Friday, February 24, 2012

Question of the Week 32

This week's question comes from ChiChi:
Between SM & JYP, who do you think has the best strategy for promoting SNSD and WG in America?

Thanks for your suggestion for this week!

If anyone has suggestions for later Question of the Weeks, please send them to zomg.oppa.sareanghae@gmail.com, or leave them in the comments below. Thanks!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. We are okay with the freedom to express your thoughts, but if that thought is one word pasted a thousand times it is called spam.

    2. I will bet 1,000 won that was the TEDNEE motherfucker. The modfags are finally getting it right <3

    3. Ahjusshi u are the only pinoy i respect around here

    4. And now you guys start getting rid of spam... u guys are slow but u guys don't delete the Suzy is a fat whore spam wtf

  2. SNSD gave the 80 years old Regis Philbin a boner

    SM win!

    1. That isn't difficult to do. The guy's a skeeze.

    2. those are called boner pants, genius. i guess i can't expect anything else from a fan of an SM band -_-

  3. As much as I hate to admit it, JYP is targeting the right demographic (tweens) with WG. SNSD also had a really bad song.

  4. Well, neither are known still in the U.S, but JYP seems to have the right idea. Unfortunately, not many people have access to Teen Nick, so that plan fell flat, but at least he's targeting the right demographic.
    The only people who watch Regis are... well the dying...

  5. SM may have had more money to put them on famous shows, but it still didn't do shit.

    JYP spent a lot of $ putting them on tour with JoBros and made a movie, but I don't think kids took to them like the Cheetah Girls.

    In the end, KARA wins because they're making shitloads of money in Ja-frikkin-Pan.


  6. pfft neither. YG and 2NE1 lol

    1. fuck no! we've got enough ugly girls in america. we don't need more!

    2. Duh, 2NE1. You dumbasses need to wake your stupid fucking ideas up and understand that 2NE1 is the future of K-pop.

    3. ahahaha
      why do delusional YG stans always assume 2ne1 are going to be successful in america?

      they'll do much worse than SNSD because americans will just see them as ugly spice girl imitations

    4. americans with an IQ over 80 choose talent over looks. so yeah SNSD has no chance whatsoever. 2NE1 may not be sucessful in the US and A (that's right i said and not of) but they're the closest kpop will ever be sucessful into breaking the american market as of now

    5. America doesn't want wannabe hip hop/rap/whateverthefucktheythinkofthemselves 2NE1. Keep them in Korea with their delusional blackjacks.

    6. i swear to god, YG is the only company that has even the slightest idea of what to do: don't go over to America cuz you think that by succeeded in bunny-loving-sparkle-filled countries, you'll succeed in America. instead, wait for american artists (and that doesn't mean some expired producer that has nothing going for them in America) to COME TO YOU. if they don't come to you, it's most likely cuz you aren't good enough to come to america. i swear to god, so many groups and companies are too stupid and narcissistic to realized this....and thier fans -_-

  7. What these Korean companies don't get is that these Asians won't succeed in mainstream unless they have jaw droopingly good vocals or songs.

    Don't fucking go on about how Taeyeon/Yeeun/Bom's voice makes you wet your panties/jizz in ur pants because their voices aren't all they're hyped up to be.

    Far East Movement took forever to make it big and they still cover their Asianness by wearing sunglasses and pretending to be black.

    Keep SNSD/WG/2ne1 in fucking Asia and instead opt for singers like Ailee who can fucking speak English and sing.

    1. mainstream=nicki minaj/justin bieber= i dont see any good vocals -_-


      Katy Perry, Britney Spears

      Now gtfo you nignog.

    3. ^^^they said *OR SONGS*. their music is more appealing to the public than shit like the Boys. You can't get famous in usa just because you're beautiful and are great in "variety" shows. -_-

    4. No, you dumbasses.

      America demands GOOD VOICES from Asians only. Kind of like a racist thing

    5. "You can't get famous in usa just because you're beautiful and are great in "variety" shows."

      um, paris hilton? the kardashians? heidi montag?

