Saturday, November 19, 2011

Rainbow is "the best looking group"

Anyone who has ever talked to a Rainbow fan has heard this phrase. "Rainbow is the best looking group in Kpop." Maybe it's consolation for no one giving two fucks about Rainbow, but there's no way I could ever agree with this statement. There is no "best looking group" because there is always one or two members to ruin it. It doesn't matter how good the other three-five members looks, there's going to be one-two members that troll the fuck out of you.

In the top picture, Jisook looks like a centaur and Jaekyung looks like she just got done snorting some cocaine. In the bottom picture, Yoonhye looks like a fish, Noeul looks like a terrible Son Dam Bi, and Kwanghee is wearing a fucking wig and taking pictures with Rainbow. Sorry Rainbow fans, I don't see it.


  1. I'll agree that the person who photoshop-ed this shoot fucked up badly.

    But just watch them in a video like their Mach (jp) mv. They're still the sexiest girl group around. Way better eye candy than Hyoyeon or Sohee.

  2. So they had a shitty shoot. If anything I'll give the photographer an A for effort in making them look this bad.

    Just watch the rest of their stuff, still the hottest girl group in k-pop.

  3. I thought we already agree that T-ara was the best looking girl group (fully made up), even with HwaDerp and the little person?

  4. The first line of the article says that this is the opinion of any Rainbow fan. Doesn't mean the author agrees. He's just saying that the fans can't back up that statement based on this photoshoot. Gotta say, that photoshoot isn't one of their best. But looks-wise, they're not half bad. There's no really ugly/unattractive member that stands out.

  5. Rainbow doesn't have anyone downright ugly like most groups, but I don't think any of them are really hot, except for Hyunyoung.

    How about Secret? Zinger has gotten a little better recently. Sunhwa is annoying but still not ugly. Hyosung and Jieun are UNF.

    Or maybe Girl's Day? Jihae is the weakest in that group, but she's passable...barely.

    T-ara maybe. They have some underwhelming members like Hyomin, Jiyeon and Boram, but I don't think they're too bad.

  6. this photoshoot was obviously focused on style and not looking pretty. the most annoying thing about fanboys is that they expect everything to always be about looking pretty and sexy, but sometimes groups put a concept look over being pretty. fashion isn't about just having a pretty face.
    example: Hyori's Chitty Chitty Bang Bang makeup or Jieun's blue hair for Going Crazy.

    that being said, i don't really think Rainbow is the prettiest group. i don't really know which groups is tbh.
    on another note, you say this blog is partly about making fangirls mad through trolling, but most fangirls don't pay attention to girl groups so you're not really succeeding as well as you could.

  7. um...i dunno who the girl in the middle is (of the first photo), but holy shit what did they do to her face?!

  8. The thing about Rainbow is that apart from the Mir lookalike is that although they are pretty, they are all boring pretty (except Woori because she is gorgeous imo). I actually think groups with unconventional looks like Miss A, Secret, and Wondergirls with members who have a mix of could be stunning or weird depending on preferences are the prettier groups in kpop. Korea loves cookie cutter groups too much imo and rainbow seems to typify that.

  9. Remember, make-up does alot to these girls so instead of just branding one group the hottest, brand the girl group during a certain promotion the hottest.
    I think T-ARA during I go crazy because of you was the sexiest thing out. Nothing can top that :/ Nothing. But thats just me, i like the crazy slutty look :D

  10. After School and KARA are the best looking girl groups IMHO.

  11. I think it can be unanimously agreed upon that Tara's got the hottest broads in the pack. The beautiful thing about them is that they don't resemble your next-door granny or tranny (depending on your neck of woods) once the make-up is off, unlike some other girl groups out there.....

  12. @timchan


    With make up they look hot. Without makeup they look like that cute/pretty asian girl at school.

  13. @JKD haha, thanks for the photo.

    @AKF, why haven't you written any reviews on CryCry? I used to think your crush on Soyeon inscrutable, but after watching Tara's comeback stage it suddenly dawns on me how drop-dead gorgeous she actually is. She looks so stiff and clumsy on the Roly Poly stage that I have never realized she can be so fiercely sexy and beautiful.........oops, I am starting to sound like a rumbling fan boy myself.

