Thursday, September 1, 2011

Infinite fangirls

I had started drawing pics before Shin included Infinite in her article.

Infinite fans before today:

Infinite fans from today on out:

First they spent a lot of time saying how Infinite should win. Today rainbows are shooting out of their vaginas. Hopefully this isn't the next chapter for Infinite fangirls:

Hopefully they don't get huge egos and start shitting all over other fandoms now.


  1. Picasso has nothing on you,Van Gogh can suck your dick!You my friend are the real deal :)

  2. ^ I agree, he can bring the emotion in a drawing, especially in the second drawing.

  3. This just reminds me how T-ara still does not have a fanclub name

  4. i thought t-ara's fanclub is diadem?

  5. LOL you're an artist .

  6. I can't even comprehend how badass these pictures are.

  7. Diadem is an unofficial name used by international fans. Only Japanese fans have an official fanclub name (yeah, go figure, EMI and CCM give a fan name to the Japanese but CCM is too lazy to give one to the Korean fans.)

    4 years of art in high school really paid off (not really, art was just the easy A class I took lol.)

  8. LOL @ your drawing.../facepalm

  9. I fucking hated it when they were complaining about them not winning UGH they just debuted last year... they arent underrated at all since they were in a good position in the charts already.
    But I have to say that woolim ent. MVs are love :)

    /i feel sorry for ukiss and mblaq

  10. also, i'm, pretty sure people are fully aware that the wins are based on popularity.
    that aside, people still do moan a heck load as if it's gonna make any difference ._.

  11. -_-
    If half of the kpop groups these days *cough2pm2ne1teentopcough* had Infinite's talent,you would've complained too.BTD was the most epic song of this year,maybe even the most epic kpop song EVER (I'm pretty sure everyone prefers it instead of that Gee crap) and still,what they got for injuring themselves and practising for 20 hours a day was "Yeah,they dance good.".WELL EFF YOU.We DO have the right to shit on every group that's winning based on popularity,even though their songs suck *insertiamthebest*.And we will NOT start bashing on fandoms.Because other fandoms (mostly ELFs) did help us with Infinite's win.Inspirits never bash on fandoms.And WILL never bash.
    I can't believe this retarded topic made me write a novel. -_-

    1. take out 2ne1 and you'll be ok. 2pm and teen top = worst kpop groups ever

    2. So true! Infinite is talented, hardworking and more than any other kpop groups in the world they deserve it!!!!

  12. ^
    Rofl, anon please.

    I've seen shitloads of Inspirits whine and subtly bash other acts on 6theory, tumblr & twitter. What you're doing is exactly what Chuck's talking about. Bringing down other acts to make your bias look better is what your comment implies, dw though 95% of K-pop fans do the same. It's this in-built mechanism that fans use to defend their bias.

    Seen it all before.

  13. Who is this new writer, we need to fire him. lol

  14. ^DUDE, 2pm *HAS* talent, they have just gotten lazier over the years and now their dancing consists of just putting hands up (LOL).

    Idgaf about the rest, but the two are comparable.

    But dude, we get the point that someone else needs to win aside from super junior, 2ne1 or fx, we don't need to hear it 50 million times.

    oh please do not start fights @ "I'm pretty sure everyone prefers it instead of that Gee crap" and "even though their songs suck *insertiamthebest*". Do you not think every k-pop group practices as much to bring you best possible performance? Ultimately, no group deserves to be "shitted on".

    i'm an infinite stan fyi, so i'm not trying to anti your ass

  15. Who the hell were they up against to win? Im neutral on infinite, I neither hate or love them, I find some of their songs good, others songs bad.

  16. uhh this was written by the owner..

  17. Lolololol @ 1:25. Irony all over that shit. So you're saying Infinite is better than all those groups that win based on popularity, and we all know Suju is a prime example. Yet ELFs supposedly helped your oppars win. WE DON'T BASH FANDOMS, WE BASH FANDOM'S OPPARS AND UNNIES!

