that they became gay.

    but point taken. korea is full of batshit homophobes.

  11. Wae you so Butthurt?!

  12. ill never understand gay guys... LIKEDUDE..
    how do u pass up the VG for a damn pole?? LIKEWTFMAN
    have u ever experienced the VG? LIKECMONMATE
    i dont think ill ever understand gay guys... LIKEFORREALZ

  13. "But maybe i also have double standard or sth. I feel ok with gay/lesbian couples but I fucking hate those gay fan service and same-sex same-group pairing fanfic. It's freaking DISGUSTING"
    Because they dont find it disgusting? because they actually enjoy i? I dont like yaoi fanfics too (I started reading one and It scared me for life) but I still respect it because i know that some girls enjoy it so let them be. My bestfriend loves japanese gay porn because it turns her on. Some people have really strange fetishes lol but I always read people here complaining about that and i think It shouldnt matter to us (I mean, all this yaoi/bromance shit)

  14. I want a lesbian drama with Han Ye Seul and Lee Yeon Hee.

  15. shit's gonna change sooner or later. it always happens, only a matter of time.

    religion is going to die too.

  16. Dude don't forget that Super Junior bullshit fanservice. Seriously, what. the. fuck. Btw, as an atheist, there's no need to capitalise the "G" in god. Try it. Feels good brah.

  17. the whole bromance and girl pairings of kpop idols is retarded. and like you said, you don't just TURN gay. you either don't just don't know you are gay yet, or you just haven't come out. but korea and homosexuality are two things that don't go together. have you noticed how openly they ask if someone's gay on tv shows? yet if they were ever to admit they were gay, all hell would break loose.

    poor jo kwon and kevin.

  18. I'm deciding on whether I should express my opnion on Anon 7:07 AM's comment but I'm scared a religion war will break out....meh, I'll pass.

    Back to the main subject, sometimes I feel like Korea is 50 years behind America when it comes to being tolerant of difference and America is REAALLY intolerant. People need to chill the hell out because there is nothing wrong with gay people. Um, they have a beating heart just like we do. And for those homophobic freaks, no matter what you think television will do to your youth there will always be more heterosexuals in the world. See? Now calm down and let people do their own fucking thing, please?

  19. Ive seen a lesbian taiwanese movie "spider lilies" and it was absolutely beautiful.
    But one day I read a harry/drago gay fanfic and found it absolutely disgusting. Those bromance too.

    And People need to accept other differences Gay/lesbian =/= disease =/= aids.
    My best friend is bisexual. Her mother asked her if she wanted to see a psy ><

  20. the LGBT community in South Korea is still very much underground as the country is very conservative. I applaud the producers of this drama.
    Some people have trouble differentiating between sex and sexuality. And if boobs are not okay, certainly the idea of boob-on-boob action is not.
    It unfortunate but this is the treatment the LGBT community receives in most of the world, in some places homosexuality is punishable my death or jail sentences. Even in the USA the LGBT community is fighting tooth and nail for equal rights and even where it is legal, like Canada, not everyone is accepting.
    While I find it sad and discriminatory, I am not surprised.

    Also props to Personal Preference for having an actual gay character not one who is attracted to a girl dressed as a guy.

  21. Agree with sulli_fag. What is up with all the awful new writers. Piss the fuck off right? Stop being the same as the rest of the idiot commentors on akp.

    You sir are an idiot. You clearly do not live in an Asian country.

    Producers good call.

  22. Even though people will always be pretty resistant to change. I am just excited that this is being talked about.
    However fanservice and OTP pairings are a whole different generation of people than the ones making formal complaints about this new drama...
    I am more concerned about this drama having a crappy script and being unrealistic/stereotypical. I'm sure the producers mean well but realism would be much appreciated.

  23. New writers, please leave.

  24. nice try, same anon who comes back at different times of the day to post "the new writers suck." if you weren't a fucking noob, you woulda realized that blackbeltbaybee is one of the older writers on this site. don't like what you're reading? go open your damn bible and pray to jesus

    this is a fucking excellent post, blackbeltbaybee.

  25. ^ one of the older writers? haha sure and what constitutes as old? this blog is only a few months old. the only real old writers is antikpopfangirl and antidelusional.

    so kindly fuck off.

    gonna have to start avoiding articles based on the author. some of the early stuff on this site was great fun, but lately all the writers have been trying too hard. being far too serious and caring way too much.

    but for the record, don't feel too bad blackbeltbaybee. that other garbage writer who stans super junior is easily a lot worse. and not because she likes super junior, but because her writing is truly awful and has no place on this blog.

  26. "you sir are an idiot. clearly you do not live in an Asian country" <- blackbeltBAYBEE ? obviously that's a girl's user you dumb shit. and she already stated that she was born in korea. so piss the fuck off. and 10:55 obviously by "new authors" people would mean the batch of new try-hards that antikpopfangirl recruited recently. shin-b and blackbeltbaybee are the only good recruits and they aren't from the newest batch. therefore they're considered older writers.

  27. sandra - i agree that you have a point. many of those that oppose gay relationships are older. but i doubt that they're the ones that rant about it over the internet on blogs and internet cafes. that's generally for the younger generations that have access to computers (and actually know how to use them). and don't worry , i'm not just hating on the younger people. i never discriminated between the ages lol. and on the drama issue - i've only really seen part of you're beautiful. but i'm pretty sure that Jeremy was struggling with his feelings because he was falling for the girl (that he believed to be a guy). that's what i was referring to. i've never actually seen the coffee prince but i've read abridged summaries.

    and to those that bash Korea as a country - don't. generalizing an entire country's people as a whole in a negative fashion doesn't make you look better. it makes you look ill-informed and naive.

  28. and the use of the phrase "double standards" was referring to that fact that dramas on gay couples have been out , and if this had just been another one then it wouldn't have been such an issue. but the fact that it featured lesbians made everyone completely flip a dick (no pun intended). that is , in fact , a double standard.


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