Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Retard War, Round 90753765

I've avoided this shit for as long as I could...

First of all, I have a hard time taking this fat guy who likes to wear drag seriously. Secondly, while he states Kpop sounds like American pop (which is true), he's basically denying that Jpop has a Western sound to it.

Here's a Folder5 PV and a Lee Hyori MV. Oh guess what, both use a Euro beat. Neither Jpop or Kpop are fucking original. They're just Western pop in a different language, and slightly behind the trends in America and Europe.

Fatty in a dress said that Japan is accepting and shit, which everyone knows is a lie. That's for a whole different blog, as there's no need to bring the Japan-Korea political bullshit here.

The majority of the bullshit from the fanwars stems from media sensationalism. Aside from Kara, SNSD, and DBSK, most Korean groups are doing just okay/average compared to other Japanese acts. Aside from some of the idol groups in Japan, CD sales are way down for the rest of the Japanese artists. For example, Orange sold 2 million copies for their MusiQ album in 2004 and only sold 40,000 copies for the World World World album in 2009. The media sites and blogs compare everyone's sales to AKB48, Arashi, Kara, SNSD, etc., where they sell 500K to 1 million, ignoring the reality that the other 99% percent of artists/groups releasing music in Japan are lucky to sell 50,000 copies of an album or single these days.

So no, Kpop isn't taking over Japan. Kpop fans tend to brag about this shit when only a few groups are doing well. The Jpop fans on the other hand, knowing this, still fall for the bait and bring up AKB48 sales. See, it starts with the Jpop fans caving into the stupidity of a lot of Kpop fans and stooping down to their level. When I used to go to Jpop forums, all of the stupidity that I saw was between Ayumi Hamasaki fans against Hikaru Utada fans. I must have been lucky and went to the right forum where that was one of the only fanwars, or else Jpop fans have gotten overly defensive after the anime/Jpop reached its peak in the mid 2000s and the Kpop "boom" was starting.

The other problem is the way the media reports about the fans. The sites tend to quote the radical, nationalistic Korean and Japanese fans, who take their political bullshit out of context and put it into their Jpop vs Kpop fanwars. Quoting and referencing the small minority with the big voice doesn't represent each countries thoughts. There are Koreans that like Jpop and there are Japanese that like Kpop. The nationalistic people from both sides can't set aside their hatred for the other country and bring that into fucking.pop.music.of.all.things. It's fucking pop.

Changing directions, there are some stupid things international Jpop fans say. "I'm tired of Korean groups coming to Japan." So? Are you living in Japan? Does it affect your life any? Does a Korean group releasing music in Japan affect what your favorite Japanese group is going to release? No. Korean groups in Japan doesn't affect my excitement at all for new albums in 2012 from Flow, L'Arc~en~Ciel, capsule, m-flo, etc.

Jpop fans should already know that Japan is the #2 music industry in the world in terms of size. Groups go where the money is. Lots of British rock bands released music in America, because that's where the money was. With bands like The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Def Leppard, etc. releasing music in the US, that didn't kill the US music market any. People still bought albums from Aerosmith, Guns 'N Roses, Van Halen, etc. It's the same damn thing when it comes to Korean groups releasing music in Japan. Your nee-sans and nii-sans will still sell albums, so don't fret. Oh, and Jpop fans, you won't have to worry for long about Korean groups going to Japan. Japan's economy has been stagnant for 20 fucking years and their population is aging, so eventually they won't be the #2 music market anymore. Eventually they'll be going to China, and if/when Korea reunites, they'll have a stronger domestic market (though obviously not right away.)

Jpop fans, I can see where you're coming from when it comes to dealing with the annoying Kpop fans who read the sensationalized shit at allkpop about how well Korean groups are doing, but learn to ignore it and don't stoop down to their stupidity level. You also need to accept that Japanese pop is strongly influenced by Western music and stop bringing up that originality card.

To conclude, these fanwars are fucking retarded. If you only enjoy one, just enjoy it. If you enjoy both (like several of the authors here do), that's good. You don't need justification that your music tastes are superior. It's fucking pop music, the most derivative form of music, so it's like comparing two fucking turds. If you feel the need to have an internet dick fight to see who's e-penor is bigger, fine, go ahead, but you're better off just listening to songs and watching MVs of unnie/oppa/noona/hyung/nee-san/nii-san than having dick fights over the internet about which turd (form of pop music) smells the least like shit.


  1. Stop trying to bury the awesomeness that is 637

  2. ^ beat me to it. 637 WAS HERE

  3. ah yes, the old Ayumi vs utada.....I was in that war way back when lol I am so battle harden now, I can care less about fan wars.

    A reasonable article on AKFG, why I never!!!

  4. Ayumi has concerts that would put an Olympics opening ceremony to shame - they have to be seen to be believed. Utada on the other hand is the more naturally talented performer...no amount of circle lenses, eyeliner and blonde hair can detract from her better-than-average vocal range and pitch.

    On an unrelated note, there should be a Rule 637: any post can be converted into a T-ara fanboy sexfic troll thread.

