Friday, January 20, 2012

Question of the Week 27

This week's Question of the Week comes from Chichi Maki:
Which fandom do you dislike/hate the most and why? What fandoms are you currently in now?

Thank you for your suggestion for this week.

Personally I hate the snooty Sones "POWER OF NINE KEKEKE~ All of you other girl groups stop copying the greatest group this universe has ever seen!!1! No other idol will ever be as good as these legends".   Puke.

Currently, I do not identify myself with any fandom. But if I did, I suppose I would be a PlayGirl, BlackJack, VIP, G.NI, Inspirit, or Everlasting. Or whatever other idols I liked. But I do not count myself as a fan enough to be labelled. That is too mainstream for hipster me.  

If anyone has suggestions for later Question of the Weeks, please send them to zomg.oppa.sareanghae@gmail.com, or leave them in the comments below. Thanks!


  1. Blackjacks are definitely the worst; they feel the need to insult every other girl group to make theirs look better

    the only fandom i don't mind attaching myself to is Secrettime, mainly because the amount of serious stans are small and they all seem to be fairly rational

  2. The fucking "SONES" are the worst. First of all, what fucking kind of name is "SONE"? It sounds so lame and stupid. I hate them because they all think SNSD is the second coming of the Christ or some shit. And when something not even remotely amazing has happened, all you see is the 13 year olds spam with their "power of 9!~~ unnir fighting so daebak!" "Right now, Girls' Generation!" (That phrase is fucking dumb by the way.)"~aish taengooo unnie fighting aigoo~~" Most of all, "SNSD IS THE WORLD'S GIRL GROUP!" My fucking god, how much more annoying can they get? All of them need to get slapped hard in the face.

    I, like you, don't want to associate with none of them motherfuckas so I won't call myself a lame name because I support a group. I'm only into kpop for the lulz.

    1. It's actually S♥ne (소원) (pronounced 'Soh One') which means 'wish' in Korean. It also has some sparkly-rainbow-gay connotation of SNSD being "ONE" with their fans.

    2. Ur hideousl stupid

  3. I don't like Sones or ELFS or Shawols. Not because I stan a certain rival group (I think I'm a mix of A+, PlayGirls, b2uty, Secrettime) but because their superiority complexes are so annoying.

    1. I don't like you. Everyone has to have something to hate at some point in their sad lives; it gives them purpose and drive. To do exactly what other than fapping I have no clue though.

  4. Sones. It's the arrogance.

    They just HAVE TO BE #1, POWER OF 9!!!!111. They think they deserve every big award because:
    "SNSD is beyond (insert under-handed diss @ WG/KARA/2NE1) and are now cultural icons; right now, GIRL'S GENERATION!!1111~~~~"

    that shit is their favorite line right now.

    They wanted SNSD to get a special achievement award...I'll leave it at that.

    and when they have a shitty comeback (read every comeback after genie), "of course SNSD will win, even if ANTI's don't like the song Korea obviously misses them!!!!!1111 SNSD JANNG"

    or my personal favorites: "Jigeum asdknafnd SNSD/Right now Girls Generation/The World's Girl Group.....POWER OF 9 ANGELS/GODDESSES/GIRLS/BEAUTIES/PERFECT DOLLS"

    They refuse to accept defeat in Japan.

    1. Fuck you. SNSD is the best and greatest and single-handedly epitomises everything that makes K-pop so awesome. I don't know which fandom you belong to, but you're all butthurt inbred dogfuckers who don't do much else except hate on my 9 angels. With that kind of success it's only natural to get jealous. Just don't kill yourselves in the process.

    2. ^^ Clear example of why people don't like Sones. STFU BRO

    3. In my head..SNSD "hidden prostitution" n "moronic". 9 angels? r u fuckin' serious? really? u need some reality check. They didn't won any award with clean cuts features! SM bought them for their fuckin' 9 asses. And since when people take Korean Music or whatever shitty awards they make. Just piece of shits. SNDS is racist, n moreover SM Management r the real bastard racist of all them n still they copied Black American music (yeah right...kiss my white milky Korean ass). And they will expand to USA? for what? end up like Wonder Girls? yeah, u can buy their album for a sack of rice n 3$.

