Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Big Bang is so original and changed the Asian pop scene

There's so much wrong these two comments I just can't. To think GD changed the Asian pop scene is really naive. Kpop existed before 2007, as did Cpop/Mandopop, Jpop, and all other kinds of Asian pop. They didn't even create a genre for themselves. Listen to some older YG groups from the late 90s and early 2000s. Big Bang's the same, but not as good.

Every single song from a Big Bang member is unique? Jesus Christ. Big Bang isn't even unique in Korea. Listen to other music for a change and then Big Bang won't seem so unique.

The worst part about this shit is that I found this shit on an Epik High video...


  1. GD is a genius. lol.
    Now, these are some good music. Enjoy!





    and the last one, just for fun


  2. you been writing most of the articles lately....fine by me.

    Anyone who remotely knows music and respects music history knows that along with Yoona's "beauty" BB's "musical genius" is the most over-hyped and BS thing to come out of Korea.

    GD is NOT a genius, just a little boy who gets to dress himself and still hasn't quite got the hang of it. All their "good" songs sound exactly alike anyways. Boring.

    1. I had to take a break in January and February because I was suffering from burnout on AKF. I went the longest out of all the authors without a break/leaving the blog. But yeah, I'm back to writing most of the articles again, especially since Zaku had finals to take.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. lmao i accidentally deleted it.
      anyway, omg who actually wrote this. on an Epik High video. is there a fanwar going on there?

    2. yes there is a fanwar going on, its YG vs the kpop industry.....

      Its shit like this that makes me hate YG fans. Bitches aint even unique. The statement "ignorant is bliss" is made solely for YG stans.

    3. I didn't check too many of the comments, but VIPs always try to put Big Bang on Epik High, Dynamic Duo's, etc. level.

  4. The only agreeable statement there is that Lies and Haru Haru were good. But Big Bang's more recent stuff? It doesn't deserve half the BS praise it got from those two.

    1. So true...I sort of liked tonight but fantasic baby and there other song Im not feelin it

  5. BB is the only idol group who writes their songs on their own? Right, Brown Eyed Girls and Sunny Hill don't exist. VIPs should be thankful those idiots Kush and Teddy exist.

  6. Did G-Dragon even compose a full song himself? He's basically riding on the glory of Big Bang, and writing only some of the stuff in their songs right? It's really annoying when people think G-Dragon is a musical genius.

    I've had a friend in high school who wrote songs. I know that if she had the fame BB does, it would be a big hit too.

  7. Big Bang is the best.

    Where the fuck is David?

  8. lol you are ugly hater .. I'm pretty sure you are a jap ^^

    1. I'm Korean you dumb cunt. I'm just pointing out the delusions of fangirls.

  9. BigBang fangirls are disgusting. Fangirls really just ruin music in general. -3-

  10. Youtube comments frustrate people to no ends. Today I read a commenter claims Kai is the best dancer in Kpop she has ever seen...

    I think Big Bang's music is actually not bad, just that some of the praises they receive are not really deserving.

    A part of their success is due to their fanbase, but I think GD has a good sense about what kind of songs that would sell well. He's good at creating earworms like I Cheated or Fantastic Baby. They may not be masterful compositions or lyrical masterpieces, but they are fun to listen to.

  11. ...created a genre for themselves...? Changed Asian pop? (I do wonder how many other Asian country music they listen to even think about typing so broad like that...)

    People can have opinions but I mean c'mon.. that's just delusionalism to the max. They're making them out to be like comparable to Michael Jackson from those comments...

  12. Apparently you're just another deaf hater who will deny BB success..okay..WHATEVER..you're just a sick people who hate everyone..BB songs are not good? well then try to make better than their songs..can u?
    BB IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD..you haters just sit here and burn yourself..

    PS: I'm sure you'll remove my comment.

  13. G Dragon is not a musical genius; he composes half a million songs, and they're all generic and shitty.
    Big Bang is only very slightly ahead of the trend in Korea i.e if their music was in English and they were Americans, they would be beyond ordinary and we would have never heard of their dumbfuck cocky 'king' shit.
    Daesung is the only one with a single grain of talent, and he wastes it at every opportunity he gets; I fail to comprehend how he is satisfied with his current job if his ambition was to be a singer and not a pretentious cunt who isn't considered a musician by anyone with half a brain..

  14. BIGBANG is a good artist... but to say they're unique? Shoo away.

  15. lol @ falsetto. Doesn't even know shit about music and kept ranting/acting dangerous

  16. first time back since like november haha. i wasn't planning on commenting on any of the articles but how dare these cunts blaspheme on an epik high video ? what is this fuckery i don't even.

  17. Sometimes I want to shoot these dumb bitches with a paintball in the face.


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