Monday, September 26, 2011

Question of the Week 13

This week's question comes from one of our readers, Jae:
What was the very first K-pop song you heard? How old were you when you first heard Korean music?

For me, the first song that introduced me to Korean music was either Dong Bang Shin Ki's 「Rising Sun」 or Super Junior's U, both of which I discovered when I was 13.

Thank you again for your suggestion!

If anyone has suggestions for later Question of the Weeks, please send them to zomg.oppa.sareanghae@gmail.com. Thanks!


  1. Mine was Oh My Love by S.E.S. Despite it being so long ago, I also managed to find the video of it, which probably took all night to download.

    As for my age at the time, that is classified.

  2. ^ 55? :P

    2008 for me. Not sure exactly what song I listened to first, but it was either BoA's Girls on Top or Epik High's Love Love Love (I count this song as pop.)

  3. WG's 'Tell Me' and BB's 'Lies', at the same time. I can't remember how I ended up watching that specific joint stage performance. I think that was around 2008 when I saw it.

  4. mine was 마이걸 (Ma-i-geol)Never Say Goodbye by Mario and Nasty back in 2007. I was 96 then.

  5. SHINee's Replay. I was 19.

  6. Big Bang's "Haru Haru". I was yung, really young, too young maybe.

  7. 1995 Roora 날개잃은 천사 or something by cool i was seven.

  8. Rain's It's Raining in 2004. I was 12 but was more of a korean drama/movie enthusiast. Rain was in Full House so I paid attention to his music.

  9. Shinee's RRD in 2009 I was 19 then. Found it by accident looking for bell sounds for a project.

  10. H.O.T's Candy... just entered my teens then. Was introduced by a Korean friend so I can let go off my SMAP obsession.

  11. Super Junior's U on animax, i didn't even knew it was Kpop, i watched it with my brothers and we laughed at it. A LOT.

    Few years later in 2009 i discovered the song again on my early days of suju(or kpop, i don't stan suju anymore.....) stanning.

    I think it's karma.

  12. Replay by SHINee. I fucking loved Taemin to death. Until I moved on. 2008 was the year of some of the best kpop songs too. I miss it.

  13. super junior's don't don mv scared me.. so my friend let me watch dbsk's rising sun after. I was 18. since then, I was hooked like crazy!

  14. Wonder Girls Nobody when i was 12. But the song which really got me interested in kpop was SNSD's Gee

  15. It was Shinee's "lucifer" and i thought that was the gayest shit id ever heard/seen,dudes wearing make-up,that was some shocking shit.I didnt know that that was kpop I for some reason thought they were Japanese that was last year. Fast word a month or so Suju got me by the balls with 'sorry sorry' Eunhyuk's shuffle thing made me jizz.I was 21.

  16. BoA-Atlantis Princess(+ ID; Peace B) in 2003. I was 10.

  17. an lee jung hyun song like 6/7 years ago, so 17ish?

  18. Ryu - Winter Sonata. My auntie was watching the chinese dubbed Kdrama. I think I was 11 or 12

  19. For me, it was Dirty Cash from Big Bang, I was 14 or 15. I didn't even know what the hell I was watching, all I knew was that Taeyang was hot, and that the video had to be the most dumbest thing I had ever seen.

  20. One of BoA's songs. Of course, at the time, I thought she was Japanese so I thought I was listening to jpop.

  21. DBSK's Miriotic back in 2008. I was 19 then. I appreciated the song, but I didn't like the video nor the group. It wasn't until I heard WG's Nobody did I get hooked to K-Pop.

  22. After School - Ah or because of you. I don't know. I was very interested in Korea WAY before KPOP then someone talked about After School so I searched them. I was 13 years old.

  23. SNSD's Run Devil Run last year. I found them through an ItsKingsleyBitch video where he was bitching at all the sones who were mad he used the Ke$ha version in one of his videos. I was 17.

  24. first korean song: Witches - Ther she is
    First k-pop song: Super Junior - U

  25. Se7en Passion or Lalala not sure which one was first. And I think I was like 11 ..

  26. kim bum soo - bogoshipda 1993 ;) - 2months old

  27. Balloons - DBSK. I was like 14.

  28. ID; Peace B - BoA 2001 A relative brought BoA's album for me as a souvenir from Korea. i was 7 didn't understadn english either so i wouldn't care later if it was english/korean/spanish/french/japanese

  29. hmmm...Maybe Happiness by Super Junior or Hug By DBSK or Rain's Bad Guy I was 13 I think =)

  30. T-ara TTL was the first kpop song I downloaded it kept playing at the end of some drama and I got hooked.

  31. First kpop song was Tell Me by WG.

  32. IU Good Day at 23...Yea, I just got into kpop recently ^___^;;

  33. Nobody by wondergirls cuz every at school kept singing it and they were all into kpop. i was 15......

  34. DBSK's "Rising Sun" when I was 16-17.

  35. wa by Lee Jung Hyun was the first song i heard when i was around 8-9 and i didnt know what it was but that kinda beat was pretty famous around europe in the 90's. But i only got really into kpop in 2005 with DBSK i was 13.

  36. i was 16 and i used to have this habit of looking through the other counties top videos of the day on youtube
    then when Gee came out i watched it and listened to it and never touched kpop again until about a year later when the Wonder Girls came to America

  37. I heard an instrumental version of 'Love in the Ice' from DBSK. That got me into K-pop. Can't remember the first actually Korean song I listened to, though.