    4. sm paid for snsd's successes

    5. Snsd paid for sm's successes


    6. @AnonymousJan 21, 2012 04:07 PM

  5. Sones irritate me the most. For the longest time I didn't even listen to SNSD because their fans just seemed so arrogant/annoying. Their nine angels may be Korea's top girl group but that doesn't mean they are the only ones with "talent".

    but I feel like the pot calling the kettle black because I'm definitely a VIP and while I don't go do this, there are a number of elitist VIPS running around that act very similar to sones preaching about how BIGBANG are true artists and why they are miles ahead of everyone else... I'm also a Triple S (they're pretty peaceful), B2UTY, Lucky 7, and to a certain extent blackjack...but i'd rather just say fan of 2NE1's music because blackjack has bad connotations as well.

    1. Fuck you too. I don't understand what it is with international dipshits like you guys hating on 9 girls that you will probably get to see or talk to in this lifetime or the next. I'm not even sure you can speak or understand Korean. Why pretend to be so high and mighty about something as inane as pop culture when it's something that everyone absorbs on a regular basis? They're not jazz, they're not indie and they're not sleeping with you so please explain your anger.

    2. This clearly states that sones are annoying, it doesn't say anything bad about SNSD the group...chill

    3. LOL @2:19 ...are you for real? Why don't YOU explain YOUR anger?

  6. I am a fan of Eunjung. That is all.

    1. Eunjung is a true artist

    2. A true porn artist

    3. Eunjunf!


  7. Omgg has anyone see the japenis roly poly mv HWAYOUNGGGG <3

  8. What fandoms are you currently in now? - FAPdom

  9. Fricken YG stans are the worst for me I think.

    "OMG BLOCK B/ZELO/ whoever the fuck else look like young BIG BANG/GD&TOP"

    No. Fuck you. I like Big Bang, but not everything leads back to Big Bang. Big Bang is hardly original. STFU

    And the whole "2ne1/BB are real artists who don't need yadie yadah"
    They jump the bandwagon like everyone else. There's more than one bandwagon in music, Music is a huge industry.

  10. VIPs and Blackjacks are the fanclubs i hate the most.
    They seriously need to know that their group's music is not "high quality" in any way and they need to stfu about how they are dominating the world. Those awards were given to them through fucking voting mmkay that doesn't say shit about anything. Big Bang will be dead soon anyway now that the group consists of a homo, a murderer, a stoner and a tactless shithead. Let's hope Taeyang doesn't cross to the dark side.
    CL can't rap.I don't consider humping the ground to be dancing. Bom is literally the weakest vocalist among all lead vocalists in Kpop. Dara - no explanation needed.

    Sones piss me off too. Please note the difference between criticism and bashing,guys. SNSD may win all the awards under the sun but their quality and substance will most likely never be the same as it was in 2007.

    1. teyngs the worst hes gay molester and assshole,his fans re worse

  11. Sones can definitetly be extremely annoying, but the worst fandom for me is Blackjacks...
    I have found them to be arrogant as hell, and always praising Yg for his slightly above average penis size while bashing other fandoms.. I like SNSD, 2NE1, and most other groups but their fandoms as you can read above are ass.
    It's sad that fandoms are apart of Kpop, gives me a headache always reading delusional comments on articles and videos about ridiculous conclusions that these fans come up with praising their biases..

  12. There isnt a particular fandom that's worst but what I can't stand the most are people who seem to think stating that they're part of a certain groups fandoms makes their opinion of said group more legit. "I'm a Kamilia but Hara is so terribad at singing"... or "I'm a SONE but Yoona has no talent and is plain". If you think Hara sucks or Yoona sucks just freakin say it straight no need to beat around the bush.

    1. some kpop fan: omg hara can't sing to save her life. she even have plastic surgery
      me: i know but i still listen to kara's songs. it's not like she's singing the whole song plus my ears haven't bled yet. she have plastic surgery so you people won't poke fun at her for being ugly.

      sone: i love snsd but hate yoona, she's so plain
      me: what happened to power of naine trolololololol

  13. I believe ELFS,SONES and Blowjacks are the worse...BJ always live in their own world thinking 2ne1 own over all other groups, how YG Papa is the greatest and took great care of their artistes..kinda pity them if they know of how YG papa force CL to undergo those numerous plastic surgery.

    SONES have 2 extreme kinds..1 is quite alright while the other kind is extremely childish, naive and sickening thinking SNSD should always win this award that award.

    ELFS..i believe i do not need to touch on them..Majorities of them i believed are borned from the wrong hole...making them pea-headed and analling stupid.