  5. Like Eunjung bewbs

  6. Not gonna lie, I only read 1/4 of that

  7. That said, isn't capsule releasing another album soon?

  8. http://pinkie.ponychan.net/chan/files/src/132585150807.png

  9. well. i dont get the video anyway.

  10. Basically to sum up this article its -"Who the fuck cares whether one cultures pop is better than the other its fucking pop no one takes pop music seriously, enjoy it and shut the fuck up."

  11. I disagree with her. She tried to make a point stating that this argument is pointless but ends up siding with kpop more than Jpop in the article and second Matsuko Deluxe is a transgender and not a drag queen like she stated !

  12. American/British Pop for the win bitches.
    no matter what country (japan/SK) it will always sound like our recycled shit just in another language. :/

    south korea steals newly released shit like(NSYoonG and in my head, Fat Cat with Price Tag, and any YG release) while japan is still stealing shit from the 90s.

  13. "
    Fatty in a dress said that Japan is accepting and shit, which everyone knows is a lie. That's for a whole different blog, as there's no need to bring the Japan-Korea political bullshit here.

    Say that shit to my face and see what happens. I'll eel rape you.

  14. that fat dude reminds me of associate bob from "Demolition Man"

  15. Believe in wonderlaaaaa.. good time

  16. YOU, OP, ARE A GOD.
    Thank you for this post.

  17. @J.K Doogarn March.

    @Anon 11:33 It's okay to disagree, but I still believe I'm right. This blog is partially dedicated to the stupidity of Kpop fangirls, so there was no need for me to explain the faults of the Kpop fans anymore than I did. People already know that a lot of Kpop fans are stupid and believe all of the sensationalist media. On the other hand, Jpop fans should learn to ignore the stupidity of the Kpop fangirls.

    @Sulli Make sure that eel has some straight teeth. ;)

    @Anon 1:55 I feel the same way about Japan. It's like they refuse to move on, as most of the music in Japan sounds the same as it did 10-15 years ago.

    @Anon 4:43 Yeah, Believe evokes so much nostalgia haha.

  18. Anyway, I always thought just because I like jpop and kpop doesn't mean they're better than any other style of pop music. It's just a matter of choice.

    Unfortunately, even agreeing that the kpop and jpop are, in theory, copies of the Euro and American pop sometimes copies become pieces of unique appreciation (my opinion about kpop and jpop) while most of the time some copies become grotesque imitations, like this Brazilian version of 'I am the best'


    I honestly don't know if this MV is serious or if it's a joke.

  19. I read the whole article and I totally agree with it 100%.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. to AKF...please highlight the words that indicate "anti kpop fangirls" (literally) when you posting some shit this long....i just want the hate of fangirls, not some shit of how shitty kpop music are (we already know that btw)....

  22. @akfg



    what are you trying to say?

  23. i read the translation of the discussion. the tranny got a point but seriously this is such old discussion. who curr~~

  24. I can't believe I just watched a minute and a half of a fat tranny woman screaming in some martian language

  25. @ Anit Kpop girl How come you didn't put up the actually translation of the conversation with the video u can find the translation or Aramatheydidn't or Toykohive forums (that's how I found your site)

    I notice that some K-media like Soompi are putting a different spin on the conversation and only focusing on two quotes that Matsuko said that they dislike!

  26. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyCNF6BmS8o

    no K-POP in TV

    please respec our kultur


  27. @Anon 8:06 I figured the ones who cared enough about this subject would have found the translations on their own. I don't like Arama and Tokyohive because they don't cover Jpop, they cover idol pop, which is why I didn't quote anything from there since I don't go to either.

  28. See this is why I love this blog. Especially posts from the founder of this wonderful site. It's relevant, honest, unbiased and simply worth reading to. I'd help promote this blog to others but I'm too timid cause KPOP fans will hate and judge me for it *sobs* LOL who the fuck cares! I have a lot of faith in this blog so doesn't matter what those judgmental and bias fools say. Nice read man! I'd rate it 5/5 :)

  29. Did anybody else notice SE7EN in the bavk all "hep-hap" and just sat there like: "Yup....o-o" OMG SE7EN XD that is all. But true~ kpop vs. JPOP wars are boring. :| I do complain that K-artist don't interest me much when they are promoting in Japan and I'd rather have them in Korea with their songs, cause only a FEW very FEW actually take out original songs, and not RE-MAKES of their Korean songs. (Which for me is A TURN if I do say so myself...I already have it in Korean why am I gonna spend MORE money for songs that I have in Korean and you just re-made it (same beat, same lyrics) in Japanese....eh no.) And I used to be a BIG JPOP lover and didn't notice that some of the songs were actually songs sand by KPOP artists until I looked into it. (ex. DBSK, F.T.Island etc)

  30. KPOP SUCKS!!

  31. all pop music is bad, its just a matter of what is the lesser of 2 evils. also korean reunification will definitely not make things better in the long term, there is just too much disparity between the 2 nations.

  32. Great songs are great songs no matter where they comes from :) I love utada<3

  33. Great songs are great songs no matter where they comes from :) I love utada<3

  34. Korean music is boring, they all sound and LOOK the same.
    Japanese music has much more diverse variations in genre & style.
    no offense, just saying honestly.


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