Thursday, October 13, 2011

"Lucky" MV review

Looks like someone took notes on Kwanghee's advice on plastic surgery. He asked to look like a cross between Kwanghee and an asian Edward from Twilight.

Not bad!

In a recent interview, Kim Hyun Joong was asked how he cames up with such  mindblowing original ideas for the each song.
KHJ: "I have been fucking confused as to what kind of image I should portray, and I have absolutely no vision in terms of my music. So to fix that, I got 3 hats.
First, I write down every possible music genre that comes out of my ass and put it in the first hat.
Then for the second hat, I put in random shit that has been popular in the US at one point in the past 5 years. (Megan Fox's scene from Transformers)
Lastly, for the third hat (this is a relatively new one), I write down random riffs from popular US hit songs and insert it randomly here and there. (Metro Station's "Shake it shake it" line)."

There you have it. Kpop at its finest.


  1. WTF is that really KHJ??? Wtf happened to his face??

  2. oh jeez I thought he was a guy in infinite...

  3. fuck another review...

  4. What the fuck is Lucky? I honestly have no idea what is going on in this post.

  5. @1:05 That top picture is Kwanghee not KHJ

  6. @7:55 It is freaking KHJ. Have you even watched the MV? Feel free to wash your eyes/brain after doing so.

    AKP comments though. I can't.

  7. Holy shit.
    Wtf did he do to his face?

    Okay wait, I don't wanna know.

  8. OMG. That's Kim Hyun Joong??? I thought it was some plastic fag from one of the new guy groups.

  9. wow he's like...5'7?

  10. WOW he's sooooo cool!!!! haterz gonna hate!!!

  11. He looks like he's wearing a mask.

  12. ^ his skin so flawless

  13. Dang, I thought that was Todoroki Yuu! legit, look her up, dead ringer for her. Equally scary

  14. Guys it's the camera colour filter and eyeliner. CALM THE FUCK DOWN.


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