    6. ^And you want SNSD to go along the paris hilton route on becoming famous? You really think they'd release a sex-tape? -_-

    7. I double-dare you, motherfucker. How much you want to bet that they WON'T release a sex tape? :)

    8. They won't. They're not American.

  8. JYP because I don't think he has any foolish ideas about them becoming really popular. He's crazy but he's not dumb and Wonder Girls don't talk as though that is their goal.

    He is using them for 3 purposes:
    1] Build relationships between JYP (and kpop in general) and American producers.
    2] Make the upcoming generation more aware of, familiar with, and accepting of Asian performers.
    3] Allow WG to learn about music from being involved in the worldwide music scene and be a good example to other JYP performers to not be small-minded and focused on the Korean idol market.

    No Korean act is just going to jump to the top 10 in the US. A lot of cultural exchange, learning, and familiarity must be built over time so there can be mutual recognition given and everyone gets a fair chance for their hard work to be credited. That's one of the reasons WG did a lot of covers on their first tour and went to a bunch of parties and celebrity events rather than just straight touring.

    JYP understands this, and that is even shown in the WG movie where the US girl group tried to wreck the WG because they were suddenly intruding on the success they had been building in their own area. The whole thing was a metaphor for what it's like for a Korean agency to try to enter into a market of US competitors. If you aren't working with the established industry, you're viewed as trying to steal market away from that industry.

    Meanwhile SM is being really sloppy. Sure, you can get on Letterman, but then you're just an exotic novelty act. People just go "Well, that was different!" and forget about it without learning who they are. If you don't put in the effort to know and share in their work, they won't recognize you either. That's why you need to focus on getting into the scene by friendship with producers and artists like JYP is doing. The more cool and respectful the Wonder Girls are no matter what the level of popularity, the more receptive people will be to future JYP artists and working with them.

    1. exactly, SM in america is just a novelty act. JYP atleast knows how to debut in a country.
      Everybody learning english - CHECK
      Slowly assimilating into the pop culture - CHECK
      Targeting the tweeners - CHECK
      Showcasing with a tv movie aimed at its core audience - CHECK

      What did SM do, gave a old dude a boner.....lets face it, SNSD in america is all about the visual, and not the talent. They will be forgotten by mainstream america as quick as they gave regis a boner. Even though they showed up on Americas most watched TV shows, they didnt put down anything significant to distinguish themselves other then looking good.

    2. so please JYP, stop putting your fckin name on every WG song and appearing on every fuckin show

    3. Sloppy, yes, but you guys make it sound like all SM has done was put SNSd on TV, which is not true. They've been paying American artists to remix and feature on their songs, just not ones that are too relevant to the music industry right at this moment. Also, SM already buys songs from composers who write for western singers. I just think that if SM keeps waving money around they might just get a decent collaboration that can popularize SNSD in the US.

      Basically it's who leeches themselves to a successful, relevant and well respected act first. WG picked JoBros and School Gyrls and SNSD had Snoop Dogg and Steve Aoki, lol. I think it's still up in the air.

    4. sure, they got American artist to remix and feature in teh songs. Doesnt matter though when the song sucks TOTAL ASS!!!!

    5. I'm willing to be that after all those (REALLY SHITTY) remixes, the Boys has managed to sell a total of 100 copies or less (from non-Sones).

    6. Snoop Dogg is notorious for selling out with featuring roles in songs. He's been in tons of shitty songs, he isn't a selling point anymore.

      Teddy Riley is alright, but he's obviously producing for them for the $ seeming the quality of the songs he gives to SNSD compared to the songs he gives to Gaga etc. are on completely different playing fields.

      If the song sucks, and not in a good way, no one will notice it. Doesn't matter who was in it.

  9. Neither. Only T-ara will succeed where they have failed because they have Eunjung. That is all.

    1. ^
      Delusional fan
      Nobody will give a fuck about Eunjung, much more hotter AV models already there

    2. ^

      Delusional anti-fan

      Shut up and eat ur kimchi

    3. EUNJUNG FTW! UNF! (Too bad she has 6 useless leeches attached to her.... When are they disbanding so that Eunjung can release A Frozen Flower Part Duex? I'm pretty sure part 2 will be a lesbian love story. ;D)

    4. Kick Eunjung out of T-ara and feed her to the [s]wolves[/s]4chanfags plz. That way we can fap to more worthy members in [s]oblivion[/s]peaceful solitude, ala Hyomin Jiyeon Qri.

