Sunday, November 6, 2011

Big Bang wins the Worldwide Act for the MTV EMAs

I made some pictures to describe how things went.


  1. hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahhaha
    Fucking brilliant Chuck!!!!

  2. Wait...guys voted for BB too...did they ejaculate when they won the award then? Mindfucked.

  3. LMFAO this is pretty much sums up what VIPs did

  4. Haha so accurate! Unfortunately the fangirls don't feel victory is worthless achieved this way :/

  5. MTV awards aren't even worth shit in the first place.

  6. I heard GD's lighting up some doobies right now to celebrate their win.

  7. I liked this because there is also a clever reference to Move by Taeyang.

  8. I love how no one clapped for them... so damn awkward tbh, and people think they're actually the shit outside of korea lololol.


  10. lol bigbang won some plastic award and now VIPs think they made history or some shit

  11. stay pressed.
    whats wrong with supporting an artist?

  12. I'm a Big Bang fan who did not get a chance to vote b/c I didn't know this award even existed.
    Woo hoo Big Bang! I want to say thank you to the persistent VIPs who shat in their pants for this!
    Good work guys.

  13. they're so proud of themselves, yet they were up against a bunch of nobodies (besides britney spears who already has 310 awards including grammys so her fans dont care about an ema)
    i tried looking up the guy from India out of curiosity if he was popular or not and there weren't even any tagged posts on tumblr with his name...

  14. Who really cares except irrelevant kpop fans?

  15. well if they didn't win you would post about how they spent a week voting at sill lost, theres no winning with you (unless they were won and took their clothes off in celebration in which case you would have happily fapped away). So at least they won, yes they won a plastic award and we are happy.

  16. ^
    Spears only won 1 Grammy despite being nominated multiple times (Best Dance recording wtf). Face it, even though she used to be something, she's also currently a nobody.

  17. what the hell are the emas?

  18. Tonight is their best song, IMO.

    International fans will have you believe Haru Haru is good, but it is absolute shit. They overrate T-ara's clusterfuck of an Absolute Album the same damn way.

  19. @3:57 I didn't even know until this past week lol.

  20. all i care is the naked nigga that was on the stage.

  21. It's pretty hilarious because the majority of VIPs and Blackjacks are always saying they don't give a shit about rewards and stuff like that and yet they decide to vote like a bajillion times just so they can win and shit. Fucking hypocrites.

  22. This site should be renamed Anti K-Pop 'cause every post you seem to be slagging some idol off (or faping over the big breasted girls)

    I am very dissapoint >:L

    Stop wanking over Wonder Girls and write more creative articles or gtfo.

  23. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA at the last picture

  24. I'm from Europe and hardly anyone cares about these MTV awards or takes them seriously, let alone Big Bang. The reaction of the audience when they won says it all. But of course their fans and the korean media will make this award a huge deal.
    The funniest thing is fans of other kpop bands which VIPs bash all the time or look down on as idols, not real artists, etc felt like they have to support BB in this just because they are kpop.

  25. Here i was thinking that with Bi in the army now i would hear less of this whole world star thing but no it was short lived cos now Korea and VIPs have branded Big Bang as World Stars now.....i wouldn't hear the last of this...God Y????

    In summary, this award is as relevant as Bi ranking #1 on Forbes list (that fans voted for)...
    Anything kpop related would most likely win in any award that requires voting....

  26. ^
    Korean like voting so much. Almost all music awards require voting (Melon, GDA, Mama, etc).

  27. 4:18 - Maybe...
    However, this article was entirely about fangirls (admittedly imaginary). Your argument doesn't stand, not in context anyways.

  28. I feel sad I didn't watch the EMAs, is there a second telecast?

  29. Look at the haters. Must be sones lololol

  30. You're just jealous your singer/bias wasn't even nominated for the award!!!!! BIG BANG WOO HOO!!!

    Seriousness aside, even though i'm a BB fan, I don't give a shit about this award either. I only voted like a couple times one day, and that was it. To me, the point is that at least some people outside the k-pop fandom will see that there is a big k-pop scene, and it will help spread the k-pop popularity.

