Sunday, September 18, 2011

Yoona cast in Love Rain


  1. LOL. As bad as Yoona is, she's still kinda hot. So, by default, I'd rather see a hot, terrible actress over a dude that looks like a not-so-dude.

  2. I choose all the dramas that I watch on hotness of the lead actress.

    I haven't heard of Love Rain before, but now I'm going to watch it.

  3. the only question is: who's gonna play the male lead and who's gonna play the female lead in the drama.

  4. her face is so weird, esp her mouth

    (here comes sones......)

  5. @9:02 It's not that her mouth is weird, it's just lacking something. Namely, my penis.

  6. the only acting yoona should be doing is in porno

    strong till all nine disappear!

  7. Jang Geun Suk got trolled!

  8. @9:09 You can have her mouth. I call the other end.

  9. Jang Geun Suk is gross. What girl would watch a drama for him? He wore a man bra lol.

  10. http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/7642/3123511dzkdvzb2.jpg


  11. ^ Agreed. Yoona looks pretty ugly in that photo.

  12. Good.

    Anything to distract someone from Jang Geun Suk's disgusting face.

  13. I dont get people who say she's beautiful or hot. I mean, Shin Minah is beautiful, or Lee Min Jung, EunJung is hot (in IGCBOY - http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lr9q7hneeD1qh7608o1_500.gif <- definition of sex).
    To me Yoona is just flat with weird smile and strange legs. Lol, and being a girl I dont get Geun Suk's popularity. He's nice actor, but his face looks like he had dozen of plastic surgeries, and his diva attitude doesnt help me at least like this guy.
    Lol, I'm going to watch first epi of this drama just to laugh ^^

  14. she a dingy hoe and sm pays people to pretend to fawn over her

  15. I expect some girl on girl actions.

  16. She smiles just like the Joker. Creepy.

  17. WAE?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!

  18. cmon guys her acting isn't that bad
    i'll watch this just for her

  19. ^her acting IS that bad tbh

  20. @10:12 I get a "domain unregistered" error. Care to reupload? :o

  21. So I can forget about this drama...:\ I wanted to see it but with Yoona there's no way.

  22. Yoona is pretty, in a plain way. She is what you expect a pretty Korean women to look like. That's why she is popular in Korea. She is tall (for Korea) and she is pale, she has a small face, she is thin, she has long skinny legs, she has long dark hair, she has "doe eyes"...she fits ALL of these things to the "T" which is why Korea thinks she is so pretty...

    Anywyas, YoonA sucks at acting. Her fans make me LOL with all this "she won an award"...yeah like a viewers choice award thanks to all the sones+her fans.

    I hope this does well actually, I wanna see the sones bitch about how YoonA gets all the attention. The claws come out when YoonA gets work, so I'm excited to see the Yoonsters vs sones fights to come.

    It's only a matter of time before she drops that group and just starts competing with Goo Hara directly (once she leaves Kara) as the least talented but most successful idol EVER!!!

  23. she is so average looking, boring, and easily one of the more unattractive girls in snsd. at least choose someone prettier so we can get distracted from the ahjumma that is JGS

  24. Yoona can make it to the case study of how modern PR team can turn a girl-next-door to super star. They are feeding to the herds as if quoting from the gospel that she's a god-sent and probably one of the most beautiful women ever to grace Korea and look at the responses from the sheeple.

    The same can be said for Hara and Jiyeon. The former shot to stardom for merely being a japanese what-the-fuck-is-her-name superstar look-alike, and the latter being a Cyclops' Kim Tae Hee.

    For all their popularity they have no talent what-so-ever to show for it.

  25. @7:49 AM
    Dude(tte) you can read my mind.

  26. If you HAD to cast an idol why not Eunjung (its not like KKS is doing anything with her - she rarely gets to sing or rap anymore- and shes the only idol actress that can really act). I would have taken Jiyeon over Yoona, but not Hara (uck).

    Then again idk if even Eunjung can act well enough to convince an audience that shes attractive to this girly boy.... lol

  27. Jang Geun Suk looks more like a woman that Yoona does. This is gonna be interesting.

    Is this a gender-bender drama?

  28. yoona is overrated and can't sing or dance, or even act. but she's popular because of her tomboy personality and natural face and nose that the doctor gave her :D



    I LOVE YOU YOONA~~~ <3 i love how she's so humble and always call herself the prettiest even though she got surgery~~~ <3<3<3

    but question......why is the other main actor a girl too? is it going to be a lesbian drama? :O

  29. Yoona is a nice girl, I can't even stand SN fucking SD but her and robot Seohyun are alright to me. She is a bad actress though but I'd still rather watch her over the fug that is Jang Geun Suk and his overrated overhyped ass.

