Saturday, October 15, 2011

Kim Tae Hee's posters are "taking over" Japan

You know, they say that her posters are taking over Japan, but I'm just assuming that her posters are only in a few subways. Kim Tae Hee's first Jdrama starts next Sunday in a lackluster fall drama season for Japan. Pandora III seems to be the only one remotely interesting, but I'll watch it.

Oh, for the useless comments in the article: "I'm glad I don't have to see some bitch with piranha teeth," "I hope that ahjussi doesn't try raping her," and my favorite "I bet some anti-Korean douches in Japan will be protesting something that they don't have to watch."


  1. I thought this was going to be about Jiyeon when I read the title.

  2. hahahahahaha, fucking piranha teeth!

  3. Yeah, I doubt they're "taking over".

  4. hahahahaha! your new banner. It's a thousand articles' worth

    but awwwww..poor hyeoyeon.

  5. Probably just another run-of-the-mill, bore-fest j-drama. Here is an idea, why don't they cast jiyeon as Taehee's genetically mutated little sister and have they filmed some steamy incestual lesbian scenes? That would sound interesting enough to break all sorts of rating record, at least among the male audiences.

  6. Thank you. So tired of these articles where a kpop star gets discussed on a forum somewhere and it turns into "fans can't stop talking about kpop idol/ kpop is dominating the entire country" Psh. This is worse than American propaganda during the Bush-era.

  7. Elle, sorry, but nothing is worst then the propaganda of the Bushjr-era.
    I didnt even know Kim Tae Hee knew japanese.

  8. I don't understand why some people really hate 'korea'? I'm not korean, but I never want to blame korean entertain industry about their popularity. What was their doing exactly? Why many people hate them? They just 'Popular' ! Because of their good dramas, their beautiful and handsome stars, their talented stars, etc. They didn't do anything wrong in my eyes. So just stop this 'anti-korea' things ! It's 'Too-much' ! You guys just like a kid who didn't want to get lose to another. If u want to be 'famous' too, then just make ur entertain industry better than the others. Childish things

  9. for HATERS, I think you should read that KIM TAE HEE had said about this anti-japanese feeling before, in fact SHE HOPES to play the role of “a peaceful go-between the two countries”. She's nice girl ! She even never said that she's 'hate japan' ! Why people must hate her?

    For those who don’t know who Kim Taehee is, she is a lovely woman who is meant to be the “brainy” one (due to her Seoul National Uni degree), with the prettiest face (natural too!) amongst the Korean actresses. She also had role in some korean dramas like 'my princess' 'stairway to heaven' etc with a good acting skills.

    I think japanese people too much about this 'anti-korea' even involved kim tae hee ! She isn't do anything wrong ! Just because dokdo shit matters, don't talk anything like you knows everything, and then blame people.
    Me, really loves japan ! But, this shit things just makes japan look bad ! Stop it !

  10. It's a pride thing with the Japanese. For centuries they have always invaded Korea because they thought Koreans were of a lesser people. But within the last decade, Korean companies have been competing with Japanese conglomerates worldwide and are "winning." If you look at Samsung, it's growing while Sony has been going down the shitter for 20 years. Toyota has a lot of problems and Hyundai is on the upswing. The Japanese fear that the "lesser" Koreans will surpass them.

    Of course, this also related to the Hallyu as well. Dramas and Kpop are becoming more popular in Japan and they fear change.

    This has led to some Japanese people labeling every Korean as "anti-Japanese," even Koreans who grew up in Japan. You can think of these anti-Korean Japanese as like Neo-Nazis: there numbers may be few compared to the whole, but they are a vocal minority.



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