Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Stop the presses:SNSD "Bad Girl" MV is OUT

And they've exposed themselves to be real shitty dancers.Fo realz y'all!

Ill get to the douche "biker" concept in a bit.

They were so awkward, Im not really sure what it was that did them in, but there was quite a bit. I get that the choreographer wanted to try something sexy ala RDR (which was also tragic in the "dance sexy" department), but this was just awful.

I think one of the problems is that most and when I say most I mean about 7 of these girls can't dance for shit. We all know that Hyoyeon or as she is so affectionately known, Hyogre (which btw, is really mean lol) is the best dancer in this group,she isn't the best ever but with this bunch, she might as well be Michael Jackson.They had her hidden away in the back,kinda like how Princess Fiona was locked in that tall tower, with only a few seconds of screen time. I thought that the one who looks like a mouse, what's her face Taeyson,Taeyoen Taeyeon or however you spell it,did pretty good as well. The rest looked like they were trying hard to remember which move is next, "Omo what do I do next? Oh the awkward dry humping move,that my boney ass (here's looking at you Sooyoung) can't do properly."

For the sake of visuals they kept the "prettiest" girls in the middle,which is a very SME thing to do,but it backfired,because they were the worst of the bunch and all you wanted to do was look away.

The concept was hahahahahahaha! I thought it was a little ridonk.
They were "biker chicks" with Jean cut-offs and leather and bikes and shit,but then they hit us with jersey guidettes,with the leopard print tights and big hair.

If you've got gifs please share,Im to damn lazy to make any.

Edit (Suckmydee) :   
Sunny being the photo bomb/video bomb that she is. No surprises there.  The biker -chic look on her just fails horribly, good thing she didn't incorporate any of her barf-inducing aegyo.  Is it me or she looks like a farmer's wife who just came back from milking the cows?

The last time I saw someone walk like that was a cross-dresser in Picadilly Circus (London) or a person with STD's.
...or the former could have been her.

Furthermore, I spot Sones spazzing over how 'daebak' and 'jjang' (English speakers who use romanized Hangul constantly...I'll give you a badge with a fail logo on it for free.) the MV is on Tumblr and 6theory. Anyone who disagrees with the Scientology cult whoops, I mean Sonetology cult with their ever-so-threatening  'power of 9' banner...hide yo kids and yo wife is all I have to say.


  1. Tiffany saved this god-awful MV. Such a shame it had stupid choreo and cheap PV coz it was actually one of my favourite SNSD songs. Seohyun didn't look too bad tbh. Sooyoung is getting sexy as hell, she just needs to fix her malnutrition.


  2. Besides the rhino shit that is the choreography, there were some positives in the MV like Jessica looking fking hot, and me getting to see Taeyeon (Bias):DD. And also I dig the song.

  3. the choreo and the random fucking panning/shitty camera work ruins this. they look hot, but that choreo... i swear to god, looks like 9 fucking dying zombie birds trying to do the thriller dance.

    whoever created this shit needs to stop creating shit coz its obviously shit. i mean seriously, how hard is it to make an MV that doesnt revolve around (shit) dancing SM? seriously. lazy cunt -.-

  4. exaggerated hyoyeon walking away gif. LOL!


  5. The girls looked pretty (as always! ^.^), but the choreography was all over the place and also quite awkward! -.-''

    SM should really start given their groups better PVs!

    The song is nice though.

  6. Anon 4:05 it wouldnt me SM if they didnt make shit.

    Anon 4:07
    My gosh hahaha she is strutting baby.She should be careful she could break her vag walking like that.

    Thank you for the gifs,can i get more awkward one like the fail thriller inspired dance,or the air humping

  7. they all looked hot as FUCK
    fap fap fap fap (covering hyoyeon's face tho)

  8. this was a bloody sloppy mess.

  9. SM cheapballing PV's is nothing new.

    I do think the choreography works in concert though. It's all about spatial usage there and less about typical formations. Camera cuts are way too fast to take it all in and that kinda defeats the video.

