Tuesday, August 16, 2011

T-ara finds their true calling in Japan

Listen to that crowd! They don't give a flying fuck that T-ara is lazily lipsyncing the whole showcase. The girls have been waiting two years for a sweet gig like this. Be cute, be loved, get money, go home. No netizens bitching about how they didn't sing loud enough or smile wide enough, just pure adoration for no real reason except for the fact that OMG THEY'RE T-ARA! ...isn't that the reason we named them idols in the first place?


  1. It appears not too many people are fans of you, but I actually like you ajusshi.

    no homo.

  2. reason enough to adore them tbqh

  3. Eunjung is amazing in this! She really enjoys performing and is always full of energy. (Perpetually Happy, Eunjung!) The attention she gives to fans and her movements on stage are always so effortless and genuine. (Like her or not, she is one hell of a performer.)

    The show case was cute and fun! As a T-ara lover, and a kpop fan, I‘m use to lip-syncing so that doesn't bother me. Also, its T-ara, it’s come to be expected. Besides, seeing Eunjung have a ball on stage is enough for me.

    It sucks when people say that T-ara lacks energy, it’s not fair to Eunjung (and maybe some of the others, it should be obvious by now that I pay the most attention to Eunjung...), she always puts on a show. The others need to get on her level. Granted, I will admit she put more effort into interacting with their fans then in lip-syncing, but it made for a better show for the audience to me and really its not like they were fooling anyone...

    I swear someone needs to take a boot to Jiyeon’s ass and tell her to at least look like she gives a damn! It's so fudging annoying.

    Also, they need to fire their stylist. They’ve been doing a pretty crap job. The pants look cheap and are ill fitting—for heavens sake hire a gd tailor! (Eunjung has been plugging and tugging at her clothes this entire comeback…. She has an AMAZING body, find someone that knows what to do with it!)

    Done, whew.

  4. because they are used to itm jpop idols always lypsinc so its no big deal I guess

  5. Skiiiiiiiiiiiminnnnng....

    Daaaaang. When did Eunjung get b00bs?!Niiiiice. They need to show that off more often


  6. LOL! That was some sloppy shit. crap lip-syncing (not even in sync) and lazy dancing (also not in sync). they looked like they didnt want to even be there, bahahahaha. AKF's chick looks like a lazy bitch, but she's hot so its all gooooood.

    true enough, the crowd didnt really give a fuck tho, lol

  7. Idk why I love T-ara, but I do. It’s a twisted, painful love.

    Ji yeon looks so fucking bored!

    Hwa young still looks out of place.

    Hyomin looks old at shit with that hair and makeup.

    Bo ram, is cute, but invisible in every performance.

    Q ri is just there doing her job, looking pretty.

    Eun jung was hyper and sloppy, but at least she looked like she was happy to be there.

    I'm sorry, I know you love her, but So yeon has no stage presence – there is nothing in those big cold dark eyes… It's dull and creepy.

    I expect more from her and Eunjung tbh. Hyomin is doing a crap job as leader, but then again its Japan so I doubt anyone cares.

  8. fuck you, anti K-pop. you suck !!!

  9. Anon at 5:38PM, I actually agree with you on all points. I don't know why, but I still love this group. So. Fuckin'. Much. It's not even funny. It's just irrational. =/

  10. @Anon 5:56 No, fuck you. T-ara is my favorite girl group.

  11. gee.... if you are trying to expand to a country where your race isnt that well liked, shouldnt you at least TRY to look like you want to be there?

  12. ^ LOL!

    Anon 5:56 = additional lulz

  13. the intro=bullshit

  14. Fucking love T-ara! Far superior to that bullshit SNSD (god damn they suck!) in every way.

    I need to crap on the snsd posters I own (yeah, I bought them when I didn't know any better).

  15. ^ You probably bought them when T-ara were still trainees

  16. :) I'm happy they're successful. I love those girls.

  17. Am I one of the few that...really didnt have any problems with this then? XD

  18. LOL didn't T-ARA lipsycn on their debut as well and people said that they sucked as well xD

  19. IDGAF if they lip synced, bitches make have good songs Except that YAYAYA mess.
    Also, japans used to lip synced girls, they dont give a fuck either.
    I am liking this moment, japanese T-ARA fans screaming their lungs out :D

  20. Damn Qri looks so good

  21. Really, and I mean this sincerely, who gives a fuck except for delusional 2ne1 fans? They're idols.
    I think I'm the only guy in this blog that liek Hwayoung.

  22. Hwayoung is useless and awkward as fuck, so are Qri, Boram, and Hyomin.

    When are Eunjung, Jiyeon and Soyeon going solo? KKS is wasting their time.

  23. Suckatoe Productions.August 17, 2011 at 3:19 PM

    Well my thought about this is that, 1. I love T-ara, 2. I still Love T-ara, and 3. I love Eunjung<3

  24. @12:33 You think Jiyeon should go solo? As singer? HAHAHAHA! Hopefully you mean as an actress because errrrr, yeah.

  25. No, I want Jiyeon to go solo so I can watch her crash and burn.

    Her attitude will ruin her once she is out of T-ara and I can't wait!

    I want nothing but the best for Eunjung and Soyeon though. Can't wait for Eunjung to go solo!

    I wished they released more albums like their First Album. I am dying for another song like Falling U, or Like the beginning.

  27. Falling U was amazing! AFA was their best work... Bye Bye and You You You are still my jam!

    Even One&One and Tic Tic Toc were good!

    EUNJUNG (and Soyeon) owned the first album! I want more!

  28. T-ara is the best group at lipsynching. No really, they are no lies.


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