    1. agree with u on the sones n elfs

    2. CL looks exactly the same as she did when she was a kid. Are you confusing her with Bom? She was mocked pre debut for her appearance and it killed her self confidence to the point she couldn't sing by herself on stage without the other girls. She has low self esteem, so she most likely did plastic surgery to make herself feel better about her appearance.

  14. i don't like elfs especially when i watched their vid in youtube wherein heechul's kissing almost everyone
    as a suju fan, i was disappointed and all i could scream was GAY!
    i'm not against gays it's just i'm disappointed that what i thought would be guys would act like that escially in front of a live audienc
    but the comments of the vid was the total turn off like...OH MY THEY KILL ME WITH THEIR SWEETNESS/i wish they end up dating instead of a girl/that's fanservice, they really love their fans blahblah...

  15. I don't like people in general.
    So I could care less about fans.
    Until one of them learns to hack something more complicated than 6theory's rep system,
    none of these fags who troll online are relevant.
    I can't believe I found a whole site dedicated to them.
    You know that anti-fan site you guys linked in the other article doesn't seem to different from this one.
    You guys do know you are perpetuating the cycle.

    I was hoping this would be a place where people were honest is a crass way.
    Like Eatyourkimchi except not so got damn polite and censored.
    But this is eerily like the fanturd section of 6thoery.
    You post crudely edited pictures of people you feel threatened or disgusted by while worshiping the underage stick figures that are your fap material.

    I'd say this was sad but I'm too bored to complain.

    I request another article on idols who resemble creatures please.

  16. ELF. Bunch of pussy

  17. 02:55 AM

    Yes. WE ARE IN A FAPDOM. BTW, I got dibs on Hwayoung. Hands off fuckers

  18. Sones and Elfs are the worst, definitely.

  19. Blackjacks and VIP are the worst! and I hate those whole YG true fans shit.

    1. ELF and Sone comes in second

    2. Keep lying to both yourselves.

  20. Oh, how I hate the fact that everyone assumes you're a fat delusional bitch the minute you say the word ELF.
    I came to resent my own fandom for a long time, because everyone else seems to apply the personality of the [admittedly quite large] minority to e v e r y s i n g l e o n e.

    The truth is that every mainstream group has horrible fans who the rest of us only put up with because they throw their money on oppar.

  21. I hate blackjack.. all my friends too even though they are vips.. blackjacks think they are classy like 2ne1.. Like they are at different level of music and diff type of girl.. but the truth is 2ne1 are not classy.. so does blackjacks.. i always knew that dara is faking her cool image of 2ne1.. She was not like that during her old days in philliphines.. it just yg concept for them..

  22. I don't like sones. As someone how was once a Sone, their fans get on your nerves. They act like SNSD is the best, Taeyeon is the best singer in Asia, Hyoyeon is the best dancer ever born, they think SNSD should win every award, that they can automatically win any awards. I remember before Kara beat SNSD in Japan, Sones are all SOKA <3 but then when Kara is selling more, some sones start hating on Kara and keep denying their success in Japan. Not to mention how some fans are still in delusional about the girls surgery is beyond me. Ok I dun care if they get surgery but stop being in denial when some of these chicks nose have been getting smaller and more upturned at the tip.

    Also their power of 9 stuffs is annoying and anyone that have 9 members = soshi copycat. Everything they win an award POWER OF 9 DAEBAKE SOSHI ANGELS!!! KEKEKEKKE! What's so damn special about having 9 members?

    1. NetizenKim-C on 6theory. Delusional as fuck.

    2. And SNSDYoonYul, hate that bitch, she bashes other groups to make SNSD better, she makes SONES look like major assholes

  23. My personal ranking.

    1. ELFs: I don't need to explain why. Worst fandom EVER. nuff said

    2. SONEs: Apart of their craziness, I hate how they bash pretty much every other girlgroup saying things that also apply to their freakin "nine angels".

    3. Blackjacks: What do you expect? Fuckin YG elitists who think that their IDOLS are ~true artists~ and every-freakin-body is copying them when in fact, YG is just another wannabe company.

    4. VIPs: the only reason why they are bellow BJ is because Big Bang at least write their (mediocre) music. Something that 2NE1 doesn't do and that's why their fans look far more delusional than VIPs.

    5. Cassies: used to be the most cocky fandom you will ever see, but now all they do is cry-cry and fight each other.

  24. ELFs, cuz they hate my precious noonars, and also they're fat delusional biznitches! And they're SHUPAH HORNY according to Ryeowook.

