Tuesday, February 21, 2012

[MV Review] Miss A - Touch

The Queens of the Fapdance make their comeback with TOUCH. Will they continue to hold onto their title? Full review after the jump.

Miss A's music video is your standard run-of-the-mill dance on a pretty set with random closeups MV. You might argue that it has a bit of a plotline to it, but it doesn't get much deeper than a vague sense of "jilted lover." And besides, anything that isn't a closeup or a shot of the dance choreo is pulled straight from the teasers anyway. For shame JYP, you lazy bastard.

The MV opens up with an eerie montage of flickering closeups, between which are what seems to be some rather nice kaleidoscopic designs. UNTIL YOU'RE STRUCK WITH A SOYLENT GREEN-ESQUE HORROR AND REALIZE THAT THOSE FUCKING KALEIDOSCOPES ARE MADE FROM THE BODIES AND DEAD-EYE STARES OF THE MISS A MEMBERS THEMSELVES.

The intro has nothing do to with the music video, the song, or anything at all really. I chalk it up to JYP trying to be artsy.

The rest of the video's content is very slickly produced. The whole MV has an elegant feel to it, which is reflected in many of the sets, costumes, and even dance moves. However, the Miss A members don't really seem to be feeling either the song or the dance. They seem to be just going through the motions quite stiffly. Unless that's what they were going for in the first place. Nice/wacky dance highlights:

Queen JYP really likes his Voguing, continuing off from the Wonder Girls' Be My Baby.

Do the Roboslide.

Sexy traffic directors or scruffy nerf herders?

Miss A's latest take on the fapdance.

Like I said before, the non-closeups and dance shots were taken straight from the teasers and spliced into the MV. A major point of criticism in my opinion is the criminal lack of Fei's ass in this video. Not a SINGLE close up on it at all. /disappoint. Everyone looks decent though, with Suzy and Fei still the best looking of the four. Not really feeling Suzy's blonde highlights though.

The flower graphics are a nice touch.
The song itself is a solid release from Miss A, but nothing really stands out as wow-worthy. The instrumental in the teasers was, regrettably, used very minimally only to open and close out the song. The light harpsichord notes throughout the song were a nice touch, and it's nice to see some non-traditional instruments being used for a change. There's surprisingly no rap to ruin this song, and no forced hooks either. JYP is getting better and better these days with incorporating English into their songs, so there's no Engrishing or horrible pronunciation.

Miss A does have a problem of having very similar vocal styles in their group. No one is terrible, but no one really stands out either. Everyone sings at about the same level, and only their voices allow you to tell them apart. I was hoping they'd develop some kind of unique vocal color, but it's not like it detracts from the song that they don't. There's also no real climax or finisher to the song which might be disappointing to some anticipating someone to step up and go off, but after a few listens, I find it suits the song.

But if TOUCH isn't your thing, I highly recommend the rest of Miss A's mini album. Lips is my personal favorite.

Elegant song and MV continuing the mature direction Miss A has been taking, but the lack of a traditional climax might leave some listeners hanging.

I give this song a 3.75 out of 5.

Oh and I couldn't really find a place for this but...

It's probably the closest thing we'll get to a Fei nipslip.


  1. agreeee I actually think Min looks the best from all of them, suzy looks terribad with the blonde highlights.

  2. Min's titties continue to steal the show. LOOK AT THEM BOUNCE O__O

  3. also Min's crotch shot at the end. A+


  5. best gif ever, thid needs to be incorporated


  6. If I see "Full review after the jump" one more god damn time, I'm gonna be forced to leave another comment saying the same thing.

    1. Antikpopzakufag is 637, he is a true pinoy. Omg oppar i likey likey dis wat do unf

  7. I feel like they were supposed to look "dead", thus the weirdly organised dance moves.

  8. Am I the only one thinking the choreo is awkward as fuck?

    1. i think that's point
      same with breathe

  9. What ever I loved it! Thank jelly it wasn't ANOTHER catch song for this year.

  10. Min & Suzy were fucking beautiful.Jia and Fei though...not my thing.
    The song is awesome,and the dance is actually pretty cool in the beginning~

    1. I 100% Agree.
      When I first heard the song and saw the dance I was like "WTF IS THIS!?!?! THIS IS NOT WHAT I WANTED!!!" but on second listen I got addicted and now it's MA JAM!! @_@

  11. "Sexy traffic directors or scruffy nerf herders?" LOL

    Anyway, here's my review - minus all the humour: http://mithunonthe.net/2012/02/21/miss-a-touch-4th-project-mini-album-review-kpop/

  12. I thought their dancing was a little zombie-ish.
    The song didn't really sound good to me in the beginning, but it grew on me after a few listenings.

    1. I think the dance is supposed to be zombie-ish, plus the bondage adds to that so it would make sense.

  13. LOL the song is not even that bad, as people are making it out to be
    It's Better than Bad girl Good Girl.

  14. The song is damn classy... people are too used to that generic techno shit or boring ass beast-style ballad. Min has a bigger ass than Fei though... just saying. They are all gorgeous but Min's body kills.

    I like lips better than touch tbh... but touch has that 'mainstream korean appeal.'

    1. MIN is a fat ass! FEI is beautiful!

    2. Fei is beautiful, Min is a Goddess!

    3. Do you know how short Min is.....most short people have a fat ass. Min is just 5 foot flat....dont trust the exaggerated height profiles!!!

  15. can't wait to see mins titties bounce out during their performances this week.

  16. Kpop fans are acting like this is the new "The Boys". But honestly, nothing can ever beat the crappiness of that song.

    SM were lucky SNSD sang it. If it was anyone else SM would build a dungeon under their existing dungeon when the song flops.

    what will I fap to now

  18. i was going to write something negative about the song, but jyp is staring at me to the right so nevermind

  19. Crappy song.. nice job jyp

  20. I LOVE THIS SONG! And it's zombie dance!

  21. Song is fucking awesome after a few listens.

    So glad it's not another Kpop hook song.


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