Monday, December 26, 2011

Good Idea, Bad Idea

Bad Idea: SNSD advancing to Europe.
Good Idea: Secret advancing to China.

It's not bad for SNSD to advance to Europe in general. Normally I'd be like "Good luck, I hope you can at least sell some copies of your CD," but no, this is SM yet again throwing SNSD all over the world instead of focusing on a market. I just think SM is fucking itself up the ass by spreading SNSD too thin. I always felt a little bad for BoA promoting simultaneously in Japan and Korea, but now SM is thinking that shit isn't enough. "Fuck that, Japan is too small. Let's try to get America and then go after Europe. After that, we'll go to Brazil. Then to India. Then to China. Then we'll go to Africa. Then we'll send them to Iran. Then we'll unite Korea by sending them to North Korea. And if Kim Jong Un doesn't eat the girls, we'll have world domination." SM, just slow the fuck down and stop releasing The Boys everywhere.

Now Secret going to China is a good thing. While they "flopped" in Japan (note: if you try and compare Secret to the level of Kara and SNSD, yes, they flopped, but if you compare them to 4minute and 2NE1, and plenty of non-Japanese-idol groups, they did decent), there's always China next door, not yet saturated with Kpop (note again: Japan isn't really saturated with Kpop, it's just the media sites blowing shit out of proportion.) Yeah, that country with 1.2 billion fucking people. With groups like f(x) and miss A having Chinese members (okay, Amber is Taiwanese), I would have expected both of those groups to have promoted in China much more than they have. That's not the case, since miss A isn't really doing shit, just Suzy. f(x) is planning to debut in Japan next year. Super Junior M is really the only group that comes to mind when it comes to Kpop idol groups promoting in China. Maybe Secret will have an advantage in China since no one else is over there. Then again, Secret probably doesn't know any Mandarin and will go over there with just a translator/interpreter doing all the shit for them. Learn the fucking language before you make yourself look like an ass, Secret.


  1. This article would be better with a Hyosunf gif...

  2. them both should advance to mars...we martians has been lacking some authentic muzik for centuries now :[

  3. Secret promoting in China is a horrible idea. Super Junior M and Miss A actually have Chinese members/native speakers that can talk the most on shows/interviews without sounding ridiculous as hell. it even harder to sing in mandarin so either Secret has been studying a lot or they're gonna FLOP again. They tried to half-ass their Japanese debut and im sure they're gonna half-ass their venture into the chinese market too.

  4. ^ You make a good point, and that's why I added "Learn the fucking language before you make yourself look like an ass, Secret." right before I posted the article. Yes, they have no one who is natively fluent in Mandarin, but they have the advantage of no one else to compete with lol.

  5. Still no Hyosung gif... I'm disappointed lol

  6. SNSD are promoting in Europe??? WTF. UK girl groups (imo) are sexier and higher quality than snsd, besides Europe's not gonna care about about a lame name group like ~girl's generation~ when they have their own groups to fap to. Especially since their most popular group is making a comeback next year.

    I love secret and hope they're successful, but something tells me this was just a random as hell decision made by the company that's going to end up a hot mess tbh.

  7. "Then we'll send them to Iran." How can we not love you.

  8. I want to have hot uncensored buttsex with Soyeon. That is the only thing that matters right now. T-ara will dominate the world from their casting couches in Seoul - no need to fly halfway round the world to spread those legs.

  9. fuck.....i want to watch animaniacs now...


    secret in china? what the hell? do these companies just have a globe sitting on their desks, spin it, and stop it with their finger on a random location?

    *spins globe
    let's see....Antarctica! off you go girls!

  10. they are trying to justify this exaggeration of the Hallyu wave by promoting in different regions. It is retarded, especially when Korean isnt even a world wide language. If they want to promote worldwide, they need to learn some damn english.

  11. Zhou Mi and Henry are largely what help SJ-M's success in Mandarin speaking countries because when they're on variety shows, its mostly just them [and occasionally Kyuhyun and Ryeowook] speaking, the other members struggling [especially Eunhyuk and Sungmin. wtf was SM thinking randomly putting them there], and Show Luo making fun of how horrible they are. Also, Super Junior already has something of a monopoly over Chinese speaking countries and the Philippines, so it was fucking easy for SJ-M to get really popular

  12. They're promoting in Europe? Great, where I live. FUCK! It's not really gonna work.

  13. They are promoting their smooth hairless shaven cunts there.


  14. So many idols go to the small country of Japan yet barley any go to China and Manadiran is the most spoken language in the world. what is this!?

  15. Is there a difference between Amber and the other Chinese idols in Korea because she is Taiwanese? Just curios

  16. ^ Yes. She's the man.

    *puts on sunglasses*


  17. Honestly, I'm starting to like this page :D

  18. @12:04

    What in fuck's name is 'Manadiran'???

  19. @8:37 PM uncensored? or unprotected? that is gross, you are grinding her poop on your dick, yuck.....

    Why would Secret suddenly come up with the genius idea of venturing into the chinese mainland market?

