Friday, November 11, 2011

Eunjung is fed up with this shit

Eunjung, you've also been cursed by Hwayoung's and Jiyeon's existence. You've raked in the most money for T-ara since last summer and you get treated by having as many lines as Qri and Boram.


  1. lol where did the hwayoung's pic come from?

  2. My Eunjung needs to go solo. -__-

  3. This is STEPHANIE

    eat my rape, AKFG!

  4. Eunjung is so getting fucked over... What the fuck is KKS doing?

  5. that Hwa picture is so menacing, like, she wants to kill Eunjeong and take her spot.

  6. The album in fine, but KKS is setting them up to fail for the lives... Eunjung is probably the strongest live vocalist in T-ara and she got screwed in lines...

    I like Soyeon and all, but girl hasn't sung live well since TTL and even then she couldn't hold an audience. Soyeon is on that hardcore fake shit rn and I am not impressed (she sounds good on the album though). Jiyeon is so damn unpredictable who knows if she's even going to feel like singing or not.... and you basically hear no one else on the album but these two so... Fucked.

    One can only hope the repackage has more Eunjung and Hyomin because they carry the group through lives. Can you even imagine T-ara performing without Eunjung AND Hyomin?! I'd love to see that train wreck.

  7. Jiyeon is SOOOOOOOOOO fucking KKS!

    (I think Soyeon must have started sucking a little dee too.)

  8. I feel like a Eunjung solo would be super awesome XD (something cool like the song WHITE from her film)

  9. i really don't understand why they're still pushing Jiyeon. i thought she lost popularity after the stripping scandal and she's hot, but she's not the prettiest member (everyone has to admit Qri has the prettiest face, even though she's not even my fav member) so why is she main visual?

  10. why is Jiyeon a better sucker than everyone else in Tiara? Because she only has one eye and can focus better on the target than every other two-eyed female?

  11. The main theory as to why Jiyeon is still the face of the group is that she supposedly looks like Kim Tae Hee. A Cyclops version, I suppose. I don't see the resemblance, but maybe that's because I stan the hell out of Kim Tae Hee.

    I think the only way Eunjung could go solo is through acting, which is her strong point. Her weak point is that she is one of the most boring idols I've ever watched, so being a singer and trying to promote herself through variety shows once in a while probably wouldn't be the best idea. Aside from that, she could make more money as an actress.

    Qri is the prettiest among the group, but she's too laid back and quiet to be an idol, which is why she's just "there" a lot.

    As for their lives, maybe I'm the only one who doesn't see Eunjung and Hyomin being so great. In fact, the lives of idols (the current generation, 2007-present) are pretty bad. Maybe it's because I got into Korean music through BoA, who does a lot of things technically well, Epik High, who made lives fun to watch, and Younha, who can actually sing live. I'll be the last one to say "I watch this group for their lives." No, you'll be hearing me saying "I watch this group because I think they're cute and/or hot. Hopefully they shake their ass some too." I like the girl groups for the catchy songs and choreography, not for their "technical prowess" at performing live.

    As a side note, SeeYa's Lee Boram has been training the girls' vocals, so maybe they'll sound a bit better live. Plus they have a song in Cry Cry where they don't have to sing in a high-pitched aegyo voice, so that should help out too.

  12. havent finished watching coffee house though, and im wondering if it's worth finishing.. lol.

  13. that second pic look like a dumb girl from paradise ranch

  14. Ugh Jiyeon. I don't want to dislike her but... just urgh. I feel like Eunjung honestly makes a better 'face of the group' than Jiyeon does. She looks hotter. Acts hotter. Isn't like 5. And she's more exposed.

    I know you guys thing Hyomin looks like a horse, but I actually find her to be really pretty. At least prettier than Jiyeon. I also find her and Soyeon to be the most endearing of the bunch when it comes to variety shows. I also like her on Soyeon's voices over Eunjung :x Though most people don't seem to agree. But I'll admit Eunjung has more power to her voice. Frankly, I don't see why those 3 don't just take 3/4 of the song and let the other 3 scrabble for lines. Hwayoung doesn't count.