  25. It's a tie between ELFs, SONEs and Cassies.
    I don'T think I have to explain why.

  26. Blackjacks, ELFs, Sones, VIPs

  27. I like IU and Sunny Hill but I wouldn't call me a part of their fandom if they had one. I'm used to be a Cassie. I dislike all famous fandoms: Sone, ELF, Blackjack, Wonderfull, VIPs, Cassie.

  28. ELFs, Cassies, Shawols, Wonderfuls, Shapleys, BlackJacks and VIPs. I'm a Sone/Say A/Playgirlz/RaNian/Kamilia/Diadem.

    Why do you think Sones are always so edgy/snotty all the time? Oh, that's right, we're the only fangroup who has a dedicated anti group (STAND) against our biases, that has wished death, disfigurement, severe bodily harm and general nastiness on the girls, and other groups who constantly sneer at us and call SNSD "stupid talentless slutty plasic whore bitches". Every time SNSD wins an award it's "They didn't DESERVE it! SM *obviously* bought it for them! Wonder who they had to fuck to get it?" You try going through that and still being Susie Fucking Sunshine.

    1. @ 11:15 god. amen. i have no problem with people disliking my favorite bands, but don't get butthurt just because your precious TVXQ oppars didn't win.

    2. That still makes u a butthurt nigga lmao

    3. still doesn't excuse why sones start shit with other fandoms...:)

    4. SONES still suck dick and who gives a fuck about STAND

  29. For me, it's delusional ELFs. (I say delusional because there's a normal minority, believe it or not!)

    I love how so many people are ignoring the last part of the question xD Right now, I'm an Inspirit, a BBC, a KissMe and a Secrettime.

    1. sankyu for not generalizing ELFs.

    2. You are welcome! I used to be one and I'd like to think I was pretty normal, compared to other ELFs I've seen over the... well, year and a few months that I've known about Super Junior.

    3. ELFs are by and large still shit-headed inbred motherfuckers whose parents should have been neutered from birth. I don't know who these fucking sorry wastes of sperm and egg are, but if I ever meet one in person I will take it upon myself to open the door, get on the floor and everyone walk the dinosaur

    4. Same, I'm an ELF (DONT Kill me) Ive been one for a year now and the ones I met are somewhat rational but I've seen some cray cray ones too (Mostly those who write NC-17 fics, and ppl who ship Eunhae OMG)

  30. Rofl first of all chill the fuck off gaiz~ everyone's stating their own opinion lets not get too sensitive here unless he or she threatens to kill your family
    Back to topic. I'm not a big fan of
    ELFs basically for their never ending worshipping of their oppars perfection and entertainment values. 2nd goes to SONEs which is ironic as I'm a SNSD fan myself. Well yeah it's the arrogant and proud attitude that ticks me off most of the time.
    But in the end of the day I'm a true Shapley.
    Tl;dr who cares.

  31. The one that has bothered me the most for the longest time: Cassies and whoever the eff girls wanna call themselves who are JYJ fans (but still claim they're cassies but cassie belongs to SM so how the heck are they gonna determine and judge where the fandom name belongs to if it's not even their copyrighted name? Actually are any of them REALLY registered fans?) I've never seen so many delusional comments on the breakup, the suing, Avex fight, and just between the two groups. " C'mon girls, AKTF!AKTF!AKTF!AKTF!AKTF!AKTF!AKTF!AKTF!AKTF!AKTF!AKTF!AKTF!AKTF!AKTF!AKTF!"

    Omg STFU. I don't wanna rant more about how much I can't stand them... (and I have a loooong list)

    Sones: Um.... sorry SNSD can't dance & I'm tired of them going crazy when a new MV/PV of theirs come out. It looks EXACTLY the same as their previous one. They're showing off their so-called 'sexy legs' (I really dunno what's sexy about them.. they look like legs with cellophane wrapped around due to the photoshop/FX) stepping some, move there arms a bit and step back in place. And their chant/spell "Power of 9 power of 9!!!!" And why they think every group that has 9 members is trying to copy them? They accuse ANYONE who tries to 'copy' them. "OMG that skank's trying to wear a shirt that SNSD had in that one PV!!" Um.. when did they become fashion designers and owned clothing?

