Sunday, September 11, 2011

Yang Hyun Suk is bragging about YG's trainee system

“YG only had a select few trainees, but we’ve been increasing the number since 2011.  If you look at it one way, we get outstanding talent for free."

If you get the trainees for free, why did you use a cheap surgeon on Bom? YG should have had more money to spend compared to SM and JYP.

"My trainees are all children who have talent not made through effort, but through talent they’re born with."

Yes....I totally believe you...except there's a 2NE1 member named Sandara Park. That right there makes you a liar.

"The second are the trainees who don’t practice because they know that they’re good. Of course, YG doesn’t let lazy prodigies just slide. We either let them die out or try to fix it. This is where the great system we’re known to have comes from."

Yeah, you throw out people with talent (May Doni anyone?) and allow untalented trainees to join groups.

"People say that I’m stingy with compliments but I think it’s definite that a YG trainee is talented and good. I have to play the bad guy that criticizes what they lack in the middle."

At this point I feel like I'm reading something from a politician. At least the guy could be honest and say the concept is what makes YG groups popular instead of calling every single member talented when it's not true.


  1. From what I've heard is that May Doni had a sister who was also in YG, but she wasn't as talented. YG kicked her sister out & May Doni left with her.

  2. lol wow.

    That's why 2NE1 is a vocally hot mess, and Big Bang has two dead weights.

  3. I wish there were more songs from May Doni. Ever since she moved to Nega Ent., she kind of disappeared except for that role in "White". I really liked her last album "Molla-ing"

  4. More "evidence" for those AKP fans to say

    "This is why YG is >>>>> SME,JYP,DSP, etc..." While I don't really have a problem with YGE, seeing fans raise the company up to such a pedestal gets irritating after a while. It's as if no other company can produce good artists.

  5. Goddamn, this guy is just full of crap. This is the reason why YG stans are so fucking annoying. He perpetuates that notion that "YG talents artists, not idols", and therefore head and shoulder above the rest of K-Pop.


    They are just as manufactured as the next group.

  6. At least they aren't bad like SME.

  7. @1:54 who are the two dead weights?

  8. most likely GD and Top

  9. @1:54 daesung and GD?

  10. This is why he is king of all trolls.

  11. I reckon it's Seungri and Daesung.

  12. Probably GDTOP. dead weights coz they're deemed to be what makes big bang BIG BANG, but damn it they're next to nothing, so freaking overrated. best musicians dara's non-existent ass.

  13. @4:51 icu defensive YG stan

  14. This is why the YG leets are the worst of them all.

  15. the only exception to what he said is dara, i'd agree with you on that part. but i don't see the part where he says "YG>>all other companies. we are artists you are idols."
    you guys argue so much that they treat YG artists like theyre the best, but um. at least they have the balls to say that they're above the rest, which is primarily the reason why i like them: their confidence and stage presence.

    Also, say what y'all want, but i hardly believe any of BB are dead weight. I would say GD is the most useless, but he does write a lot of their music and has a lot of fans. TOP also has a lot of fans and can rap at least decently. daesung's voice is the best out of the group. taeyang's wedding dress has become one of top reasons why BB is famous internationally. seungri's voice has improved a lot, and i personally like it more than taeyang's now.

    im only a yg fan, but i find it funny that you guys will insult these groups by saying they have useless members, and when we bring up the fact that half of snsd and suju pretty much do nothing(admit it. only 4-5 snsd members are on live audio performances), we're called elitists. ridiculouss

    i agree though, YG does sometimes have a big head, but hey. what can you do?

  16. @8:15 not a single fuck was given

  17. "TOP can rap at least decently"


  18. How difficult is it to get in SM? All is needed is plastic surgery and sexual favors.

  19. And this is why i cant stand this douchelord give me JYP and his creepy smile and plastic pants,ill take him over this narcissist who obviously believes all the fan-mail his delusional stans send him.

    @Anon 8:15 everyone on this blog with sense knows that snsd and suju have more useless members than useful but sweetie that is kpop in general.

    My "beloved" 2NE1 has 4 members with 2 useless ones.Dara and grandma Bom.

