Thursday, August 18, 2011

Mina "The Ahjumma" releases a new MV

They don't need to keep saying she's 40. You can tell by how much makeup she's wearing. Sorry, I like older women, but not when they're old enough to be my mom.

Oh, about the song. Yeah, it's boring. I didn't really like it.

If any of you get turned on by 40 year old women (I'm not really against it if you are, she's just old enough to be my mom and it's freaky) she wears short shorts a lot so you can stare at the loose skin on her unrefined legs.


  1. I still have her first album where all her photos are topless videos where she covers her tittays with her arms.

    She looks like Bom 0.5 now.

  2. she does look like Bom

    i respect her for trying though. imagine a 40 year old pop singer in America.
    and don't say we already have Madonna because nothing she has done in the past 10 years has been relevant (except the one song she did with Justin Timberlake - but she had to call up an younger star anyway)

  3. that's what Bom will look like in few years

  4. there's something insanely embarrassing about a 40 year old woman acting like (and vaguely resembling) a 20 year old.

    Great body though.

  5. You guys are all so very ghey. I would hit that hard. NOM NOM NOM

  6. man these stupid mv articles are getting annoying

  7. I guess many of you guys are freaking youngins

    Fuck, she looks good for being 40. If I met her walking down the street or something, i wouldnt hesitate to hit on her, or atleast a double take with drool coming out my mouth lol

  8. She looks good to me but not to the extent that I'd brag to me friends about her.

  9. body ok face plastic.... no coment she's forty she should be embarassed lol

  10. wow alot of hate coming from someone who obviously doesn't know they will turn 40 one day...hope there's someone who finds you disgusting too just because of your age :/


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