    Blackjacks: No, 2NE1 aren't 'so different' or 'too fierce' for Japan. (I'm a J-music fan actually but listen to whatever gets my attention) If anything people would think those girls were from Harajuku because they would fit right in. They think Japan only likes girls in school uniforms because of 48 um... they do know Tokyo is one of the fashion caps of the world right? There's so much fashion it's ridiculous... "Jpop doesn't have songs about girls being strong & an independent woman!" Don't get me started on this comment... because Ayu, Kumi, Namie, Mika etc don't exist huh?

    All in all I can't stand any fandoms actually because I can't stand extremely biased delusional people who don't have any rationality (well that only applies to those that get to that extreme that exist in ALL fandoms...) Ayu fandom (And I looove Ayu's music) get on my nerves.. they're cocky & snooty because they like to brag about Ayu. Crazy fans get too much into it and make their fandom take over their lives... if your fandom is making you brag as if your fandom/music is god's gift to the world and everyone who doesn't like it must be a hater/anti, bash & hate everyone maybe you should chill with the music (I don't think it was made for hate... but for mindless entertainment..)

  32. The butthurt comments from SONEs here clearly show why this fandom deserves almost all the shit they get.

  33. Sones- as the author said. they drive me crazy most of the times. i'm glad i didn't follow a lot of Sones on tumblr :/ I find them the scariest actually. Just look at the sales. "I WANT YOONA'S PHOTOCARD. BUYING ANOTHER ONE~"

    ELFs- I was part of this fandom. I used to be all "oppa saranghae oppa daebak oppa is mine oppa is my husband" kind of shit. Then I left because no one cares that Heechul's a gay dick and Shindong's a fat ass sexist. I actually loled when they tried to be Shindong's fangirl "OMG OPPA LOST WEIGHT! OMG OPPA HAS A GIRLFRIEND AND THEY'RE GETTING MARRIED CONGRATSSSS"
    they only approve of an unattractive most unpopular member of their bias group to date someone and get married pft.

    Blackjacks- same as ELFs. Tired of fans being all high and mighty that 2NE1 is the best girlgroup evaarrr. also left the fandom coz i hate CL's voice.
    VIPs- ^^^^^^^ bt i like all members apart from GD.

    B2UTY- What. Am i the only one? They act like they're the most peaceful fandom. Bullshit. When Hara and Junhyung was announced dating, they begin to hate Hara and said Junseung (whatever that is) is real and to cover up the fact Junhyung is fucking his bandmate.

    I'm a Kamilia (i love this fandom), Kissme(kinda annoyed at desperate fans :/ but not enough for me to leave the fandom) , Inspirit (i feel they're starting to become more like B2UTies but not leaving), A+ (in fact the most perverted fandom ever. me gusta.) and Sunny Hill fan (idek the name of the fandom, but right after grasshopper song, i decided to join) and Wonderful.

    1. B2uties bashed Jae Kyung before as well.

    2. It's alright though, Yoseob put them in their place.

    3. Sunny Hill's fan club is Hillers...

    4. LOLOLOL im an A+ too, totally agree that it's the most perverted fandom..

  34. Sones - same as everyone else, they are fucking delusional and arrogant.

    ELFs - they are just crazy.

    Blackjacks - the elitists, they all think that 2ne1 are the only girl group with "true" talents.

    Kissmes - they're just too desperate, it's getting really annoying.

  35. Blackjacks - they are so stiff-necked,i lol so hard when they make 2ne1 ''queens of kpop'' they must be blind and dumb.
    VIPs - they are so delusional.

  36. I hate all YG fandoms + ELF.

    1. SMTown needs to be erased from existence.

  37. I hate most kpop fandoms. I belong to nugus fandom. I fap to Nell.

  38. I hate ELF. They're so annoying and the little thirteen year old fangirls who want to screw Heechul oppar or whatever are the most irritating things I have ever seen in my entire life. All they do is find ways to incorporate oppars into every single aspect of your fucking life. I met people online like that and of course, I'm too nice to tell them to shut the fuck up to their face. However, I try to avoid communication with them in any way I can because I literally feel my brain cells being killed as I read paragraphs upon paragraphs as to why oppar is the best. For example, one of my ELF acquaintances asked me what I was listening to and I told her I was listening to Hanhae's Eargasm mixtape. She proceeded to tell me about how "awesome" it was that someone was NAMED AFTER Hangeng and Donghae's couple and spammed me with useless Super Junior pictures. I felt ready to bash my face in with a hammer. Then they drone on and on about their fucking OTPs and expect oppa to marry them. WTF. Most of them are rude to most fandoms as well and I hate how they whine over EVERYTHING. Let's be honest, I didn't really care much for Super Junior before, but when I saw how crazy their fans were, I can't help but throw a little in my mouth every time I see their name.