  31. I don't think the award wasn't so big either, but it's a big deal because it's going from Korea entertainment to global entertainment? Most other groups wouldn't have made it, but BIG BANG did. So I guess that's why it was a big deal.

  32. Ok. I'm BB fan but I hate the fact that most VIPs now will think that their oppas are some worldwide mega-stars when the truth is that 99% of the public:
    1.- Didn't know who are BB.
    2.- Still don't know who the hell are BB and DGAF about that award.

  33. Some people are stupid to think that Big Bang was there because some high music authority placed them there because they are awesome and relevant.

    when in reality it's their rabid fans (as illustrated above) who put them there.

    grow up kids.

  34. @ 3:37 PM
    britney spears is a nobody that's why her most recent album went platinum. and grammy is still more than big bang has (and ever will get)
    face it youself, big bang is the nobody outside of korea. america is the biggest music industry in the world and Britney is already a legend in it. korea has a shitload of idol groups that don't even make enough money and have to go to japan to earn enough money to live

  35. With Daesung back on the road next year, who knows how many more people he will kill. And GD hasnt given up the green yet either. Doubt BB will be doing much next year other than sitting in jail.

  36. LMFAO at everybody who dares to think that their oppas are more popular or relevant than Britney Spears (although her golden days ended up time ago).
    The only and unique reason why Big Bang won over her is because her fans didn't give a shit about that award meanwhile 90% of the kpop fandom (yes,the kpop fandom, not only VIPs) was spamming Youtube, allkpop, tumblr, twitter, tuenti, facebook, blogs, forums etc. etc. with their "VOTE FOR BIG BAAAAANG!!!" campaign like there was no tomorrow.

  37. Don't act like Bieber's, Gaga's, Katy's, and Britney's fans didn't do the same thing. The only difference is that Kpop fans are more experienced in spam-voting than lazy Little Monsters and Beliebers.

    And let's not fool ourselves into thinking that VIPs are the only fandom that can, would, and will do this for their biases.

  38. @9:01 If you have no hope for the globalization of Kpop groups, then GTFO. Stick with your fat ass britney train wrecks, and anti-hallyu ways. You stuck up fat ass american, get out of our kpop forums!

  39. @9:01 and 9:05 -- You guys are so true.. propz to u for commenting... :D going to japan and promote is a cheap way of spreading the hallyu wave. why not just learn english make english songs and release the album worldwide.. interscope and universal motown would highly welcome artists like these ya know.. look at boa.. boa is very versatile whether singing in japanese, korean, english, or what have you..

  40. lol, the fan boys/gals must have smoked tons of weed to keep them from dropping dead in the process of voting.

  41. lololololol
    You poor VIPs.

  42. @10:11 and BoA still flopped in the western market.

  43. Its not even a major award, I thought they beat Beiber or Gaga but its just a contest for international artists. Seriously, fans love polls and contests.

    Just look at the comments in youtube:
    exhibit A
    Don't worry (insert crazy fandom here) I am raping the replay button so that we could be featured on youtube's homepage and irrelevant strangers can finally see the awesomeness of (insert overrated group here)

    exhibit B

    If you are truly a true ELF, buy 100 or more copies of MR. SIMPLE!!!!!!!!! So that they could finally get what was taken away from them last year (GDA daesang) our oppars have worked hard and is now tired and sad because of they were ROBBED by SNSD, they really worked hard with they're perfect singing and dancing but only to be beaten by a bunch of untalented SLUTS? SUJU for 2011 daesang, go sapphire blue fever!!!

    exhibit C

    SONES!!! Vote for them at MAMA for best.....!!!! Our angels had been gone for so long but now its time for them to relinquish what is for them!!!! Other groups are irrelevant and shit!! Go power of 9!!! Just vote at www....

    *obviously i'm exaggerating, but you know what they want, high youtube views, the daesang, and to win awards in this year's MAMA.

