Sunday, August 7, 2011

Why the fuck is Hyuna the only member going solo?

Why is it that Hyuna is the only 4minute member to have gone solo (3 times now, if you include the follow-up piece-of-shit with sellout Dok2) when Gayoon & Jiyoon are better singers, Jihyun has larger breasts (um), and Sohyun really doesn't do anything (might as well mention her)? Why?! Is it even fair to the other mem-

Now you see. We could argue for days about talent and 'amg gayoon is 2 underrated', but in the end, Hyuna is simply a thousand times more presentable + marketable. Koreans like her. Americans like her. Hell, she gets more Youtube views than your favorite idol group, alone. When Jiyoon and her man-face can do that, we'll talk.


  1. i just read the word boobs...succulent...oh so succulent...

    the girl on the right looks like she has some of that though

    and for the last time, i'm not a hot dog...

    my name is

  2. this has already been covered everywhere
    whats the point of having so many authors if you can't come up with something new?

  3. JiYoon and GaYoon is better than Hyuna. Nuff said. The only reason why they aren't seen as sexy is because they haven't been presented as sexy, whereas Cube goes crazy with making Hyuna look like a sexy slut in everything!

  4. Its mostly because Hyunah already has an image in the publics eye probably.

    I mean, whos into kpop havent heard of hyunah.

  5. She was famous before she joins 4minute.And her last single song, Change was successful.And the her new song Bubble Pop did quite well in chart too.Btw I glad actually both Jiyoon and Jihyun get more exposure.Jiyoon won Immortal Song 2 last episode.And Jihyun get into a new drama Thousand Kisses.Now its time for Gayoon and Sohyun to shine.

  6. Actually Hyunah is the worst singer in 4minute, but her being all hot and stuff gets my blood boiling and hand fapping.

    So that's kind of why she gets solos. And why I get solos too lol

  7. Hyuna looks much older than her age. I suppose people could get away with fapping to her videos without much guilt involved.

  8. "@ New Authors - No more defending idols/groups. This isn't Kpop Secrets.

    - AKF."

  9. i used to hate that HyunA is the only one getting attention too. But after a while, I realized HyunA is the only one worth promoting. And I got sick of Jiyoon's man fance, her singing might be better but her stage charisma and performance aren't better [at least for me] than HyunA's. I've always hated Gayoon and Sohyun's faces with passion. Their singing and perf aren't anything OMG impressive either. And sometimes I don't even know if Jihyun is in the group [and probably so do most Korean people]

  10. God, anons really need to stop using my quote without reading the damn articles. David bashed every member in 4minute so he wasn't defending anyone.

    Well, I find Hyuna's face unattractive and can't stand her rapping so I always ignore her.

  11. Hyuna tbh just reeks of try-hard to me. Yeah, yeah, I know she has no control over her image but that doesn't stop me from feeling second hand embarrassment at her desperate attempts to be sexy.

    Also why mention sohyun? Bitch is fucking hideous. She looks like dumbo's+a chipmunks love child.

  12. Aww a shout out from David <3

    Yeah if I were the other members, I would be a tiny bit jealous.

  13. your readers and becoming as stupid as your new authors.

    David isn't even a new author so shut up.
    in b4 "@ long time readers - No more defending old authors. This isn't pro kpop fanboys.

    - AKF."

  14. the only reason you guys think jiyoon has a manface is because the popular kpop guys usually look so girly, and metro... often looking more feminine than the average female. In the US, the problem is much less pronounced...

  15. This article isn't defending anybody, it's telling the truth like it is. The girl is more popular; HyunA attracts more views than all of them combined, albeit most of them were from horny teenage boys and jealous, insecure teenage girls.

  16. I'm pretty sure people just like Jiyoon because it's cool to root for the underdog. She's that 'underrated' member everyone likes to complain isn't appreciated enough all the time.

  17. I don't like her cuz she's underrated... i actually thought she stood out the most when i first saw 4minute in muzik... and she does have stage presence... her stage with dj koo on immortal song was 10000000x better than evert change or fcken bubble pop performance combined.

  18. ^100% agree, she always stole my attention rather than Hyuna, Hyuna and her fail sexy dances bore and are irrelevant to me. Just seems like another little girl trying to do sexy dances to grab attention. There's too many cute or sexy wannabe idols, whereas JiYoon's tomboy image is refreshing and different. And I don't give a **** if people think she has a man-face, she's still hot and can still rock the stage WITHOUT showing cleavage.

    Holy crap, I pretty much wrote an essay.

  19. Fuck everybody else, Jihyun is the shit.


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