  39. Blackjacks fo sho. dem niggas act like they dominating the world charts.
    They act like they favorites invited everything. when they are just as unoriginal as everyone else. Fashion, Music, Appearance. When its been done before. What makes them so annoying is that their delusion is in GREAT numbers worldwide. Even more so than other girlgroups like SONES. maybe cause I like 2NE1 more than SNSD i find the blowjobs more annoying.

  40. I'm a fan of every group literally out there right now in Kpop that is popualur. thats why I think fan wars are so retarded. P.S. POWER OF NINE, KEKE

  41. cassies are the worst. i was going to be a cassie because of the mirotic & keep your head down. reblogged something tvxq related and apparently tvfxq = tvxq and i didn't know that . seconds later a cassie bitches at me for not knowing that .
    sorry cassie but not everybody is obsessed about your oppas .
    fandoms hate list :
    - blackjacks
    - elfs
    - sones
    - cassies

    i think ze:a is the only fandom im proud to be in. at least most of our fans aren't immature people .

  42. Fandoms creep me out. It's like joining a cult....only it's obsessing over people who aren't worth obsessing over.....

    Seems like SM has a talent for creating the most hated fandoms o.o

  43. ELF: i'm so sick of the super junior members spitting shit out of there mouths and their fans defending them. Especially when the whole 2008 shit happened. ridiculous and some people need to chill the fuck out. super junior has owned up to what they say and ELF's should be prepared to as well.

    Cassies: arrogant much? i know I've met some really nice cassies, but the whole "always keep the faith" is just a desperate cry. TVXQ and JYJ will never get back together. All that JYJ and TVXQ are doing now is feasting off the money of the Cassies who refuse to move on. "come on over" really? Whose idea was that, Jaejoong's?

    Sones: even though i would consider myself a sone, i can't have friends who are sones. they bug me because they refuse to see logic. the girls lip-sync 9/10ths of their performances now.

    i will always be a BoA stan, and SEVEN! and yes, i do love SNSD.

  44. Am I the only one who can't stand Shawols? They're almost as delusional as other SM group fans...

    1. ever since the Jonghyun/Sekyung incident. Yes.


    2. Is jongkey supposed to be like some kind of donkey i do not get it halp

    3. Shawols are a bunch of fat ass hoes who always say crap like: "OMG!! Taemin, I just wanna rape you sooo soo hard!!" "I just wanna fuck all of them" "Me and Jonghyun are married and were deciding to have a baby" some crap like that. There 12 year old horny bitches who need a slap in the face, cant stand them either. Im also getting tired of them complaining about there comeback, Im all like "Shut up and wait" Shit I hate them!

  45. Blackjacks. They think 2NE1 shits gold.
    "eeh, this is an alright perf"
    "well, there is much more talent in kpop, like davichi"
    When sones and elfs fight, its extremely stupid. Any YG fandom is stupid, they are not artists, they are idols, fucking hell, just because gd sits with who ever writes his songs and gets high and says "i like this" to everything that goes on does not make him an artist.

    Im first and foremost a kamilia, then a diadem, then a HːLLЁR, then playboy (i dont like saying girlz, also bekkah or kahi says in lets step up play girlz and boys, so im allowed to say playboy)

    I have a sad friend who is an A+ and she is always sad because of MBLAQS under appreciation, sad though because mblaq is one of the only boy groups i can stand.

  46. oh don't compare elf and sones
    - spread rumour about how u can't find mr simple in youtube and bash sm
    - spread rumour about album sales, small amount releash to public
    - spread rumour about gda 2010 being brought off
    - spread rumour about snsd have plastic surgery - oh we all know that but there's no evidence to support
    - spread rumour about snsd having less sales
    need i say more? like ok
    - indirectly, with all the ' spread rumours '
    - indirectly spread facts that they are retarded people who listen to only what they want

    proud to be a shawol!jongee

    1. Your a shawol....fuck you!

    2. no, FUCK YOU, karmas back at you bitch, look what happen to your super junior members. ever lusting fucks