    Calm your tits, you're already on your way to becoming a cocky fangirl. Saying "We DO have the right to shit on every group that's winning based on popularity" LMAO. What God given right was ever given to you? I'm sure your fellow Inspirits would be proud of you.

  18. Replies
    1. sure, just get shawols to love Infinite, your not helping ur bias by putting others down, it just creates more antis

  19. SM buys most of the awards on those shows anyway. Their idol groups are complete human excrement.

  20. I'm glad they won. I'm not an Inspirit, but, I respect Infinite (until more than two of them say/do something racist). And aww, the gay one was crying like a little girl. He is so precious (Sungjong). And Dongwoo (right?) was crying pretty hard there; I never thought I'd see Hoya ever cry, he's so sexy..............

  21. And I'm asking this very seriously: Infinite who?

    I don't think I've heard any song from them.

  22. "Infinte > SHINee"
    lol no, onew and jonghyun vocals are much better than all of infinte together
    And shinees choreos are pretty damn epic as well
    Oh, and they are cuter^^

    1. i love both.SHINee and Infinite. plus, key and woohyun are good friend.

  23. Uhm I just hope Infinite's fans won't become the 2nd BE2UTY. They are unendurable after Beast wins and they make me like Beast UNTIL they are shot to fame.

  24. Haha I was like... Why do infinite fans have a rainbow blanket?

  25. it's weird how sm artists always have to take the shit from these pressed fangirls when majority of them basically learned wtf kpop is after seeing jaejoong's non-existent abs or the orgy that was super junior.

    meh, dont really care about 3rd gen idols anyway. except for maybe the girl groups. and i'm a girl lol.

  26. HAHAHAHAHA, the best part of this article is that someone replied with 2PM has talent.

    Made my motherfuckin' day.

  27. @4:29

    Only thing about shinee is that i don't like their songs, but i like their dancing.

    Lucifer was literally the same note reoccurring in long passages. just depends on whether you like the note or not, and if you don't, you won't like the song :l

  28. ^ hey jaejoong's abs are always there, tho i don't really care about them

    congrats infinite, their songs are great, also their choreo

    infinite>shinee ftw, it's all beacuse of minhoe, he should just die, he's ruining everything

  29. Honestly, although I'm not an Infinite stan (but Dashi Dorawa is the mutha fuckin jam k? and Hoya is a hot piece of ass) I actually think Inspirits (lol at that name) are so cute. They seem pretty okay to me, apart from the underrated bit, they just seem genuinely happy to love their oppas and their music. Even with their teen top rivalry, they still say " I still like both and they will win too..." I wish my fandoms were a little more like that tbh as a say a and wonderful, it is so damn annoying to see the 2ne1 wondergirl comparison all the damn time on every friggin miss a video.

  30. Infinite is one of the groups that it's not embarrassing to stan tbh. Maybe that's why they have an unusual number of fanboys haha. Why the hell are people bringing up shinee? But if you wanna go there, the rappers can sing, rap, and dance circles around Key and defo that pathetic thing that is Minho. Some of them probably sing and dance better than Taemin too. As for Jonghyun and Onew, Sunggyu yeah he needs work but Woohyun is good and Jonghyun sounds like he's gonna die half the fucking time pushing out those high notes as of late. Not to say shinee isn't talented but if they weren't in sm, they wouldn't be given nearly as much credit tbh. I can't judge their songs because it's personal preference but I like Infinite's more and their mv's imo look a hell of a lot less cheap. And from their videos, infinite stans aren't that bad, there are way worse...

