Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Please feel free to fap and/or bitch

I can't give up Kara as a girl group for some reason. My personal thoughts: OMG THIS ACTUALLY LOOKS HIGH BUDGET COMPARED TO THE GOODWILL SETS THEY GOT BEFORE. But this would've been so much hotter if they danced in the first teaser's costumes.

But man, this shit is still great. Did you see Nicole shakin' it? Lemme go fap before the "MR TAXI COSTUME RIPOFF" select Sones arrive.


  1. I choose to fap to the bitches

  2. holy shit they all look so good <3
    I think i'm gonna be a kamilia now :)

  3. 1st teaser is so much better than the 2nd one.
    DNW the outfits in the 2nd teaser, the ones in the 1st one are so much better. If they wear those in live performances....

  4. never cared about KARA myself. they are boring, and so far this is not changing my opinion.

  5. They got so much prettier ! I'm quite excited about this myself actually even if I'm not a Kamilia.

  6. I think SeungYeon's weave is pretty. Heck, I think they're all gorgeous. I guess I'm biased. Can't hate a group like Kara :P

  7. they're so pretty. nicole has been liberated from her mother's jail.

  8. Nicole is gorgeous. Almost finished my fapping session when I hit 0.11 into the first teaser vid. WTF is up with Nicole's "DURP You're fapping-I'm so confused" facial expression.

  9. the second teaser posted was way better.
    Jpop MVs are totally different compared to kpop MVs. I hope they learn a thing or two from the japanese on making a good MV. Its not all about the fucking dance dammit.

  10. How can you people fap to this. lol

  11. ^I am so sorry for your asexuality and/or lack of taste

  12. Song sounds good too! (Not that anyone seems to care)

  13. KARA?boring~~~~~~~~~~~~

  14. fap fap fap hara flawless bitch omg fap even gyuri looks hot and curvy, jing seungyeon gorgeous, nicole hot as hell but me no likey long hair

    costumes, i don't see mr taxi except for the color, duh, but kinda reminds me of t-ara's i go crazy bou

    the song.... i dunno, not that in to it, but THE CHOREO LOOKS HOT

  15. even though kara are literally the worst live singers, i still ship them for their songs <3

  16. seungyeon's weave can gtfo

  17. God damn, second teaser..they are all so stunning..

  18. Look at the kind of music videos your company can make for you when you get $$$$$$ in Japan!

  19. Don't see how any of you guys can think Nicole is attractive. Most non-Koreans just relate to her because of her English name....Jiyoung is the shit, you guys are insane.

  20. ^ Jiyoung, Hara and Seungyeon are the shit...Gyuri is ok, she is fappable but she is no Jiyoung...Nicole can gtfo.

    Kara didn't become relevant till after Hara and Jiyoung came anyway..I'm sure most people were gonna FAP to JY till they found out she was like 14, most kamilia were already fapping to Seungyeon and now Hara just takes Kara's fappable/non-fappable ratio to a good 4/5 which is more than I can say for most groups tbh. Nicole is really only popular amongst international fans...she is like 3rd popular in Korea and Japan, and Jiyoung/Seungyeon are about to make her about as relevant as Gyuri in those countries after a bit more time....

  21. I can't fap to Jiyoung until she's legal ok, we're not talking about Jiyeon here

  22. I like how the teaser sounds. The first one's better just because they don't look so washed out. Also, I still really wanna punch Seungyeon and her only.

  23. my ratio in kara is also 4/5 fappable i can't stand Gyuri's face for some reason.. she ain't as ugly as CL but she ain't no goddess.. on the other hand i'm waiting for Jing to be legal so i can fap fap fap all day.. Seungyeon has been showing off a lot of skin lately and i ain't complaining. look at her racks too it's getting BIGGER!!


    ...all other groups better watch out in september because kara is gonna rule this shit. I can imagine it now, sones crying because snsd didn't win any

    Kara is better than everything, for fucks sake, they are the reason i am into kpop, i have been waiting so long for my KARA ~_~ and they are finally here... I am so happy


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