  30. @9:01, Hara shot to fame for being considered pretty and for being really skinny. Only in Japan did she get attention for looking like the Pop star Naime Amuro. She was already way popular in Korea before that...

  31. OMG, they are both fugly man. And YoonA isn't the only freaking girl in Korea to fit their (Koreans) idea of beauty. So why her? She is average at best. No hate, just my opinion. I honestly believe it when someone on here said SM pays people to fawn over her.

    Here look at THIS

  32. Jang Geun Suk needs to fucking cut his hair. I'm sure several rare eagle species have already nested in there.

  33. ^ fucking LOLed. bet ya this yoona chick only got the role for being pretty

  34. ^pretty what? awful? pretty awful right? to distract from the dudes gayness? now that makes sense.

  35. Her acting's awful. Saw her in the other dramas. She should just stick to being an idol.

  36. I can't even understand whyth she is the main visual of SNSD.

    Visuals should look like Siwon, Hara, Jaejoong, Nichkhun, Yubin, or Eunjung or something near these bunch of perfection.

    Yoona is so over-rated, Tiffany's even better than her, or that trainee that SME kicked out (what's her name? Stephanie?)

  37. I know what's weird about her smile.

    Her top lip is practically invisible.

  38. Haha, so many delicious tears. Yoona related rage is probably my favorite kind.

  39. Keep being jealous and/or butthurt about Yoona and her good looks. Average? LOL.

    Please post photos/links of all the women you have ever slept with and we'll see you're just talking out of your ass.

    Or if you're a girl, a photo of yourself for comparison and to prove you're not just jealous.

    It's amazing how as soon as someone asks for visual proof, everyone shuts up. Granted, you can think what you want about Yoona and her alleged unattractiveness, but keep it to yourself. You are in the minority, and every time you go and claim publicly that Yoona ISN'T an absolutely gorgeous woman, it just makes me think that you're insecure, disgusting virgin if you're a man, or a petty, insecure, jealous bitch if you're a girl.

    In short: Stop hating on Yoona just because 1. You will never look like her or 2. You'll never get to sleep with anyone close to being as hot as she is.

    Prove me wrong, I welcome it.

  40. I don't know about everyone else here, but I live in the U S of A and thanks to the 1st Amendment I have the right to say what I think and feel (for the most part). If I think Yoona is a fucking ugly bitch (which I don't -- I just find her seriously untalented in relation to her fame) I can say that. If you think I'm a fucking horrible person and a jealous ugly skank YOU can say that. As long as I'm not talking about offing a public official or bullying a 13 yr old girl or plotting to blow something up I'm pretty much a-OK in the eyes of the law.

    So, if you have a problem with my opinion okay fine say it, but don't expect shit from me. It is truly ridiculous for you to expect proof as if that would actually prove anything at all. Wtf? (I literally lol'd reading your comment.)I have my right to think/feel what I want and for the most part the right to say it. If you don't like that or if you can't understand that you need to get the fuck off the internet because you are going to be faced with a lot worse shit then this and if this is all it takes to get your panties in a wad you are going to lead a really uncomfortable life.

    Have a nice day~


  42. combatbaby got pwned

  43. YoonA, UEE n IU r the hype that I never shit to understand...but yeah, Yoona is suck in acting, sad, bored, angry and happy her face shows plain acting, my ass even much better to show some expressions...

  44. Yoona is too hot for all you haters. She's got tons of talent too, more talent than most other girls as a matter of fact. Her talent is looking hot.

  45. ^^ Jealous fangirls confirmed. You mad?

    Hey, I'm defending an idol I like, it's funny to me that you would suggest I'm getting my panties in a bunch when you people are going into articles on AKPFG and AKP bashing on Yoona. It's not I'm going around saying "Yoona is God's gift to men and women everywhere", I'm only defending her because people seem to love hating on this sexy little babe.

    Photo proof would actually be a lot of proof. I think I'm a fairly decent looking guy, not super awesome hot or anything, and I don't feel the need to go around bashing the Jaejoongs, Yunhos and Siwons of the world just because I'm not as good looking. And if guys bash them and call them fags, I'll defend them too, I'm not insecure just because SOMEONE out there is getting more action than I am, and is better looking.

    Also, this is the internet. First Amendment rights? Yes, please hide behind the great US Constitution because it's an excuse to bash on a member of SNSD? Weaksauce babe. Now if you were, say, Jaekyung of Rainbow, I can understand. Because Yoona is being carried by the other eight members and SM to stardom while you're toiling away in a basement along with the rest of your group even though you're better looking, better at singing and better at dancing, I CAN UNDERSTAND, legit argument.