  31. LMAO...Don't judge the whole fandom by one fan (I'm the Inspirit with the Gee crap rofl)...I'm just unusualy biased over any group I like.I really don't know where did you find so many Infinite fans bashing on other fandoms,but whatever...
    Ah well...it's kinda cruel for a fan,isn't it?Going all crazy because they finally won and someone *points the creator of this masterpiece up there* just HAD to ruin everything,saying that the fans will get delusional.You can't blame me for being angry lol.The reason why I involved 2ne1,2pm and other groups is cuz I personaly hate them,not because Inspirits love to bash.
    Ya know,I WOULD be delusional if Infinite didn't have any talent and I kept on saying they are the best group EVA.And I'm not.
    My point is:Inspirits won't get delusional,cuz we do know Infinite is not the best group out there (though for us they are,but we can distinguish pure fandom and real facts ) and we are friendly with all the other fandoms...even Andromedas that hate on Infinite ALL the time. (Well,ok,I'm not friendly with them,but I can't stand TT and it has nothing to do with Infinite LOL)And just to say this:I never bashed on SuJu now,did I?Mr.Simple is really not that great,but they ARE talented so they're not only winning with popularity~
    PS:2pm has talent?Exept for dancing and Junsu/Wooyoung/Junho's vocals,I don't see any.LOL.

  32. lol as a shawol you are making it even harder for me to get into infinte because all I see is bashing towards my bias group.
    Ill try to get to know them because you all speak like they are some god-like group...but I have to say that shinees first album beats any debut album until the date

  33. I hereby promise to not get a huge ego and start shitting all over other fandoms. *pinky swear*

  34. i'll personally ensure inspirits won't be such lame fandom :D

  35. any male gay group like infinitie, bigbang mblaq, superjunior, 2pm, 2am, ukiss, shinee, double dutch, fruitybears, neuterdrones luckycharms, freshfaces, obviously, OBVIOUSlY become popular because of LOOKS...

    these guys are lame and should never ever have signed up to live with other guys for 15 years. whoever does this is obviously gay.

    not that i have anything against gay people. once again i must say this.

    so yes, infinite won because of stupid fangirls rigging the system again

    1. big bang became popular for their looks o_O?

  36. Those boys have the cutest personalities I swear. I didn't care about them until I watched sesame player and they seem like they'd be cool to hang with. Their music is so fun too(she's back, she's baaaaack)! I just became a fan and I'm so much happier in this fandom tbh, the people are so sweet and just like to talk about their infinite bb's. Besides, they have male fans which is adorable (their fan accounts are rofl).

    "BTD was the most epic song of this year,maybe even the most epic kpop song EVER"
    sdaglsjkldgskdlg brb dying

  38. Stop generalizing the whole fandom because of a few idiots. Only a few people said they were underrated, THEY WERE. So you're going to hate on Infinite just because of that? We don't hate any other fandom, most of us are genuinely happy for them! Inspirits have come from different fan bases anyway, so I don't understand that. We just like talking and supporting Infinite whatever way we can, if you can't respect that then thats really sad... there are plenty of other groups you can turn your attention to then. Its really sad, because Infinite haven't done anything to anyone and you're just finding a lame excuse to bring the fandom down, when we haven't done anything besides supporting them, we aren't disrespecting any one by saying that they were underrated, because they were, now they aren't. People who say those kinds of things are either stupid or just new fans who don't know anything. Besides, if you've noticed a few people who say anything against other groups, Inspirits themselves defends them. Give them and us a chance.

  39. ^
    Some of those fans are really embarrassing you're making Inspirits look bad. We don't bash/compare groups like that >:( we don't need fans like you.

  40. Why did you had to start on Inspirits? they haven't done anything. They're only supporting Infinite, you take Kpop way too seriously.

    1. Agreed. each person have their own reason to choose their favourite kpop idol. we don't have to bash them (kpop idols). in fact, all of them are struggling to be what they want to be.

  41. I really liked your previous post...but this was really unnecessary.

  42. ^the posts are obviously from different people..

    also, did i hear someone mention that 2am got in for their looks? ಠ_ಠ

    isn't this kind of system apparent for all groups? chances are, if a girl group isn't pretty, it wouldn't have managed to debut ._.
    fans rig the system all over the place, regardless of gender. as much as i may like them, you can't say snsd, kara, t-ara's popularity is solely based on talent.

    also, what does the gay argument bring to this whole thing?

