Tuesday, December 6, 2011

T-ara's Changing Leaders Already

Third leader this year...

It kind of seems like Hyomin got shortchanged, but T-ara was active the whole time Hyomin was leader while the group was inactive most of the time Boram was the leader. It's not like the leader role really matters. Hyomin got drama and movie roles while being leader, but Eunjung didn't get much until after she stopped being the leader. Anyway, my bet is that Jiyeon is the next leader. Qri will get trolled again.


  1. im fine with Qri not being leader and not getting to sing any line AS LONG AS SHE'S THE FUCKING CENTER.

  2. T-ara has so many pretty faces...and a wild Taeyeon suddenly appeared!


    It's extremely effective!

    Wild Taeyeon is orgasming!

    ASH's PENIS grew to 11in.

    But seriously - Soyeon is good choice. Me fucking gusta

  3. bassfreak: "im fine with Qri not being leader and not getting to sing any line AS LONG AS SHE'S THE FUCKING CENTER." <- THIS

    wonder if Soyeon's speeches are going to become longer ...

  4. I like Hwayoung she is cute <3

  5. @6:57

    You need help

  6. Soyeon is the only one in Tara who exudes an aura of leadership, but she can get on your nerve with her excessive speeches. We need to put some long hard dicks in her mouth to stop her from talking and spare us all the gibberishes.

  7. Soyeon reign = Soyeon + 6 mute members.

  8. ^I like how you think Anon.

  9. Damn that anon 1 min right before me !!
    "I like how you think Anon" was for 10:46

  10. @Nymston

    lol we all know you agree with @ 10:50

    Hwaderp makes me want to grow a penis

  11. I like Hwaderp... she is cute... but just that... and Soyeon looks like a good leader, but MAYBE we're expecting a lot from her...

  12. As if Soyeon doesn't talk enough as it is? XD

    I don't get the hype around her... Yeah, she's a good singer, but she's a shit performer.

    And I swear she looks more plastic than Qri these days... I hope this is a short 6 months lol

  13. Hwaderp boobies me likey O.O Soyeon and Eun Jung's too <3

  14. Believe me, after a while...T-ara's fans will regret support Soyeon as a leader;)

  15. ^because she never shouts up? already regret this

    can we go back to eunjung plz?

  16. this blog kinda reminds me of prettyuglykpop.blogspot but less funny. But the head guy of CCM is a total pimp, I mean the big ass scandals he was able to cover up and all. Even has the pimp stance going on.

  17. I mine fine with Soyeon being leader, but I wish they'd just pick one fucking permanent leader already, preferably Eunjung.

  18. Good bye T-ara. Now it will become, 'Soyeon and the girls'...

  19. ^No, no it's "Soyeon and the T-araettes"

  20. ^Only slightly better then Jiyeon and the T-araettes... but still really bad.

    When is Eunjung going to be leader again? Because performance wise T-ara has been shit (or shitter?) since they passed the torch to Boram...

  21. In the future, can you make Hwaderp say WRYYYYYYYYY? I think it's epic.

    If y'all know what I'm talkin' 'bout.

  22. As much as I like Boram and Qri, I can't stand Soyeon. She's not funny, she's boring as hell, and she seems pretty self absorbed. I feel that as leader she will spend more time promoting herself instead of actually promoting the group. That said, she's a good singer and her lives vocals are so much better than in Roly Poly, but I'm not really interested in watching her hog the mike during interviews like she usually does.

  23. Good at talking doesn't mean you can be a good leader..I remember when Boram still a leader, she look so pathetic every time Soyeon take over her roles and talk non-stop during interview. She also done that to Eunjung and Hyomin but luckily those two still know how shut up that arrogant chatter box. So, just imagine when she be a leader, I bet others don't have chance to talk at all.

  24. You mean make hwaderp scream my name. Dem legs ooh I likey likey dat

  25. @Anons 9:23PM & 9:46,

    My fucking thoughts exactly. This is going to be a long 6 months. I was really hoping for Qri, she's boring, but at least she's not annoying.

    Soyeon is a decent singer, but Eunjung and Hyomin are better over all performers. I don't completely understand the hype around her either. I mean anyone sounds great next to Qri? And she's a pretty lackluster performer. I prefer Eunjung voice anyway, so maybe its just me.

    Soyeon is a little too vain for my taste, butI do wonder if she can out fame whore Hyomin as leader, that will be interesting to watch.

    I just really hope T-ara disbands before Jiyeon is an option, I don't think I could watch that train wreck.