  20. I kind of always thought that May Doni left/got kicked out of YG because her musical style didn't suit YGE's music style. Isn't she more of a ballad singer? She and Minzy as a duo would be... bleh. Minzy likes shaking her ass too much to stand still and sing ballads.

    I like his approach to recruiting trainees. In that aspect, YGE is much better than companies who take in 100+ trainees and end up only using less than 15% of them. His interview almost felt like it was directed to whatever companies were stupid enough to debut Chocolat and Stellar.

    Someone tell me how JYP recruits his trainees because I want to know how and why Nichkhun and Chansung became idols, since they're both ugly AND can't sing/dance/act for shit.

  21. ^
    calling nichkun ugly when half the world would disagree with u doesnt help ur cause. But hey u know, im sure JYP would rather impress u than the other half of the world who r more than happy to hand over their wallets to buy nichkhun merchandise

  22. YG 4evr

    mad cause he making bank and you aren't? aww

  23. i'n no hip hop or yg fan but is GD TOP raps really bad?

  24. ^ theyre rather 'okay'.

    but if you say that to their delusional fans they'll prolly be all up in your face saying you don't know how to appreciate real artists or something.


  25. I dont like kpop using the word rap, Do you sit their, think of your life and put it down into rhymes, or is it drivel? Thats right GD im talking to you <_<

  26. Also, YG is the most over rated company.
    Atleast sm can buy some good songs to give to their over worked idols, and dont bother claiming them to be fashionistas or "talented", the fans do that for them. This cunt is a gloat.

  27. ^SM good songs? YOUR KIDDING ME!! ROFL xD

  28. LOL bunch of insecure Yg haters. xD

  29. ^
    LOL the typical YG stan.

  30. "At least the guy could be honest and say the concept is what makes YG groups popular instead of calling every single member talented when it's not true."

    I agree so much. I like YG's artists,but they depend from their images as much as any other group, whatever the delusional stans say.

  31. @bassfreak Why is TOP a bad rapper in your opinion? I'm not saying he's good, I'm just curious to why you think he's bad, THEN I CAN CRITICISE YOUR OPINION AND SAY ITS WRONG BITCH ITS WRONG.

  32. I could never take YG stans seriously.

    I mean, seriously. I just couldn't.

  33. Hehe YG stans are too pahnny.

    Speaking of Bom's surgeon.. http://www.soompi.com/news/park-bom-reveals-dazzling-selcas-through-her-me2day-account
    She could be in a wax museum.

  34. YG fans always say that May doni left because she wanted to debut earlier and YG wanted her to train longer or something like that..

  35. ^ Didn't she leave after YG decided to stick Minzy in 2NE1 instead of a duo with her? That's what I always thought.

    Some people are going around saying that May Doni is going to be part of YG's "SNSD-like girl group" though. Not sure if there's any truth to that shit.

  36. May Doni left YG cause her sister was rejected, not because she was kicked out. YG may be a dickwad when it comes to following a schedule but he defo ain't a moron, losing a valuable asset like Doni on purpose is plain idiotic.

    Too bad for her, now she's stuck in Nega with next to minimal relevance.

  37. my milshae bring all da boy to da yar, an der lie is berr den yor, dam rie, is berr den yor, i can tee you buh i hah to charghh. phominuteslut is where the natural born talents are at, bishes.

  38. people should be rewarded for their effort and passion. not their 'gift'.

  39. ^
    if they put a lot of passion and effort but sound like shit they should be rewarded?.....

  40. Here's yg bragging like a douche again about how his artists are all naturally talented (which obviously isn't true). Funny thing is yg stans eat this shit up.

  41. @8:15 I'm glad someone finally recognized that GD is the most fucking useless member of Big Bang. Sure he writes all their music but that's a role he could play behind the scenes. Big Bang's best songs are the ones where his part is minimal (Tell Me Goodbye, Stay, Remember).

    Yang Goon is full of shit. He's nothing more than a glorified former background dancer who thinks his presence and his label are God's gift to Korean music. He keeps yapping about talent while he's putting truly talented artists like Se7en and Gummy on the backburner in favour of 2NE1BANG and their autotune nonsense. I keep watching old YG family videos on YouTube and wondering how the hell they went from being a legit hip hop staple to the hot ass mess they are now. Lexy, Big Mama, Wheesung, and May Doni are just a few of the good artists YG let slip through his fingers but he keeps people like Sandara around. Maybe I'm just bitter because I hate the way he rides GD/TOP dick but can't give Daesung one fucking mini album.