    The song is great though so I'm playing it 24/7 right now.

  10. the choreo is awful

    just saw the comments on yt, they sold 800.000? HUH? SERIOUSLY?

  11. I don't even know where to begin.
    I was like "wtf??" every second.
    yeah, it was kind of a "new" concept or whatever but the dance? LMFAO I can't even.

    1st of all,enough with the "a-a-a-a-o-o-o" fucking techno voice
    0:26 to 4:05 makes me cringe,no exception.
    especially Hyo's "walk" (if you call THAT walking LMFAO) is she desperate for attention that badly? well,I guess so, who wouldn't? after they put you at the back the whole time, you WILL want some attention,even if it's at the end of the video.

    I'll be back after making some GIFs

  12. Typical B-side MV. I wanted them to not use that flailing arm move used at the beginning of the chorus. It doesn't look good at all. This is probably just another made-for-fans MV. Their album has already been out for a while. I wouldn't have picked this song to be the B-side promotion though.

  13. seohyun tiffany jessica look fucking hot ..dont care about the others

  14. Song is crap, choreo is crap, styling is crap. The whole MV is worse than crap. I miss their ITNW, Kissing You and Baby Baby days.

  15. Jessica was the best part of the MV and I'm not a huge Gorjess spazzer like David is. Seohyun (my fav) looked good and Tiffany looked frail and the rest...ehh...

    Everything else was terrible.

  16. lol tiffany is the worst dancer in the group..
    The dance that tiffany does when she sings her parts are super awkward but she always eyesexes the camera...Thanks to her pretty face

  17. http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lprkce9aAg1r1vatto1_r4_400.gif

  18. LOL seriously yuri..that shit on your head made you look stupid ..

  19. It was all pretty embarrassing actually. I now kinda wish they never made this MV...

    Lol, Sunny did kinda look like a 'farmer's wife'. She always did look like she fit well on a farm during Invincible Youth.

  20. Yuri, Axl Rose called. He said he wants his headband back.

  21. nyahahahahahaha...

  22. My Sone friends act as if it's the best thing since sliced bread. They apparently can't do anything else, because they're busy watching the MV on repeat.

  23. I swear, ever since they debut in japan, their MVs has been HORRID!!!

    The choreo is just plain fucking awkward. Many of the moves are rehashes from previous dances.
    Seohyun, Tiffany, Jessica, and weirdly Hyoyeon were the best looking one for me in the MV.
    Seohyun is looking finer with every passing MV

  24. Seohyun looked really hot, and so did Jessica.
    Tiffany's dancing was off in the beginning and kind of ruined it. but then it was made up for with Seohyun in the end.
    still kind of sucked though.

  25. I love tiffany's voice in the song but the mv was terrible and their clothes and fail dancing in a cheap looking warehouse was bad imo. I don't really like the song either. Maybe their comeback will be better (although I'm doubting it somehow) because the title sounds cool.

  26. Lol I can't believe they green screened this entire mess. At least give them a real stage.

  27. song is so damn boring.

    Tiffany looks hot
    Tayeon looks fap worthy

    Seohyun, I'd tap that.

  28. Their choreography looks like something you would do in Wii Just Dance video game.

  29. LOL..who's that girl with the derp-face on the thumbnail of the video?? the one in the middle? Well done SM, Suju got an onionshaped dome, SNSD got a basement carpark?

  30. This vid is obviously meant for fapping purposes, so that explains the shit quality.

  31. ^ Yeah, this green screen is so obvious ! SM is such a fail XD

  32. Song sucks, choreo sucks, MV sucks, thanks god the girls are fappable.

  33. why would you think her name was "Taeyson"? there isn't even an s sound in her name. you are just trying too hard. stop.

  34. remember when everyone said "i can't imagine snsd trying the gangster/bad girl image."... LOLL well, suffice it to say, no one is completely shocked, no?