    3. Shawols are stupid fat fangirls who are overly obessed bitches who get all jelly if you like there oppa...you assholes are just as worse as SONEs; talk shit about other groups to make SHINee look so supeior so the person who said fuck you is right

    4. when the Jonghyun/Sekyung dating thing happened all you dumbasses said was "No, he loves Jongkey, ohh I hate Sekyung for stealing Jongie away from Key and who he dates he's still fucking key in the ass" and when Key was talk about Nicoles weight all you shawl-whores did was say "Well, thats Key, he's a diva, or Key's just blunt like that, there good friends so its ok blah blah" Minho rapping is pure shit and all taemints (whatever the fuk there called) talk about he's so fuckable and you wanna rape...all you did was say how these groups were "spreading rumors" but all the shit I just wrote is true as daylight...

  47. I'm primarily a kamilia, and I am SO glad and proud to be in such a peaceful fandom..... for now lol

    1. preach~
      kamilias don't have to start shit when we can just sit back and enjoy kara beating everyone oppas and unnies in japan.

    2. (I'm the same anon from 11:42) Exactly!!! I'm glad that in japan, snsd will forever be #2, even though sones will always be butthurt about it and start shit in Kara videos

    3. hahaha.... nice!

  48. shawols & cassies (JYJ stans) are the shit. and sones are fucking annoying.

  49. i'm proud jumping boa & elf myself, but need to say that not all of ELFs are like this.
    furthermore, I HATE jyj stans & part of shawols. DONE.
    all freaking fandoms has their stupid parts, so

  50. SONEs creep me out with their Power of Nine numerology bullshit. I mean come on really? I mean it's one thing if something special happens to SNSD on September 9th or someshit, but to go to the extent of adding every single number together just to say "OMG 01/21/2012 (today's date for example) 0+1+2+1+2+0+1+2=9 EVERYTHING COMES BACK TO 9, FOREVER 9 HWAITING~~~~!"

    That's just really creepy to me.

  51. ELFs, Blackjacks and Shawols. ELFs the most.

    The fandoms I'm a part of our Sones and Diadem/Citrine/whatever the hell we call ourselves.

    Let me talk about the negatives about my own fandoms. Sones, some of them are so overbearing it is just so damn annoying. Diadems/Citrines/Stoners/whatever, we have some childish and overly defensive fans. They annoy me a lot too.

    These people tend to embarrass me and much before, I didn't even like using fan names, 'cuz it felt like I was associating myself with the wackos of the fandom. I'm only just now warming up to fan names.

  52. Sulli.. just sulli.. Oh wait shes an almost idol. Not a fanclub. wth its still sulli. bad attitude girl. not even pretty. She will never be famous...

  53. Blowjobs and VIPs because I'm sick of their elitism and the whole "my oppaz and unniez are true artist and they are the most original kpop groups ever and everybody is copying them".
    Bullshit to the max.

    SONE because they go araund calling othe girlgroups sluts and claiming that so and so are SNSD copycats.
    FYI, reakin delusional bitches, SNSD has the most overused concepts (the cute and the sexy) in the freakin damn world.

    ELFs OMG, they just have everything.....to be the most hated fandom ever. Fuck them.

    Shawols, I swear they are like the mini and younger version of the ELF fandom.


  55. There are so many stupid Sone's messing around in Nine Muses MV's and performances saying how they're copying the power or 9. It's like they don't know how to count. There hasn't been 9 members in that group since 2010. Even now it's only up to 8. I very offended because I'm an SNSD fan but I like to keep watch on the other groups and see how they have improved. (Nine Muses is slightly getting better by getting more girls that can sing)

    Blackjacks are extremely elitist and especially the YG-stans. it's as if YG consists of Big Bang and 2NE1. What really creeps me out is how they refer to YG as YG-papa and how everything run in that company is just simply wonderful and nice unlike big bad SME corp. I don't hate any YG artists. 2NE1 is my 4th or 5th favorite girl group. Big Bang is my 2nd favorite male group. It's the pretentious fanclub attitude that drives me off from considering myself as a fan.

    1. Even with 8 members, they still have a better ratio of vocal talent compared to SNSD.

      Also, VIPs arent as obnoxious and arrogant as once thought. I think they are very tame and chill when compared to Cassies.