    But you're an anonymous netizen who follows K-pop and is bashing on Yoona because you think her fame doesn't correlate with her talent? That's envy my son. Can you not be happy that this girl is busting her ass day in day out making songs, dancing, appearing on variety shows and dramas just for the gratification of K-pop fans like all of us?

    And that is why I will staunchly defend any idol, especially female ones (since they get the most hate), when fangirls such as yourself bash them for no reason other than to make up for their own personal jealousy.

    Besides Kwanghee and Super Junior. Those faggots are just douches.

  46. @1:34 Anon


    Eloquent argument kid. Go away, adults are talking. Come back when you've actually grown up enough to realize what a blithering retard you are and want to apologize to us mature K-pop fans for painting the entire fandom as a bunch of childish, jealous, socially maladjusted slobs who can barely string a sentence together without either bashing or worshipping some idol group.

    PS: Yoona calls me oppar.

  47. i love crazy stans they make my day

    its ridiculous for you to frequent this site and then get pissed when people shit on your idol really defend her all you want people are still going to call her put for being ugly and untalented get over it

    yoona sucks old balls if you don't agree them oh well have fun stanning that piece of shit~

  48. This post is funny because this time it's the antis that are delusional.

  49. Apparently CombatBaby is unaware of how this site works lol

    Yoona is not a good actress (better then Suzy but thats not saying much lol) and shes not all that hot either :/

  50. You mad, really? You just destroyed whatever amount of credibility you still had, but I’ll continue to engage in this pointless discussion (nothing good is on TV).

    First of all I feel I must address this point: Being unattractive doesn’t mean you can't judge beauty. Wtf? Have you seen the mules they drag out to judge beauty contests, come on. I’m glad you think you’re hot stuff. Why don’t you post a picture of yourself? Also, add a picture of your penis too. I want to see if you’re man enough to judge anyone else. Smh.

    You don’t know me. I don’t make it a habit of bashing Yoona, but this article was posted so I chipped in my two cents. But, if this helps: I am a female college student and I pretty much major in campus life so I get laid on the regular. I find myself to be quite cute (I try for sexy, but it’s always a fail DAMN MY DIMPLES!) and I think others would agree (though some may be bias by the simple fact that I have a vagina). I'm not jealous. I’m content with my life I have a long way to go to get to where I want to be, but I young and motivated so I’m confident I’ll get there. I don't consider myself a fangirl because I spend more time “critiquing” than anything else, but I am a fan of k-entertainment. (I’ve been called a troll more than once, but I feel that is unfair. I really just am trying to help more than anything.) I've seen Yoona "act" more than once and I'm not impressed. Also, I don't think she very pretty so she doesn't even have that going for her. (I can appreciate good looks in a woman; unfortunately she doesn’t really offer anything in that department for me… sigh, good lucks in better than nothing… and she got nothing).

    As a proud ‘Merica I’m sure James Madison is rolling in his GRAVE! The first amendment upholds my right to shit on your beliefs. Of course you would think its bull; I’m using it against you. You can defend her until you are blue in the face (more power to you), but if I don't like her and want to bash her I will (and so will many others).

    Idk why stans don't get this, but shitting on people is fun. It requires little energy and offers great rewards (like reading crazy fan responses defending shitty idols can bring loads and laughter and joy). Sitting here writing this is fun for me, I enjoy it. Bashing is a great stress reliever! Especially if the bashing is justified (because lbh sometimes it’s just for shits and giggles) as in Yoona's case. She’s below average in every idol category except like height and weight. BUT THAT IS ALL A MATTER OF OPINION!

    I don't care if she's working so hard her knees are bleeding. Hard work and effort doesn’t always equal talent. If I don't like her, I don't like her, but pissy fans like you don't make me want to like her ever. People like you make we WANT to go out in to the interwebs and shit on her EVERYWHERE! (Though I'm sure many are taking care of that for me right now...) One day she could be amazing as something (probably not acting…), but right not she’s bleh. Defend her, do your duty as a fan, but its not going to do much good. If Im bashing her I’m not on the fence, I’ve made my decision and nothing (until even a horrible accident) will change that. This is what is means to bash (I mean critique…).

    And one last thing: I love when people shit on Anons! It really makes my day... The moment people start posting their street addresses and phone numbers is the day I'll make an account--until then this shit is weaksauce. I enjoy the Anon function and the site, thanks AKF!

  51. That was long... I need a weekday life. Damn this site!

  52. @7:30
    I think this anon is just a teeeeeeeny bit crazy.

    "I don't care if she's working so hard [...]"
    .............. I think you just made up a reason to be angry about out of thin air.

    "Shitting on people is fun"?! If I ever met a person that legitimately thought that, I'd punch them in the face.

