Friday, February 10, 2012

[MV Review] Chocolat - One More Day

Chocolat releases an MV for their follow up single, and I can't think of anything witty to pique your interest except a gif. 

Full review after the jump. 

Chocolat's One More Day MV is your standard dance in a box + closeup MV with a bit of a storyline mixed in to spice things up.

The plot revolves around some random guy who I assumed pissed off one of the Chocolat members. They then jump his ass at (fake pixelated) gunpoint and throw him in their rapevan.

They put a bag over his head so you could pretend to be that guy.
After what seems to be random soul-searching, he joins in on Chocolat's dance bits near the end. And it looks fucking creepy to see a dude in a suit with a bag over his head doing Chocolat's dance choreo. Once Chocolat finished having their wicked wicked ways with him off camera, they dump him on some street corner like a used condom. Yes, it's a rather shitty storyline that may as well not have been there at all, but at least it wasn't so prevalent in the MV as to actually piss you off about how shitty it was.

Thankfully, the main focus of the MV is instead on the dance. It's nothing terribly complicated or technical, but the choreography is centered around chairs. Which are then used to great (read: fapulous) effect. Some nice highlights:

Motherfuckin' fap dance still ain't dead, niggas.
Jelly of that lucky inanimate object yet?
By this point, I'm assuming more than just bubbles have been popped.
Props in dance routines are nothing new of course, but it's nice to see them well implemented as part of the main choreography's focus instead of an afterthought or something to wave around.

Watching the MV though, you may or may not have noticed that the member most heavily featured is Tia. People were raging at this back when Chocolat released their first MV, and nothing has changed since. Personally, that's not as terrible a thing as the rabid haters might suggest, but the Yoona/Hyuna Effect still applies.

Why would you ever think there was such a thing as "too much" Tia?
Everyone looks good or at least decent enough (except Julianne, poor thing), but Tia still steals the spotlight here. And it's not a bad thing, she's quite pretty. The outfits are nice, but the kneepads are very tacky and no point in the choreography would suggest a need for them in the first place. It boggles the mind to think someone out there thinks kneepads make an acceptable accessory.

The song itself is a midtempo ballad-ey type with a 90s pop flair. Very Destiny's Child esque, and in a good way. It's a great piece that might surprise people with how good Chocolat's vocals actually are, especially given that lackluster debut with Syndrome. However, a random guest rapper swoops in and ruins a perfectly good song. The rap completely fucks with the flow of the song, but thankfully it just picks right off where they left off after he finishes. I would much rather have an awkward dance break instead of that shitteous rap. I know the current arrangement has them doing a dance break while the rapperfag does his thing, but I'd prefer plain instrumental over that shit any day.

Public service announcement: Please keep in mind that Chocolat's Tia is but 14 years old and thus fapping to her is quite illegal. Heavy risk. But the prize...
Wae oppa, wae you gotta fap to my jailbait body?


Great 90's pop throwback song with a fapulous dance fucked up by a shitty guest rapper.

I give it 3.5/5.


  1. Thumbs up if you clicked because of the gif

  2. ^Thumbs up if you clicked because zakufag is fkin awesome.

  3. Thumbs up if you fuckin love watching 14 year olds dry-hump a chair

    1. Thumbs up if you only realised she was 14 after fappng to her

    2. I don't think the police care if you masturbate to pictures of little girls or horses because you're fucking your hand and not them.

      Only pervy old fags like the zakufag come up with shit like that so he can think that he is the only chosen one to fap to Tia

    3. It may be wrong but it feels oh so right



    Also, I had no idea that the guns were pixelated holeee shit

  6. The guns, gangs and girls concepts have totally destroyed K-pop for me. I only got into this because of the cute, outlandish and often bizarre concepts that required you to suspend your belief; SNSD used to be good when they did that, and at some point T-ara back when they donned those pussy ears and gave me a boner for months on end. Fuck you Teddy Riley and fuck all the American influences that took such a uniquely Korean thing and raped it upside down into a bastard gutterspawn faggot batoost of a K-pop scene that we have today.

    1. i agree but now that there's 3249 girl groups, you can still find the weird concepts, you just have to look harder

  7. okay, seriously why does it take like a month to post new news huh-gosh kpop news happens everyday, what are you doing that you can't post faster. be constant man. Love you though, you speak my mind.

    1. If you want to do all of my homework and group projects for me (and still get As), I'd be happy to post more.

      Plus I focus most of my time on the sister blog (Yeoshindeul.)

  8. Tia may be 14 but damn she got a nice body.

  9. I need a tia nipslip

  10. which one is julianne?

    1. the only kpop star with a real ass (first singer in the song)

    2. The least talented but most faptastic member hands down.

      Also what yomamma said.

  11. About the storyline... am i the only one who thought it would be better if the guy got ran over after they dropped him off on the street corner? when they dropped him there, i just assumed that was the natural thing to do. xP

    And I'm a (straight) girl and i still find Tia fucking gorgeous. and if anyone wants to disagree i will backhand them. Fap on, perverts.

    1. Go ahead and backhand me bitch I DARE U

    2. Tia looks like one of those creepy Disney star with her big dead-ass eyes.

  12. i feel disgusted seeing 14 y/old Tia doing dance like this.
    no matter how mature her face or her body, it just feels wrong :/

  13. Replies
    1. It is gross people freaked out on JP Basic for being to young but Chocolate isn't any much older. Yet nobody is throwing the "think of the children" line or is that an American thing? I guess because they're mixed natural whore-ish behavior?

  14. I was pretty impressed by this song and MV. Very unique for a rookie group. Julianne didn't look too bad, she looks better with straight hair. Melanie looked like a 10 year old but her voice is rocking it. Tia, she looks 17, can't believe that girl is 14. Soa looked like a porcelain doll, so pretty.

    1. Julianne is the only redeeming factor in Chocolat.

  15. Holy Shit Gundam Zaku trikes again

    1. Zaku is the best thing that has happened to this place

  16. A damn sight better than their debut song, but I still think they need to take a year and train their asses off. Sloppy as fuck on stage.

  17. Miss A copycats. Didn't Miss A have that fap gesture as well in Goodbye Baby? I remember that article you wrote about it last year! When I first saw it in the MV I thought of the same.

    I knew you'd point it out xD

  18. i can't believe tia and melanie are born in 1997!!! they're younger than all of gp basic (besides janey) !! and julianne is born in 1993??? i assumed she was the same age as the other two. and min soa is the same age as soshi. jesus.....TIA AND MELANIE WERE 13 WHEN THEY DEBUTED?! jesus christ too much jailbait


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