Sunday, November 13, 2011

Hiring time

No time limit, but the sooner the better.

Cleanse your eyes with some Ji Eun.


  1. ok, writing it up right now.

    Is it ok if I right about finally fapping to amber and actually enjoying it?????!?!?!!

  2. no ELF rule pains me.

  3. I would apply if i had time and was not going through my last year of school and exams, but heres some ammo for likely applicants.


    Hyomin visits the set of Queen Insoo, and there was an accident in which Eunjung fells of Hyomin when playing horsey.

  4. @Xissuomynona You can apply. It's just that we've had some bad experiences with ELFs being writers. As long as you're not fucking nuts/a hardcore ELF, feel free to apply.

  5. Hyomin: Gidiyap, Gidiyap, Gidiyap, Gidiyap!!! Me horsey!!

    Eunjung: Stop running around like a horse Hyomin, I'm trying to sleep on your back!!

    Hwayoung: She's a horse Eunjung unni. I mean like seriously, wtf?

    Hyomin: At least I didn't become an embarrassment by having such lines like "I likey likey this, I likey likey that, i like this i like that, Yeah!"...

    to be continued...

  6. Are SOnes welcome to apply too? How about BJ's??? VIPs? meh, forget about VIPs though..

  7. Would you hire me if I had better drawing skills than you? ;)

  8. No ELF rule is the best.

  9. How much do I get paid?

  10. Really, as long as you aren't a hardcore nutcase when it comes to your favorite group and can take criticisms, then it's fine. Suckmydee is a BJ and VIP.

    @Anon 7:00 Maybe, depends on what you draw lol.

    @Anon 2:24 You get paid with joy. The kind of joy you see when you see teenage fangirls wanting to kill you because you made fun of oppar.

  11. How many articles would you want a month?

  12. I'd like at least one article a week or so, so 4-5 total. We've had too many authors that only wrote 1 article every 2 months.


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