Thursday, November 17, 2011

Poor Hyoyeon.

Korea definitely hates her.

Ogres are cool, I liked Shrek and Shrek 2.

On a serious note, that really looks like a whale dick (google it at your own risk) up her nose.

Cannot unsee.


  1. I believe its from Invincible youth 2, since i think the person next to her is Bora.

  2. Wtf is that white thing?

  3. Didn't like the first episode. The whole scavenger hunt was too obviously planned and staged. The first season at least tried to make things appear to be spontaneous and natural.

  4. Suzy and Jiyoung are what make this show bearable. I cried when Suzy left in the first episode. It was so sad. Why couldn't it have been Amber or Hyoyeon.

  5. There's a fucking pipe coming out of her face lol

  6. for the millionth time, she needs to leave the entertainment shit behind and join a fucking dance crew. Nobody even notices how she's a fucking outstanding dancer because she sucks so damn hard at everything else.

  7. She needs help people, not bashing.

    Let's help the unfortunate species and hope they don't doom themselves into ugliness.

  8. I ACTUALLY googled whale penis... :|


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