  20. FAIL! for both groups. No-one is going to find SNSD as hot as they do in Korea. Especially when the UK has it's own hot artist with actual vocal talent. They won't do anything in the US either. Secret in China? Well, they need to get popular somewhere.

    I hope KARA/T-ara stay in Korea and Japan and monopolize the industry there. You here me DSP/CCM...don't join the "world domination" bandwagon! leave my KARA/T-ARA alone!

    ....but KARA could go to china, they have a decent amount of Chinese fans, and I think it's on DSP's list, but lets hope they stop there.

  21. Aww. Don't be mad at SM. They're just trying to get back all the money they lost hiring Teddy the Fuckface Riley.

  22. why do people say Secret did bad in Japan idgi they did better in Japan than they ever did in Korea; their only hit in Korea was Shy Boy, but both Madonna and Shy Boy Japanese albums did well in Japan
    and the article on allkpop said there would be a fan meeting and a showcase, they didn't say Secret would debut

    on another group, i've yet to find any decent cpop groups. are there even any out there? most of them cpop i stumble upon is men that i don't want to watch

  23. Oh gawd, the Plastic Generation is going to Europe too? It's bad enough that they embarrassed themselves in Japapn, and will be humiliating themselves in America.........
    Please don't let them show up near my city. I am going to tell my friends that I have never heard of them because SNSD and SM promoting themselves as the "#1 korean girl group - big deal in so many asian countries etc. " just makes me want to hide my face as a fellow asian.

    Seriously, why would Caucasian people want to look at plastic faced asian skinny sticks "pretending" to dance and "trying" to sing?

  24. ... huh? Miss A not doing shit in China? Just Suzy? You have got to be kidding me. Just because your favorite English-translation-of-Korean-articles news site isn't spitting out tons of articles on Miss A in China doesn't mean they're not doing shit there. Did you know that Jia and Fei were both well known in China even before they debuted with Miss A in Korea? And that the Korean members like your precious Suzy are the least popular out of the group members when Miss A is in China? Part of the group's success is precisely because they DO have two native speakers, and two non-native speakers that actually aren't too shabby. I can't really imagine Secret having a great grasp of Chinese on any level...

  25. @12:04 Because Japan has the biggest music industry of the world after the US.
    Ugh, SNSD will definitely flop in America, so what's the point of going to Europe? Europe may like skinny sticks better, but they also like talent and actual beauty.
    Same thing with Secret. If they didn't do well in Japan, how the hell will they do well in China? Japan has the second biggest music industry as I already said, and it at least has the idol group craze. China won't just accept any random crap that comes into their country.

  26. Every girl in kpop is a whore, lol.

    I think japan has surpassed US as the world's biggest music market in term of physical album sales this year, quite an impressive feat isn't it? That is why every kpop group, male, female, or even animal are squeezing into the jpop market for a slice of the profit.

    China is a very peculiar market in the sense that there is no digital sales to speak of, because all the downloads are for free. Anyone who proposes the idea of charged download will be considered lunatic. And why would anyone be bothered with physical album when you are only a few clicks away from a song?

    But I am not saying there is no money to be made in the chinese market. On the contrary, it's a hugely lucrative market, where you will find big money in commercial endorsement, mobile ringtone royalty fee etc. It's just that I really couldn't picture in my head how Secret will make it in China.................

  27. @8:31 AM I think Tara is more popular in China than Kara. Many chinese kpop lovers find Hara repulsive because she bears so much resemblance to a infamous ass clown in China. On the other hand, Tara is being dubbed the "fairies group" because their looks hold so much appeal to chinese in general.

    So, if Tara decides to try their luck in China, they may actually register some modest success. (but don't expect any wild success such as Kara in Japan)

  28. ^ hu dat ass clown yo

  29. The T-ara circle jerk on here has to stop, seriously.

  30. @6:53 lol I have no idea who that ass clown is but from what I have seen thus far, Kara is actually pretty popular in China for a Kpop group. IDK how they compare to T-ara but at that concert in China, Kara had tons of fans, and they were really well organized too. Either way, I'm all about Kara/T-ara so what these other groups do doesn't matter to me.

  31. huh? Okay, let me get this clear. SM isn't stupid. SM only wants the girls(SNSD) to get more popular, like as in worldwide. So, the only place to um, develop in, is well, America. And SM won't ask the girls to go to Iran or India or Brazil or some other not so into-Kpop country. And, SNSD isn't advancing to Europe. That's just YOUR own guess, which is really not true, since SM didn't officially announce that. :)

  32. > be random kpop fan
    > fingering myself to official kpop bestiality videos
    > the mv asks me for tree fiddy
    > i take my monitor outside and take a giant fucking dump on it

  33. F(x) does have a Chinese member : Victoria

  34. "Then we'll unite Korea by sending them to North Korea. And if Kim Jong Un doesn't eat the girls, we'll have world domination."

    oh my god. i cant stop laughing... allkpop did this shitty article about north korean celebrities not doing well thanks to the hallyu wave.
    ok, um. North Korea doesnt have a film or music industry. they dont even have 24h tv or electricity, for that matter.


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