Saturday, December 31, 2011

2PM redeems with an awesome performance (KBS)

I know nobody here gives half a shit about boybands; you horny bastards just want hot chicks. I feel the same way too! However, the reason I keep watching 2PM performances is because.... well Hands Up was the ultimate guilty pleasure of 2011, for me anyways. JYP hit the jackpot with it. And after the trainwreck @ SBS, this happened, proving that the boys still had some life in them.

Supposedly the concept for this stage was 'hip-hop', clearly with all the preconceived notion that hip-hop is all about being ghetto and from the hood, but this is neither the place nor time for me to rant about that. In all honesty, something about the stage and music made me think of the boys as OFWGKTA for toddlers (if you don't know what I'm talking about, watch this). Anyways, I enjoyed it.

And while we're on the topic of 2PM, I'm going to rant a bit about Taecyeon. He's overhated. No I didn't misspell 'overrated', he is overhated, for the same reason that Yoona and Justin Bieber are hated: They are just too popular. That fact, coupled with their general lack of talent (although I could easily argue that JB has more talent than 90% of your favorite oppars) make them the victims of great scrutiny. They don't deserve it. Truly bad music sounds like this.

Now aren't you glad Yoona and Taec are the worst you get in Kpop? Right?
...What do you mean "you forgot about hara"?


  1. So fucking bad omg and douche Taecyeon needs to stop acting like he's hot shit because he's not, none of them are. They were loads better than failtastic super junior though I do admit though. I thought kbs was showing promise because infinite killed that shit but no, they were stupid enough to have the best performance go first so I ended up bored by almost everything else and stopped watching.

  2. Yeah, fuck that faillighting jacket shit. Suju = worse performance of the night.

  3. yoona is the most overrated bitch out there. cant sing, cant dance, cant act, but still loved because of her joker-smile. i used to like her, i thought shes sweet, but then i realized that her face is EVERYWHERE! shes not even THAT pretty, just a common girl, not ugly not stunningly beautiful. koreans have weird taste in women.

  4. You know, you are right. I actually like this. The other performances was boring stuff that you can watch on weekly Music bank etc. At least 2pm has the balls to come up with something new.

  5. LOL... it was still bad

  6. lol not gonna lie, i kinda liked their performance.

  7. I can't believe I actually agree with a pro-2PM post.

    P.S. Never going to say this again.

  8. Taecyon always try to looks like he's an underground rapper. LOL..
    I wonder, how could JYP put him as a rapper in the group..

  9. You guys must be noticed of Wooyoung's pant. Haha..

  10. WTF they look like a bootleg Block B. The only way these guys could redeem themselves is if they completely disband. When Jay Park left he took the heart, soul, and minuscule talent this group had with him.

  11. Their shit was weak. If this is the best they can do, then LOL at their whole career. Song was terrible, choreography was basic, and the execution of the entire thing was half-assed.

    Honestly, JYP and hip hop don't mix. Even ghetto hip hop, they just can't do it. Not even as a joke.

  12. Is this post serious? Because all I saw was a bunch of wannabes on that stage trying to do something that they are clearly not. Leave the hip hop to other pp.

  13. LOL weakest shit ever. stop the hip-hop+idols mix not working fuck stick to their gay dancing and making tweens orgasm. taec has a lot of hate cuz he always act hardcore just cuz he lived in america for awhile now he thinks hes bad, get the fuck outta here. Dancing is mediocre at best if u guys actually think this performance was good u guys obviously havent seen american dance performances at all. This is utter shit.

  14. Taecyeon is not over-hated. Yoona? Sure. I think she has some talent (she's definitely an apt dancer and her singing was never bad just weaker.)

    Taecyeon is only good for dancing. His rapping is bad, his voice is annoying and his singing is annoying. He, himself, is annoying. You can tell he thinks he is top shit lolol

    This did not redeem 2pm for me. I just can't like a group that act so fucking top shit all the time, I hate that. Iunno why, just do.

  15. Also @ 3rd comment from top, Koreans have a very strict idea of beauty. Yoona fits every category of their, "ideal beauty."

    *Egg shaped face
    *White skin
    *Almond eyes
    *Small face
    *Long, black hair
    *Cute nose
    etc etc

    Think about it. Almost all of Korea's beauties hold to this ideal. It's why she is the face of SNSD and why she is whored out to every advertisement in existence.

    If you go to SKorea, their idols are everywhere. It puts you off them entirely lol

  16. People hate Taec cuz he's a fucking Hip hop poser. He acts as if he's so hard and deserves to be called a rapper. Hes nothing but a pretty boy on the outside. He has no passion for the art of music or hip hop. Hes theres to strip and model. Poster boy for 2pm

  17. Taecyeon must think he's the fucking shit he think hes top idol. Must be nice to bang all the SNSD girls one by one. Still wont make u any more of rapper bitch lol.

  18. Doesnt anyone they got the biggest flower boy going along with the hip hop Nichkhun HAHAHAHA. its bad enough they got him rapping now he's trying to act the part too? ROFL

  19. Is David turning gay? Saying good thing about a boy band? Next thing u know David will be writing about how he wants TOP to cornhole him.

  20. ^
    Lol, that's also the first thought I had. David writing something about a boy band?! IMPOSTER, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO THE REAL DAVIDFRESH

  21. I don't hate Taec but I agree that he is one of the worst idol rappers. And that means a lot because all idol rappers are mediocre compared to real rappers. Being one of worst between them means that you REALLY suck at that.

  22. @7:33 seohyun has an egg-shaped face, yoonas is more heart-shaped.whats with the other idols who fit these standarts, like taeyeon, yuri, sulli, dara, suzy, IU etc? (i think they all look kinda uninteresting)

  23. one good advice for taecyeon. you should stick with your plan to be a model from the start...this path just too wrong for you.


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