  42. @6:59
    Yes, and if they sound like shit, there exists at least 1 reason why they're still alive...

    e.g. Kara is still being rewarded, but do you see AKF bashing the shit out of them for having crappy vocals? Do you see sales declining and less wins?

    go listen to something else if you want *only pure talent makes it in*

  43. ^
    What's the point of telling me that? I'll listen to what I feel like listening to. I don't really care about wins or how many albums they sell but I do sometimes like watching kara music videos...when the sound is off.

  44. haha, keep complaining they are living the life while we stay here and do nothing but stare at the screen.

  45. I'm not really complaining. I am happy with my life as it is. I think it would kind of suck to be an idol.

  46. ^it would more than suck, especially when you get used and then chucked out/left to waste when they have younger, hotter replacements. not to mention that most fans are terrible and couldn't care less about how you actually felt, and continue saesangfan-ing your ass or write fanfics about you f*cking another member or f*cking them. Get nothing as pay (kikwang gets 9000USD a year and he's the highest paying member in b2st?).

    the whole job is a joke; well, in this case, talent is directly proportional to pay for most of these groups, so no one's complaining.

  47. There are truly some good artists in YG. But at the end of the day, you need to make money to survive. If that means you need to lead out with Big Bang and 2NE1, that's what you do.
    By the way, Wheesung can really sing it!

  48. too bad...
    why you hate Kpop artist?
    and why you critize other people like that?
    sandara park have her charm than the other member
    and park bom face. You call that cheap surgeon?
    have you ever think how their feel when they see you comment like that
    have you achieved their achievement?
    40 award from their own country
    1 award from MTV America
    have work together tih Will.i.Am from Black Eyes Peas
    well maybe you just jealous for their achievement..
    if you want critize like this..
    try get more famous than them so you can talk about them lowly..
    sory my bad english...

  49. I just don't understand why you comment/criticize too much when you don't even know the real reason.

    *** For your information, if you think Bom's cheeks are fake, then you're completely wrong. She never had a surgery on her cheeks. The reason why her cheeks are like that is because she's suffering from a disease called lymph nodes.

    "My trainees are all children who have talent not made through effort, but through talent they’re born with."
    ** YG said this statement AFTER THE DEBUT OF 2NE1. So Sandara isn't counted.

    ** YG didn't throw Maydoni. She left with her own freedom. If you were a CEO of a company, and you want your company to rise... would you keep Yenny? (Maydoni's sister) You can tell that by watching Yenny's videos, you know she's really not good! I personally think Sandara is even better. Why would you keep someone who has been trained for so long and doesn't even show any sign of improvement? It's a waste of money, time, and effort. So, they decided to drop Yenny. Maydoni, whose talent is waaaaaaaaay better than her sister, was chosen to stay. But you can't blame her for she loves her sister too much, so she left with her. To think, that is Yenny's fault... because she could have told her sister to stay, and she should have known what's better for her. It's definitely not YG's fault.

    "People say that I’m stingy with compliments but I think it’s definite that a YG trainee is talented and good. I have to play the bad guy that criticizes what they lack in the middle."

    At this point I feel like I'm reading something from a politician. At least the guy could be honest and say the concept is what makes YG groups popular instead of calling every single member talented when it's not true.

    ** You know what? YOU'RE THE LIAR. YG never said that all of his artists are talented. He only compliments GD, TOP and Taeyang. Even Daesung is not always mentioned. And to think... he keeps on reminding Seungri to improve. For 2NE1, He only compliments the three (CL, Bom and Minzy) when it comes to talent... If he said that "Seungri and Dara are very talented", GIVE ME THE LINK AND PROVE TO ME THAT WHAT YOU'RE SAYING ARE TRUE. And of course, who wouldn't be strict? He doesn't want to compliment them in front of their faces and instead criticizing his artists is one way for them not to stop improving.

    AND BY THE WAY... "instead of calling every single MEMBER talented when it's not true." FYI, he said... "I think it’s definite that a YG TRAINEE is talented and good." not YG MEMBER.


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