Monday, February 20, 2012

HOTTEST Lynch Mob Calls for BlockB's Heads

BlockB's in deep shit because they dicked around too hard during an interview in Thailand.

While neither the other authors nor myself could give two shits about BlockB's latest hijinks, the only reason this is such srs business is because our very own ThaiPrince Nichkhun tossed in his 2 cents on the whole deal, followed by Junho and Chansung.

Jacking Allkpop's translations, cause why the hell not?

Nichkhun: “As a Thai, I’m offended by those who talk about the flooding in Thailand without thinking. If you come to Thailand, rather than acting without thinking, please respect this country and only behave with a proper attitude.

Junho: “I won’t say who, but those behaviors and attitudes make me ashamed as a fellow Korean. I wish they would learn that one bad action doesn’t just affect them, but also creates a dirty mess for those around them. I say this as a person and a sunbae.

Chansung: “Even if carelessness can seem inevitable even if you’re trying your best to avoid it, if you’re absent-minded and hurt others then act like you’re the best, that’s being careless. This is more than a mistake and proves that you’re that kind of person.. Shame on you.

Shortly after 2PM brought the whole deal to public attention, netizens quickly slammed BlockB, crying "YOU FAGGOTS BRING DISHONOR TO OUR FAMIRY," or "JESUS FUCK, I'M ASHAMED TO CALL MYSELF A KOLEAN NOW." BlockB's BBCs rushed to their defense saying "OMG OPPAS DIDN'T MEAN IT," and "THEY WERE OBVIOUSLY JUST TROLLING AND HAVING FUN"

But it gets better. If 2PM oppas got involved, then you know obviously that's a rallying cry for the HOTTEST army to mobilize on their behalf. HOTTESTs were quick to draw up petitions for everything including disbandment and suicide.

That's right. HOTTESTs want BlockB to commit suicide cause oppas don't like them.

This whole thing would have probably just came off as BlockB doing their usual retard act (I refuse to call it trolling, only BBCs and other dumbasses would call what BlockB does trolling)  and blown over without much fuss. As soon as a group of fangirls who would never have given two shits otherwise get involved, bam. You get more reason for this blog to exist. Sure BlockB are childish jackasses in need of PR lessons and a sense of propriety, but to call for their disbandment and/or suicide because your oppas raised a stink about it? Insane fangirlism at its finest.

And BBC's aren't the righteous white knights in this whole affair either. Trying to brush off BlockB's idiocy with OPPA DIDN'T MEAN IT and THEY'RE JUST FOOLIN AROUND is stupid fangirling too. BlockB fucked up, there's no way of mitigating or getting around it.

TL;DR: BlockB dicked around in Thailand, HOTTESTs want them to die.


  1. From Healing Camp! Seungri revealed “I trusted and really liked Jiyong hyung.”
    Seungri shared, “With such an unpleasant thing happening, it just hurt. I even drank and when I saw Jiyong hyung, just felt so sad. I cried for 20 minutes.”
    As Seungri confessed to his tears, Taeyang added, “Honestly I was annoyed. The longer he cried, the more I was annoyed”, and had everyone laugh.

  2. Expect many more idols to pretend like they care about Thai people and bash Block B's comments just for publicity.

  3. Fangirls are frickin LOCO. I love me some 2PM, but I am way too grown to call myself a Hottest or the name of any other fan group. Too much groupthink for me.

  4. My oppas didn't do anything. STFU

  5. No one gives a shit about block b and disbandment or not only a handful of stupid ass fan girls know about their existence.

  6. Except the suicide and disbandment petitions were made up by retard BBCs as a way to take the spotlight off of their beloved oppars and make Hottests seem bad. lol.

  7. Heh, did anyone forget what Nickhun said about Japan Eartquake?

    "Some people think it’s weird that so many disasters are happening all around the world. The Earth is just trying to rearrange its shape. Think about the way you rearrange your bedroom. You change the settings of things,you buy some and throw some away. It’s the cycle of life."

    Throw some away? As in 10,000 people lives? Nice one asshole.

    1. comparing people losing their lives to rearranging bedrooms deserves worse than being called an asshole. but i don't have the appropriate ones for this douche sucker.

    2. Oh, the irnoy
      Wait, should I say "Oh, the hypocrisy"? yeah

  8. block b are stupid.. their just like every other korean group. only 2pm are the best .JYP Nation!