    And I don't think it's fair to hold them out on their live performances. I mean, they were pretty solid during TTL/Bo Peep. And as you said, they're singing in high pitched voices. And what's harder to sing? TTL or YaYaYa/Roly Poly? Even BoA's lives were mediocre when they made her sing Hurricane Penis live on stage.

  15. I cant stop laughing, you have a great sense of humour. Although yeah im pissed on the arrangement, but im actually thinking she could sing more not rap more. She can reach those high notes easily but wasted~~ sigh~~~

  16. Eunjung is one of the most entertaining idols to watch live. She actually has fun on stage, she knows how to dominate the audience, and can actual sing live pretty well (that is hard to find in a kpop idol). While I agree that if Eunjung goes solo it should probably be for acting, she is also the only person in T-ara that could have a strong solo singing career too. Distant second would be Hyomin, but she’d just be a cheap(er?) version of Hyuna.

    Soyeon has an amazing voice, but she has no charisma or personality on stage. She is boring to watch, even when she’s doing cute songs (its extra fake and empty) and it’s even worse with ballads (because you can hear the emotion, but you can’t see it). Her variety show skills are okay, but when she goes on one of those long tangents about nothing its murder on my ears (they should never allow her to talk for more then 10-15s or I tune out). However, that maybe a preference thing, I enjoy lively and cute (Eunjung) over dull and witty (Soyeon).

    I don’t find Qri to be the most attractive, never have (she’s just so stiff and plastic to me)… its always been a tossup between Eunjung, Jiyeon, and Hyomin—it just depends on the picture sometimes (like as long as one of Jiyeons eyes is covered she can be very attractive). I do think Eunjung is the most marketable (as seen by her many endorsements). The fact that KKS shoves Jiyeon at us baffles me because it is clear to me Jiyeon isn’t in this for the long haul and another scandal is just around the corner. Strip-gate messed with her head and she’s never been the same since and she’ll never be as strong a performer as we thought she could be pre-scandal.

    As a T-ara fan, I’d want Eunjung to pursue a solo career as a singer (and of course actress). Looking at it objectively, she’s the total package in T-ara and most overall talented (personally I’d say most talented period because I love her voice more than Soyeons or Hyomins— Eunjung's power, emotion, and range make up for her lack of control—but that’s just my unpopular subjective opinion).

    Check out the link, I love this performance (Eunjung kills it at the end).

  17. cupcake: Hyomin a cheaper version of Hyuna?

    Please tell me you're joking. I'm not sure you understand the true extent of Hyuna's cheapness. Her cheapness does not one from her dancing it up on stage and grinding her backup dancers. Her cheapness comes from her being untalented AND THEN grinding it up on stage with the backup dancers.

    It's not an unpopular opinion-- most people agree that Eunjung > Soyeon/Hyomin. But to be honest, I don't. And it's not her lack of control or anything, it's that... I REALLY don't like her voice at times. It gets grating when she sings certain songs, and I can not handle that. Soyeon and Hyomin just have more warmth in general. That being said, I still like her voice over the non existent abilities of Hwayoung.

    I don't think Eunjung, Soyeon OR Hyomin would have too successful of a solo career. If anything, I think it'd be best if they made their own subgroup or something and promoted that way.

  18. @Anon 2:41AM,

    I'm the exact opposite.

    I think Hyomin is cheaper BECAUSE she actually has talent, but instead relies on whoring herself out for attention. However, I can see what you’re saying. Hyuna will grind anything… and she is awfully untalented.

    Also, from what I've encountered most people disagree with me and think Soyeon (especially) and Hyomin (it’s actually probably a 50/50 toss up) are the better singers in T-ara (Eunjung generally comes in 2nd or 3rd. On warmth, I feel warmth from Soyeon and Eunjung, but nothing from Hyomin. (Idk why, but I've always found Hyomins voice to be so... basic? She just meets the bare minimum requirements of being able to sing, but has no stand out qualities. It maybe because she's singing against two very strong and distinct voices? Her voice never does anything for me. And sometimes I REALLY dislike Hyomins voice, like in I Really Really Like You... that note at the end murdered that song at the end and not in the good way.) Personal preferences?