      Since you anonfags love her so much petition for her to be a solo act. You guys are ruining T-ara for the more sane and wholesome fans.

    5. ^

      Welcome to kpop fucktard! Get over it or get the fuck out.

      Eunjung is the most worthy of my fapping, the other can eat shit and die for all I care.

    6. Sane and wholesome fans? Not such thing in kpop-- you are either batshit crazy and a nasty perv or both.

      I personally fall into both categories which probably has a lot to do with why I come here? :/

    7. http://img287.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=33805_06_122_421lo.jpg

      dat ass! nuff said.

    8. ^I'd eat the shit out of that ass! Pun fucking intended.

    9. ^
      My hairy ass looks better than that!

    10. anon @557 is obviously gay...

      the panty hose and panty lines remind me of japanese porn, just me? i just want to rip em off and lay her out lol

  10. neither because as far as I can see, neither WG nor SNSD are fat white girls who have just broken up with someone and speak only English. They do meet the criteria of "multitude of boring songs that all sound the same" very well, though.

  11. Wonderfuls: "JYP knows what he's doing! He got them a full MOVIE on teennick AND it was at the right age group. So yeah my unnies are on the way to becoming global superstars!"

    SONES: "OMG!! My angels were on TWO networks and they sang the most perfect song EVAAS!! Everyone was so impressed and fell in love with them with their perfect voices and coreography! DIDNT YOU SEE ALL THE TWEETS?!! Im so proud of my girls! YAY SOSHI!! hei"&€|£jfjekzi!!"

    Everyone else in America: "Hey Nelson, have you noticed a lot of Chinese people on TV recently? Shits funny!"

  12. SM is spending a lot of money in random advertising, while JYP already spent a lot of money in random advertising... which means, tecnically, JYP is one step ahead SM.

    However it doesn't mean both have good strategies at all. They're only stratching the surface of the market. It seems these korean labels are more willing to produce "one hit wonder" groups or release k-pop as a "2012 trend" than really insert k-pop brand as subgenre of pop in US.

    I honestly think they both know they won't get it. So they're trying to "hit and run" american market to later say to korean stans they made it big in US.
    I honest

  13. SM, that WG movie sucked so hard and it's so embarresing.

  14. JYP is doing all the right things with WG. Speak English, start at the bottom and stick at what you're doing. The hard work is paying off. Haters don't want to see their idols as kiddie entertainers but let's face it, that's what they are back home too. Take away the uncle fans and the fanbase is very young.

    No point comparing WG and SNSD. SME weren't even trying with SNSD, just testing the waters.
    Wait until YG gets in there and things could get interesting.

    1. "SME weren't even trying with SNSD, just testing the waters." = I didn't make it because I wasn't even trying it....

      Typical losers' excuses.

    2. yeah, SM are such losers who don't know how to market a group.

      they're losing all the way to the bank.

    3. YG already attempted it with se7en. Remember how much of a failure that was?

    4. Se7en was a failure because he was the wrong artist at the wrong time. They almost killed his career with that stupid decision, luckily for him the Korean and Japanese fans didn't completely forget him.

      2NE1 has a fair chance in the US and possibly Big Bang. It's all down to good marketing, if YG hire the right staff in the US they can pull this off some degree of success.

    5. SM was totally trying- it was only after the horrible results they found with trying to make snsd "WORLDWIDE STARS" in america did they realize how embarrassing it would be to say that they were trying.

      the facts are these: they tried, they didn't impress, they failed, they said they weren't trying

  15. If SM thinks that SNSD is going to be anything but a side show in America then the company is about to get a rude awakening (9 asians, only 2 can speak English at a high school level, mediocre dancing, and school girl songs, and a we can do no wrong attitude?) yeah thats going to go over real well, and as for JYP, if he manages to get the girls a decent song then we'll see, they have an all together different vibe then SNSD that would most likely appeal to the american crowd. YG needs to get the girls over here and start answering these producers that want to work with them so the arguement over "Who will take over America?" will be over. Jeezus.