  53. Well I guess we should meet then! I'd love to see you try! ;)

  54. And yes, I've also been called crazy before... but I don't think I'm fangirl (or boy^) crazy.

  55. ^ i think shitting on people is fun. come at me

  56. 7:42 anon here,
    I think I need to clarify. I'm not against shitting on celebs like the blog posts here sometimes do, because it's all in fun. I'm sure if any of the authors here met any of these shit on celebs in real life they would show respect and not cuss them out or boo them off a stage.

    @6:01 Don't even compare the shit you're saying with what AKF writes. You are just straight up throwing insults, not only at the celebs but at other commenters personally (CombatBaby). It seems like you are doing this out of malice. And if there's any type of person I hate most, it's people like you, who do malicious things and call it fun.

  57. College age eh? Where do you go, I'll buy you dinner sometime and we can discuss your disgust of Yoona in person, if you're as cute as you say you are (and I'm as good looking as you seem to think I think I am :P). I think dimples can be sexy - Miranda Kerr - but it seems like you put a lot of energy into that reply there. You want digits? Message me and we'll see.

    At the end of the day, bashing is a lot more energy consuming than defending. You know why? It's SNSD, they're famous, rich, popular, successful and loved by hundreds of thousands of dedicated fans across the world. Bashing ain't gonna change that, and if it really is a stress reliever for you to insult people, you must live a pretty shitty life. You know what normal K-pop fans do when they have stress? They put on some Soshi/Big Bang/etc. tracks and vibe away their worries.

    You don't care if she's working so hard her knees are bleeding, you'll STILL insult her? Sorry girl, you stuck up.

    Personally, I love America, I think it's a great country and I'm happy to be living here. But you know what most people here call it when a girl is getting sex on the regular and proud of it? Easy. I'm happy for you since you're getting more action than myself (for now), I'm just saying.

  58. Wow Combat who knew you were such a cray fanboy.

    Its ok if people dont think your Yoona is attractive,im one of those people.I dont think she is pretty but i dont think she is ugly just average.

    There are more attractive people in kpop than her and the argument "lets see what you look like" is as redundant as the 'oh you think my oppar cant sing,lets hear you sing".

    Just as you are entitled to your warped opinion regarding her "beauty" we are entitled to ours.

  59. ^^ liley i want to like your comment!

  60. I don't want to change the world; I just like to piss people like you off. It’s a great pass time. I slept great last night and woke up refreshed today! Ready to face the world (and the stans) with a smile on my face and a song in my heart (todays song: Step by KARA). Some people exercise (but I only do that on my back), some people draw, some people read whatever floats your boat, I prefer to write helpful “critiques” that no one of importance will ever read. Different strokes.

    There is a reason I remain Anon, if I wanted to meet any of you in real world I'd post my name, but I don't so I won't. But of course take that as "proof" that I'm a jealous fangirl, I don't mind. (I'll just take that as actual proof that you are a crazy fanboy.)

    I'm not easy; I'm a healthy sexually active female. See I'm confident in my sexuality and I don't really care all that much about what people think. It my vagina and I will use it as I please! GIRLS OF THE WORLD GET YOURS! (I firmly believe in sexual equality, just be safe. No one wants like the herp. The herp puts an end to all fun… Uck. My PSA.) For someone who is so upset that female artists get bashed the most, you would think you'd have an issue with double standards like that... Hmph, oh well. I’m already a jealous fangirl, why not add easy too the list. I’m sure the moment you stop obsessing over a girl you’ll never get and open your eyes to the girls around you, you’ll get a lot more ass.

    I see we've gotten to the shift stage of the discussion (the point where you no longer have anything legitimate to add to the argument so you turn it into an attack on me...) This was fun and all, but I think all the necessary points have been made. See ya around! I'm sure there will be other articles that crap on Yoona in the future; we can pick this up there!

    [Oh, you didn't get the working on her knees thing... I was saying she's blowing her way to the top. It was a joke actually... Guess it failed. Smh. I thought that was so funny... Guess I should just stick to bashing, huh?] [Also, still waiting on the penis pics!]

  61. I totally agree actually, all the points have been made.

    1. This article actually never crapped on Yoona, it was directed towards Jang Geun Suk fans, so it was people like you that brought out the Yoona bashing in the first place. JELLY ALERT.

    2. You bash Yoona, I come to her defense, it's me who's the crazy obsessed one. Yep, argumentation at its finest.

    3. I craft a clever insult based on information you willingly gave up about your sex life, you turn around and say "oh, you insult me, you bad person I leave now" when you have clearly stated you enjoy insulting people (idols), but now when you're the target, you can't handle it.