  44. kpop will most likely never become globally big like american pop
    I think kpop fans need to just give up that dream

  45. VIPs need to get a life sumtymes... just aint right to do all that just for your idols.. that is why AKF is here, to wake up the retarded fangirls..

    ya'll know how it is to become globally competitive. ya have to be good in english, cos its like the universal language.. :D

  46. @11:33 -- that's fuckin retarded man, "If you are truly a true ELF, buy 100 or more copies of MR. SIMPLE!!!!!!!!! " --- it shows signs of retardedness of fangirls and they could probably be smokin that green for all i know.. i mean g-druggie does it so why cant they..

    even if im a millionaire i'll never do things like "If you are truly a true ELF, buy 100 or more copies of MR. SIMPLE!!!!!!!!! "..... damn. what a waste of money.. go feed the poor or donate to a charity or just do sumtin better than that.. dont be slaves to your idols. my gawd.

  47. I'm not an elf sone or any of that fandom garbage. I am a fan of music. And VIPs I am laughing at you! llolololol. :)

  48. Ugh... they give female fans such a bad name!

  49. @November 6, 2011 3:58 PM

    T-ara's AFA is fucking amazing.

    (Now, they shit after that is another story...)

  50. @2:19 I feel you. t-ara was better back then..

    t-ara hwaiting!

  51. @gladys knight, it was exaggeration, but I remember a comment like that on the mr. simple mv.......

  52. so i just went through the media coverage of the emas in my country.... and exept for one or two sources wich listed all the winners there was no mention of them.... on top of that the only reason the ema even got media coverage was because there was a neaked dud on stage...

  53. I don't even know what EMA fucking stands for, but looking at various kpop sites, this is so true. LMAO:

  54. @Anon November 6, 2011 10:00 PM ROFL U MAD? Do you see what kind of blog this is? Kpop won't be popular than US/Euro pop. All kpop really is US/Euro pop with Korean lyrics. zzzz stans be raging

  55. haha!! nice drawing

    the fuck's an EMA? I read enema.

  56. ^
    I feel same wtf is EMA? Its like Big Bang won the spirit awards at the special Olympics...?_?

  57. LOL @ all those comments here
    I'm not even a VIP, but let's face it, in the end Big Bang was the first Korean idol group to win at least something like this. Your oppars and unnirs didn't even come as far as being nominated for some "unrelevant" shit like this.

  58. People who don't know what the EMAs are, are probably fucking retarted. Everyone should know bout the EMAs, people do talk about this a lot. You probably don't even have a life outside of KPOP.

  59. When Big Bang wins, somebody suddenly dont know what EMA is and some others started to say who cares about mtv blah blah blah shit. yes, suddenly.

  60. I just found this blog, and even though I like some of the songs G-Druggin produces and think the other guys of big bang are attractive, sing well etc., this is a fucking marvalous blog, lord this is verbal porny wittyness omg.

  61. People in Europe know about the EMAs and they see them as just as show. It's as simple as that. It's Kpop fans (or should I say delusional VIPs) who need to get a life outside of Kpop. EMAs is a joke, just google "Rick Astley wins Best Act Ever at EMAs" if you want to see how serious these awards are.
    This award is as "important" as Rain voted most influencial person.

  62. @8:52 if only 'unrelevant' was a word.

  63. I honestly do not know what an EMA is. Apparently its European so 8:54 and 9:18, shut the fuck up cuz most of us are from North America. If they won the fucking Grammys where no one can spam votes then congrats. No one in the audience cares who they are. And lol at all you delusional fangirls thinking that bieber and britney and lady gaga have less fans than k-pop fans. They don't give a shit about an award like this. They're not desperate for attention. Kpoppers are and sorry they will never spread around the world like American pop is.

  64. @11:56 Airheaded Douche.

  65. @liley Sorry that english isn't my mother tongue and I make mistakes, but thanks for correcting.