    1. 2pm sucks ass. fucking talentless shits



    2. You just won the internet

    3. LMAO!!! I almost fell out of my chair.

  10. I would laugh if in a few months 2PM wound up in scandal that cause them to have to disband.It would be a nice dose of karma for those assinine HOTTEST bitches. They are without a doubt the most disgusting,vile, and batshit cray cray fanclub of them all. Remember when they sent their oppars letters soaked in period blood and scratched the shit outta Wooyoung's face? 2PM should live in perpetual fear of those bitches and pray they never turn on them like they did Jay.

  11. I came to the conclusion that Thai people are stupid.Honestly,the hated on BB for the dumbest reason ever.And the Hottest need to die.When Nichkhun said that thing about the Japanese earthquakes they were like : NO HE TOTALLY DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT! HE JUST WANTED US TO STAY POSITIVE! and that's all he got away with.
    Block B said that Thailand needs financial help and suddenly the whole world hates them just cuz Khunnie oppa tweeted his dumb ass off.Oh,and the "oh-so-respectfull" Dongho had the urge to diss BB too.
    I don't blame them for laughing.I would laugh my ass off too,if an idol brags about having money and then it turns out he only has 7$ with him.
    And going all the way to send death threat messages to Zico's mom?REALLY?
    Damn,Hottest are fucking crazy.They might even be crazier than Cassies and ELFs.

    1. the thing that's happening now is not just about Block B's mistakes or Khun's tweet but the forever nonsense rants of fans of both idol groups ... but is P.O. psychotic??? my gosh to think that they are artists and all, but they can't tell when to get serious and when to become their natural abnormal self.. tsk-tsk-tsk! even kids has ethics..

    2. just because u ain't patriotic and won't be mad when someone made fun of your home country, doesn't mean Thai people are stupid when they dont tolerate such disgrace. delusional bbc. wtf are you doing here? you aren't suppose to be here because you are in the stupid fangirls battalion aren't you? this site is against you so booyah

    3. Delu-...wait,what? Da fuck is bbc,wasn't that a news channel or something?!
      Anyways,it's the same thing in my country right now-horrible floods and all that stuff.So I happen to understand.
      But I will keep on thinking Thai people are stupid.Zico offered help,they want Block B to disband.
      Honestly,I'm just mad,since the "countroversy" is so...unreasonable.That's all.
      I don't know how that in any ways makes me delusional,but ok.If you say so.I noticed that on this blog,being a supporter of male idols makes you delusional and stupid anyway.

    4. BBC is Big black cock. Unf!! Unf!! Delicious!

    5. I've come to the conclusion that you're a dumbass! Hail to the Thai who aren't crazed pyscho KOREANs!!! sooo....People are dieing...how much would you help another in need?...LOL $6!!! REALLY? Go FUCK YOURSELF!

    6. Go watch the interview,please.If you stick with Allkpop's fan translations,you're bound to hate on every korean alive.

  12. who gives a shit about flop b again?

  13. dang BlockB is really talented at trolling. interview on Japanese TV:


    @6.20 "We will sweep over here like a typhoon"

  14. bbc? block b fans call themselves big black cocks?

    also, those 2pm translations.....do all korean sound like they're writing a fucking romance novel when they make statements? or is it just kpop people? i swear every translation i see (even of netizen responses) seems like some long ass statement with unnecessary, overly dramatic words.

  15. Wait, Flop B had fans?

  16. Replies
    1. Your so right they will go out murdering people if someone disagrees with big bang. I bet ig Big Bang tried to defend block b everyone would shut up

  17. I actually had a nice time trolling BBCs.
    Their group is not even relevant and they're already as crazy as sones, elfs & bjs lmao.
    And we've got another crybaby fandom btw. AKTF.

  18. 2PM shouldn't be sayin shit

    1. SHIT COMES OUT!! in lots of BLOCKS!! LOL

    2. B block needs to STFU! GO 2PM~

    3. They really shouldnt... maybe nichkun thoo...

  19. I didn't know people cared about block b in the first place..

  20. Who gives a fuck...its all about TEDNee!!

  21. FLOP B. I will support you for eternity. please don't disband. I will kill my self if you do.

  22. Block b guys acted like idots and then apologized. Move on.
    Now those 2pm guys are really immature, arent they? Why the hell would you start shit just for the sake of it? I get it, khun is thai.... but why would he tweet about another group's controversy? If you were offended just say so to them directly without gathering so much attention. Now the other guys(junho or junsu or whatever) should have kept quited...whats the point in getting involved?

  23. ELFs are such dicks


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