    4. You quit, but not after you claim victory based on faulty (or non-existent) reasoning and claim my arguments are illegitimate without offering any evidence to support it. Instant. Loss.

    Based on the points above, I suggest you firstly stop wasting your time bashing idols online and take a few courses in written argumentation and logic and secondly try and rethink who you are as a human being until you reach a point where you receive more satisfaction from standing up to cyber bullies than being one yourself.

  62. I totally agree actually, all the points have been made.

    1. This article actually never crapped on Yoona, it was directed towards Jang Geun Suk fans, so it was people like you that brought out the Yoona bashing in the first place. JELLY ALERT.

    2. You bash Yoona, I come to her defense, it's me who's the crazy obsessed one. Yep, argumentation at its finest.

    3. I craft a clever insult based on information you willingly gave up about your sex life, you turn around and say "oh, you insult me, you bad person I leave now" when you have clearly stated you enjoy insulting people (idols), but now when you're the target, you can't handle it.

    4. You quit, but not after you claim victory based on faulty (or non-existent) reasoning and claim my arguments are illegitimate without offering any evidence to support it. Instant. Loss.

    Based on the points above, I suggest you firstly stop wasting your time bashing idols online and take a few courses in written argumentation and logic and secondly try and rethink who you are as a human being until you reach a point where you receive more satisfaction from standing up to cyber bullies than being one yourself.

  63. One thing I don't understand is why you girls are adding "crazy" and "obsessed" in when my comments have been more than level headed and reasonable. I'm not the one going around bashing idols for no reason, I just enjoy the music and the visuals. Proudly proclaiming Yoona's spectacular failures in life, or defending a stranger from female e-bullies, tell me, what sounds crazier to you? It's very easy to criticize, and I admit, sometimes it's satisfying hating on something or someone behind the anonymous protection of the internet without the option of being punched in the mouth, but I think it speaks negatively of you to call me crazy for just sticking up for a random celeb I've never met online when you are throwing out the hate for no real reason. It's the difference between sending someone hate mail, and sending someone a nice present. I'm sorry, but if you receive more satisfaction from sending hate mail than sending a gift, there is something wrong with you.

    Clearly, I am not obsessed with Yoona; she's not even close to being my favorite in Soshi, but I like her as an idol and I like defending her against crazy fangirls who think their insults are funny, but are really just sad attempts at making themselves feel better. It feels good to insult a random idol, if you're mean. Likewise, it makes me feel good when I defend them. Ask yourself, is there something wrong when you think that I'm being the crazy one for defending someone who clearly has done nothing to deserve the wrath of thousands of haters other than become famous?

    Speaking of double standards, no where did I claim that it's fine for guys to sleep around as much as they please while girls should remain pure and innocent, and I think the fact that you immediately jumped to that really shows that you're feeling a little butthurt, possibly because someone has made a comment like that to you in real life. I mean it must suck for you if you like pissing people "like me" off and are currently failing miserably at it; like I said, I am content knowing that Yoona receives more than enough adulation from K-pop fans, I defend her to see the lengths girls will go to attacking someone they don't know and then marvel when they turn around and insult ME.

    I guess I must've struck a nerve with my -easy- insult, yes, let's beat around the bush and claim I have nothing legitimate to add when not only have I proved you can't handle an insult when you're gleefully dishing out ones like "Yoona's blowing her way to the top", but I've also made you ragequit this article after you don't bother addressing my reasoning that you insult female idols due to your own insecurities and jealousy.

    You rail against being called a troll, now you say you bash idols to piss people off? That's calling trolling girl.

  64. ^^ sorry, the second long post is meant to be read first, AKPFG is acting up.

    As an addendum, to address liley's points, there is a subtle difference between insulting someone's singing ability and using the "oh you can't sing as well as they can" defence and the insulting someone's looks with the "but you probably don't look as good as them" defence. Mainly, it's common knowledge that people are much more insecure about their physical appearance than their singing ability. Not everyone sings, but aside from the blind and the asexual, everyone looks at other people and appraises their physical features. People also care more about their looks than their ability to sing: look at the market for cosmetics, facial cleansers, clothes, plastic surgery, etc. And people get jealous of other's good looks, it's natural, people want to look attractive to impress others, people trust and enjoy hanging out with people they find attractive.

    Envy of someone's looks and fame are on a different level than envy over someone's singing ability, which is why it's legitimate to use that reasoning in my defence of Yoona. I would say the vast majority of people would enjoy a bit of fame, or would like to look better than they currently do. That's why I am doing what I'm doing, I want people to take a look at themselves before they insult others, especially celebs since they don't know the celebs in question, making them an easy target. If you can look at yourself and say I'm perfectly happy with the way I look, I'm perfectly happy with my lot in life, I just want to insult people, leave me alone, fine, I accept that. You're an asshole, can't do anything about it. But if you're not happy with your looks, and you would enjoy a bit of fame, maybe you should look at your own insecurities and work through them instead of taking it out on someone like Yoona.