  14. I agree that every group has at least a member to ruin it (for my taste at least) e.g. Hyoyeon & Sunny for SNSD, Seungyeon for KARA (she's disgusting), Hwayoung for T-ara (that doesn't mean T-ara was the best looking group pre-Hwayoung because I don't find Boram, Q-ri and sometimes Eunjung that stunning), etc.

    About Rainbow, Jaekyung is the only pretty girl there in my eyes, the rest are ugly and meh. maybe except for that other girl in the same pic with Jaekyung (the left one). She's not that stunning but she seems kinda cool on stage. The rest r all ugly as f***

  15. "Noeul looks like a terrible Son Dam Bi" -- trololololol!!!!!!

    u sure have some biases i.e. hyunyoung.. u never even bashed her.. well, shes pretty decent here tho..

    jaekyung aint really that bad..she looks like nicole scherzinger - korean version

    and holy fuck man -- centaur?? trolololol!!!! i thought centaurs existed only in DotA. hihihihihi

  16. @anon 2.43
    Gtfo, Jihae is fucking beautiful. Nobody in GsD is ugly.

  17. Oh, I like Rainbow and think they're fairly attractive (minus Yoonhye and Seungah), but I just loling when I saw this photoshoot.

    @timchan Ahjussi wrote an article about Cry Cry so I didn't feel like doing the review haha.

  18. ^
    If only you could just combine Yoonhye's face and SeungAh's body...

  19. @timchan and @J.K Doogarn

    you two obviously forgot about that picture of jiyeon with no makeup.


    also, for some reason, jisook's face always reminds me of taylor swift.

  20. wait, don't you mean jisook looks like a horse? if she looked like a centaur, she would have a human face and horse legs, kinda like luna from f(x)

  21. T-ara is still the hottest even with the Horse faced Hyomin, Cyclops Jiyeon, HwaDerp, and the dwarf. XD

    .... Ya know what maybe not... Idk if EunjUNF and the two living mannequins are enough to balance out the rest lol

  22. Kara is the best looking girlgroup for me but I'm a girl so obviously don't look for "hotness" like most people here. All the girls have nice faces and their bodies look healthy, not super skinny like some of SNSD for example.

  23. ^Ugh, you give fa girls a bad name with your delusions...

    Nice faces? Have you seen Gyuri or Seungyeon? Health bodies? Have you seen Hara? I mean really?

    Next you'll be saying they are great singers too! XD

  24. (Love) Is that a common? (2x)
    (Love) Love is common?
    (Love) Easily everything change a love
    Changes, Changes oh
    (Love) At least it’s only you
    (Love) In this world, only you
    (Love) Hoping that I could cherish this special place

  25. @253


    My fucking thoughts exactly!

  26. Damn, you suffer from a serious case of bad taste, troll 2:53.

  27. *not a troll if its true and its true

    anyway, this photo shoot is TRAGIC! they werent working with much to begin with and they managed to make it worse

  28. ^not true if its a troll, and its a troll.

    my words are fact! everyone is wrong!

  29. what does smh mean, anyway? Suck my Horny?

  30. DSP makes pretty groups, in general. I think over-all, it's between T-ara and Kara for most people as all around prettiest girl group. Neither group has one girl where everyone is like "it's her...she is the ugly one" in unison like SNSD with HyoYeon/Sunny and Wondergirls with Lim. So I think in general, they can be considered the best two in terms of looks.

  31. LOL.. nothing compared to Kara; debuted under the same agency

  32. ^ Like other anons have said about Kara, look at Gyuri. That face is BLARGH.

  33. @anon 7:39

    It means Shake my head......jeez, you anon guys got some fucked up minds...

  34. @946, Thank you! @729 just doesnt get it 0.o

  35. id rather look at gyuri than hara. at least if i get tired of her face, i can look at her b cups.