    Being a T-ara fan is so hard. Why do they have to have such catchy fucking songs?!

  26. I swear have dyscalculia...

    *@Anons 9:23PM & 9:33PM

  27. Or I'm just stupid... smh.

  28. ^Ahahahahahah! FAIL! lol

    I likey likey Soyeon but her as leader? DNW. I think we can all agree Eunjunf should be leader and this rotating thing is ridiculous~

  29. @LoveyDovey

    Suck My Horny???

  30. If Eunjung such a good leader like everyone said, they won't do this stupid rotation leader in the 1st place...Everything happened for a reason.

  31. ^ fuck you, she was an awesome leader. That they had the rotation system is completely besides the point. Fuck KKS, and fuck you again

  32. @ 7:26 lol..are u mad?

  33. @7:26, I agree, KKS is the troll king that's why the rotational leader thing is happening

    so far eunjung has been the best leader imo

    boram was totally short changed and I felt bad or her, but nothing much came from her being leader and the Yayaya promotions were a mess (mostly due to Jiyeon stank attitude)

    hyomin is just such an attention whore i can't someone needs to feed her she looks like a 13 yo boy

    T-ara was at its strongest when Eunjung was leader and though many factors played into that, i think Eunjung was able to push the girls to try harder... they've been kind of bleh ever since she lost her rank (i don't remember anyone complaining about weak performances during the TTL, IGCBOY, LTFT days?)

    but at the end of the day T-ara is still selling well so that all that matter (because thats all that KKS cares about) I just hope Soyeon can learn to let others speak, her speaking voice is annoying

  34. Since when did being leader in Kpop an important aspect?

  35. Leader Soyeon??
    Me gusta!!!

  36. Eunjung's stans just delusional too much. They start being so cocky after eunjung be popular through Dream High.

  37. ^ Actually, I think Eunjung fans are some of the most level headed fans in kpop because Eunjung is actually talented. :/ There isn't really a lot you cn criticize her on, she's a great all around performer. Also, I believe she had a relatively high amount of fame before DH.

    I followed T-ara mostly before Yayaya, but kind of fell off when Hwaderp came around. I always liked Eunjung though. Finding someone with that much overall talent in kpop is pretty rare.

    I think the rotational leader system is weird and is only hurting T-ara because their is no stability in their fanbase. Too much is changing too often. I want to get back on board, but this change doesn't interest me at all.

    Reinstating Eunjung as leader and creating a new fan club would do them a lot better. I like that they change concepts a lot, but there is just so much to keep up with there needs to be some structure, some constant.

  38. Eunjung needs to release porn video stat. Then everything will be ok

  39. What I gathered from hanging around here a bit is that

    1) Eunjung should be the one and only leader for life
    2) Soyeon can sing but talks too much crap when she's not
    3) Hwayoung is fuckable but not needed for the greater glory of the group
    4) Neither is Boram, sans fuckability
    5) Qri rox
    6) Hyomin should just have her own 'Horse is H' thang


  40. Eunjung don't care about t-ara at all...She only care about her acting career and her sleep...Oh, that is an example of good leader...

  41. Yeah, we know Eunjung is a great all round performer but her stans just getting really annoying these days...I think they quite humble before dream high and at least know how to respect others...

  42. " Actually, I think Eunjung fans are some of the most level headed fans in kpop because Eunjung is actually talented. :/ There isn't really a lot you cn criticize her on, she's a great all around performer."


    "Eunjung needs to release porn video stat. Then everything will be ok"

    ^And THIS!

  43. Most Eunjung fans have the "holier-than-thou" attitude. My only complaint about Eunjung is that she's terrible on variety shows. Aside from that, <3 Eunjung.

    T-ara was at their best when Eunjung was leader, but we all have to remember one thing: Eunjung didn't have Hwayoung fucking everything up in the group.

  44. Eunjung stans aren't "holier-than-thou"...

    Eunjung is just so awesomely flawless we just can't help but bask in the glory and stare in awe at her perfection. XD

    *And if Eunjung is terrible on variety shows, I don't think their is a word to describe how I feel about Soyeons variety show chops :P Your love for the Spy chick I can understand (she's hot), but how Soyeon doesn't bore the ish out of you I'll never understand lol

  45. Who could dislike anything about Eunjunf?


  46. Eunjung is overrated as fuck. Holy.

  47. She's flawless.

    One of the most talented girls in kpop, no lie. Hate all you want, but real talent in kpop can't be overrated because its way too hard to find. :/


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