    One thing I think everyone can agree on: Everyone in 6-ara >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hwayoung.

    Also, if SHE ever happens... there would be no words to describe the possible amazingness!

  19. I love being able to have civil discussions about T-ara, sigh. Oh, the joy.

  20. Can I call this album "Park Soyeon First Mini Album : Black Eyes" ????

  21. ^Might as well...

    Or maybe Park Soyeon featuring Jiyeon and the T-araettes : Black Eyes?

  22. @VizetC, not nearly enough Eunjung adlibs for sure.

  23. KKS is more fond of Hwayoung's voice when she is being DP'ed and analled.. This is the very main reason why she gets to have more lines than Eunjung. But props to Eunjung for not leaving T-ara. If ever she follows Nam Gyuri's footsteps then T-ara would be fucked up like hell and CCM will become bottom tier like TS Entertainment.

  24. WTF man Soyeon has stage presence you should watch more of her performances.

  25. ^no, no she doesnt... thats why this happened:


    soyeon is boring as fuck to watch and no one really cares about her without T-ara around talent means little in kpop what can you do?

    also soyeon sometimes looks really constipated when she sings not cute

  26. @cupcakes

    But wouldn't that make her less cheap? I mean, if she still has actual talent to sell I can only see that as a plus on her side. With HyunA she literally JUST sells sex. Everything about her is so blergh aside from that. As for her dancing, I wouldn't know if she's good at it or not, since all she does is hump the floor.

    I think it depends on personal preference in the end (though I have genuinely very rarely seen Hyomin/Soyeon seen as better singers than Eunjung-- even though I'd see why, since those two are pimped as the 'main/lead vocalists'. But it does entirely depend on taste in the end, I find Hyomin's voice very lovely. With Eunjung, I admit she has a quality that adds drama to her voice and it IS very distinctive, but I can not listen to her for too long. Best example would be the Baby Bye Bye cover by her and Hyomin. Eunjung's chorus was a little grating in my opinion. Once again-- up to taste. Anyway, we can agree to disagree.

    By the way, I'm not saying this to hate on Eunjung. I definitely think she's a good singer, and she is the most overall talented in T-ara. Even though I don't think she's the best singer in the group-- she's still good. The best actress. And she's also the best rapper, I love Hyomin's singing voice, but her rap voice is DISGUSTING. And Hwayoung is just like... irrelevant. And it is sad to see Eunjung so shafted in her own group, which she's probably one of the three pillars.

    Hwayoung is the biggest troll on earth. She serves NO PURPOSE. At all. They already had two rappers that could actually sing-- why did they add a useless one. And if her twin sister in co-ed is anything to go bye, then Hwayoung is probably a crap singer too. 6-ara was never the most talented idol group out there, but they had 3 good singers, and they were good at pretending Boram and Jiyeon could sing. But now it's out of hand. Especially in Jiyeon's case. As someone who can not see ANY charm in her, it turns me off at how much she's pimped out.

    This whole album should just be Eunjung, Hyomin, and Soyeon. I like the rest of them (sans Hwayoung and sometimes Jiyeon), but I'd be perfectly content with them not singing at all. Hyomin and Soyeon still get lines. But Eunjung doesn't even get a good old ad-lib nowadays (and despite my indifference to her voice-- her ad-libs were always my favourite)

  27. Basically, some1(Jiyeon) that are only GOOD at singing ballad songs IS not A GOOD SINGER at all... i don't care about 6-ara or 7-ara... ALL the T-ara's songs will be better if they are only soyeon, eunjung and hyomin... >>>> 6-ara and 7-ara

  28. I Love Eunjung's DSLsNovember 12, 2011 at 5:42 AM

    Man, that third pic. If I was KKS, I'd be having Eunjung give me BJs. Look at those lips! She'd probably have me jizz in her mouth within 1 minute.

  29. But I know how you Eunjung fans feel. Us Soyeon fans went through this earlier this year. First it was Hwayoung taking away Soyeon's only solo parts in IGCBOY. Then it was Soyeon getting no lines in Yayaya, and then again very few lines in Roly Poly.

