Thursday, August 18, 2011

Jaurim's Idol MV

Sucks that I had to listen to 4 shit songs before I got to a song I like. This is my first time listening to Jaurim (I know, wtf) but the chick's voice doesn't sound that great in this song. The actual music is pleasant to listen to and over the course of the song I found her voice to be less distracting. Must be because I've heard voices that annoy me even more.

I have heard about Jaurim and know they're fairly respected. Too bad that international fans think shit like FT Island and CN Blue represent Korean rock.

Since a lot of Kpop fans love bitching about how there are so many idols listen to Jaurim, and as David would say, shut the fuck up.


  1. Hahahah I asked you guys why you didn't do song/mv reviews anymore and BAM I get FIVE! HOLY SHIT.

    Hey, why don't you guys make sammiches anymore? Lmao jk

    Anyways this song sucks and the chick's voice is annoying.

  2. You asked for more MV reviews? Didn't know. The other authors didn't do any reviews while I was away for the past 4 days so I reviewed all of these at once.

  3. hmm i think her voice doesn't suited well with their music

    I prefer to choose No Brain rather than this band :)

  4. I was actually going to do an MV review of EI's "Remember". But you beat me to it~

    For some reason, this girl's voice upsets me. Like actually. I don't know why. I don't doubt she's a good singer, but she does not fit this type of song. At all. Good song though. The music I mean.

  5. Not a bad song. Actually it sort of reminds me of SHIINA RINGO/TOkyo Jihen music---which is better in my opinion.

    Overall, it's just OK, but I could actually listen to it.

  6. The beginning reminded me of T-ara IGCBOY's beginning except not sped up.

  7. I'm with you on the voice. Parts of the song reminds me of the Pillows which is kinda cool, but yikes

  8. This is probably Jaurim's worst song ever, they can do so much better than that, I'm really disappointed by this song.

  9. Yeah, I figured this had to be one of their worst songs. They're well respected so I assumed that they had much better songs than this.

  10. Kim Yoona = the singer
    Jaurim = the band
    people confuse this a lot and call her Jaurim-ssi, which annoys the fuck outta me.
    Not their best song, but not that bad either. 5/10

  11. "A lot of Kpop fans love bitching about how there are so many idols listen to Jaurim"
    LOL You bitch about everything.

  12. I hate your music preference. Goodbye.

  13. Search the english lyrics, you might learn something.

  14. Late, blathering response, no1curr, but I'm posting this anyway because I'm a long-time Jaurim stan:

    "IDOL" is pretty much as shallow and light-hearted as its lyrical subject - it's not supposed to be a great piece of music, just one of those upbeat, catchy songs (like the "Ha Ha Ha Song") that Jaurim puts out in order to be accessible to the general public. (Okay, that sounds snobbish, but it's true.) And given the popularity of idol singers, it's a bit timely.

    re Kim Yoon-ah, she's a very capable, talented singer who plays around with her voice from song to song. She can go from deep and belting ("11", "TRUTH") to high and lilting ("청춘예찬", "Light, Delight"), depending on the song and its mood. The childish quality of her voice in "IDOL" is intentional (and somewhat of a parody of idol singers).


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