  36. @11:59 what is there to get? i'm right, everyone else is wrong, and there's nothing anyone can do about it. don't you love the internet? :)

  37. I likey likey dis, I likey likey dat.November 20, 2011 at 1:29 PM

    ^I know I do! I get to laugh at idiots like you! Makes my day really.

  38. I like dis, like dat YEA!

  39. @1:29 awww, looks like i struck a nerve. little baby can't handle being wrong?

  40. ^Oh, you are one of those...

    I never understood why people spazzed over Gyuris looks... To me she suffers from the same horse face syndrome as Hyomin and Jessica. :/

  41. What an awful photoshoot.
    None of these girls know how to pose or model well. For a decent looking group like Rainbow you would've thought that they can at least photograph well for a shoot, but no, they look terrible.

    I have never liked Jisook's face, her face looks like a molded alien with the body of a prepubescent little girl. She is like a very poor man's version of Taeyeon, and in that shoot she literally looks like a horse. Ew.
    Lmao @ Jaekyung's bird face angle, what a shame. She is like the best looking in the group, and look at that face of hers.
    Noeul, another ew man-looking member. How come no one has yet given her a nickname like Manber with how manly she has been looking? Call her Maneul from now on.
    The usually worst looking, bug eyed member looks the best in this shoot, and that says a lot about this. SMH.

  42. dunno about best looking group but hyunyoung and woori are 2 of the hottest girls in kpop imo

  43. it makes me mad when people just put their favored group as the best looking one everybody knows the rainbow is the best looking group because all the members are hot no like other groups
    is trued the some other girls groups have one or two better looking member than rainbow but the rest are ugly and rainbow doesn't have ugly members

  44. ^Hahahahah, u funny.

  45. The usually worst looking, bug eyed member looks the best in this shoot, and that says a lot about this. Suck My Horny.



  47. ...wha? Who exactly is saying this?

  48. "There's no really ugly/unattractive member that stands out."
    "Rainbow doesn't have anyone downright ugly like most groups"
    "and rainbow doesn't have ugly members"
    "Neither group has one girl where everyone is like "it's her...she is the ugly one""

    What is wrong with you people?
    You're not allowed to just pretend that Yoonhye and Seungah aren't part of the group, that's more fucked up than telling it like it is. They may be fugly ass bitches, but yes, they exist.

  49. IMO T-ara, Kara, After School, SNSD and Rainbow are the best looking groups in kpop (in no particular order; I'll let you guys have your little paralympic over that). Seungah, IMO, doesn't look terrible, and Yoonhye (italics) can look good sometimes, e.g. Jap Mach PV. As for Jaekyung, Hyunyoung, and Woori, they have sex written all over their faces.
    Anyways, yes, the photoshoot is just a terrible, terrible damage.

  50. *insert obligatory Soshi is the hottest comment here*

    Since when was Kwanghee a member of Rainbow?

  51. In the top photo, the girl in the middle is hideous.

  52. ^
    horse face. yuck. how can people find a girl with that face and the body of a little boy attractive? ಠ_ಠ

  53. There is no "best looking group" because there is always one or two members to ruin it. It doesn't matter how good the other three-five members looks, there's going to be one-two members that troll the fuck out of you.


  54. I have just come across this post, and I have to say, I personally think it is ridiculous. I know this is an anti-site, BUT...These girls ARE attractive. Fact. Can you honestly say you yourself are better looking than them? Highly unlikely. Yes, you can make a point that you personally don't think they re the most beautiful girl group, but you shouldn't bash these girls looks just to make yorself feel better. Honestly. So you have never had a bad photo taken of you? Are you some form of super human that miraculously looks perfect at every angle and lighting? Being photogenic is a different trait from being pretty. You can be the most beautiful girl in the world and not take a good photograph. There is a difference. At least they havn't photoshopped the crap out of these pictures, like most other celebrity and model images. You are obviously delusional if you don't think these girls are attractive. If you think they are ugly, then you have serious issues with your perception of beauty, and will probably not come across anyone that you deem to be pretty. Jealousy is the only ugly thing in this post. Not these girls.


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