    It's just Kim Kwang Soo being a fucking idiot. That's why I'm looking forward to their Japanese album (at least the original Japanese songs.) Based on SNSD's Japanese album, the five who can sing got almost all of the lines, so I'm hoping that with T-ara's first Japanese album, it'll be just Soyeon, Hyomin and Eunjung. That's all we really have to look forward to since KKS fucks everything up with T-ara haha.

  30. ^don't get my hopes up... KKS is the worlds best troll... it will be a jiyeon fest.

  31. i'm pretty sure jiyeon sold her soul (or holes) to KKS when he covered up her sex tape scandal...

  32. Soyeon is fug, face it

  33. @ 6:20AM soyeon is fug or not, they still NEED HER... no soyeon T-ara achieve shiz

  34. Hyomins voice, like in I Really Really Like You... that note at the end murdered that song at the end and not in the good way.) Personal preferences?

    But that note was sang by Soyeon?

    Anyway about the topic. Hwayoung didn't get that many lines, actually the rap in I'm So Bad is Hyomin/Eunjung. Cry Cry/The Christmas-Song-I can't-remember-its-name barely have any rap, and that just leaves Goodbye, OK. I REALLY don't get Hwayoung's addition. She can't sing, and if they aren't giving her decent raps, then WHY add her? Couldn't they at least add another 5Dolls girl? Soomi? Even Eunkyo? (I won't say Chanmi because CCM probably wanted her to have her own group).

    LOL based on KKS's history on trolling I wouldn't put a lot of faith in the Japanese album, and I honestly prefer them focusing on Korea. At least they get quality material there.

    I hope I won't regret saying this, but I have a lot of faith put on the coming live performances. Their "strong concept" performances were always better than the cute ones, if I go by TTL/IGCBOY. I don't care about lipsyncing and autotune as long as they put on a good show. We'll see.

  35. I think we can respectfully disagree (so rare in this site)! Personal preferences differ, but I can agree that the cover of Baby Bye Bye was not Eunjungs best work.

    I completely agree with every else: Eunjung is the most overall talented, she’s totally getting shafted. Hwayoung is useless and has no purpose in T-ara (or kpop) whatsoever. Shoving Jiyeon down my throat is not making her like her or T-ara more (and I doubt its bringing in any new fans). Every song should be Soyeon, Eunjung and Hyomin! Eunjungs adlibs are amazing and the fact that she only has one… kills the album a little. I think a lot of fans can agree on these points.

    @Anon 7:58AM, all the color coded lyrics I’ve seen said it was Hyomin. With all of the autotuning it’s a tossup, but I think its Hyomin. No matter who it is, that note is horrible, but not my only example of Hyomins voice making me cringe a little.

  36. Yeah, so i don't think Ill be buying this ablum... idk what KKS was thinknig but this is a mess.

    Im okay with Boram and Qri not being in the mini much, but there is not enough Hyomin or Eunjung and way too much Jiyeon and kind of too much soyeon too :/

    I hope the repackage is better lovey dovey sounds like its going to be my jam

  37. @ November 12, 2011 5:04 AM -- That song was meant to be a ballad so the emotion is sad, you wouldn't expect lively would you?

    imho 5ara was always the best unit they ever had. eunjung, jiwon, jiae, hyomin, jiyeon. they had excellent vocals back then and their main vocalist is stunning. ccm has a good reputation of producing good vocalists and i hope kks doesn't fuck that up.

  38. http://i.imgur.com/bFUog.jpg

  39. @cupcakes I just got off my ass to check out the colour coded lyrics of Cry Cry-- and I was legit astounded. Whether you think Hyomin is the better singer (like me), or Eunjung (like you), I think we can all simultaneously agree they're both MUCH MUCH MUCH superior singers over Jiyeon. And they both deserve a fair amount of lines. SO WHY DOES JIYEON GET TWO WHOLE VERSES WHILST HYOMIN AND EUNJUNG GET NOTHING.