  16. LOL at the numerous "JYP is doing it the right way"

    How long have WG been based in America now? Abandons Korea when they're at the top, leaving it to SNSD to sweep everything and become undisputed #1 (and if you even try to argue that, you're a moron). WG could have been the biggest thing around, now they're just average in Korea and will always be unnoticed in America. Fuck you, JYP.

    The article is asking the wrong question, anyway. It's not who's the best at promoting in the US, it's why promote there at all?

    You're never going to break into the US, you're never going to break into Europe. It's Japan and, in the future, China that you want. SM Ent isn't run by Lee Soo-man, it's run by businessmen, that's why they'll never make a concerted push into America. JYP Ent is run by an egotist, and that's why WG are trapped into chasing JYP's American dream.

    Oh, shi- too much serious. Er... pinoy, Tednee, Hyomin looks like a horse etc

  17. Even though both are just as bad, JYP's strategy is better. He actually has short term goals he's accomplishing, and moving forward. SM... no comment. All I can say is, I want 2ne1 to come to USA so I can see if they get somewhere. I'm pretty sure YG is a lot smarter than both JYP and SM combined.

  18. Both are uber fail.

    Talk about WG first. Been on tv is not any indication of success. So what they have their own show on Teen Nick? Money works wonder.

    And SNSD has not fare any better. On twitter you can see SONES gushing about how successful they are. FFS, the majority US fans are still the same set of fans that supported them in the past, no indicator of new increment.

    They are better off just sticking to Asia market. Get Sunye to act in some porn flick will do some wonders though for better exposure, well this is my personal wish. As for SNSD, they better get the fuck back to Nihon, kara is slowly shaking their ass and grinding the shit out of every males out there. Time to wear some bikini and dance on the beach like AKB48 and i'm sure more wotas will come out of the closet supporting you.

  19. (It's kind of unfair to judge right now since, WG has had years, and SNSD only months but anyway)
    I'm surprised so many people are saying JYP is better. Where has WG gotten in two years? America likes fast, new things. Asia has this idea that you build up success over time (which works for them), but look at the big names in America: most of them were popular right at the onset of their careers, with their first albums, or not at all. If you start at the bottom in America, you're probably just going to stay there.
    People are also saying SNSD is just going to be just a novelty act and not go anywhere, but that's exactly what you need for attention. If SNSD promotes themselves as a novelty, as just a "weird asian thing," that will interest people. Again, look at the current popular artists: Lady Gaga started as that girl who dresses weird, Katy Perry got popular with the stupid, yet intriguing "I Kissed A Girl," Nicki Minaj sold herself as "the best female rapper" (because she was the only female rapper), Justin Bieber had his hair.
    To make it in such a big industry, you need something irreplaceable, something that no one else in the industry has. The Wonder Girls changed everything about themselves to go to America: their sound (which became terribly generic, if they had kept their own Korean sound I think they would have had a better chance, they should have promoted Be My Baby instead of The DJ is Mine), their style, their members, their language. They might as well just have been any other American girl group (and American girl groups never do well anyway. The Pussycat Dolls had some hits, but they were never well respected. most English girl groups are from Europe), just with a different nationality.
    SNSD, however, will intrigue casual listeners. SM just needs to let them do what they're best at: performing and being their bubbly selves. Even though The Boys is a bad song, they have two native speakers with big personalities; WG has Lim.
    I don't expect either to become popular anyway. One thing that has ALWAYS bothered me: WHY ARE THEY GOING INTO AMERICA WITH GIRL GROUPS ANYWAY? the jonas brothers, justin bieber, backstreet boys, BOY GROUPS GET 874294x MORE POPULAR THAN GIRL GROUPS DO IN AMERICA, CASH IN ON THE FANGIRLS DUMBASSES the other day i was on miss a's official facebook page for whatever reason, they have like a couple thousand fans. WG has like a couple hundred thousand 2PM HAS OVER 1 MILLION
    so in conclusion, both their strategies suck because they're too busy attempting to pander to men who don't want to be pandered to, meanwhile there's millions of fangirls just silently waiting for good boy group to go crazy over (as we all know they do)

    1. ^^ sanest comment ever!