    That is all.

  65. One thing I don't understand is why you girls are adding "crazy" and "obsessed" in when my comments have been more than level headed and reasonable. I'm not the one going around bashing idols for no reason, I just enjoy the music and the visuals. Proudly proclaiming Yoona's spectacular failures in life, or defending a stranger from female e-bullies, tell me, what sounds crazier to you? It's very easy to criticize, and I admit, sometimes it's satisfying hating on something or someone behind the anonymous protection of the internet without the option of being punched in the mouth, but I think it speaks negatively of you to call me crazy for just sticking up for a random celeb I've never met online when you are throwing out the hate for no real reason. It's the difference between sending someone hate mail, and sending someone a nice present. I'm sorry, but if you receive more satisfaction from sending hate mail than sending a gift, there is something wrong with you.

    Clearly, I am not obsessed with Yoona; she's not even close to being my favorite in Soshi, but I like her as an idol and I like defending her against crazy fangirls who think their insults are funny, but are really just sad attempts at making themselves feel better. It feels good to insult a random idol, if you're mean. Likewise, it makes me feel good when I defend them. Ask yourself, is there something wrong when you think that I'm being the crazy one for defending someone who clearly has done nothing to deserve the wrath of thousands of haters other than become famous?

  66. Speaking of double standards, no where did I claim that it's fine for guys to sleep around as much as they please while girls should remain pure and innocent, and I think the fact that you immediately jumped to that really shows that you're feeling a little butthurt, possibly because someone has made a comment like that to you in real life. I mean it must suck for you if you like pissing people "like me" off and are currently failing miserably at it; like I said, I am content knowing that Yoona receives more than enough adulation from K-pop fans, I defend her to see the lengths girls will go to attacking someone they don't know and then marvel when they turn around and insult ME.

    I guess I must've struck a nerve with my -easy- insult, yes, let's beat around the bush and claim I have nothing legitimate to add when not only have I proved you can't handle an insult when you're gleefully dishing out ones like "Yoona's blowing her way to the top", but I've also made you ragequit this article after you don't bother addressing my reasoning that you insult female idols due to your own insecurities and jealousy.

    You rail against being called a troll, now you say you bash idols to piss people off? That's calling trolling girl.

  67. This is even better than the shit-slinging that happened in that one T-ara article.

    Keep it up!

  68. Yoona sucks :'( Sad, but true.September 21, 2011 at 4:44 AM

    Ikr this is so fun! I love when fans go cray cray on this site! It's so funny! Especially when the cray cray is a frequenter and not just a random anon SO much better!

  69. CombatBaby's comments are irrelevant because they named themselves after the worst song Metric has ever released.

    Honestly, if we wanna hate on Yoona for whatever reason you can't do shit about it but bitch. So instead of polluting the Internet with your useless, ineffective comments, navigate yourself to an SNSD music video and masturbate instead. <3

    Or, you know. You can stay here and amuse us with your self-righteous spiel of horse shit. Your choice.

  70. For the longest time, Yoona and Siwon's smiles have always bugged me. Now I finally realize why:



  71. I hope you guys realize this isn't about Yoona anymore. It's about that disgusting anon that has nothing better to do than to insult and antagonize others online. For this reason I'm behind CombatBaby all the way.

    I'm laughing my ass off every time she mentions how great it is to be anonymous.
    Bitch, you're only happy to be anonymous since you could never back up the shit you're saying in real life. You know there would be consequences for showing this much disrespect in real life. Being anonymous DOES NOT give someone an excuse to disrespectful and insulting. Believe it or not, even though you're anonymous, you're still a shitty human being for all the shit you said.

    I am the 7:42 and 8:11 anon, and I'm no longer anon because I always stand by what I say.

    -Justin Lee from 11 Tetlow St. Apt#23 Boston MA USA 02115

  72. Ah, how cute. You actually think people give a damn. Owwwwww! Get over yourself.

    Keep up the good work guys this shit is hilarious! Stans never cease to amaze me with their insanity lol

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. Combat I completely disagree.There is no 'subtle' difference between the two,its the same thing.Your asking to see anon's pics to determine if she can judge Yoona's looks is what fangirls do to defend their oppars and unnirs when people say they cant sing.

    Just because someone thinks that Yoona is ugly or thinks that she is just average does not mean that that person is envious of her beauty,it just means that to that person Yoona isn't anything spectacular.