  43. ^
    lol ikr guys bash on boy groups because they are in kpop for their looks. LOL Every fucking idol(boy or female) sell trough his/her appearance.

  44. LOL @ unfaithfulkpopfan's comment

  45. "fans rig the system all over the place, regardless of gender. as much as i may like them, you can't say snsd, kara, t-ara's popularity is solely based on talent."

    All Kpop fans want their group to win, so the whole "rigged system" and "wanting to win everything" thing is bullshit. Newer groups don't have much chance against the Big 3 company groups anyway, so they have to do something otherwise senior groups will always dominate. You have to consider the future of Kpop too, most of these senior groups won't be around in 10+ years max.

  46. LAWL at the amount of fangirls that are flocking to this blog. the very fangirls that this blog bashes on.

  47. @ 11:03

    ... but he never said he hated Infinite in the first place, nor was he hating on Inspirits. This is how I saw it: he was just saying that he hopes Inspirits don't get all arrogant about Infinite and shit all over other fan groups (did you see the illustration? That's where I got that from), now that they won something.

    Also, as an Inspirit, I never have and never will hate other fan groups.

  48. @10:12am I guess its the way its been shown...but he made a very good post before (so it looked a bit dodgy lol) although some of things that he talks about usually, he makes some very good points. It doesn't matter... we're ok^^

  49. Too many fucking fangirls. Can't even troll in peace.

  50. @7:28

    "have to do something otherwise senior groups will always dominate", there's nothing to be done, popular groups will always win (unless new groups gain as much popularity as the big 3 in the short amount of time - which is obviously not possible). the whole thing just turns into a popularity contest (then again, always has been), regardless of talent.

  51. @6:42 ...If they don't, smaller groups won't survive anyway so they would just disband or continue to struggle. Most of these senior groups didn't get popularity that quickly either, some took a good few years to get some fan base. Also all these big groups have a strong company behind them, smaller companies are always going to find it difficult regardless...the company you work under is a big factor.

  52. as an Inspirit i'm just glad Infinite won a music award :)

  53. just....lmaoooooooooooooo u guise

  54. WTF? how is shinee better? are you all on drugs? I'm an inspirit and I'm gonna speak my mind. I Used to be all into shinee but they I realized like other SM artist they're feeding off of lsm's tits. They are only fairly talented. Onew's voice is amazing but everyone recognizes Jonghyun as the 'best' overall because he has what they think is 'a broad range' bullshit. Onew could outsing that talented reject any day. jonghyun sings like someone kicked him in the nutsack. Minho raps like he smoked 3 blunts and drank a whole bottle of grey goose and key acts gayer than boy george. Taemin and Onew are pretty much the only interesting members out of shinee. Taemin because he's a fluid dancer and Onew because he has a strong voice.

    Now about infinite. My liking for them was a slower process but watching their show showed me exactly what 'wanting' something is. They knew they weren't all that amazing, but what did they do to get their name out there? They promoted themselves. They're humble and they work hard. They can dance and whether you idiots want to admit it or not the boys can fucking sing. They have everything, personality, talent, different looks. Not to mention they're Tablo's group and we all know Tablo is a no bullshit type person. He picked a grip of amazing talented men and made a group I approve of over all these lame ass rookie group being shat out by various entertainment companies. Let's face it before infinite debuted we had a shit load of crappy groups come out. F.cuz? Are you joking? ...we got all hyped up for that shit only to be let down by a pop-fag song titled 'jiggy'? Wut?

    In closure , find another topic because this one is obviously flawed.

    So what if fangirls complain about infinite not winning and shit, THEY ARE FANGIRLS. You all know good and well that they bitch and whine about this shit all day. Hey I know , why don't I make a post about anti-fangirl fangirls whining about fangirls. That's basically what you all are doing. YOURE JUST LIKE THEM.



    1. yeah i'm on drugs

      infinite's better than SHINee

  55. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH God, you're funny! And I'm loving the KFC background!

    an Infinite fangirl ;)


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