  66. Being a BB fan, I had thought you were exaggerating... but after watching this video I'm not so sure anymore.

  67. omg ahah!!!!!!!! ur SOOOoOoOooOoOO funny!!!!!!!!! oh my god no1 on twitter has ever said dat b4 omFg LOL ur so CREATIVE


  68. LOL I had MTV News on TV so i kinda heard what they were saying and they were saying something about how Korean boyband Big Band won. And then they said "You might be wondering why...it's because this is year is the first time they opened up voting internationally" or something like that. So even MTV is aware how their win was just a cheap one. XD

  69. http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lu9jiuqzyx1r54u3do1_500.gif

  70. Funny....
    For some VIP, this is more than the award..
    I dunno about the writer's life but he's generalizing all the fangirl which is stupid....

    I don't care about the award... Just like them together after a long time...

  71. so... people are arguing about this why? XD

  72. about time mtv created "MTV Asia Music Awards"..

  73. ^"MTV Asia Music Awards" don't exist but "MTV Asia Awards" does. :)

    doesn't really matter who won what. the thing is, if it wasn't an issue, you wouldn't have brought this up. haters and superfans(?) are really entertaining at times like this. you'll see how shallow people from all over the world could get.

  74. @ 4:52 PM
    omg that video-.-, fangirls are fuc*ing annoying, so real

  75. omygawd why on earth would a person ejaculate after his/her k-idol won an ema? trololol.. :D

    i know it's exaggeration but if you imagine it happen in real life, that'd be utterly absurd.

    AKF ftw.

  76. Guys, EMA stands for Europe Music Video Awards.

    Kind of like those in America but the winners of this awards show are chosen by European voters.

  77. Fuck you all I just freaking love Big Bang!!!

    go VIP's!!!!

  78. @6:47 - Yay!!! Finally we VIP's have some hope now!! Go Big Bang!!! Please, I want to suck Daesung's dick for a long time! Me luv u long time!!! ♥

  79. they weren't against irrelevant Asian acts. Not EXILE, they're top list acts in the second largest market of the World. The thing is any MTV's awards that cast their votes online are meaningless. They're always been. The whole EMA's is a farse, since any fandoms can manipulate the votes by doing it every day.
    Is not only a VIP's matter...

  80. @picture, "honey why dont you take some shower or eat some shit?? "TROLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLL

  81. @4:07 oh yeah i feel you. These douches called VIP's need to suck more dick and get a life.

  82. We VIP's are united no matter what. How dare you call us douches. Who are you to say that? Are you King or something ? You do not have the right to say that. Give us some respect.

  83. @4:07 - It's alright, Big Bang won that award but it is only because of their RABID Fangirls.

    It is a good thing maybe because they weren't really up with the best asian artists anyway.

    Enough said about that.

  84. @4:16: you are so correct. The REAL top tier groups in asia are AKB48, BoA, DB5K, SDN48, CSJH, and etc... Big Bang won against no one. :D

  85. @November 7, 2011 12:07 PM: Yeah all that VIPs say is just word. their useless votes are all making them useless BULLSHITS.

  86. oh yeah that made me laugh dude... :))

  87. You netizens are so cruel.

  88. Netizens aren't cruel, it's just fangirls being too rabid.

  89. I have no problem with people supporting their biases. Hell, look in the chat and the authors do it too. But the point is, Big Bang won this award through fan manipulation, not because of critics who picked them to be the #1 Worldwide Act.

  90. it's so funny cuz they're so rabid about the award but MTV.com don't even have the clip of BB won the award, only 2 red carpet pic, and practically most people tuned out during that part...lol..................

  91. @AKFG Awards shows like the Teen Choice Awards are pretty much the same way but that doesn't make it any less meaningful. At least to the fans.

  92. fuck off haters . you all make them more famous . :P

  93. i love this post. :')

  94. question! what the fuck have you won? who the fuck has voted for you? Answer: nothing and no one.
    Guess what?lame haters only make fans want to help their idols more.
    there will be a hole in the ground where you can crawl under soon.

  95. LOL at the butthurt brit fans and American music whores. I love how i feel fine saying a big "Fuck u LOSERS" to strangers.

