Thursday, November 10, 2011

Jessica lies for Hyoyeon's sake

The other day an anon told me in the chat that they missed the pictures I used to edit. Then I realized "Jesus Christ, it has been forever since I did this." I originally made my tumblr for this purpose, but then I just started using tumblr for Soyeon pics.

But don't worry, I'm not going to do five of these everyday like I did back in April. But yes, I prefer making these pictures than writing the long-ass essays that dominated the blog back in the summer.


  1. lol~ u really hate Hyoyeon.
    there's so many (bad) articles about her in your blog.
    haish...when will you be satisfied insulting her..
    grow up man...

  2. I read the article too. Such bull crap! No one like hyogre and never will. Stop forcing us to like her and also SNSD will never make it in the US.

  3. Honestly, I don't hate hyoyeon but I really do think many overseas people cheer for her out of pity tbh, not all but a majority. They know Korea finds her fug which is why they yell so damn loud for her, deep down I'm sure even Hyo knows this... and if she doesn't (or her crazy and delusional as fuck 'hyohyunnies') then homegurl needs a reality check stat.

  4. ^hyohunnies, my bad. Still a damb terrible stan name though...

  5. @ 1:01pm
    americans love the under dog, but not people who look like dogs

  6. LOL no one likes her...she's no one special. Europeans just feel sorry for her. I don't think she has international appeal at all. When I tease korean people at school, I just call them Hyoyeon and they're like "NO. DON'T EVER COMPARE ME TO THAY UGLY ASS COW. OMG SHE IS SO UGLY UGHHHHHHHHHH." lol everytime. :')

  7. LOL. Man... Hyoyeon...
    I guess she wins some pity points. To appease the Hyohunnies, ok I guess she isn't the type of girl that appears on google images when you search "ugly girl", but in terms of relative hotness in SNSD, she scores a solid 1/10.

  8. this is getting old.

  9. I laughed at that article too. Agree with the comments about her getting pity points. I don't see her popularity overseas is any better than the other members'. Most international SNSD fans I see on the internet have very similar taste to Korean. Some of the more popular members are still Yoona, Jessica, Taeyeon, Tiffany and Yuri. Seohyun is getting a lot more attention these days as well. The only differences are Hyoyeon gets a bit more love overseas than she does in Korea and Yoona gets much more hate internationally than in Korea, but I still see heaps of international Yoona fans as well.

  10. Yoona, Taeyeon, Tiffany, Jessica = Most important/relevant SNSD members always and forever....even if I am Yuri biased.

  11. I think the reason is because most westerners like real asian features
    not the big doll eyes/Caucasian nose/pale white skin/underaged looking Asians
    kind of like how people in east asia find lucy lu ugly
    but here in america/europe shes pretty

  12. Sucks that so much people have to put her down to make them feel better about themselves and their "less relevant than HyoYeon" biases. And those idols are like, everyone else who isn't in SNSD.

  13. LOL you actually picked a cute picture of her. I'm sure there's a lot of kpop female artists who are uglier than her, it's just unfortunate she's in snsd, which has the more prettier girls of kpop

  14. Replies
    1. Jiyeon
      nuff said.
      And if you read this far, you shoulda stopped at Bom.

    2. But if you rank them for talent, Hyoyeon also comes near the bottom, unlike G.NA, Min and 2NE1...It's just that when it comes to singing, Hyoyeon is still near the bottom for SNSD, which wasn't really know for being the strongest vocal group in the first place.

  15. ^agreed sulli_fag. i would hate to see hyoyeon without makeup >_<

  16. Hyoyeon's unattractiveness has been overplayed, but nonetheless, what the hell is she doing on the set of IY2? I was under the impression that this was a all female guest variety show. Hyoyeon has no place there and should GTFO asap, along with her 95% male, 5% female companion Amber

  17. if only one Europian said she love Hyo doesnt mean all Europian love her. thats just her luck somebody pointing at her. even Hyo knows that lies.

  18. Guys, as much as some comments are true, please cut her some slack alright? She is a human being and have feelings too.. some comments are wayyy to nasty.

  19. Some of you people need to get a clue. I like Hyoyeon as she's a lot more down-to-earth than some of her bandmates, makes me laugh, and can dance well. She's really, really not ugly, and besides, if she were, why would that mean we should be nasty to her?

    /yes, I'm also European...and teetotal ;)

    for those of you who are too dumb to live...teetotal = I don't drink

  20. You people are freaking gross and the irony may well be that you are the dreaded "male-Hyoyeon" version yourselves. Such fucked up behavior. How old are you idiots?

  21. hating won't make you guys any better/prettier/smarter. grow up people

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