    2. SNSD Has intrigue? And Jessica and Tiffany have big personalities? The bitch and the valley girl? Yeah.

    3. LOL seriously, America isn't crazy about fake eye smiles and bitch horse faces. just sayin...

    4. Wow... that comment really made me pause and think. The only thing is, people will never like SNSD. They're too... Asian? IDK bias..

    5. What Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, etc. had ALONG with their *uniqueness* is that they had some catchy songs. SNSD has plastic bitches with shitass songs. No one cares that there's 9 fucking asians that can't sing.

    6. Well, i agree with you on some point and disagree with you on others.

      1) "The boys" is so generic as "DJ is mine".
      2) What do SM and JYP want in US? Succed with kpop or make profit with generic pop? Their speechs say one thing, their actions say another completely diferent thing.
      3) Is kpop really suitable to american market? I'm asking this because comparing kpop songs with the singers and rappers you quoted, there's a huge diference between "I kissed a girl, and I liked it" or "a different lover is not a sin, believe in HIM" to "please be my baby... make me your lady" or whatever "the boys" song is.
      4) OK, you said fangirls like boy groups... so who liked Destiny's Child or Spice Girls in the 90's? and who is the apropriate audience to Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez? US isn't South Korea. Boy groups, girl groups and male or female teenagers singers are realised to fangirl audience not adult men.

      I agree with you when you said it's all or nothing and that's why american pop products are manufactured spending labels' millions of dollars.

    7. released*

      not realised, sorry...

    8. hay some of us are inbred illiterate pinoys, give us a tl;dr man

    9. @12:20 (i'm 5:29)
      1) The Boys isn't "generic" it's just bad, but I agree with what you mean. That's why I said it's unfair to judge rn because SNSD has only released one song. We don't know what kind of sound they are going to release next, they might change it up since The Boys failed (personally I hope they release a cover of Gee or Oh! just to see the American audience reaction lol).

      2) On this point, you're right. I'd like to believe their Korean pride will make them want to sell kpop instead of just pop, but who knows.

      3) American pop can be just as shallow as kpop. Is "just dance, gonna be okay" any deeper than "please be my baby"? I think it is that stupid-ness (can't think of a better word for that mind-numbing kpop hook-ness) that they should be embracing and selling, then they would find their place in the market. 90s nostalgia would sell them a few albums, at least.

      4) As for Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez and Miley Cyrus: they aren't groups. They work under the guise of being "artists" instead of "manufactured pop acts." America takes to individuals MUCH better than groups.
      Yes, the occasional girl group gets popular, like you mentioned, but they never leave a legacy like boy groups do. When you think Backstreet Boys or Jonas Brothers, you think of all the crazy fans they had and how popular they were. When you think Destiny's Child, you think "oh, that group Beyonce used to be in..." Even now, Nickelodeon has the show "Big Time Rush" and the group is doing fairly well. Compare them to School Gyrls, who got a lot of promotion by the same network but went no where.
      Robin Antin, the woman behind the Pussycat Dolls, made at least two other groups with the hopes of following the same success of PD. (This is probably the closest model you'll find in America to entertainment companies in South Korea.) You'd think since she did it once, she'd be able to get at least a bit of success again right? No, both groups flopped.
      I'm not saying girl groups have no chance if they're promoted the right way, but it would just be so much smarter to promote a boy group in the first place. Typically in America, boys do well in groups and girls do well as individuals.

    10. @9:15 (I'm 12:20)
      1) I would be really afraid if they released Gee or Oh! because these song are SO kpop that I don't even know if their melody are suitable to english letters, anyways...