  38. my first kpop i heard was Big Bang's Lies i love that song i remember singing all week and that was when i was 14 so that was 2 years ago.

  39. I was 14, and we watched G-Dragon's Heartbreaker during class one day as an example of foreign pop music, and it just stuck with me.

  40. I got into Kpop the beginning of last year when my bro's gf showed us GD's Heartbreaker, and DBSK Mirotic...
    I started snooping around looking at other Kpop videos and got hooked. I was 14 at the time.

  41. .... these comments are making me feel old.

  42. .....G-dragon's this love
    Im not proud but meh~~ I was listening to marron 5 and he was in the related videos

  43. ^ Oh god, I mean maroon* 5

  44. @LOL 2:41 I second that. But don't worry my comment will make you feel young.
    Young turk's club "jung" age 7, but i really got into kpop when 1love by 1tym came out, age 12.

  45. to newer fans such as myself i never really took kpop seriously since everyone likes to shove snsd down everyones throats as what kpop is all about

    when i finally converted i found there were many other better songs other than only the popular ones

  46. First K-pop song I heard was either Taeyang's Wedding Dress or SNSD's Gee. When I was 12 (I'm 14 now). I really can't remember which one I heard first. I loved both songs so much that I listened to them without end for a month (yes a month)! Now, sadly, I don't listen to American music that often. No, I'm not one of those delusional fangirls that says K-pop is the best music in the world, and American music is all about drinking, sex, and drugs (but a lot of it that I hear on the radio is). I prefer the Korean style of pop over the American style of pop. You know what I'm talking about, how K-pop is more... poppy? And American pop is more R&B or dance. But I still listen to it when there's a good song (there's a lot of them).

  47. I got into kdrama & that lead me into kpop
    Bigbang ft 2NE1- lollipop

  48. se7en - lalala and bi - in my bed fuck girl and boy groups gayest shit ever

  49. My first song was Gee when I was 12

  50. First song was After School-Diva,when I was 18

  51. Shinhwa Angel I was 15

  52. One by Epik High and I was 10 or 11? I dunno.

  53. Big Bang - Haru Haru , grade 6? So at age of .. 11?

  54. KARA- If u wanna
    I was <_< 14? 13? I was in yr 9!

  55. Seo Taiji and Boys- It's my business, 16 years

  56. For me it was probably Epik High's Love Love Love, but I didn't begin to learn about/get into Kpop until listening to (not watching, the MV would've turned me away from them lol) SHINee's Lucifer which I really liked. That was earlier this year, and I'm still 15.

  57. mine was definitely old school... Dreams come true by S.E.S bacn in :'98 when I was 6

  58. Park Ji Yoon - Adult Ceremony

  59. i can't remember if its Nobody by WG or Fire by 2ne1 in 2009. i know nothing about kpop back then. i was 21, too late to be in the game don't ya think?

  60. balloons by dbsk at 2006......

  61. If it's Kpop and not Kballad. It probably was Sweet dream by Jang Nara. Back when she was still in her early 20s I believe.

  62. Since my friend was into k-pop in... 2008, I think, that should be when I heard my first k-pop song. It should be Super Junior's Happiness or Taeyeon's If (is this k-pop?)

  63. H.O.T - Candy anyone??

  64. oh i was also 12 at the time, i found her from watching inuyasha and hearing every heart, i thought she was japanese till i heard no.1 and listen to my heart

  65. Either Tell Me or Love Love Love.

  66. Mirotic - DBSK.

    That really was a perfectly produced MV/song package.

  67. me it was wonder girls so hot but later the thing that got me into kpop was really boys before flowers.

  68. @3:47 holler at "candy"!

  69. Big Bang "Lies" I was 15.

  70. U-KISS' "what" one and a half years ago, I was 15 =P

  71. First one I remember would be SNSD's Gee.

  72. mines was Lexy let me dance I was around 7 or 8

  73. I guess I'm a Kpop noob.

    First song I heard was TVXQ's "Keep Your Head Down" on Perezhilton (judge me) in January or Febuary of this year. I was 26.

  74. My first exposure was hearing Wonder Girls' Nobody in 2009, and I thought it was meh. A year later that I saw the music video of Gee, also meh. Soon after that I saw Hoot and then I was "damns, these girls are pretty, song's catchy too". From there I expanded my girl group library from watching Invincible Youth. This all happened when I was 19-20, I'm 21 right now.

    Before all that happened, I used to listen mostly to hardcore/metalcore, pop punk/ska, and indie/emo. Been trying to get back into those genres recently, but female idol groups still dominate most of my playlist right now.

  75. @8:12 What a tool you are. Pop punk? Ehw. Emo? Gross. No wonder you like Hoot. You're not 21, you're 14.

  76. kara's honey in 2009...i was 18..goo hara n gyuri are really pretty in the mv...my eyes cant stop staring~~~

  77. Davichi's My Man. Back then I didn't know it was kpop...and I instantly fell in love with Kang Min Kyung because of the close-up scenes.

    I was 14 then. Three years ago...a year short of me getting into kpop through SNSD's RDR.

  78. the first kpop song i ever heard was Kara's Lupin. I was 15 then.

  79. b2y-jeez...i had never listened to asian music nor i was intrested in korean colture...i was 18.

  80. @1035 :) Thanks for exposing me.

  81. Shinhwa's Crazy! I think I was 17?!

  82. snsd's Gee, thought kpop was goofy, stupid song, atrocious group, then SS501's UR Man and despite snsd, fell in love with kpop and SS501!


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