  35. just wtf is this MV..

  36. This belongs in the second-hand embarrassment thread in 6theory, pronto.

  37. I honestly cannot watch this without lauhing. God! why is hyoeyeon such a turnoff? I try to like the girl but she does thing like this



    Why?????? Lmfao.

  38. I've had enough of those hand thing they did in every single fucking video. (reference: the Sunny gif author just added)

    I think it's time someone replace them. please.

    *preparing for "yuu guize are juz jeluz! if you don't like it get out of here" from fucking delusional sones*

  39. ^ you are juz jeluz if you don't like it get out of here!!!!!!

  40. it's watching these types of MVs that I hope the laziness catches up to SME and they fall as a powerhouse...but i bet they won't.

    i'm one of the commenters that used to criticize your earlier entries. however, you hit the nail with this one. the gifs were hilarious, especially the hyogre one, and the commentary went well with them.

    i still like them and their songs. but this laziness has got to go. i'm out like hyoyeon!

  41. If someone like Chi Chi were to make this video, it would be slammed harder.

  42. http://i54.tinypic.com/2cys7pz.gif see no diference

  43. http://i53.tinypic.com/4ilsht.gif like this

  44. LMFAO Hyo Yeon gif made me laugh sooooooooooooooo fucking harddd

  45. the fake biker badass? as what the soshits were calling is FAIL the choreo is meh the whole pv is blah

  46. LOL suckmydee hatin on ppl who use "jjang" as English speakers who use romanized korean. You don't have one drop of korean blood.

  47. why the fuck is everything snsd related so fucking cheap. such a fail group

  48. some bitch named deltriceAugust 11, 2011 at 8:49 PM

    Iono about Jessica, or the rest of the girls for that matter, but dayummm Yuri is lookin' oh so fine. Dat ass and body, mhmm. She just needs to get rid of that fugly ass bandana.

    I stan SNSD, but in all honesty, it's tiring to be delusional alllllll the time.

    P.S That Hyoyeon gif had me laughing for awhile.

  49. OK DOES ANYONE ELSE NOTICE THAT SNSD RECYCLES DANCE MOVES IN EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEIR SONGS? the one sunny is doing in that stupid gif is in every one of their dances. and the whole putting finger to lips as if to tell someone to be quiet, tiffany does the same god damn move in everything. seriously wtf change the dance moves. it's getting old

  50. These girls are overrated seriously. They get so much attention for releasing crap music.

    I can't believe that Oh! was the most popular song last year. That was garbage.

  51. ^^ I love those pink boots though XD

  52. @8:52pm

    I LOVE YOU. That's exactly what I thought.

  53. I have to say, Sooyoung is getting sexier and sexier, she really suits long hair. Too bad she's a shikshin (even though it'd be awesome to have) because she would be soooo hott with a curver body.

  54. soooooooooooooo baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad

    but fany is definitely reaching lvl 99 eyesex

  55. Sunny should thank Hyogre for being in the group, otherwise she would be the ugliest member in the bunch

  56. The hand waving dance movements are really horrible. Actually, the choreography for the whole song sucks. I have nothing good to say about the rest of the song either. Lyrics, Japanese accents, arrangement, concept, styling, green screen.

    This marks the beginning of SNSD's fall from the top.

    I'm willing to bet good money that their Korean comeback is going to be as shitty as CSJH and Super Junior's comeback.

  57. Their Korean comeback will contain their translated Japanese songs. Assholes will still buy it, typical SM.

  58. they look like COUGAR

  59. This whole thing was shit. They can't pull off the "badass" thing... They fail... You can't be innocent and then sexy... It don't work!!!!

    And after seeing Kahi on that bike everyone else can fuck off... (That pic needs to be the background on my phone and computer...)

  60. im a big fan... but this MV is a total piece of shit... i didnt even bother to finish the mv... all i gotta do is watch the 1st few scenes n thats it...sighz..XP


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