Tuesday, November 22, 2011

QOTFYM: Guess who?


Hint: It's not anybody fat like Suzy.
Since you're asking, no, it's not Hyosung either.

swallow bitch.

Speaking of which, I highly recommend Invincible Youth 2, if only for Jiyoung and Suzy. And Amber.


  1. I like that gif of Suzy rinsing her mouth with cum every morning, as per her usual schedule.

  2. Ahh sooyoung, that awkard moment were both your front and back look the same...

  3. Excuse me, but WTF is this?

    Ho, you stealing my Questions?

    Well. Imitation is the highest form of flattery.

  4. guys, she is SNSD's SooYoung.
    damn SMEnt! they are fukin rich yet they won't bother to hire PT to help her gain more meat!
    i guess they just treat them as a working cow. milk all the golds all they can.

  5. calling hyosung fat again? Honestly, Fresh, let's see your six pack abs. Oh wait! You don't have any you fat ass neckbeard.

    lol still love you DF

  6. Let me introduce you guys to a little something called sarcasm.

  7. lol gross...her thighs are the same width as her calves.

  8. *waiting for the netizens to find the answer*

  9. She may say she wants Yuri's body, but I think she's genuinely proud to be a human skeleton... looks gross as hell and she needs to eat a burger.

    I think Jiyoung along with Boom are annoying as fuck on IY2 tbh. I love Hyunwoo's team though, they are all so chill, and Suzy is actually a really fun person.

  10. seeing sooyoung naked might be a frightful experience. I feel bad for the guy that has to endure that : /

    Amber and Sunny...is it me or does it look like two gay guys :P, sunny so cute

    Suzy....I want to sing to wake her up :(
    singing Incubus - Echo to her

  11. Anybody notice that they were eating the octopus with mud plastered all over it?

  12. it's like her legs reach up to her waist

  13. 3:53 anon
    theyre not hiring one because they want her to look that way
    if it was up to them all the girls in snsd would be that skinny

  14. Suzy is a fat whore.

  15. you recommend a show for Amber?

  16. Soo Young :) Her legs are hot. Every girl's dream.

  17. OMG I found her ass! oh...wait... nevermind. Damnit.

  18. in korea she is a goddess in america she is anorexic xD

  19. It looks like it could be a male idol in drag
    But whos skinnier than taemin? http://i.imgur.com/Q6skn.gif

    wait, that could be sooyoung too. I guess its sooyoung

  20. yes in korea sooyoung is known as the best legs of the group. KOREA IS SICK, MAN

  21. Skeleyoung should be her new nickname.
    How the hell can fans call her a shikshin with how scarily anorexic she looks like. She heeds to go to a doctor ASAP before she comes to snap in half. Shivers.

  22. Whats more funny is how sones praise her like she's something, omg you should've seen the akp comments, such retards. Sooyoung does not have the best body, shes a fucking skeleton. I don't care if you delusional ppl think its all healthy, shes a fucking walking stick. I prefer Yuri/Sunny.

  23. Those legs. Omo. And that ass... they're... erm...

    Where is her ass?


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