      3) What I mean with these quoting songs was: american pop is more graphic than kpop. I'm not atempting to say they put deep meanings in their songs (Katy Perry i'm sure she doesn't) but when they want to talk about sex, drugs, violence, discrimination they just do it. Kpop, usually to scape to censorship, have to release more subtexted songs and videos. I will insist on the question... At this musical context, is kpop suitable? If it is... to whom, which audience kpop is more apropriate? To female teens, male teens, female adult, male adults?... American consumer categories are so much more diversificate than South Korea and Japan. It's too much to considerate.
      Obviouly, we can't answer it now.

      4) On this point I agree with you. It's so confusing to undestand what the hell they're doing... plus, when you quoted Justin Bieber, Minaj, Perry and I quoted Gaga, Taylor Swift, Destiny Child's, Spice Girls... we mixed musical genres and time. Sorry about that.

      By the way, one thing is bugging me... When SNSD performed on Letterman did SM really think they would achieve the same market (adult men 18-49) as they can in Korea? did they really think market demands are the same? Did you can visualize 40-50 white men going to SM Towns or drolling over their SNSD key chain collection? I don't. I even want to.

      PS: I'm not english native, maybe I may have misspelled something. Be pacient ok =B

    11. I DON'T EVEN WANT TO* ....

    12. they didn't really intrigue any listeners.

      they certainly got a few laughs or confused looks from people, both which are a success in any sone's mind.

      and i noticed quite a few flaws in your comment:

      1)people in america listen to good music. it doesn't matter if it's "quick" or the "first album". look at adele: 21st album (or something like that) and that's one of the best selling albums in America. it wasn't a "quick thing", it was just good. there were relatable lyrics with beautiful melodies (unlike The Boys, which sounded as good as the sounds that come from the anal canal. lady gaga is one of the most famous musicians ever, but guess what? she started off at the bottom. for years she was a nobody that wasn't getting anything from anyone and could only perform at bars or tiny festivals. she started from the bottom up and made it.

      2)"bubbly selves". no one in america could give any less of a shit about their (fake) personalities. they like raw talent (and that doesn't mean training done for 7 years so you are able to be a mediocre performer at best). if anyone did give a shit, they'd eventually come across antisnsd/sm/kpop vids that show just how "angelic" those girls are

      3)"being irreplacable". as mentioned in point 2 above, anyone can train for 7 years to become "idol stars". if anyone can do it, that means snsd is replaceable.

  20. KARA.

    Kara wins @ everything.

    Fcuk failure (and wasting company funds) in the US, go and rip-off Japanese wota (in the world's second biggest music market btw) for as much money as you can. Super Girl? The fuck? Was there even a new song on that album? I don't believe there was and yet it sold so much that SM had to release a repack of Girl's Generation to keep KARA at bay so SNSD could get the 1M certificate first. Step "Japanese version" is number one on downloads, and the "Step" DVD is killing it on the DVD charts, along with that Best Clips II DVD. That Parisian photo-book they just released cost like $80 and yet it's sold out in a couple places. CF's for hair-dye, beauty products, vinegar drinks, cars, candy, eye-drops, clothing, crystals, fried chicken, online games AND an award winning ipod app...yeah KARA is killing it.

    They just ripped-off K-Kamilia with that concert in Seoul and all it's merchandise, which supposedly brought out every horny male idol in town, and are now taking their non-talented asses to Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand and a couple other places to rip those people off too.

    Hell, KARA got acknowledgement from Ryan Seacrest (who is a pretty big TV producer) and haven't done shit in English or the USA which just makes all the other USA wannabees look even more pathetic, cause seriously, it's KARA (even if I do secretly stan them so much that it hurts).

    While sones, wonderfuls and blackjacks fight about who is most popular right now, KARA is in the background slowly taking over ALL of freaking ASIA in preparation to be the most popular in the long run. Who needs the US when JA-FREAKING-PAN + Korea/Hong-Kong/Taiwan/Singapore/Thailand will get you just as much if not more money? (since you will actually sell shit in those countries and not just have your album taking up space on a Best Buy self)

    So yeah, KARA wins.