  96. bigbang sucks the award means nothing

  97. You wish that's what happened, troll.

  98. "Big Bang won this award through fan manipulation"
    Oh, so the rest of the artists in the other categories also won because of fan manipulation as well? Voting for your favorite artist because you love them and support them and believe they should win, is fan manipulation? I don't even what the hell you mean. Care to explain? Critics CHOSE them to be nominated in the Worldwide Act Asia Pacific Nominees and they successfully passed that round into Worldwide Act. I'm not even going to continue arguing this because I'm afraid it would turn into a whole damn essay. You're incorrect and I'm sorry voting for your favorite artist to win an award is a crime. Boo hooooo

  99. ^bulk voting is a manipulation, wtf are u talking about, heck you guys even have to make a fake email and account to bulk vote big bang,what do you call that??

  100. ^ You didn't need to make an account to vote for BB for the MTV EMA. I'm strictly speaking about the MTV EMA's. In all honesty, VIPs did vote many times a day but you were allowed to if you voted from another country; which is what many VIPs did. Don't generalize all VIPs, though. Some of us are incredibly lazy when it comes to voting that requires making accounts.

  101. I HOPE U GET WHAT YOU DESERVEsDecember 22, 2011 at 5:03 PM

    so your saying fans cant vote?
    BIgbang and vip already made history
    seeing antis like you , to post our accomplishment is entertaining because we all know weve mad history! check wiki
    their and queen and the only non american
    who win
    you antis seriously should get a life .
    hope you all get wat u deserves

  102. This site used to be pretty fun to check once in a while, but it's getting ridiculous.
    1. Author makes outrageous post
    2. Fans start bashing and arguing
    3. Author makes statement saying "doing blank is fine, but when it's blank, it's not fine."
    I agree with a comment above saying that this site should just be renamed into Anti Kpop. Remixes of The Boys and other stupid things like that, yes I do think they should be discussed here, but I really don't understand why this needed to be bashed. fan manipulation? you act like all other fans didn't vote rigorously for their idols. Who ever said that because Big Bang won they're going to be globally successful? I'm sure fans are just glad that they led them to their win and hoping that this will bring more opportunities to Big Bang and KPop.
    Also, I'm pretty sure 95% of this world doesn't give a fuck about the grammys, vmas, or mtv awards except for the performances during the shows, so don't give that "oh no one's even heard of that award show" excuse. What about every weekly music show in Korea? Aren't fans' votes the ones that decide the winners? Or how about when a thread on 6theory suggested that every version of Mr. Simple be bought by every ELF so they can sell a million albums? The latter example may be a bit extreme, but what you're basically implying from this post is that no awards matter because it's all the fans. Well...don't these groups make music for their fans to buy to make money? You say that you have no problem with people supporting their biases, yet your posts beg to differ.
    Like it or not, Big Bang and 2NE1 won those awards, and your oppars and unnies didn't. Sorry, but this site isn't the "fresh, different approach towards KPop" that you all presume it is, but rather a breeding place for haters, so y'all can keep sipping on that haterade while Big Bang becomes more successful.

    Bash me, hate me IDGAF. VIP
    Happy New Year!

    1. I second you!!! YES!!!
      No matter what haters say, talented and hard working people will still shine while the person here without any real job is funding oneself from hatred. Others are even worse, they have nothing but hate! :)

  103. Ahahah This is so fuuny. I like the pictures. & yup I'm one of those VIPs that voted endlessly. Cuz it was easy. Like someone else said us Vips are pretty lazy usually when it comes to voting. XP

  104. I'm new to this site; can anyone tell me if this is a antikpop/racist site. cause after reading some comments here it really feels like one.

  105. Pretty obvious most of the fuckers on this site are anti-Kpop racists. Same goes for the cunt named Shin-B.

  106. Big Bang are talentless piece of shit. Only retards love them.

  107. lol this side is not anti kpop fan girl. it is more like anti few kpop group and love the rest kpop group. change your name please.


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