    Im not sure about everyone else who's commented on Yoona's beauty or lack thereof,but I am not jealous of Yoona nor am I ugly,well that's what id like to believe,lol.Im more baffled as to what those who praise her to the skies for her so-called "beauty" see.

    "I want people to take a look at themselves before they insult others, especially celebs"
    Do we need to first be introspective to express our contrary stance to the majority's opinion regarding a famous person's looks,no i dont think so,or maybe that was directed to anon and her love of trolling.

    "People also care more about their looks than their ability to sing"
    those who's job it is to sing care a lot about their ability to sing.

    "Envy of someone's looks and fame are on a different level than envy over someone's singing ability"
    If that person is famous because of their singing ability then I don't see how it is different,those things become a part of that person,a part of their identity.if you say to a singer,a person who's livelihood is dependent on singing "you cant sing for shit" that person would be crushed.

    You know what we can go on and on about this,we can write essay inspired responses to each other but we wont agree on this issue because people are different,we like different things,we are attracted to different people.Yoona may be beyond beautiful to you but to some of us she is just MEHHH!

    Oh and I only called you cray because of your rabid-like response to the comments about your beloved Yoona.

    Sorry for the deleted comments.

  76. Troll Hard or Go HomeSeptember 21, 2011 at 8:31 AM

    ^Hey, I got all excited that there was more lol

  77. Thank you, CombatBaby. Most people would just call the person trolling a douche and move on, but you have fought valiantly to expose them for the vile person they are and defended both my dignity and your own. This is a very important thing to be doing as we approach the time that groups usually weaken and disband.

    I often watch blogs like this to see what is said about me. I know most of the time they are just fucking around, but I still cry myself to sleep from their hurtful words. You have healed many wounds in my heart with your arguments, and if you keep it up against three more waves of attacks, I will blow you.

    You truly understand what it means to be a SONE, that you are one with us. The strength of your arguments will flow into the Power of Nine and make us better. I'm sure the other girls have sensed the rise in our power level already, but I will go now and tell them that you are one it is coming from and that we can trust you.

  78. hey Yoona, what a pleasant surprise to see you on this blog, and never before had I realized that you were so proficient in english. The last time I checked you were still a korean aboriginal who couldn't utter more than 5 words of any foreign languages.

    As you see, the trolling here has the shit hitting the fans at long last. I am so glad that you've shown up in time to flame the hater gals and stan boys to actually be gnawing at each other's throat. There are so many crazy ass jealous bitches out there who hate you with their guts, I would say that you are one of the most accomplished trolls in Korea for being able to single-handedly piss off so many fan girls. Bravo

    Another thing, I used to troll on you as well, but I am officially a Yoona convert now. I will kick whichever ugly bitches that call you out off the cliff, now blow me please.

  79. lmao, are some people serious? "I'd rather see a hot, terrible actress over a dude that looks like a not-so-dude. " yes, lets just all watch yooonas crappy acting! much better than an actual actor that its good at his job because you dont like how he looks. Beautiful.

    If you want something to fap to dont watch yoona acting, watch porn or at least some legit hot female idol

  80. The sad thing is these idiots are serious... of all idols to stan... Yoona? WAE?!

    Good job trolls, I admire your hard work. Keep up the good fight! ;)

  81. LMAO~ wtf is with this? people writing essays over simple shit as subjective view on beauty lmao~

  82. No longer can you just say that bitch Yoona is ugly... you must now have quantitative and qualitative evidence to support your hypothesis... lol

  83. That's right, run. Can't address any of my points, so you dodge the issue. It's okay, I know the vast majority of people on the internet are pretty stupid, I mean you're on here being alleged "trolls" because you can't do it in real life because some other jealous girl would slap you. IT'S OKAY. I won, and you guys seem pretty mad about it. Yeah, call me a stan, but was I the one who started bashing on Yoona in an article only mildly related to her in the first place?

    At least Yoona's got my back, thanks babe, you don't need to tell me, I know I good.

    The main thing that concerns me is when people claim themselves to be masterful trolls, but come on, if you were actually anywhere close to being a good one, you'd be writing for this site instead of just commenting.

    So before I walk off with my e-victory in hand, one last round of insults. You guys are not funny, your trolling is not actually trolling at all, and you're much stupider than I am and probably always will be. You want to engage in actual intelligent debate about K-pop meta? I'm in the chat.


  84. You are truly deluded... Seek help.September 21, 2011 at 11:34 AM

    I just don't think you realize how truly crazy you are... if you in anyway came away from this thinking you've "won" the trolls have succeeded in their quest of trolldom. You just proved (repeatedly) that you are a nut sack crazy fanboy. Hate on the troll all you want, but they just did their job flawlessly and still they'll never be as pathetic as you right now...
    This was fun, but now I really worried about your mental well being, yesh.