    KARA always wins.

    there...I said it. Deal with it.

    1. Yeah, but Kara also has Hara as a member. In that sense they're the biggest losers.

    2. STFU u delusional fangirl !

    3. Hara brings in the fans by her face. :P

    4. ur hideously stupid

    5. No I agree, though 2NE1 has the western appeal, Kara has the pan-Asian appeal. They are killing it in Japan, and do they get shit for their crappy pronounciation? Nope.

      I like SNSD, I like T-ara, but KARA are the champs by far. It also helps all their members are hot. Goo Hara looks like a squirrel but she's a hot squirrel.

  21. suzy is a fat whore

  22. Jay Park insults his whole home country and a few years later he's winning awards on music shows.

    What the fuck.

  23. Both are going to fail horrendously

  24. jung juri the most beautiful women on earth!!!

  25. shinbee noonar i wants to make jaywhypee with u omg wat do unf

  26. Asano Tadanobu, Ryuhei Matsuda, Odagiri Joe & Ryo KaseFebruary 25, 2012 at 2:49 AM

    T-ara!! Hwaiting!!

    Soyeon!! We love you!

    1. non-biodegradable lover

    2. LMAO hahahahahaha fuck that was actually quite funny

    3. Soyeon has chronic hag face and an overrated voice.

      Eunjung all the way!

    4. Eunjung looks like a fish

    5. Then I must be Troy McClure 'cos I'd really hit that fish

    6. Eunjung is fat with weird jawline

    7. Eunjung is so HOT-! UNF!


      Soyeon is half plastic doll, half hobbit tbh

    8. Eunjung is overrated, soyeon all the way!

    9. soyeon is like a plastic doll and not in the fun blow up doll way like qri, but in the old doll from the early 1900s the people find at yard sells way = valuable but still ugly and creepy as hell.


      Okay that was a little too specific... I'm thinking you have a massive doll collection somewhere in your home?

      Had me rolling with its accuracy though! Soyeon dead empty eyes do follow you around the room... LOL (and I hope Qri does come out with a blowup doll....)

    11. I like Soyeon, but her eyes really do unnerve me

      Blink once in a while ffs

    12. She can't because of the botox... it takes a lot of effort and she can normally only due on at a time, hence the 'winking'.

  27. JYP is literally pounding the shit out of Lee Soo Man's ass

  28. SNSD, Wonder Girls have just been embarrassing themselves.

    SNSD is doing a shitty job too, but that's just cos their song is AWFUL.

  29. Kpop will never make it to America..unless they kill taylor swift, Adele, Bruno Mars and the list just goes on....
    Koreans shld learn to be satisfied and focus on the Asia market mannn


  31. Only way to succeed in the US is to "leak" sex tapes. We all know they exist..

    1. http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/11451/1/yoona-the-sex-maniac-and-playgirl-2pm-dbsk-mature-mblaq-smut-snsd-yoona/18

  32. I wont be able to admit I like kpop from now on because of wondergirl's movie

  33. SNSD is the Best and TAKING THE WORLD OVER!! WTF is these bitch WONDER GIRLS? what an embarrassment to KOREA!!

    1. Ur fuckin stupid

    2. oh yep, they're definitely taking the world over by storm. let's see....

      BY GOLLY, YOU'RE RIGHT: they've been on three shows.... that were most likely, once again, desperate pay-offs..... -_-. suck-sess

      OH- WAIT! WHAT'S THIS?!?! FRENCH TELEVISION!!!!.... one show -___-

      but you know what? they weren't even trying to promote- they were just testing out the water. i mean, who cares that they bought a huge ass advertisement board in NYC to get attention (i mean, sure, advertising is promoting, but it's different for the unnies!!!! -_- ), they weren't actually promoting!!!! it doesn't even matter that every single kpop news media and SME was reporting on the success snsd would have once they would debut in america, but then claimed it was a "practice run" after seeing how much they failed....

      you're delusional. the only undelusional thing you've said is your wonder girls comment

  34. i got some suggestions for future qotws:
    which idol/s do you bash and yet you can't help but feel attracted to?


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