    2. No Cassies are the ones who are tame and mature, compared to vip who
      are crazy and hateful if you simply dont like bigbang

  56. A Rainnous all the way!! A A A A!!!

  57. Elf = crying bitches = super junior

  58. Sones - They follow a cult called Soshiism. BEWARE THEM
    YG Stans - It annoys me how they'll just eat anything up as long as it's from YG. They refer to him as "YG Papa" and say YG is so much better than any other label. Also, they say BIGBANG and 2NE1 are artists. NO THEY'RE NOT, THEY'RE JUST REGULAR IDOLS LIKE ANY OTHER GROUP.
    ELFS - Nothing else to add. Horrible, horrible fandom.
    I like most fans from newer groups because their heads aren't so blown up. I also like Diadems, Kamilias, Playgirlz, etc.

  59. I like Diadems best cause they have the nicest breasts

  60. Sones, ELFs, Shawols, Cassies, VIPs, Blackjacks, BBCs. Hate 'em all.

  61. Sones.
    But the ELFS are starting to seem weird and pervy as shit... (Super Junior Naked was trending on twitter a while back... no apparent reason, other than some kind of sport event with the acronym SJ-N. that was just disturbing.)

    and I am a Chocolat fan. even though they dont even have a fandom/fandom name officially. ive seen a few use the term chocolatier though. confuzzled.

    1. SJ-N = Super Junior Naked.... who thinks of this things?! wow.... that's a bit obsessive!

  62. Most of the big fandoms are crazy.

    VIPs/BlowJobs and their "our oppirrrs and unnirrs are soooo originullll,GD writes all of BB's music and I respect that" never mind that what he writes is pure shit but hey..
    CL unniiiirrrrr is the best female rapper in Korea,*spazz*.Even though she screams all her raps (still love her though)

    Elfs (I've ditched those crazy bitches)I just don't understand their obsession with winning all these awards, 'vote for our oppirrrrs they deserve this,if you dont vote heechul oppirrr will kill himself. The music is so...ACHA :)" Winning awards not based on merit is retarded.Losing is better.

    Sones,are nuttier than squirrel shit.

  63. Why in the fuck are people still commenting on this

    1. to answer the question. duh.
      you mad bruh?

    2. Ur hideously stupid

  64. Shawols.... The ones I saw while in the fandom were totally obsessed to a point where their lives revolved around the group. It's really sad.

    Kissme's- Really whiny sometimes, begging for votes their group doesn't deserve.

    Cassies- Really shouldn't be fighting amongst themselves. Then again all fandoms fight everywhere so it's not suprising.

    I'm don't have time to stan/be in fandoms and don't want to, but going by favorite groups I'd be a High Skooler, Everlasting, Inspirit, Shawol, and VIP.



  66. I love noonar most of all

  67. Obsessed Shawols can burn!

  68. the annoying sones, elfs, and shawols, i get totally irritated by them. Firstly, the fandom names are just HILARIOUS. LOLOLOL wtf is shinee world? They're all too overprotective. Also I agree with the 18384738837 ppl who commented on here about creepy sones (power of 9). B2UTIES (how da fuq do u spell their name) are also a bit scary...

    *I am an A+, Inspirit, BANA, Diadem, and Playgirl*

  69. I can possibly classify myself as a Secret Time, Blackjack, I AM, V.I.P, Everlasting, DSF, Lucky 7, and Inspirit. But like you, I'm too hipster to label myself. h1pst3r4lyf.

  70. I hate Shawols because there so obessive with Jonghyun or Taemin which is why I left that fandom, but I'm an Everlasting, B2UTY, BBC

  71. ELF = occult religions .

    They are the Devil .

    Get a away from them !
    They Will Kill YOU!!!

    Leeteuk & Shindong SUCK !

  72. Sones: the guys are horny and the girls are empty airheads. Neither knows what talent is.

  73. I'm a Shawol and Cassie, but I think I'm one of the few sane ones left.....
    Yeah, alot of popular fanclubs have crazy fans, but mostly I ignore it since I much rather listen to the artist than hear about crazy fans
    I have a friend whos a ELF and Sone and that combo just isn't good!

  74. I am an ELF and a VIP. I hate Sones, please stop getting on my nerves and spamming on other groups' videos.

    1. I hate vip they are worse than sones

  75. SONEs,ELFs,Blackjacks,VIPs...I hate them.They bash alot.[I am a Blackjack,VIP,Shawol]I definitely hate them.But I don't hate SNSD,Suju,2NE1 and Big Bang.


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