    Please, walk away with your head held high... I think we'll just stay here mocking you and fugly untalented Yoona.

  85. As a troll, I love when I get under someones skin! It makes all the hard work trolling worth it! This article turned out to be a lot more interesting then I thought it would be. I could feel the troll energy it was so exciting ^^ This was a great read, thanks! (I liked the cool and relaxed approach to trolling with a mix of humor some of the posters used. So my style, good job.)

  86. ^
    What a poser. Real trolls never admit to being trolls.

  87. Real trolls have pride in their trolldom. ^^

  88. Chicken is such a fucking slutty food. Everyone in the world has probably AT LEAST eaten it out. Chicken is not even that good. It's average at best. I have no idea why it got so popular. Fucking chicken stans are delusional to even consider liking chicken.

    Don't think I'm jealous of chicken though. I can tell you that I am much more lean than even a free range chicken. I work out for 3 hours every day after all.

    I don't care if you think chickens work hard or whatever either. Like I said, I go to the gym 3 hours a day and I bet that makes a chicken's life look like peanuts. It doesn't matter how hard they work if they can't even fly properly! It calls itself a bird, when it can only fly max 30 seconds at a time! Pathetic if you ask me. That makes all you chicken stans pathetic as well.



  90. ^ Are you 10 years old? Just look at the way you type. Learn to spell correctly and use proper grammar for god's sake. Shows how immature you chicken stans are.

    LOL at you saying chicken is tasty. You probably literally eat shit every day so that you think chicken tastes good.

  91. @4:56 lol, that's pretty neat. You are now officially a chicken hater. And admit it, you are secretly raging because chicken get to surround themselves with cocks.

  92. ^
    Wow, are you calling me gay? You didn't have to get all personal you douchebag. But since you crossed the line first, you know statistically, the people who call other people gay are more likely to be gay themselves. You're the fag, admit it.

    Plus you don't even have your facts straight. There's only one cock in a chicken coop. I might hate chicken but at least I know something about it. You stans are loving chickens but don't even know anything! It just shows how delusional you all are. Do your research.

    And I'm definitely definitely definitely NOT refreshing this page constantly to see if there are any replies so that I can continue my bashing.

  93. I think we're drifting away from what really matters here... Yoona fucking sucks.

  94. despite her uselessness yoona is pretty hot and I'd definitely tap that. you'd be crazy not to


    and anyone typing over a paragraph in the comments section needs to get a life

  95. The fact is she's built a career out of being hot, if she has no other talents relevant to her chosen path then that's even more impressive.
    Hater's gonna hate.

  96. Yoona is a fucking slut, attention seeker
    other members are much more prettier than her, she has a body of a boy, she has no other talent, sounds like cats dying whenever she tries to sing, hope she dies.

  97. @Gilt, anyone that posts here needs to get a life (myself included). We are all losers, but I love you all anyway :)

    Yoona is terrible at everything and not cute at all such a waste of a good role. >:P

  98. combat need to stop growing a vajayjay, he's acting like those 12 yrs old fangirls. =__='

    unless he's really a 12 yrs old fangirl then it make sense...

  99. no he claims to be a male... though after reading this i too have my doubts

  100. the comments section is so long it might as well be a harry potter novel

  101. @6:21
    you hope she dies just because her talent doesn't measure up to her popularity? lol. you've got problems, like srs personal and mental issues.

  102. lol at people who think talent is worth something in this industry. It's all about your looks and your bj skills.

  103. >Implying if I were a girl throwing out a few BJs wouldn't be worth that SNSD money.

    Maybe a year or so of being some fat fuck's fucktoy then SNSD becomes enough of a thing to be more important that the suits behind them.

  104. @6:21
    And anon do you know what the definition of a slut is?

  105. AKF: Aren't you going to regulate all this arguing going on here?? It's chaos!

    On second thought, I don't blame you for staying out of it.

  106. Yoona has a weird mouth. Her jawline and side profile of her chin bothers me. Other than that she is a pretty girl, or a plain pretty girl.
    Oh wait this about her starring in a new drama. She is alright, I guess.

  107. Jang Geun Suk AS THE LEAD ACTRESS

  108. I love kdrama and I even like Jang Geun Suk, he's hot in a weird way, but anything that non-acting, lizard-faced, camel-legged yoona is in will suck major balls (even though sucking major balls is one explanation for no talent, not pretty and ultra plastic, yoona's fame). I'll pass unlike the 15 people who suffered through Cinderella Man. How much did sm ent pay to get that skank on this show?


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