    Urgh. I just can't wait until they perform it live. i hope Jiyeon cracks on stage or something so I can laugh at her. Urgh. I know, I'm horrible. But I'm SO fed up with this. You'd think now that T-ara is promoting a song that requires some singing skill they'd get the main vocalists to actually you know... sing. Instead we get troll Jiyeon. Actually Eunjung does get some lines... but they're all misplaced rap lines that do nothing to show case her vocals. I can't even... *breaks things*

  40. And by the way-- this came on Kpopsecrets. I actually laughed.


  41. Now come on, you need to respect hwayoung, she is climbing the t-ara ladder with her lies "oh kks, your dick is soooo big", the other girls couldn't lie to his face like that, thus why hwayoung is becoming more present.

  42. I see a lot of people saying eunjung is prettier than jiyeon
    am I the one who thinks these two look exactly the same with short hair?

  43. Jiyeon is beautiful :(

  44. ^no

    but Eunjung is beautiful

  45. @4:07 ew cross-eyed whore.

  46. @Anon 7:58 EMI would handle their Japanese album. KKS would only help finance it, so that's why I'm looking forward to their Japanese album lol.

  47. Anon@ 11:03PM,

    YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! MTE! Black Eyes is a joke... I honestly couldn't believe it. All the Soyeon? Okay, fine she’s the main vocalist. Jiyeon? Jiyeon? No, really… Jiyeon?

    The lives are going to be a mess. I can't understand what KKS is doing? Jiyeon doesn't have a good reputation singing live and Soyeon hasn't had a decent live performance (that involves dancing) since like TTL, maybe WAYBLT? She sure hasn’t being singing live for most of Roly Poly and now she’s sick… Qri and Boram are even worse, so are they going to stand there like idiots or take some of Soyeon and Jiyeon parts? Oh, and Hwayoung must grunt something… I just don’t understand why? It’s like KKS doesn’t want T-ara to be successful. Eunjung and Hyomin deserve better than this, a lot better—they’ve been caring T-ara from the start and this is what they get? The life of a T-ara fan is a hard one. Maybe Eunjung and Hyomin will get an awesome dance break or something… no wait that will probably go to Jiyeon, the main dancer.

    I can’t say I’m looking forward to the 17th, but I’m still hopeful that the repackage will make up for this mess. (I’m an idiot, I know, but I’ll cross my fingers.)

  48. If this is any indication of how T-ara is going to perform for this comeback... They are screwed...



  49. T-ara is infamous with their terrible lives, but seriously, do you download the live versions and listen to them? The only live version of a song i have is of midnight circus because they do the thing at the end like
    T-ara have , for me, some of the best singles and albums, I go crazy because of you is my favorite kpop song ever but thats because i favor slutty music. Even as a Kamilia i can admit that :/

  50. there is terrible (the kpop standard) and than theres that. T-ara can do better than that mess at least

    i mean you don't have to sing, but at least act like you want you be there

    But since youre a Kamilia I can see why it doesn't bother you XD jk kinda

    btw i downloaded every IGCBOY performance i could find but only 3 Roly polys IGCBOY was the shit UNF

  51. I'll tell you this, CCM is hell good at making it look like Jiyeon is a good singer. I actually thought she was amazing during TTL... oh lawd, how wrong I was. Urgh. Honestly, I feel like Soyeon does deserve her lines since she's been shafted earlier on this year, but I see no reason for Jiyeon to be. I never fond Jiyeon particularly talented, or pretty, so I don't get why she's on a higher standard than Boram or Qri. I mean, what, she's a main dancer? Well... then dance bitch, dance. Because I have yet to see anything remotely impressive from you as of yet. They need to promote Eunjung as the face instead, she's the only relevant one atm. And Hyomin needs more variety shows to fail endearingly at.

    I was wondering the same thing-- since Cry Cry only has 4 members singing (oh wait, two members singing, and another two making random interjections) are they going to rearrange the song? How awkward would it be if Soyeon and Jiyeon sang the whole thing, cracking and whatnot, while the rest just stood there awkwardly. Will not understand you CCM. Will not understand you. Hyomin and Eunjung do SO MUCH for T-ara. Through acting, variety, BEING TALENTED, and they get nothing in return.

    I think Lovey Dovey will have more lines for Eunjung/Hyomin. But their voices are always drowned out by the heavy bass and synths during their techno/cutesy songs. I can never hear their voices ;_;

  52. You people are all insane.


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