Sunday, October 30, 2011

Okay Jaejoong.

He's finally come out of the closet, nice. I guess SNSD's 'GIRLS BRING THE BOYS OUT!' is working wonders for closet cases like Jaejoong.

Yunjae worshipping tards rejoice!

Always keep the faith fist, in your mouth...not up the other destination. Eww.


  1. Am I suppose to be getting something here? I request an explaination

  2. Hey he doesn't look like he's on drugs in this one! js.

  3. ^ in the picture it looks like hes sucking dick.
    which is what we all know he does with the other members of jyj...

  4. It just isn't funny
    also because there are so many gay/tranny looking pictures of him if you wanted

    at least try to be funny :/

  5. Really? This is "coming out?" It's nothing compared to what Key did:


  6. author sucks at many thing...

  7. *looks at link given by 2:53pm* Gosh Key gets on my nerves. Damn, could he be any more of a flamer?

    Then again, they all are closet cases.

    But I do like SHINee overall; just their music.

  8. another lame article... pfft~

  9. Poy shinee sucks you should try infinite

  10. @7:30pm, funny you should say, I am a big fan of Infinite. I find them very good singers/dancers/even "rappers". I honestly believe they could be SHINee competition if SHINee wasn't in SM. :)

    But SHINee do have one good singer (Onew for me) and a dancer, it's just the "rappers" who get on my freaking nerves.

    I better stop, I think I just broken one of the "rules" somewhere on this blog that no one adheres to. Lol.

  11. isn't that guy in the middle gay?

  12. ^Yup he's one of the only out celebs in Korea.

    Jaejoong's prob gay. He sets off my gaydar like crazy.

  13. Gay porn leak for to plz, Jaejoong.

    But put on some weight first.

  14. I guess you guys are Japanese I don't understand to do but try harder you're only making ppl hate you and your country more I am not Korean by the way but this is just too much hatred which is proving how much you are jealous from Korea and Korean idols popularity

  15. I'm gay and Jaejoong doesn't set off my gaydar. Yunho does, like seriously. I had fucked them both if I could though...

  16. Jaejoong is definitely gay

  17. 5 years later I've found this article and I'm cracking. It's 2016 and Jaejoong is still trapped in the closet. Someone please find the key! The same for Yunho... I bet they fucked each other multiple times.


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